Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1956, p. 14

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His Worship Magistrate Foster presidedfivith Crown At torney If Thompson and Cblet ATIchirhart in charge of court Liquor Control One case brought fine of with costs of $5 for intoxicat on and having beer and another for having beer illegally paid $10 Willi cosLs of $450 Three had straight fine of Sll with costs of $5 for intoxication in public Backedlnto cor ApprobendedbyJC Bowen BPF on Feb 10 at 630 pm on Bradford Strcel George Falconer pleaded guilty to charge amen ed from drunken driving to ability impaired He had backed into an other car on High Street and then drove away Damage was light and he was fined $75 with costs of 01TAWAFEB ingyas atrohg in the talztbat the international wheat agree mait would not tells tin openedth Genev Itcndayg officials fbavo made it clear Canada wants the threes mentrenewedbut the th oo essentiallylls mathsbands of Britain United States The Agreement expixrsinJoly is interested in only if Britain joins Britafn the wullde foremostwhest lin porterrwalkcd out of the agree me three years ag would be willinglo be Eb United States Mon soft no aroma 5E pinutforstixnerllfobcl tied to the hum at the glrllectvpouiblemomedt cy bylaw approval will be by mowed flierendlng of $15000 for pm Dcr and auxiliary equipment and the iuuingoldebentnresfor this purchase Tbe mahrltylupresscdgthe opinion that it would be better 51105le for the townie own the bertor Wellington South Ontario shed whether eastern farmers should pay interest charges on cash advances so that western farmers would have money to in vest in government bondson which easternfarmers would pay jinterest Charles Cannon lb IlesdorlsHldelelne asked 15 itfnlrtbatth people olcaa Jiinms surrorr Bentrew countys new publicity commineeumtdbeluiidt enthusiasm send idus 123mm mi eecan ItMo tislly successful unieult his the firpport of the county as whole not only those who compose Coun ty Council but all the citizens Pernbroke OuL Observer ashouldbocalledupoh to pay aerial photo Itwns built Tatiana F13 IKteelllgfi interest for thc nrmersvin tho vercntersHudeon Bay lsthe starshaped Hudsons Bay Company as ostion against in W65 an rvriis an id bcilntcrested if ruln oiriori Prince tarwales shown in thls aiding rivals 399 mg liontheir Warming 01 ennui£11 in Mam Jadgmem Later thllhnfll fifgwmmme W9 comments showed Demled by mhnson Vlndow Anemplo cc had oblsdSound rafter ll iisiness trip llo in Bolton at prn and wasfper WV agreemen tiesof standing They apparently felt charge but Lblaring liquorh in ugh mm had been dmmg 303mm ecu nmmy 11019115 shark Stingfilth met grdents nudent subsidiesycrc involved 3Pnilric sitar place or 11 gr WHEN hlm bid mmClIPPé The car warln perfect conditionwas in the store and had gone 1° i191 itthe farmers hadinever been subiildlzcd Tumult Jed IVY 5h who on Street assisted by anothcr with latest éqdlpmentand though with Young and said that rthey OVEFlllWVSO when Fae Em we bei llOYce he thought his speed was 90ho Ind novdrink wreximnte 19 900000 511 PC Bmwnv Chlcf Tschlrhiirt saw him short was not aware of thc following Thls statemen was discounted 915 Brim would be ll in hi5 13 was this °Wni iy after arrest and noted alcohol 11 19 beta later by PC ECampbcll DPP unbarof 35 b°°gd mendm WM in his breath but he was 430 tailgilnsgerstilzl1lzlpleda Hlsrwxllle had who whenghccameup to the ma bring 95 itmeJWD he 35 Wimg ti hull Thedoi aperatiye although close to being ccntly undergone sérious opera Young car atthe timeilt f1 mm 1991 flcer stated that he ad foun drunk on 1d he was speeding 110mg stopped by Cb erandtoierhearki grhe current agreement lines there and had adViscd Wheeler to Defending hm under 1353 am for um IWilma and Mill every Shark who dormendrmg ceiling of $205 bushel nnd gilti9 LMf1ie 15111125 3an MTmk elxlsWMd he thing under control was noi lng say that 113d taken Hafiz $l55tioughhe camrel snyoung marro mano 82 on clrinltont ctri ML 11 89 some VHF In no mygngéffiognflggmgdim will threfeccliildrfili 31ml sislg lager $3323iiiaiiéifiilciifiiéif 1111 disepuied the reception