CASHIER Commenan inns 11 excellent working conditions menu in clude hospitalization groupan ance holidays with pay May week Good starting salary Anny ROBE Mgr DOMINION STORE units 13123 OEFICEMANAGER We have an oppongnity tor man pmienbiywnh itice expelh ience to qualitywhen conversant with our work as officer monager and SecretaryTreasurer Apply in own handwriting stating age edu cation previous experience marital status ete En la blic Utilities Commission izizs YoUNGLADY erienced in general attice work anti some typing ability required by local manutncturing tirni ior position good salary and em ployee beneï¬ts Repl in conï¬d ence in own handwr ting otatln education cxperi an hone number or telephone Mr Laing Ball Planing Mill Co phone 496 Barrie tor ap oi merit Post Oiiice Box24tl Earrieuomnrion 2224 AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN Married mdn pieterred at least 25 years oi age selling experience an asset Excellent working condi tions APPLY MR BELL DANGERFIELD MOTORS LIMITED 65 Collier st Ph 2487 123 POLICE RECRUITSWANTED 5Day Week Good Salary Vacation with Pay lo Statutory IIoiidnys Full Pension aiter 30 cars Service Medical Service ncluded 21 to under so years inimum Height Weight l6 lbs APPLY IN PERSON POLICE TRAINING SCHOOL TORONTO CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT 149 Caiiege Street Toronto Mondoyptoulrigay incl ce omen A150 12173 MEN WOMEN THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY We will start you in business without dne on We will give you the train up you need OWE WANT MANAGERS AND FIELD MEN oWE WANT MEN AND WOMEN COLLINGWOOD ALmsrou MIDLAND EARRIE AND DIS TRICTS Last year our men made liom v$ilOUD Year and Up Plus Bonus SALES WORK WITH PLENTY OF ADVANCES Phone 5432 For Interview or call at 87Maple lioy Tracy BUTCHER Wanted ment cutter Appy Ach Store Barrie MALE Stenogra her Ap Chiei oi Police Bariiie Folio llDepilrt ment 142223 WOMAN to do housework All conveniences LWe in Goodhome or elderly woman Phone incl2 vZl GIRL wanted to work in plant willing to learn to operate mach ine Apply Wright Cleaners CLERK seenographe iorlnsur ance Dulce Hos italization and gram insurance enema Phenol MOTHERS Her orescgool ch die Jle BITE Phone erson orden OMAN wonte night house work and compo on to elderly woman Apply Box 73 Barrie Examiner 2223 NEW and Used salesman want zd ior Ford nndMonarcii dealer ship To commission Good work ï¬lng eon itionsï¬Expe encenoi nec essary Apiply in person Johnny Ruthcrior Bred Walker gtMotors Inga Bradiord guidance and parent penny hivestediebyi wru Experienced sun the Regal Hurontuio Co Apply Mn SINGLE or married man wanted to work on 1am Separate houoe lorrnlrried nun Apply Wilbur Baboon phone aim Barrie iZS WOMAN to do ï¬nerl housework in home where 4i emuqu in sleep in or ou iApp Itter noon to 104 Dunlop West 1422 Phone 5138 WANTED at RCA Shiloh ï¬rst class barber Charge unon priced For pirticulars write Chieg Adniiantntlve onicer near su tlon Edgar Ontario lDZï¬ SERVICE Station manager and Service Station rttendant in Bar rie Apply in wrting stating age nullitlcations and relerence to Box 71 Barrie Examiner 12123 RAWLEIGK business now open in Barrie Trade well established Excellent opportunity Full time Write at once Rnwielzhs Dept 3128189 Montreal PQ IZE MAN with electrical hardware or stockroam experience or counter work with wholesale electrica supply house Must have experi meeting public and pricing Apay Box 82 Barrie Examiner MARRIED mhn wanted tor mixed tanning Modern house all mod em conveniences including heat hydro and bath Year round em oymenL 