Georgian Bay District Hockey ing the series have bee elimin won two markers Thus the Tuesday game Wlll decide which of these teams Joyce and Richard or reputed onto the matterotnfuboura At crown Hill liarVere in volved in one autism For short timelilgbvua 11 and 31 north and comb of Barrie werele by drilling snow SATURDAYFBB ii inclement weather including ice rain and sleet drastically cur tailed supply and sales at the market Saturday but prices of produce were moderate to lower in most instances Most trading tool place right after opening slackening off by midmorning Chickens Fowl Roasting chickens were being sold drawn at 50c 1b while fowl ranged inprice according to size fromJQOc right down 10 30c Vegetables Apples Good quality potatoes remained steady at 35c per basket which price held for carrots heels and parsnipsa dropol live cents in many cases Cabbages 10c to 15¢ squash 10c to 20c Some fine Mc lntosh and Spies were on sale at prices from We to 85c for the bet ter class Spies Cookers sold at last weeks uniform price of 25c White beans were 10c 1b sage and savory 10c bunch Flowers Some attractive artificial flow ers were again displayed being sold rapidly in early trade At various prices ranging from 25c to $350 for impressive window and table arrangements these woodfibre flowers have proved popular this winter Their Fil vantage stems from ape holding and nonfading qualities Honey The market as usual had good qualities ol dark light and liquid golden while and other brands of honey on hand priced as prev iously at 22c to $225 Home Baking The home baking sections al wayscater to regularicotcric of customers who buy up apple raisin and lemon pies this week at 45c and 50c bread rolls and date cookies 25c to sue butter and jam tarts 25c headchecse nnd horseradish 30c Eggs New laid eggs sold at good can sumcr prices this Saturday start ing at sacfor extra large45c to 47c for large ice for pullets up to 430 Fresh dairy butter maintained price oi 55c lb and bottom 15e quart ORILLIA WINS Striking for four goals early in the first period while Sundridge Beavers were Shorthanded Orillia Ponliacs scored 50 victory Sat urday inthe first game of the League twogame totalgoaL ï¬nal The teams hadtied in twiHiut ofthree final series Witha win and tie apiece lt Second game Tuesday night BEETON WlN Saturday night Beeton swamp ed Aurora 71 in the rounderobin 011A intermediatcC hockey group playoffs with great display of scoring power and some good goal tending Tuesday the same teams meet again at Aurora in the final can test Bolton the third team mak is at Sundridgc ated by virtue of only tieing one contest As it stands Beeton have won two and tied opts for five points while Aurora have also but lost one for iqur winds up on top with the the ad vantage of extra home games for the final group championship ser ies beginning this Saturday thank officers Illal lhnAaaoeiation of Barrie and Dimii inninnoe Agents held the election chemise at the an nual meeting at Community Home on Wednesday at noon The Mrs Elizabeth Polling Dina In RV Hospital Early Resident Here mumi held on Thurs dny Feb 23 1K8 of mu Ella bclh Falling who died in Royal Victoria Hospital on Feb 21 The TOM TAIKERSALL CLU meeting was attended by about half the membership and elected as their president for the coming year Thomas Tattersall Vices president will be Walter ls Coulis with Willlam Malcomson Jack Nixon and Lorne Arnold as directors Following the election of of ficers report was tabled by Wil liam lilalcomson of the ltlalcomson Agency which showed how the town of Barrie insurance was han died and how various premiums were paid to all members of the association in Barrie after overall charge on the commission was allowed for handling Mr Malcomson felt that the outoivtown agents might desire to approach their municipalities along the same lines so that the agentsmight render servicc to the municipality and at the same time participate in the allowances made for the agents services He showed that bythe installa tion of sprinkler service in the arena the lower cost of insurance had repaid this cost in short time and allowed the cost of borlt rowing funds to do this also to be included in the savings This move was made ailerrepea all efforts on the part of the ins ancc agent to get the work con sidered The association will hold mcct ings every other month during the coming year and an effort is to be made to get at the agents to becomemembers