Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1956, p. 8

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em mmAYVIISBIIAB htlllmy Dr Turnbull We First President Of Victorian Order in the obituary for Dr lG Turnbuii it was stated that he had been largely responsible for hav ing branch oi the VictorianOr der of Nursos established in Bar rie some years ago The late Dr Lillie was mainly respon sible we now understand The late Dr Turnbull was the first president of the branch The honorary allbcarcrs at the funeral in addit anto Dr Harris McPhcdran and Dr James Ross of Toronto included Dr Frederick Spearing of Becton and John Rogers in abscntla dur ing winter residence at Tarpon Springs Florida Funeral Service Held For Alfred Shepherd Dies In 85th Year Funeral service was held on Monday Feb 20 1956 at the Lloyd and Stcckicy Funeral Home for Alfred Thomas Shepherd who died at Torontoon Thursday Feb iii 1958 after long illness resident oi Barrie for the past 20 years Mr shcplicrd had re sided at 124 Clappcrton St with his son Alfred Shepherd who survives him along with daughter Mrs Griffiths Josephine oi Glendale Calif and two grandchildrengtMiss June Griffiths of Glendale and Dr Griiiiths of Barrie Rev Lewis of Collier 5t United Church conductcdthc scr vlco Pallbearers were William Lambcrt Chester Baxter F1d Reid Carl Matthias Victor Kn and Robert Powell Interment was in St Johns Norway Cemetery Toronto Among the floral tributes were those from Collier Street United Church Collier Strectu United Church choir Barrie Citizens Band and The Barrie Examiner Relatives and friends irom Orillia and Toronto attended the service Mr Shepherd was born in Lon don England on April 23 1671 He was the son of the late Joseph Shcphcrd and Elizabeth Sherifi Before coming to Barrie he re slded in Toronto where he was with the Toronto transportation system and at Orillia Hi oper ated service station on No 11 Highway north of Barrio for many years He was member of the United Church lly SUSAN WIIEEDER Congratulations to number of our students who did well at the Kiwanis Music Festival in To ronto on Thursday Feb 19 Ted Long who plays the clar inct won two firsts Sharon Sturgcss who also plays the clar inet won second and Mark Fisher oboc player won two sec onds Congratulations also are in or dcr to Mr Fisher and our band on winning first and second in thc two classes entered in the fes tival on SaturdayFcb 18 The hand won its riiss withpa high mark for all bands of 91 lnthe second classthey were topped by lhc Amherst Band irom Snyder New York The band also received an in vitation to the concert of festival stars at Massey Hall Leap Year Dance On the evening of Friday Feb 17 the girls of BDCI escorted their favorite beaus to the Girls Athletic Society Leap Year dance in the BDCl gymnasium There the students saw an exciting gime which featured the senior boys tcam versus the Toronto Maple Leafs The contest ended lna tie with the girls looking slightly wornout The dance following the game huge success and everyone seemed to have wonderful time There were scarcely any stags sit ing toriornly watchi the danc ing but when the boys are sup posed to take the initiative its the other way around So boys take lesson fromthisl Ilene Chappel reside of the GAA was the girgehief respon sible for the smooth running of the dance while June Ayerstwas in charge of the dancing etc Every member of the association had part to play and without their help the dance couldnt have been the success it was Basketbail Tuesday Febrz PBDCI juniors and seniors wo thci games against visitors The seniorsentertained St An drews College and light them bya score of 81432 The firsthalf oi thegame was too close forcom tort with the StilAndrewsteem trailing by only very narrow margin However from halftime on Barrie more than held their owaand finished 19 ts ahead ttheirrivals in the junior game was pretty much thesame rie Juniors played Alliston unlbrs mm ntiniis in heir the sto Bari Tiarascals Are Entertained By Orillia ladies Nontyviour curlers from the iadies section of the Barrie Curl ing Club unveiled to Orillia yes terday by chartered bus on the invitation of thc Orillia lady curl ers The six rinks irons Barrie were skipped lly Mrs Wib Harris Mrs Sally Napier Mrs Ray Livingston Mrs George Seymour Mrs Dave Smith and Mrs Harold Smith Following the afternoon