25 miles north east at Toronto ply George Rodanz RE Stoutlv le Ontario 12123 SUPER Market Manager One capable at all phases oi grocery operation and able to supervise Ill and fruit departments Must ho phi1hest references andwill In to be bonded Salary en Apply in conï¬dence to Box 78 or rie xaminer 12325 ARE YOU satisï¬ed with your present income and chances for advancement It not investigate tire moneymaking possibilities and secure iuture that could be yours as an independent Watkins Dealer Sell nationally advertised uroducta necessilies for home and arm No investment For inior motion without obligation write today to De The Watkins Company ll St Roch St Mon treal 12 AMBITIOUS Woman Unisual op portunity ior localwoman 2555 to help in Canadian Expansion Program of Marshall Field Family Owned Enterprise in field of child education Expernnce in proschool or Elem entary Education helpful but not necessaryle time position at ersgunranteedincome Grou ln surance and deï¬nite plhn ad vancement Write Leitch Suite Sill 85 Bloor St Toronto 51giving age education ex eri ence best reterences and telep one numberu 142325 POSITIONS WANTED WILL look after child while moth erworks Phune 5332 22 knftElCh1Ifl iii home while mother works by Phone 6905 223 DUTCH Lady would like toldo ironing and mending in her own home Phone 5192 22223 CAPABLE woman will look alter child in her own home whilezmzé fAUTOMOBILES Buying OileeIIihg We ï¬nance late model cars and trucks Very reasonable rates With complete insurance STEVENSON ALL TYPES OF 1NSURANCE PHONE 5201 95 DUNLOP ST emu 13112 23 55 HILLMAN ldur door radio and directional signal 54 AUSTIN Azo 53 HUDSON WASP our door 52 CHEVROLET two door deluxe power glide 52 CONSUL iiiur door AB PONTIAC deluxe tour door ll OLDSMOEILE four door SPECIAL 46 MERCURY four door Sedan 23 51THAMES Panel VIAU MOTORS HUDSON HILLMAN Sales and Service 15 Gowon Street Phone 4837 1323 19 FORD in good running eon ditlon Will sell cheap Phone 2500 132023 1939 PLYMOUTH Coach lair con ditigan runningeï¬every day Ch 19 EBAKER Coupe good condition 2tone 22000 miles Rea 4224 sqnablc price or complete pay ment Phone 92011New Lowell 13324 ilillES on iniizr columns Deiid neioé Copy pm Week daylpreoediii issue ABLETSMAYBE TELEPHONED TO OFFICE Ml oword minimum we secutive insertion Word min unililo ls attics 25¢ rd Phone 0rd 320 SCRAP IRON CAR BODIES Dont ve mam lt pnlldirert mp FRANcoz METAL CORP Phone 426 Orillia 3845 HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS BATTERIES 8331 Pb 848 lie also sell pipes beams angler liannels and reintorclng rods tor lNDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL unlop St Ferndllt Phone 8331 or 6437 549 Barrie Metal GSalvago bums NIKON NEITALS FURS mm mos mum FEATHERS bIVE POULTRY truchrwlli call Highest triced paid Special prices paid elivered bone Barrio PHIDUI MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY art and Qflice 204 Titan 81 stutter blï¬ï¬‚ LARGE barn wanted Slate condi tion and pricc Apply Box 5i Enr rie Examiner 32324 WANTED to purchase pine jiqu wood either cut or start ing Please write to BOXJIBQ Tillson burl Ontario 3438 WANTED to bu Poplar Spruce Bnlsam Basswao Pine Willow or Balm bolts Phone Or write for in iormaiinn and rice Cniiingwuod Saw Mills Colingwoad Onthrio phone 34a 32320 dF seen FEED CHOICE Mixed Hay square bales for sale Phone 5350 102223 TONS llay and tons Straw or sale Crawford Shanty Buy Phone dlB Om Illgit =55 LIVESTOCK FOR SAL YOUcDONT TRAY ONE CENT lintil Market Time On our simple noredtape Feed er Finance Plan we can ï¬nance Broilers lirkays Hugs and