KIRK3W0 Sincerely wish to and members of LOEA Lodge Golden Star No 551 Allandalc and Crystal Chapter BA No 50 Barrie also Beaver Rebekah Lodge No friends and neighbors of Tlffln Street and relatives for beautiful floral tributes and acts of kind ness extended during our recent sad bereavement in the loss of our daughter Dorothy Hilda Kirk who passed away Feb 10 1955 at tawa Mr and Mrs Fer guson Barrie brother Gordon Hornepayne sister Agnes Mrs Romboughl Prince George IN MEMORlAM MASONin loving memory of dear father Frederick Mason who passed away Feb 27 l955 While you dear father rest and sleep Your llOVlflg memory well always eep Ever remembered has and family MORRISIn lo memory of mother Bernice Morris who passed away on Feb 23 1945 and grandmother Eunice Ferrler who paSSEd away Feb 20 1954 The world may change from year to year And friends from day to day But never will the ones we love From memory pass away Sadlv remembered by Howarg by son Char VAUGHANrIn loving memory my dear husband William James Vaughanvho passed peacefully awayFeb 26 1951 24 VrrSALES TltADElN Goon gunman on NEW caps snnvicn THAT cannon on near wmn screened on CLEANUSEDgC Ar LOWES Raconoiiionao 1N oun own siren MllTllllSLTD nnaoiioiro ems signifies RD Monanqn DEALEIt oasskvicsmss Trumps 190 Barrie ronto sbe was the daughter of pital in London Ontario and at Music and was intErested in class Pallbearers were Dr LDi Lite Mia Polling we the sister of Dr Polling titBarrie who died overseas in the first war Min Palliiua father came to this country from England about the year lWZand settled in tho Painswiek and Stroud area on the homesteadnow owned by Judge Harvlc She is survived by four nlcca Ms Lee Ban ric Mrs Craig Wright Hamilton Mrs Cutie Barrie Mrs Genet Belleville Honorary pallbearers were Dr ll crockClarence Srigley hnd Arthur Littl Pallbearers were Archer Minor How Air ViceMar slial Cuffe Colonel Lee and Boyd Dunlap Eormerly of The RCAE James Edward ill Dies 0f Corbnory Thrombosis Born and raised in Barrie James Edward Gill who had been troubled with heart condi tion for the past louryears pass ed away on Thursday January here following coronary throm bosis Born on August 141096he was son of the late Wllllam Ar thur and Selina MI Gill and had lived in Toronto for 25 years He moved back here withrhis wife the former Emily Jane Kerr and family in 1941 In 1940 he joined the RCAF and was stationed in New Bruns wick nnd Newfoundland and since his discharge had worked for the Department of National Defence asa plumber at Camp Borden Before his health began to fail he had been an ardent fisherman in spare time James Gill was member of the Barrie Branch of the Can Plumbers Local 599 Barrie Surviving of the family besides his widow are one son William Edward Gill of BigBayPoint two daughters Mrs Selena Perry andllirs Kathleen Foun tain both of Barrie Alter leav ing the lcnnett Funeral Home Requiem masswas celebrated on Saturday Jan in St Marys Roman Catholic Churchhwhcre be attended Friends relatives and comrades were prcscnt from town Camp Borden and also from distance including Mr and Mrs EWounch of Ridgctown Ont James and Eugene Murray of Stayner and Gill of Alliston Beautiful flowers expressedthc regret and sympathy of those who hadknown him and included per sonnel of the plumbing shop and the accounting section RCAF both of CampBordcn also the BaseWorkship 205 and the Staff of CPD RCAF andrtbe Canadian Legion 147 Barrie and the Plumbers Local 599 Barrie For interment in St Marys Cemetery Barrie the pallbearers were all members of Barrie Legion Branch 147 Nurse In world Warl Active in Mnny Lines Mrs Campbell Dies The death of Mrs Florence Nightingale Campbell on Sunday Feb 121956 at Penetanguishene General Hospital is attributed to heart condition developed dur ing her overseas service as nurs ing sister in World War and marked the closeof colorful life filled withservice Born on June 11 1887 in to Frederick Lindley Sims and Flat ence Nightingale Sims and had lived in that cityuntil 1916 in England and France as nurse from 1916 to 1019 then Toronto 1919 to 1921 From then until 1052 she was at Westminster Hos Waubaushene since that time as graduatemurse throughout Mrs Campbell was an Anglican staunch Conservative and in early life was active in tenilis sailing and riding She belonged to the IODE the Nurses Associa tion Red CrossSociety andthe London Branchof the Ldague of Nations and had held office at various times