Hour BrideElect Mrs Ken Knoxentaulned at herrhome Feb 13 in Honor of or guests 11 prwent operators from the local telephone exchange nlso her nunts very enjoyable alter poem was spentin games Alter the bridelobe iud opened the gifts and thanked everyone lunch was served hy the hostess World Day of Fryer If dyefï¬lTsu re can Church on Friday at 2130 pm withm splendid attendance him MeAuley president at St Andrews Mrs Copeland of Anglicnn and Mrs GeorgeD inson at Johns tohk part thesenieen Mrs Inna sang solo accompanied by Mrs Showratthe organ was membelstakmg Part in the pray ers weremirs Reid and Mrs iA Reynolds Mrs Fraliok gove the address and outlined how when and where to Air also how thanldui we shout be $33 we have so muchwhile others haveso little Quiet music we played as the oiiering was taken hy Mrs nch and irs Vincent vice ith prayer nte Elisha Srigley At SlCatharines on Feb 11 Elisthrigley passed away sud deniylwhiio at hiswork as night wntchman fliewas inhis 73rd year lic was la mer resident of this district His wife is the armor Zelin Gibson and Ray Srig icy Elmvale brother Among those who attended the funeran lfldoviux um nnml CIL smusr Colors give you choice of iour sheens in ni n9 UTEhue CILTONE n7 mmnusrmwflomer Bamthlauisrurnerltrlnd MuWesleyhngmanllnCiu enee Turner end lire Willis St Johns WIS The regular monthly meeting St Johns Womens Missionary Society Elmvale was held It Mrs Arthur Reynolds on Thursdty with 25 members and two visitors rowery Mn Fred Drytale who finedtohednthRolne InnndIIrLW mungre ii spending the weekmith routine in Toronto WeekendWith lather Harry Usher Ind son Mark at Humilton spentth weekeod with his mother Mrs Gullsher McConnelllitthle St Johns United church was present Mrs George Dickinson the setting for pretty wedding the president guys religious on Saturday Feb ll1956 It reading Ind all repeated The Lords Prayer Mrs Cumming opened the meeting with singing of hymn The topic the call to the mission of the church through service and citizenship Mrs Cumming alsoéonductcd Bible Quiz Mrs ieghénand Mrs Bell read the scripture Mrs Usher musedwith prayer and hymn was sung Mrs Archer had charge at the study bookwith Mrs Trace assisting The topic was on the lite oi the indiens Mrs Dick inson gave splendid report ol the executive meeting sho at tended at Burton Ave United Church Barrie Mrs Lougheedconvener oi the supply work displayed the quilt which was made at her home by some the WMS ladies it is to be sent to the Fred Victqr Mission Toronto Mrs Peter Ciute asked the indies it they would cater to banquet tor the CGii girls and their mothers niso huy affiliamn badges for same Our librarian Mrs Giiien exchangeda hooks The meeting closed with the MI psh benediction The hostess with Mrs Beordsnll and Mrs Beardsoll served lunch Attend Euchre Party on Thursdnyevening 12tahles were in pilly at the Orange Hall Wyevnle Mr and Mrs Albert White won both high score prizes Mrs Jack Brock and Winston El liott were consoletibn winners Russell McEiwain obtained the lone hnnd prize iiecent Visiting Mrs Joe Townes Oriilis is spending week at the home of Mr and Mrs Mnnning Mrs Farleigh Ritchie of Col lingwood returned alter visiting or week with relatives here Mr and Mrs Sims of Whity spent the weekend with Mr andltlrs Thomas Cooper IMr and Mrs Jack Campbell spent the weekend with friends in Toronto and Mrs Robert Ritchie spent the weekend with their our oclock irirthelntternooo when Miss Adn Muie Ritchie daughter at hits Jiyfli height tillelnte Thollzlea deï¬le pt vn was mlrr urrny Charles McConnell son Mn Rose McConnell andlthe inlgehklt ired Mocodnell Eirusle Reynolds ems ling ot whlto muw ervyn Corbett the churchorgnnist play ed the wedding music and eccoin pnnied the soloist JaekWhittield who sang the dd prayer and IorYou Al Given in marriage by her hither Farley Ritchie the bride was wearing an original gown oi white nylonover slip of white net and tniieta The bodice was tightfitting with on appliqued yoke set with se quins and pearls anddraped neck line The Motion skirt was but lerina length Her shoulder length veil was caught to satin and lace crown and she carried bouquet oi American red roses and white garderï¬ns Her at tendants were gt Mrs Marlene Tin ncy ns matronoi