per TENDERS hnderx will be received of undenimed or man with to draw and my cattle or Wuhle hlhwnshlp Kindly slate price our Aho tor Supervloor with car to supervise theTruyinl of cattle nudge that war ll carried out in accordance with the Wurhle Fly Act Kindly slate hour rate and rolled or car ex te And or sulflc ent Warhle ly Powder to do the spraying Powder lo cqontaln not lEL Ilshtln Roiinlnc uo price no pm ages and in bulk Emil$540 close on Monday March at l2 oclock noon NORMANCOXWOBTH Clerk no TENDERS TendersWill be received by the undersigned up to March i956 for the allowing Supplies for Sim cga Manor at Beeton OnL for Groceries and meat delivered when required Bee by the quarter Bread standard 24ltoz loaf de livered daily Approximately 200 tons of sinker cool grade speciï¬ed delivered to the Manor All lenders to be for ii perlod mm III lst 1956 to March 15 1057 CEPl meat and fish which shall be or period at six months Grocery and meat tender forms and all other information can he obtained from Dr McKelvey Superintendent Suncoe Manor Beeton OnL 2325 AUCTION SALES Thursday March Auction sole of term stock implements hay rain and some household effects Neville SteWart at Southhalf truck operate long WHEAT SCREENINGS iron $5300 puma OP gnome hm 259 Innum 5t iozs UAW Ill ed Iiifor nl round bales xth 619 Burke lOBm LIVESTQCK FORSALs YOU DONfTL PAY ONE CENT Until Market llme On our simple noredtape Peede er Finance Plan we can llnanco Broilers nirkcys Ross and Beet Cattle Up to months on turkeza and beet came Well furnish Purine Chuwa tor lny one or thesenur feeding operations and gar only pay list price of delivery ne THERE 15 240 EXTRA CHARGE BARRlE FARM SUPPLY Purina Chows Surge Dairy Equl ment Market so none 2982 01048 HEAD young cattle Shorthorn Phone 55r15 Stroud 925 YEAR Old Registered ciyde uiiy Robert Storey phone 5m Elmvalc 92528 CALVES and DurhamCow lust lrcsh Switzer Crown Hill Phone MSrll 315 YOUNG Holstein Cows one with call at loot other due Phone Nor man Nellly Giltord 5lr5 Budgierig 40 SUFFOLK Ewes due to lamb late March and April Ernst Gil oAiNEsMASSAoE o1 SAUNA HEALTHBATHS Appointinéni Phone 6001 iuv TB udiup genitougeone cruil hi gt if can am KZEEE stilt 3m Wear cog moll 1906 Over and poor married ll glgeufemoglb 90973 arrl clients rl ready so no Wisglued FARMS roe SAL FARM EOR SALE 550 liens 150 ncru workable bal ance bush and pasture 30000 Christmas trees planted Tobacco land in Kaboom Ialm district Lame home and turn Homenow rented for $100 per month 012500 down will hon le For particularsvelll Pope 5298 at Stroud 14m 08 Hayï¬eldSL Barrie LACEif REAL ESTATE 825 SLESSOR ESTAIE sunbeam so 1an mom m4 We have some at the best priced from $6000 to 830000 We invlte your inquiry Just cnii 5934 any tlme 7125 SLESSOR Real Estate morning and Autosupplyrwlll open on Durilop tree East Thursday morning Wlt over 100 stores in operotiohend in antlelpatediso bythe end of the year Westernjlsprobably Canadas fastest expanding automotive chaln Proprietor DeLlsle Joneswho is well known in the Bnrrledistrlct informed The tires and tubes batteries on power paint etc As special leatureoi the Grand Openinggtliere will be lucky jdriiws for pair of Admlrultlres and ii Canadian Beau ty toaster ls LOSTAND FOUND ff NEWSERVICE unions LOSTVicinity Owen and Coll ier Streets mans Ome Iwrlst watch Reward Phone 2013 Leigh Hawkeltone 12415 LOSTSpare lire 750x16 ply between 3rd Concession Oro No1 ll Highway Collier SL Berri on Feb 20 Phone Ora 202 Reward 1775416 Letter till area Qanadinnfetroiina is building one service station now in0rillll and negotiating for property for two more according to The News The planning board fol womenswards ou lowlng meeting of ratepayers has not as yet given approval for the location of one in residen Lar nosrirni confiiACr General and Marine Hospital Board Colllngwood lIIS let the contract for building the $125000 addition to house molemlty llld two floorsto Dalton Inginccrigg Tomato Your Cinadmn lied Cross needs ll You serve by lng Bridge on Churchill Hall rbkinole Mqrch 9at pml=rizea lunch Auspl cc Wl Proce iorli rose Adu ts 50c rates Ior children Barrie AHortlculluial regullr