play the visitors werocntcrtained at the Oriliia House by their host cases at buffet supper Barrie ladies have been doing well out of town in the past week rink skipped by the president oi the ladies section Mrs Dave Smith brought home the Mea iard Express Trophy from last Wednesdays oncday ladlcs bon spiel at Meaford on Mrs Smiths rink which won the early ninc oclock morning draw with three wins were Mrs George Danger licld viceskip Mrs Gray sccOnd and Mrs Russ Landry lead Last Friday rink skipped by Mrs Amy Vair irom Barrio won filth prize in the annual Hunts ville lodies invitation oneday bonspicl for thc Ewing Trophy Mrs Frcd McDowell Mrs John Ough and lilrs Ray Livingston wcre mcmbcrs oi the rink that had one win Olhcr rlnizs came from Peter borough Midland Beavcrton Braccbrldge Port Carling Min den Orillia and South River Midland rink won the trophy Yesterday Mr and Mrs John Boys and Mr and Mrs Jack Corby went to Oakvllle for the Oskville Curling Clubs first mix ed bonsplel They won their first gamc and lost their second The 64 rinks taking part wcrc fronl Peterborough Oshawa Ham ilton Toronto Sarnia and other centres Rising Support Indicated Tax Reduction Tobacco Rising support for the tobacco tax reduction activities at the Mar keting Board was indicated by the iargest attendance in any year to date at the luncheon meeting be tween the taxation committee Lcathong the press and mcmbers of parliament represent ing tobaccogrowing constituenc OS Among those present were the bureau chiefs of leading Canadian dailies French and English and Professor David Slater Dr McRae chief of the tobacco division federal department of agriculture and the following members of parliament Raymond Anderson Norfolk Maurice Breton Jolicttc LAssumptlon Montcalm Charlton Brant Haldimand Murray Clark Es sex South Dr Falrey Vic toria 90 Julian Ferguson Simcoe North Blake liutiman Kent MaeKcnzic Lambton Kent Murphy Lambton Wcst Wallace Ncsbitt Oxford Robinson Simcoe East de puty speaker of thcHousc of Commons lion Earl Rowe Duiicrlntsimcoc Michael Starr Ontario Middlcscx East Anderson introduced the committee to the financeministcr Hon Walter Harris RELIEVING HOSPITALS ThcVictorian Order of Nurses is helping to relieve congestion in overcrowded hospitals Home nursinguserviccs make more hos pital beds available for those re quiring hospital treatment it Gregory Ashbaugh and and Harry Whitey ion Town and County ALLISNR POST0FFICE Chard McCullocb of Orange ville Liberal candidate for Duff erinSimcoe invtbe 1953 election has received word from the public works department in Ottawa that plans and specifications for the new Alliston post office are com pleted and tenders will be called shortly SERVICES FOR FACTORY Alliston Council is getting an engineers report on proposed new water and sewer facilities to serve the property on which the Baxter Laboratories will be located The firm is moving to Alliston from another area HIGII SCHOOL ADDITION The now fourroom addition to Banting Memorial High School at Alliston was brought in use last week Name of the teacher is labelled on each door since for some time they have held classes in such locations as gymnasium cafeteria and stairways ROTARY BIRTHDAY First anniversary of charter night for Alliston Rotary Club was suitably observed at dinner Monday night Feb 20 Wilfred Taylor Toronto Rotarian spoke on the subject What Service Club Accomplishcs in Small Town Ladies andrepresenta lives of other clubs and civic offi cials were in attendance LESLIE BELL SINGERS The Toronto Star Concert at the Central United Church Bar rio onAThursday March at pm features the Leslie Bell Singers FORESTERS PAY PARADE Pay parade will be held at Bar ric Armoury Tucsday cvcning March it was announced today by Capt Hook officer com manding hcadquartcr squadron 29th Armoured Regiment Grey and Simcoe Foresters linal pay for 1955 will be distributedmnd all dpersonnel are rcquircd to at ten WMEEJ Ed McElroy Doug Stephens Sid Mich and Cecil Coulsonmot orcd to Florida for holiday Mr McElroy and Mr Stephens ilew to Cuba for few days Mr and Mrs Earl Cox return ed Wednesday from motor trip to Florida Thcystopped off at FortMyers in the central part of the state and ended up at Day tona Beach Both flower fanciers they were mostly interested in seeing the huge fields of gladioli and the outdoor growing of chry santhcmums AURORA