Beef Cattle Up to months on turke and beef cattle Well furnish Purina Chews or any oneoi these tour feeding operations and you only pay list price at delivery THERE IS NO EXTRA CHARGE BARRIEFARM SUPPLY Purina Chews Guige Dairy Equipment Market Sq Phone 2982 91048 lo FIGS weeks old Phone Elm vale lï¬llal 923424 l0 PIGS weighing from 3540 lbs Each Phone H59i21 after p111 HOISTEINS Iresh and clos springers Michell Station Road Markham 9232629 Zl PIGS weighing 160 lbs and 12 weighing 100 lbs approximately HOLSTEIN Heller coming fresh March Apply Harry Squibb Lot ill Con innisiil 92223 PIGS months old arid DEE weeks old Norman Honey RR Barrie phonesldra 92223 10 YEARLING Stocker Cattle also number 01 Pigs Herb Large Shanty Bay Can Lot 13 Oro 92324 SHORTHORN Bulls serviceable age priced to sell Apply van Wright Cookstown phone57l31 gt 942213 HOG alsonumber bred Gilts $40 Young Pigs and Shorthorn Cows Phone William Clark 84il21 92324 HOLSTEIN Cow are old due to lreshen Apply No ll Highway Guthrie i710 Ora 923 HODSTEIN Cow 3rd all at foot vaccinated la Feb 23 Apply Lambert llson phone 2822 Cookstown 92223 SERVICEABLE aged pun 12 months old nearest dams aver age over16000 Harold Robert son Streud 92224 AmNHON Cattle Owners at Simcoc County The new number to uaIIlor Maple Cattle Breeders Is Barrie phone 3386 92126 YOUNG sows some bred weeks some week 545 up so choose from Phone 848i12 Con Om ha mil stun 923 Phone REGISTERE bred Yorkshire Sow dueMarch ii erviceshie ageibonrs Bmonthold Gilts hall Arthur Morrow Cookstown CLEARVIEW Yorkshire bred sows to arrow March Service llPigs weeks Ca cadden phone VES weeks old Angus AND METAI 93 McArthur 92223 92225 1954 DODGE Two door suburban Attractive Bolivia Green One Owner Clean inside and out i953 PONTIAC This coach ittmed with mud colored and ir another good aneowner car i950 CHRYSLER Avery nice Gypsy GreenSed on with radioand gyromade transmission DODGE Desorol an if TRUCK DEALERS WHY TAKE CHANCES 12 It isnt necessbryrwhen you buy GUARANTEED USED CAR fEOniq New CorpDealér nOtOnly do we sell the bestovoilabieused cars but our efficient volume Merchandising enables us to sell quality cars at coinpetitive prices CALL AND SEE THIS WEEKS SPECIALLY SELECT ED GUARANTEED CARS i954 DODGE line Regent Sedan with air IM conditioned heating slip covers new tires Blue i953 HILLMAN lliis smart little Minxis tine condition Reliable econ omical manportation i952 DEsOTo Custom Sedan withradio seat covers window washers Miami Metallic Green mm in sin mammalian THE WARDROBE so our coon om moraine Ar armada Bdnï¬innllelotbingthnthdfln and loodrepnirveiii neilitinryou 5i DUNIDP 51 west OVEquxmgnitown urn YOU htnuoe at East Side sm APHONEERM lGAI OUTBOARDS EVENRUDE Sales Service BOATS Cedar Strip Moulded Ply Fibre Glass Aluminum Earrings Waters Su lies Lawn Boy SalespdorflServ ope SPORTHAVEN Oliv Wrights Cleaners Phone $018 1IItl FARMERS6mm or IRRIGATION lallr over your pmblcm with Gw CAMPBELL RR Barrie= Phone em on Ylnixhway miles south Coeluhutt Term Kachlnery Insecticides Myers Sprayeri Demonstrations Giadiy Arrrug in i950DQDGE AI thoroughly reliablesedan with durable black finishHai new seat covers 1951 PONTIAC This nicely equipped Sedan has radio slip covers and is two tonc green ORDER mom surmionim¢o OILS 1951 CHEVROLET Powerglide Radio Whitewalls Blue i951 METEOR STOVE Cr FURNACE Meter Tank Truck delivery with Ticket Printer very smart Sedan newly re SIMCOE PETROLEUM finished ALL CARSAWILL HAVE ID56LICENSES AND ARE PROPERLY WINTERIZED EDSON WICE rznrieun Phone 2563 Jim Bruce Drlver Salesman 7139 1940 CHEVROLET COACH iii47 FORD