or dilath glue triggers ls about $172 for 533233 33 flffim woringor an ic or 1mmc nbg crii Illiluglilltlllg ihcllldalflgngzg Crompmlw but find Eben hid Olglxllwprllimcllttgrllby Thompson CTNhmxlzfomg Bmain Ms Ismwn great apwlnalardiner arid liediiesL not tcr sx mont cre He as ea erness on new act for another person to whom he norpmvious canvicuons ms evi found it difficult to understand back upon Shflkflspeflre He pro bcl evc the institutions involved was taking it His Worship reserved demo was he had beam Such is grossly excessive speed In stem 10 much he quoted Ills rm Shaman c1151 $11 and license and permit are roar AN lSlldNn where hurchiii suspended for six months ut Speaker pologizcd or uniiuspm and iiyonr judgment in the case until Feb Barrie for two yem 51 me Navy Air Force and Arm seven years prior to this gt Crown Attorney tlancd regarding 22 at 10 am Careless Driving charge of careless driving Frith 36 married by PC George Winger BPF brought not gullly ing 1955 Prefect before dark on lnnisfil Street South when an other car coming north around curve was on the wrong side She thought he wasgoing to move but his leftvhnnd door flew nisfil Street and saw the accident lounil ullt He backed the ladys evidence that S5 With Costs of $250 Frith had never gone to his own side She was going up grade and fs Six Months dudgmcnt was given by His Worship in the recent hearing of indecent exposure stayed to the right He gave the speed at 15 to 20 Another witness was called for the prosecution but defence counsel changed the plea to guilty and offered noother evidence $20 with costs high at $2350 Had Battery phy knowing it tobe stolen John Skirrow 17 pleaded guilty Cpl Neathway iniestigated the case He was fined $75 or 15 days Loblow Then of goodsoverSfifl value tromthe Loblaw Groceterial3arriei Ti Maslly Traffic Rhodes had been out on it Of $50 and as he didnotjappfu when called bench warrant as charge was laid by manageriwf Laking Also Loblows Another more serious offence against the same company with $9 charge by Cpl Neathway as of Friday Feb 10 at 655 pm was heard when William Duncan Edwardsgwho had held up cash feria appeared on the charge of keep quiet untilhe had left but for Thompson ques lay off at the laid on Jan 25 against Clifford fling work nd malncm Mclurk claimed alcohol auscd the foolish act and asked plea from defence counsel Gordon Mclurk Evidence of Mrs MMc lemmi He 350 lo saidcounscl Veigh was that she had been drlv Found guilty he rnmnnded vuntil Wednesday Feb 22 for sonr tencc Camp Sorden Case Charged by SSgt ll Boisvcrt open and he came still further With dllVInB OVEI over and struck the left iron of in Camp Borden on her car although she had almost ion Freeman pleaded not guilty stopped The driver she said Evidence of LCrl Tommy of the was quite nonchalant and ramark PNVOSt 091115 W85 that the accu ed Oh well you have insur ed had failed to sibp at an inter ance She took his name and sactionanlfl he had followed and address and he showed his ll stopped him after doing 30 mph cense for half mile Annthe tin dIttverd taxi drive quatellhélwial gr quI oneili job to go iles an hour an 24 Fen Freeman main lstance hooked as af mllé but is as charged and tinodgcrg had based acharge of against David Krokona born in Ottawa and sentence of six months in reformatory was given onvcmn the he was as he had two previous convid tions of similar nature He used three names and two aliases but had been giving ine work on previously Charged with illegal possession hind mach of battery owned by Mur farm monsoon ran iz His Worship Magistrate Foster presided with Crown At torney Thompson duties were by Sgt Lewis OPP ltedb run rim Charged on Feb 11 hiheit fifties Dlstrlct no0 Court A1 long list ofmlnor traffic charges was checked over and issued for his arrest and appear PBESDIJIl Servicedafe Hat 01 once on Feb 22 forvtrial The rent issued Corals Drivmg HaioldLllayhoe 44 of Pine Grbve charged on Feb 10 in Im nisfil by no MacDonaldOPP defended by James otton Newmarket brother of John The officers eviv patrol on High nortliKof 3am with Primmer eyr put lcr at the Duhlop Street groce Ib flayed