tEADS ROUNDROBIN BEETON SECOND Aurora BelAirs are loading the OIiA intermediate group round robin withrfour points based on 64 win ovor Benton and 7l ovcr Bolton Becton has three points iroln 77 tic with Bolton and 91 win over the same team Fifth game is Saturday when Aurora plays at Benton Bee ton win would ut Aurora and Bccton into the group iinal But it Aurora wins then the last game Bolton at Aurora next Monday would give Bolton chance to tie Beeton forsecond place Canadian Red Cross llom Nurs ing classes provide do tryout sclt instruction for thousands of Canadian women every year 1956mm STATIONWAGON Noyv punishAir AT Stuns Monday Final Reunds st Catharines Tecpeee have clinched the ORA Junior chain picnship with 51v point3 bised on 27wiaaandtbreetiainllgam ca 1n thcplayoffs to commence next week the powerful Tecpe will tanglewtth the fourth place club in best of seven series Marlboros clinched this ouch tionable privilege last night by de feating Hamilton The Majors can tiethem but thcir goal avorago prevan the club from catching tourth place By the some loken Guelph havmg ploycd out their string oi 48 league games cannot be caught by Kitchener for second spot un less thcy bury Barrie by some 80 goals in tonights encounter Guelph will therefore open three of five series with St Michael winner to battle the BarrieKitch cncr three at five winner So thats the way the playoffs will stack upBarrie Flycrs vs Kitchener Canucka St Michaels Majors vs Guelph Biltmorcs and St Catharines Tecpecs vs Toronto Marlboros Top three to ms in the standing rccoivo tho eneiit of the extra bomc game Kinenes Plan Second Annual Dance in May Plans for their second annual dance to be held in the Masonic Hall on the evening of May 11 were made thck Kinetics at their mcctlng asti Monday evening at the home of Mrs Harry Michie John Street The members donated ditchi contributions to the wometia ilospital Auxiliary Hostess Night on March at card party last Saturday evening Husbands were guests for the evi cning Buys Bungalow COLDWATER new bung alow on Main St purchased by Miss Wylcy from Mrs inliott has been sold to Bruca Pipher The transaction was han dled by DeConkcy As Mr and Mrs Pipher havchad quart crs in the Cecil Lovering resi denec they have only to move two doors north on the same side of the street Jill BEAVER For Prompt Courteous Service Pilliiili59435944 rm Delivery Within so sills MONTHS To PAY BUY UNDER DUE BUDGET PLAN Dp tojzoookhome improvement savanna BUILD BETTER BUY BEAVER 129 anaorono sr Bannm Thisbeautltul new Chevro Jet is ideal tor carrying passengers or as family car ioilowtng the meeting included holding its is the Red Cross war it is symbol of hope and mercy for mankind Aaheflmhionary Impaqu bed mung Sunday School law of sums United Church on Sunday Preparedhy Mrs Harold Gilchrist the mission ary superintendent those taking were Marion Gilchrist Bever Buyers Bruce liaibcrt1 Glen Miller and Dorothy and Douqu Band generous offering for missions was received Time for SellExamination Rev Sbilton in his sermon on the first Sunday in Lent stated that the period preceding Easter should he time at selivcxamina tlon and full commitment to Jesus and only the Cross can turn men from sin and it should be the cen tre of Christian iaith Wins Preliminary Contest Congratulations to Dorothy Hand aGradc pupil of Burns School who at Baxter on Wednes day cvenlng won the preliminary contest in the Ontario spelling bee for public schools of the province The contest at Baxter had repre sentative pupil from all the public schools in Essa Township The group was given 50rwords to write and 25 were spellcdorally Winlt here In the various regional con tests will compete in Alliston this Friday evening Managers Meeting The Board of Managers of Burns United Church held meet ing at the home of Mr and Mrs McCaguc on Wednesday cvcni Refreshments served delicious birthday cake honoring Mr McCagueonhis birthdayi Good Representation good representation at mem bers of Burns Womens Missionary Society attended the world Dayoi Prayer service in Alliston on Fri day Sunday Visitors Mr and MrsVJ Henderson and Ronnie spent the weekend with Mrs Jennott at Thornton Mr and Mrs Everett Butters spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Span near Rosemont The worldsbest known symbol in peace and ET Deluxe Flit Pullman Wardrobes mill lhlrrcd