COUPE 1940 STUDEBAKER 1049 AUSTIN SEDAN 104a DODGE COACH 1949 FLY SEDAN refinished 1951 PLiIMtlUTHIebACll i950 PLYMODTHSEDAN i950 DODGE SEDAN 1952 DODGE SEDAN 1952 rLYMouiii COACH 1945 DODGE SEDAN 1946 PLYMOUTH SEDAN THESE CARS ARE CASH TRADE UPTO 24MONTH TO PAY Your present Car may make the down paymerit WINTER CLEARANCE SPECIALSI 0000 19500 295500 lNew Low Down Payments MOBILE HOME TRAILERS of Barrie are the answerto YOUR New and mobile home twill 34500 ocheaperl Finanée Rates include 59500 insurance or full term of your contract up to years Trade in trailer car tinnituie etc 39590 fParking space will be available tor you 6951 Chopinons Trailer Sales 79590 Colson Avon KW 90 Aunts Ont 79500 09500 09500 29500 24500 Donr nEr THESE mow anions PUfl Youforr wonrxi SEEING TERMS i950 PLYIIIOUIHSEDAN resilient TUDOR issorono SEDAN wny nor LET USLDEMONSTRATE ONE or THESE GOOD CARS 1049 PLYMOUTH sEDAN 1049 Austin OPENEEVENINGS iTiL 10 pmsAT pm RENO LOCAL MANAGER 7106105 Good Appliances OiEatOns RANGEiiE with oven control nna storage drawer $2495 ELECTRIC RANGE heavy duty $2495 Cotiield Washer $995 Connor Washer $995 EL RI REFRIGERATORS well known makes $6995 to 513995 McCLARY COMBINATION COAL AND ELECTRIC RANGE $3995 MOFTFAT ELECTRIC RANGE burner $3500 HOfFFO RANGE table top model $6495 BUDGET TERMS THE TEATQN co LIMITED UsecI jCOOP Asp ECIAL NORCE USED 354 cm TON EXPRESS LOW MiLEAcE 4151 FARGO TON EXPRESS 4SPEEDTRANS SEE THI vALiJEs IN TRUCKs AND TRACTOR 50 DODGE 22 roNExraESS REFINISHED 5LMEItCIiRY CA3 ANDCHAS$IS its we FERGUSONTRACTOR marrow PLOUGH FRONT END LOADER AND Funnowv rLotan PEnFECT CONDITION FARMERS Irs wonris WHILE TAKING mu INTO LSpace Heater $4500 WASHING MACHINE $4500 USEDTIMITLICITY WASHEVR $3800 USED Admiral TV 171 $2500 NEW 1955 MOTOROLA REPAIRS cAL DODGE AND DesOTO NEW CARS SERVICE BARRIE 597i FOR iT DC USEDFCARS DODéii TRUCKS AND TELEVISION MODEL limonon saaago SEE VALuEs gt AT our rRADEnr STORE lCOOP PHONE 2420 or 7423 $3500 Representatives trom Lake Ontario WW MW RUBBER STAMPS WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE 7144 SPEC lMerflold Suite Phone M41 121 LARGB Colemnn Spice II in Phone 3510 Elié LARGE II tor 421 Stropuli imurnne wnm Baby Lamb Coat in is no Barrie Examiner BEAiiY Wasbin Machine very good condition Phone MDI 72123 UNIVERSAL Fri lnr Reason able Phone m0ï¬n7l2l 531 OF Sleighn Cheap Harvey We 78f ipiECE Chesterï¬eld Suite Ran em Bab Curiae toldlent tabie Phone 722 SET OF ood Sloo Slei hs RE ghtlitlhilliny Phone soars arrie 723 Whiteside 773 14 INBOARD Motor lBolt good running order Cher lid ms VRoad otter gm Rigid14 MERCHANT loll healer 60000 3111 elpoclty with iper Reason nbl $50 Anply 99 Igoijilld75tiuegl CGEnew model pattype vacuum cleaner with attachments Castor canbe purchased Apply Cod ringtou St 72223 USED Skates bought and sold Must be in good condition 03 tradein on new outï¬t Urry an Hayï¬eld St ADDING Maehinél and Typewrit ers Baler rentals repin slmcoe Business Machines 0d Toronto 8L phone 4024 tut BEATIY Reirlgerator 90 cu 1L months old 3150 Chesterfield suite 50 Apply iii Duckworth St to 10 pm 729 RUG Magic Save up to onehalf on beautiiul brondloom rugs Turn in your old carpew woollens clothing etc 24 decorative shades Phone 2585 lZZtl MOLE Skin Fur Coat size 12 $20 Dark Fox Fur 310 Red Fox Col lar $3 Childs di sscr stool chest painted green corath yellow lowers 310 Phone 6358 722 TYPEWRITERS ottice machines portablei adding machinescnsli registers sales and service In Gomey ll FrancesSt Barri phone 4115 Base 283 Smith Cor ona representative Iaottll NUMBER of used Filter Queens tor sole