aspresident vice president secretaiy and treasurer in eachvof these organizations Flore cc Nightingale Campbell attende Pickering College and the Toronto Conservatory ieal music and opera In additiorrl to holding important positions in various organizations inLondon she was keenly interestedin world politics and international affairs The funeral on Wednesday Feb 15 was held fro the Barrieand Sons Funeral Home Midland with service by Ven Archdeacon Lighthourn and Rev Mr Churcber of Goldwater adian Legion 147 and also of the mom bulkier of an Arthur Ferguson of 250 Tllfin street Barrie she as born on Sept 20 1912 in ndale where her father wuwith the CNR lio tlve Power Department at that time and she was raised here and attended King Edward School Dorothy was also active in the young peoples organisations of Road Presbyterian Church and had sung in the choir there She had also retaincd her mem beiship in the Allandale LOBA 55I alter leaving here About 25 years ago her father was transferred to Brent with the CNR and their home was at North Bay for short time but later the family moved to Ottawa largely because of school facil ities Mr and Mrs Kirk were married in Pembroke and had made their home in Ottawa since then Her father retired in1950 from the position of locomotive foreman at Brent and with Mrs Ferguson re turned to Allandale to thclrnew home The funeral on Feb 14 was held in Ottawa from the Boise and Playfair Chapel where the service was conducted by cv Arthur beaker Anglican nu istcr in that city interment was in Beech wood Cemetery and pallbearers were six residentsol Ottawa Mr and Mrs Ferguson and their son Gordon who is CNR engineer at Hornepnync were present but another daughter Ag nes Mrs Gordon Rombough her husband and two sons located in Prince George BC were un able to make the journey east With lovely flowers from relalt tivcs and friends were also tokens from Golden Star LOBA 551 Al landale Crystal Chaptcroi Bri tish America 50 Barrie and Beaver Rebekah Lodge 190 Barr Dilrancesco Buffalo NY There are two sons Campbell Caro Michigan and Campbell London Ontario Two sisters are Miss Beatrice and Miss Lola Sims of Toronto Higher Earnings By Bell Telephone Increased Service Earnings of The Bell Telephone Company of Canbda for the ye ended Dec 31 1955 were $3 907higher than in 1954 according to the companys 76th annual rewan Quebec communities port issued today th income for 1955 of $31978042 was equi valent to $253 arshare This com pares with $251549135 or $244 share in 1954 After payment of dividends of $2 share 55669301 was added to surplus The increase of pupa tele phones was greater than in any previousyear bringing the total in service the end of 1955 to 2522745 The overall increase included morethan 135000 new residence telephones over 50000 new telephones for business purv poses and the addition of more than 40000 telephones through the transferoi the facilities of three former subsidiarycompan ies into the companys system Local Growth Locally growth in telephone service paralleled this overall ex pansion Commenting on the re port MacDonald Bell manager for thistegionhsaid that 203 telephones were added in Barrie during 1955 The total at the endof the year was 6358 Throughout Ontario and Que bec expeuditures for new con struction were $128400000 This was $23100000ï¬ore than in 1954 itself the previous record year Yet due to the strong and sus tained demand there were 47000 orders for service not filled at the end pf the year Service for an In this connection the report 300mij Applicants must beproficient iii of filing Dutieswill involve use of calc Municipal work desirable TOWNSHIPOF inner sinioaiiariiiza Applicatlon forflookkceper Stcnographer forthe Mun nieipal Office will be récelveduntil 12 noon February 29th at the Township Office accounting rind have plating machine contouring ii folks were given by Mr Moore president ofjarrle and District Boy Scout Association and Dis trict Commissioner for Scouts tan Welsiiian Presentations were made to Cub Murray Miller and Garry Mcharnlng for their fine work in the groups Christmas fund raising project The program included Cub and Scout investitures Scouta Jini Ferguson and Robert Burgess were invested withtbcir Tender loot Badge and Cubs Garry Scam ion and Bobby Anderson with their Tenderpad Badge The Cubs under MJim Fer guson Akela demonstrated the Grand Howl and the Dance of Show Kari while Hawk Patrol under vPlL Allan Drury demonstrated