meciln Auditorium March showing cqlo nell promise my Foinil er Guiinell wildest Mr Gun ooqething interest In like We term on llmur hmbaetuennesuteuaoon Box 75 0122853 Amazing how nice Vsuran mongquoury lame FurioSiipply runmo cnows For 9le Ind Poultry some Dllrihrm Equipment 9Market Sq Phone 2982 Liiien to the Regional Weather Forecast Monday thru Saturday at 740 in over CKBB Lot Con West Gwlllimhury Township south Highway 88 on 400 Sale at pm sharp Terms cash Form is sold lVi Me Ewen Auctioneer 2825 Tuesday March Auction sale term Stock implements hay and potatoes or John Bondy at Lot Con 14 Tecumseth Town ship miles south eastol Allis tonuSole at pm sharp Terms cash Jerry Coughlin Auctioneer 2027 more Evoreu Phone Alliston 3er 92525 ATTENTION Cattle Owners of Simone County The new number to call or Maple Cattle Breeders ls Barrie phone 3383 32120 POLLED Hereford Calves for call clubs some older females also straw in square bales Roy Good lellow Stroud phone llral 92516 YOUNG Saws bred weeks 545 up Bear 11 months old well bred $40 ADI115 Miller RR Shanty Eiy Con Orb t5 mile south of Dalston Phone 84612 92540 Aucnou SALE Furniture and Effects Furniture and clients belonging to MRS MYRTLE RAWN wlll he sold by public auction on Snturd March 1956 at pm at Barr Spring ServicepGowan Street Furniture and elicctsbelonging to LUDLOW will be sold public auction Danaturilay More 10 1958 at prn at Barrie Spring Servim Gowan street Furniture and ellecls belon in to ME EOMND will sold by Ipublic auction on Saturday March 10 i958 at pm at Bar rle Spring Service Goyan Street Furniture and eflectsbelongi to ME DONOHUE will be sol by public auction on Saturday March ID 1956 at pm at Barrie Spring Service Gowan Street lt Furniture and elfectshelooglng to MR HOADLEY will be sold by plublie auction on Saturday More 10 1956 at prn agjaarrie Spring Service Gowan Street Garage is heated Jerry Coughlin Auctionee Wednesday Much Auction sale at farm stock implements and hay for Alvin Miller Lot 15 Can Notmwasazn Township 311$ miles straight south of Stayner on the country mod she or 1240 pin sharp Terms cash Jerry Coughlin Auctioneer 1927 Mondly Mnroh 12 Auction sale of farm stock implements house hold ellecls or Norman Kosky at cost half Lot 23 Con ll Essa Township 31 miles north Thornton mlle south and 1z mile west of Holly Sale at 11m Terms cash Ge cEDuncan hAuctioneer 2628 Tuesday March 13 Auction sale or registered and grade Hol stelns registered Yorkshire pigs sheep farm implements hay some house old effects ror George Wilkinson at Lot Con Essa Townshl mile north eastAll lston all at 12 noon sharp Terms cash Jerry Coughlin Auc tioneer 2330 Thursday March 15 Auction sale 01 form stock implements and household eflccts for Ray ngb north ha Lot ConuB Inhisï¬L Terms cash Sale at pm Sproule Auctioneer 2331 nanny March 2i Auction saie Purebred and Grade Holsteins farm stock and implements for Victor Brown north halt Lot 21 Con 10 Innlsfll Township Sproule Auctioneer 1833 QFW WeSternTiré in grdnlingihisfranchi lathe gen icl DéLisle Jones brings to Barrie and District the opportunity of buyingé ports ui discounts of 2060 Asbn exornple battery for yourcor fol rice Adequate minerals are par tieulariy important for the gt brood sow and growing pigs PMSPhWS Mum dFï¬C CANADASAMOSTPROGRESSJVE AUTOMOTIVE iency is one or the contribut lug causes of nckets in pigu CHAIN Stock suffering from mineral deficiencies frequentlyr have lpoor gt appetites gnaw on old bones wood or other foreignmaterial or eat dirt coorcATrLE MINERAL AND com swiNEMiNEiiAr CATTLE MINERAL Milking cows and young stock have high mineral requir5lt menis 90 of the skeleton is calcium and phosphorus Over 50 oi the mineral in milk is calcium and phosphorus are inade to satisfy this need COOP MINERALS areViorrnulated with the proper combination of calcium phosphorus and salt calcium chloride with allesseniial trace minerals For freeeliorcefeeding For mixing ino ration High qualifyingredienls Lowest fluorine contention the market This necessary to help ovoid Acetdnï¬ia andvliluorosis Very economicol ce gt Avoiloble mu iooib dustfree bugs VPONPED oar c0 QrMiNEaAL TooAv