honor nnd Miss Pauline McConnell sister of the groom a9 bridesmaid wearing similar gowns of pink not over taffeta in ballerina length and they carried bouquets of pink roses and white mums Donald McConnell Braeehridge brother of the groom was groomsmnn and the ushers were Barry Nuismith and William McConnell re ception iollowedin the Legion Hall where the brides mother received in gown of cinnamon brown crepe with pink accessories and eorsnge of pink cnrnations The grooms mother who also re eeivcd chose golden color crepe and corsage of white carnatious Later the bride and groom left on wedding trip to TorontoEuf talc and points south the bride travelling in grey suit with red On their return Mr accessories and MrsrlieConnell will be mak ing their home in Penetang Out of town guests at the wed ding were from Toronto Barrie Orillia Burlington Waterdown Cannington Collingwood prace bridge and Pene ng ST PAULS mum unuuuome Sicke Eileen Sweezieend Edna Kell are home sick Hope you will soon be better girls wnis mam Congratulations to Don Wallace dies schoolon Saturday lol the Township 01 Verpro her bare stands good chnnce ct winr ning the tripWESt Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Tyson Johnson visited with Mr and Mrs Fra iick last Wednesday Rmvrnies Service The Brownies eccompnnied by their leaders Pat Maguire and isle Pain attended service at Pejers Church on Sunday morning They were addressed hyyMrs King and Mame They amplyrang motion chorus Be Careful What You gt Sunday waters in and Mrs Robertlnrkeroi Toronto Mr and Mrs Douglas Ferris Cundler visited on Sttndoy with their pawns Mr andMm Charles Parker skating rarly skating party under the ous pices oi St Peters Young People was enjoyed by cohirnunlty young and youthlui oidsters on Friday evening Feb 17 Therc were races game and other games and un or all Lunch was served by WA and other members Weeks SewThrifty impromptu hockey These rltx yap ruler9 lewd page JWAND TWOWAYGEOHKII ENAGALSIAREE armwimev mg eTuezis MqWAY Tatum Liliana Hangs wannasmog Protection Gu°ranieed By Chick Young Mates ii wnxm UMWTANIF 27 vae0 urie mutt WÃ©ï¬ mvHmmiz we 192m A122 ANKHE 7M wan wewmwwssmkm MEAMhmtduï¬N will Mm mavmmioey nmeem5TLYtAttEmE 641ml an em MEA wveeBolcn HJN averting my 1H um tanninv on winning his bpring bout in SelmiGloss and Gloss Toronto recently gt Sunday visitors and ClL SpeedEasy Visitors on Sunday with Mrs and Mrs Blundell and family were Mr and MrsMurray Beek ett and baby Agincourt Mr and Mrs Charles Ryan and two sons Toronto and Robert Beckett cap tain of Barrie Flyers team To Teesa rarin mu ft Mostflen Face Two Posslhllliles Many men will outlive their earning power Others will die in an early age and textile dependents behind The one sure way of provi ng the continuing income needed in either ee ease is Life Insurmice May help you to plan your Life Insurance to provide income hath for your family in case you die 00 soon andyour retirement so that you cannot live1 too long MR ANDER59NI 26 DuniopSt West harrie Phone 5594 Representing Tul MANUFACTURER tqulANcg LIEEconuuvs 1252 Satin Here are modern 4728 IZfZO Its versatile Its the Wraponl wrap it on now for coverall apron later for pretty dress Sewing and ironing are easy see howJew parts and seems there are Smart with that new halter neckline those pockets Sew cobbler version too Pattern 4728 Misses Sizes 12 14 16 1820 16 takes yards 35inch abric This patter easy to use simple to sew is tested for ï¬t llas complete illustrated instructions Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS 35ejiri coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print 1A plainly size NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER LOANS Sent1£der to ANNE ADAIius care Barrie Examiner WILSON BUILDING ternDept so FronLStl West can Otiiee sq BAnnm none in Toronto Ont or colors to suit ever taste and decorative need all approved by lead Just one mpie Niogom Loans tonne hem $100 51500 or 123 Penetang si iiiiunduie iidwe 34 Essa Road tiny Bros 36 Bnytield Street How iiili mun BlitililiSil Let than them soon wedo completetbrnkejohsi famouscRaybeystos Ronded Linings leissaicnpv PONTIAC police mount ed Linings installed on all four wheels Wheel gylinder parts honing and re cabies extra 52