theScbatcr method of rescusitation The Camp Fire which followed was enjoyed by the fathers and boys alike during which Com mlssioner Welsman presented Assist Seoulmaster Fred Wright with licate on his comple tion of eaders course At the end of the evening Com missioner Welsinan showed film taken at the World Boy Scout Jamboree last year This was enjoyed by all present The mo Ihers are to be congratulated for their splendid services torthc boys and during the evening were suit ably thanked by Dr RosSiTurn bull Church Parade 01 Sunday Feb 19 1958 the cubs and Scouts of Andrews attended the morning service The lesson was read by Group Chair mnn Dave McCiymont About 35 boys turned out lor thisservicc to commemorateScout Week in Canada states in part Our obliga tion is to make the se ce avail able to all who require it and to do this as quickly as possible We shall spend far more on construc tion to provide local telephone service in 1958 than in any prev ious year This expenditure should enable us to more nearlyrealize our aim of giving service on de Vmand total of $116087106 in wages and salaries was paid to Bell em ployees in hundreds of Ontario At the ehd of 1955 the company employ ed 36340 people22448 women and 13892 men Radio RelayChain An overtheborizon radio relay chain was completcdjn the north of the country iind good progress was made with engineering and construction of the Midcanada Line the report states This dc fence network is built unda the supervision of the members of the TransCanada Telephone System with the Bell companyacting as project agent Further progress is reported on the constructionof the4000mile radio relay network now being built across Canada by members of the TransCanada System to meet requirements for long dis tance telephone service and to carry network television programs lor the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation The TorontoNorth BayWinnipegsection is due to go into service towards the end of 1956 and the entire network from $6 ney NS to Vancouver BCin 960 Canadian Majority Shareholders increased by more than 10000 during1055 andoiow number 125223 over 122000 of whom are residents of Lanada Fevjver than 10 per cent of the shares are now owned outside the country including the 55 per cent held by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company Strand Ont Relatives and friends were pres ent from London Toronto Barrie and othcrplaces tokens om them and from lth Regiment Chapter of the IODE and Overseas Nurses Association London Branch Interment was in Midland Cem etery Vaultllor the present and in Waubaushene Cemetery later Francesco andD Clarkson Campbell CarterJ rFlem and Carter Siir ng members of th fnm VM Campbell of Wouhaushene three daughters argaret Sippel Califor Mrs Nancy Ginaknob Toronto and Mrs herhusband Dr nsrnoiauir ONTAR Mrs Prosse give rams Allinmi aintirons the womens president of the i0 FARMERS minnows nod PARRmAt Embrldge Mem orial Hospilal on Feb 21 1950 laBbb and Helen Panell nee Adams Bracebrldge son Kenneth June VAN DAMAtthe Royal Vlclt toriu Hospital Barrie 2r 105614 Pie and Mrs Joseph Van Domino camp Borden Venn Robert KERAt the no at Victoria 25 1958 Ma Jack Warner son Terrance Jacki AUCTION SALE Form Stock implements H01 The undersigned has received instructions from ALVINMILLER Lot 15 Con Nottowosogo Township Miles Itmhl 3011 of Suyner on Count Road To sell by Publ Auction on WEDN ESDAY MARCH AT 1230 pan SHARP THE FOLLOWING CATTLE Hereford Cow Xylene fresh call at foot Hereford elfery cars fresh calf at foot Holstein eifcl years fresh call at loot Roan Roan Durharn Cow years due to freshen March 20 Holstein Cow years milking well due to freshen June 11 Dur hum Cow it years milking well due to freshen June Hereford Cow years due to freshen by date of sale Hereford Cow years bred Holstein Cow 8ycars fresh calf at foot Durham Cow years freSh calf atfoot Durham Heifer years due to freshen April 17 Hereford Heller years due to freshen June Hereford sh Heifer 3ycnrs due to freshen June are Durham Heifer cars due to reshen April 18 Dur am Cow cars fresh call at foot bred 3g Black Durham Heifer years bred Hereford Heifer years bred Baby Reeves Hereforth 51nd Durham weighing on lbs each Durham Heifer year old Durham Steer year old Durham Call months old Durham Bali years eligible for registration PIGS Yorkshire Sow and 11 Figs weeks old Turn Sow bred YorkshireSow due to furrow June Yorkshire Pigs around 