of as hives rabbi of 248 fromcashier Miss Milky NH We Ellenrfi Casimack who gaveevi follow 17 1° 20 miles dence that she had been on duty Infilfill TDWMhlPr 1220 and noticed the accused around om theatstopredthe Swedenwho the store for some time fie fin was doing 75 Dfl 11 and 01400 ally picked up loaf of bread made It 30 ther and brought it over to her butly were holding their own at 102 ing on top of the loaf was note and E01 down hi 13941 112 stating Shut up really mean it There was somepassing traffic open your till Shelianded over north Prim total of $248 and he told her to spec the his mer corroborated the ldeuce ofMr If she screamed as he passedthe that hehiid come if view ofrthe government efforts to cut down speeding it showed no consideration for others Defence counsel soug to show that the word careless did not be long to the charge but Hill Won ship considered that drivingai such speeds was not only careless but verging on the dangerous and on conviction he imposed fine of $100 with costs of $1550 or one month and suspension of the driverjs license for three months Impaired Speeding somewhat different case was that of Walter Young of Bolton charged by PC Cooper OPP under three heads of driving while intoxicated while impaired and having liquor in place oth 91 than residence Defence counsel Willis Toronto entered pleaiof not guiltyon the fir count ut this as the second his dcfcnce upon the first charge The officer stated that he had while patrolling Highway i100 north of Cookstown claverleaf at 720 pm noted the high speed of Youngs car going north and he followed up to 80 and 85 miles per hour 200 yards behind The other car went from side to side although the road was good and Cooper pulled upat 85 to 90 with stoplight and siren operating The accused however swerved to the left and forced therofficer to the boulevard edge They went ano ther half mile before Young slow ed and drove off the pavement Theofficer said that he showed the usual signs of intox atiun There was also smell otalcohol in the cardiac he found under the right front seat apart bottle of whiskey wrappedinpaper and there was another wrapper under theleft seat Counsel asked to see the affix ders notebook and claimed that the evidencehe gave was not all there He also minimized the evi dence of intoxicatioh and from MrYoungbrought out that the liquor had not been purchased that dayibut some time before and had not been opened Young also gave vidence that he had taken two shots after dinner and nothing more that day and had taken the bottle home after working until pm feeding mink whiehbe breed Mrs Youngs evidence support said that he had bought the liquor two weeks beforeand took it his work iindér the front seat edthis To Mr hompson Young Worshipacceptcd the evidence of the officers and recalled that Cooper was forced off the pave ment although other evldencc showed that the radio was on and Young claimedlobe unaware of the following car The fine was $75 with costs of $7 and on the charge of having liquogin the car fincof$20with costs of $2 Giving judgement in the charge Fnrmcrs representatives in the capital last week to present brief to the cabinet shld the were confused by conflicting fe eral statements onwhethcr box ear shortage is holding upPralric grain shipments Transport controller itoy Mllncr whose wide powers par iamentwill be asked to renew Cunning Judgment Wm Hm But Jake Schulz ofWinnipeg of careless driving against Clar head 1e intermvinclflm cnce Canning injconnection with man €°°v id Tm 7M1 collision onch30on Toronto we mld him Pram gm Street when Gcorgc Storey ing out of drive some elevators willnotbe filled before the spring navigation seasofl opens ram me hm knawuh mod because of boxcar shortage billty was striick by the other on 17foot inch road space Mag Mr Schuli saidthetriide min ster made the comment when ism Foster mlsd the council made up of farm accused had not blegniltctehghgh gmups the Prime gramme proper lookout and alsohaiia omflm British Cdumma Vious conviction presentedi brief Thebrief at gt tacked the transport controller fierflpggfij Sgrgfigo$hlll flying reported boxcar