pocket to lid Tie up Swltn innml rhookrtl tux American to curtain our meat section about ii an larou swtlioht son an 1833 at wethi lb Iain each 1835 clowns notion MraodllrtAivinCairmspent amtuncensode melt WW Mr and Mrs Morley Death oi Oshawa recently visitedyith Mr and Mn Ken McLean Laura Bouncy spent the weekend in Toronto Mr add Mn McLean and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs RosiBu1ram in Barrie Birthday Party Wayne Simpson celebrated his sixth birthday Feb 21 with hav ing eight ofhla chums in and Myrna Simpson celebrated her cighth birthday Feb 18 havmg nine other chums Crown Hill Visit Mr and Mrs Charles Simpson and family spentSunday with Mr and hire Gordon Atkinson Two Weeks With Parents Mrs Dymond and Carol of Buffalo is spending two weeks with hcr parents Mr and Mrs Dicker Mr and Mrs Matt Schiller oi 2nd line Flos visited on Sunday iwlth Mr and Mrs Dicker lliiiuollir nouns LIMITED hanger and do an ioldilu fix turcs for packing dresses in sin llo Protective Enron saolllgh Essa Rd Phone 2821 lm mama and or no is emplmlv wind at Iulltoita air buy iieeiicnd Cases roll rhlrred pocket in lid tic tausa with shared rocket12 beer aluus lined in 13 weight lb wellhi about an ID on or Individual Overnight Cases sarou IDIIJHIR 51 each salons Roomy for Storage 01 Travel BOXTRUNKS my ans1 Illifl fibre covering strongly medo new Priced ms nu panels basswood cnda with uni covered bottom steel binding llcktd fibre hllldl top and trout Vaimcorand union spring lock liver bolts reinforcing nlmo hardwood bottom slm nlvlasa my lunl in Red zoo down no monthly aavm oi v7 Double Value Use for Stroller or Carriage cqnvertibe mu lertho may ludoau Pagertip control to convert Antitip feature and am It uhhoillfl Th front Jewatr Vil chromium ou tony rubber um from cirrihgcto iiialien liable vinyl antic min Pull shirrcd pocket is lid Karon spotlight 1198 miss donations totbe antipoliogfund intheRalifaxareathiayearwill dollars Free amount to about $15M jlbe treatmentwaagiven in mmflxurchmhlgbcrthanlaat can andinzanocharge year CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL1236 aura us munii we Church us can for no unisexonus no in News to iaeiu sooahiv Graham clah use now 33 if Emmi lruins mm $13 an arm Canluster an amen from Town Report on Sport uh nu rm oreran am uo lullNI In Your community on Sports Round Va 11 counter no can Time out nice the 72s am Iteration uo mum no cnurch amid sms=m ammo theluv aoo Inleiude ens unite so 00 run Hemline run all 1vo any Mmbufloflb lino Neva awn am and Weather us also cit nonnav ass Ella On nm gna no and went can am or for us per one an use Musical clock una 7ui istim an Inn no mo wmmol are Mun 110 Re ton Weather one Music We iteration Round 1009 rnla iris atorr mo ioao run Hollywood aoaulsht no am 2333 it s° isle nu spa lrldtnl roll pronoun one Mid ueralol vuivuu sunav ml on ataxia Momentkc cllala iua nun ins interlude nae no church olasa lull iu 100 or mlachrine gun Mus SsYLVANIA LAMP stubs LONGLIFE no vour IN 25 io so 100 in wars nvanv Lamp GUARANTEED 56 amazon sr NORTH or Tile El ism lullu lure Nan Headlines 494 ass gin CaraKale at nu soaa Newscast 101 ml in The meal is open 20 na rialsnlar Touch nae News court in Sign on nonunion eas Ella 0n nu nua him and Weltbar IBM Nwualr to Iooalllbt serenad iiis anon me am and Wuther its also on MIMI mleiIilll smm Round on Nova HemeI Western mt Farad Nan nm For Years to The alorr loos an nosv nuance wcuauoron Heres nraeilian leeks Train Gases inlaid makeLID mirror in ltd Ihirrcd elaltic me and ale levithcd be on pocket movable Cosmetic ca on laetiipht so oac 1035 Budgct Plan Terms may bitarranged if desired mm cotioa drill ball arm finished 20a and cos removable rm apron and suu SalePriced For Smhli Hand Lugdngcl Zipper Bags nannies and one InesJorthia rubberbacked Drop trainermaniacs center on bottom roll length is zipper qluslar and lock leather name plate Mili rourd inside bottom bar to to chum plus or Brown 1699 Folding savanna GladStohé Bag People would that ninculin deaim Illcl Folding suit raak with Ililo Illnl rig sonataant TanCoIg French edges bran pieced trim ouitulir Linen italarl divider aus that 299 lolli overtap lira uroN lentilht um sauuloht Salt Iach 12993 To in all Regular Carriage Site Carriage Pads this vlnvl plastic 45 on arr pattern on loan no

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