180 lbs each Yorkshire Sow carrying 3rd litter due to farrow May 25 Yorkshire Sows bred weeks carrying first litter POULTRY Seem Gander 40 Hens laying Vwell Barred Rocks HAY 500 Bales ofHay mixed sounre bales well saved MACHINERY 77 Oliver DlESEl years old good as new McCD TractoriPlow 3mrrow good as new 25 SpringToothMH Cultiv ator good as new CockshuttPow er Mower1 ft good as new Set of McCD Tractor Disc 28 disc 77 New Holland Baler good as new Forano Threshing Machine 24x30 on rubber 500d as new MH Seed Drill 13 good re pair MH Side Delivery Rake MH Dump Hake 10 IL McCD Tractor Manure nder on rubber good as new Binder ft good repair SteelLand Roller Cock shutt Tiller 1550 good irepnirf BordFerguson Tractor 1947 in good repair 2Wheel Trail Walking Plow MH Cream Sep arntor electr odd repair Cham pion Chop ch electric good as new ubberTired wagon and Rack Setcf Sleighs1imip Drill Scufflers Cutler Sling Ropes Forks Chains and many other or ticles too numerous to mention TERMS CASH Deï¬nitely no reserve as farm is sold Nothing to be removed until settled for AUCTIONEERS REMARKS Gentlemen Mr Miller has lot or good equipment and cattle Any one wanting good articles would do well to attend Albert Culham Clerk Jerry Cbughlin Auctioneer phone 5449 Barrie MARKET PRICES ram 2v BOOB CATTLE noon romp quoted rim Cuph no lam not established noon ablblggï¬ï¬‚ï¬ Tender for the construction of new Home for the Med building at Pciietanxulshene for the County of Simeoe Ontnrio will be receiv ed notlater than 400 IL March 2111 1956 the of so of the Architects Blackwell Quiz and Zeidler 85 Bloor St West Toronto Ontario Plans speciï¬catigns and Farm of Tender may be tained from the Architects ouaor after February 2151 1956 deposit of Fifty Doll nrs is required for each set of plans and speciï¬cations The lowest or any tender not necesarlly to be accepted 2214 to 117 Special Grade Grade Grade Under Grade Grade Grade aucnou SALES Tnesdly March so Auction sale Purebred and Grade Holstelns farm stock and implements for Victor Brawn north hall Lot 21 Con 10 Innisnl Township Sproule Auctioneer 1853 Tuesday mi ea Auction sale of Cattle mvaigs far Lou Brazziel Let Can Flu Township right on Hi hway 27 miles south of Elmva Terms cash Jerry Cough lin Auctioneer Ill21 Thursday March Auction sale of farm stock implements hay grain and some household effects for Neville Stewart ht Smith half but Can West Gwillimbury Townshl south Highway 38 on 400 Sae at pan sharp Teims cash Farm is sold Mc Ewen Auctioneer 2325 Tuesday March Auction sale of farm stock implements hay and potatoes for John Handy at Lot Con 14 Tecumseth Town sblp It miles south east of Allis ton Sale at pm sharp Terms cash Jerry Coughlln Auctloiiger 17 Wetland March Auction sale of farinstock implements and bay for Alvln Miller tit Lot 15 Con Nottnwasngn Township miles straight south of Slnyner on the country road Sale lat 1230 pm nrp Terms cash Jerry Coughlln Auctioneer 27 IIieldny March 13 Auction sale of registered and grade 1fol steins registered Yorkshire pigs eep farm implements hay some household effects for George Wilkinson at Lot Con4 Essa Townshl miles north east All iston die at 12 noon sharp Terms cash Jerry CougblinAiic Honeer 2330 Thursday erch 15 Auction sale of farm stock implements and household effects for Ray Webb north half Lot Con Innisdl Terms cash Sale am pin Sproule Auctioneer 2331 Wednesday March 21 Auction sale of farm stock implements hay and same household effects for Harvey Atkinson at Lots and con 13 Sunnidnle Townshi miles straight north of Sunnldale Corners Sale atluo prnsharp Terms cash Jerry Coughlin Auc tioneer 22252533 Credo Over lbs lbs Under NEW SUPER ChekllMiii llog liiiislier AMAZING Low rnics SUPER man QUALITY Barrie lnrm Supply mama cnows For Livestock and Poultry SURGE Dairy Farm Equipment Market Sq Phone 2982 Listen to the Regional Weather Forecast Monday thru Saturday at 740 am over cuss Hams5 Ila ll herself tanner Space andantomnblletools in rent persons interested inaoing their own repairs Garage located at 4414am St For information Phone sins Residence 4351 row oi as Nance All Desi Owners Due to the danger of Rabies all Dog Owners are advised to keep their dogs viiiiderelose control at all times Any dog caught running at large will be disposed of iiiaccordapce with the provisions of ByLaw of the Township of Essa inroomnriouy Essa THECORPQRATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Onpr To Prepare from 51955