shortage Anorher Judgment In the case against Earl Mac ridICated lie is falling lhhls dutl léaand thus betraying the trust of thé farmers Illr Howe said recentlyin the Donald and Edward Jufm Mac Commons the big problem in sell Donald in theft of gasoline not rig wheat was not markets but battery in Nixon Building transportation Products th former was given is days asbe had previous conr Mr Milner commentirig on the anadlan Wheat Boards estimate victionand the latterjust one mow YIIIIChrgrain it Will want day in custody whicgmemt mtmoved by Aprillfi said we will he was free to go have that grain moved before that in this matter another Angusrdfltel resident wishes to hav it kriown Said Mr Schulz What arewe that he has nocnnne ion what HEW ever with the men althoughhis name is Edward MacDonald car penter and ofer Speeding Conv elf Federations Brief The Canadian Federation of Agriculture also presented its an niial brief to the cabinet last week It asked for stiffer curbs chi oii cheddar cheese imports and onDefegogpmgfsgggds gig federal help in providing free William Miningmn was 60mm milk for school children and iv ed on evi on cpl Hoickmige dairyproducts for the needy OPPand fined10 plus $450 backAt Cdinpuiorden illrforouite spe Billie Bavar is ill in Everyone wishes him The federation also asked for twoyear renewal of the 5cent bound butter price radiea revision of wheat icy to boost prices to Canadian consumers ClA Presidentjli Hannam 1311 Irwin hag gone back is explained later that while the job in Camp Borden after being wheat price boost would if accept ed increase costs to Canadian millers by aboutrao cents abusb elit would mean rise ofonly onehalf cent per loaf of bread to recovery the Canadian housewife Recent Visito Visitors with CpL it Culver were Mr on Culvert Snowbound Gardiner Apologizes 17word mentionby Agricul lure Minister Gardliler about use of margarine by ihstitutions in Was Visiting With Quebec will be restored to the pages of Hansard official record ofthe Commons following two Colwell be npwbound hiiur debate over their deletion quite few tunes lately but the brotherlnlaw Horace tchinson stated that Young was in hisstore on they Mr Gardiner apologized in the Comm be last week for his action inbavmg thewords he said on hourbeen broaidng the against margarine or other butterl substitutes He said he made the dele ion soithelnstltutions would not ewrongly calidemned Wheat loan mum EastWest bickering sprang up in the Commons debate on aid for casbshort Prairie fnrmers Mervyn Johnson CCEKindcrs ley said as the week closedgthnt western feelingrare running so high that some westerners iare thinking in items of eeession from the Confederatlo It was the eighth day of often heated debate onvthe governmentl bill to ratif rits threemonthzold program of treasury guarantees for bankloaus on farmstored grain Loans are maximum $1500 at five per cent interest The can presented rnotlon to give th in sixmonth hoist technicalidevfce aimed at killing tial payment Two eastern berals had ship the measure Main theme of speeches by lloppositlon nfem bers has been thatPrairle farmers need interestfree cash advances uotloans onbig stocks of grain which cant bedellvered to eleva tors to getthe whestboard jinig comments Henry Hosklng inem or erg oyhcis not arrivedfitierm colitis lllll iriiis service mg 1c mic DELIVERY uripages fromthefoul line fincy sqiiiireiy athree pproach leadoli wiih iiéirittidaq taking noritiai Viinhurried steps Qnthe firstvstepfyour rightarrnswings back slightly forward The secoiid step accompari by the arm continuing inrthe back swing than forward you take hetliiid asthe ii notime oyoutakeyou eye off the point at aiming Keep your arm straight releascjhe stepwhich is really dlide ght knee bends andthe body goes into acrouching chyou bail ddww io Livcnsnmorquriiiom the cor and followthrouglrrw yo dl at the point of aim as you riseto anupng gt With fourstep approa lo Either approacb isle his to the Mt crush bowlingl but other nex week ofMolsons Bowliri Ci ie Toronto Ontario NEXT WEEK WWI02 mocszoms GLUE LE BREWERY llMiTEU

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