Completely unranteed Priced to clear See cm at 87 Maple Avenue or phone 3482 for tree trial in your own home Open Friday evening till nine oclock We service all makes vaflauflifx 40 YEARS experience in newerid resconditioned pianos electric church organs car guarantee Prices you cant at anywhere Terms to suit your budget Phone Frank Kennedy Phei ston miles north at Barrie on ighwoy 27 mile east Elmvaio Brll 71191 == LOST AND FOUND LOSTMans wrist watch between Reeves Jewellers and Victoria St Finder please phom 895l 17234 Actommodorion Wontfod 00 ROOM House or apartments giggling wanted Reasonable Phone ROOMED healed apartment on ground floor in Allandale King sEntéYord SGIIDOI district Phone YOUNG insurance executive wife one child desire to rent bungalow or summer home from Aprii1 Apply 30 lo Barrie Eitlisinzirliozri WANTED uniumished self con tained ground tioor apartment central location for uiet elderly couple AppiyBox Barrie Ex aminer FARMS iORSALE gt GORDONTSTOUTT LIMITED vReal Estateirokers OPEN mm pm 112244 112223 112224 EECIRICMOIOR SERVICE terminalId minenomads nee HAROLD HART Bertie Electric notes i3 Owen 8t Ph gt sad COLLECTIONS lie collectionRom Quilt Bureau at Barrie uua 59 Phone 152 rism PAINTERS Get your rédecornting for 1956 done now Free estimates DIAL 5030 514230 LEARN TO WELD Lincoln Arc Welding School conducted by ANDRADE GSONS Phone 101m RR Stroud Alwnl Beach Road lib13745 WET BASEMENT We can waterproof and decorate your basement in any ot twelve Elutiml COIOIS The Famous StayDri Way GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED ror estimates call Stroud 47m Thcrrien Waterprooï¬ng Service sziza CROMPToN ELECTRIC mustmu COMMEncnu HOUSE wmnia lighting ï¬xtures repair work Letua check yohr wiring FOR FREE 25mm CALL Phone 5167 suisl FLOOR COVERING Amaticogs Floor Covering Linoleum Rubber and AsphaltTlie Plume Wail Til tutorials Supplied and installed lrea Estimate WOLFENDEN 21d Toronto St Phone 5185 an ALTERATIONS vdll lJUnYlKZtnl STORE FRONTS AND EXTENSIONS Cari that house be turned into apartments ESTIMATES rites 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE SCOTT SON Oro Station Phone on 82 51755 SPECIALIZED TRIM WORK mnm mo Houses comm RECREATION ROOMS BUILTN CUPBOARDS REMODELLING PORCHES SHINGLWG numDiArE SERVICE BRUCECAMERON BUILDER Phorie 632 571m TRUCK LETIERING ShOwcoids C7 Banners GQLDLEAF OUTDOORSIGNS Call Dunlup StreetEast Barrie Phone 2413 84 Acres on miles from Barrie and hnll of Hi hwa with room frame house an ban barn 45 70 good for mixed farming an acres under cultivation and tour acres ot bush Full Price $0509 Down Payment $5000 GORDON STQUTI LIMITED REAL ESTATE BROKERS OPEN UNTIL pro Dunlap Street East toNorthBayv Barrie Phone 2413 as MISCEI Viscous TEAM Horses available for sieig ing partiesPhone dial121 523 CARPENva Work ilteratiEa repairsnew work Phoneyiiï¬io ms Teievisio and Rndiojle pairs Ph mazes anytime WORK Wan woodcuttinz Ex ï¬erienced AViillane anytime Sat taction guaranteed Phone 5840 522M moomnmo rum Sienna9hr Barr an rerdfliorontos cw Barri rnon siilfltl CUSIOMComblnin We are fully ï¬pripped to do out om eornbinin cw i2 Cockshutt complete wl lcoill kieen and traw spreader All In 11 Chanda ninete utor perimeed ablecnte belburne JOEOWEN BARRIE 6775 if no answereall Collect Oro 402 WELLS DUG TILED OLD WELIS RECONDIflONED Concrete tile orlwelis culvert ind storm sewers Weeping BEPTIC TANK UNITS MADE AnomsrALmD WPNSS°WF LOWER DATES FOR WonKi Whitney COncreie Products After hours dial 1215 0mm on no2onmL1ADiAL38u sio FERGUSONREID jFoOrS vicei gmsrs one an no LINOLEUM FLOOR TILE Roper Tile