herltno our to iéh traditionand nothing else usually ism édmatesmust lied According to recent survey do by The Canadianlhstitnte or rain sun Heating uiu problem still confronts twothirds tbe onsrhousekeepers And stscaaesv it has been found the prohlemcould be solved by simp ypiunnin replanning the iaunderltumre espite dc tergents with almost magical pow ers and fabuloue automatic wash ing machines some oldfashioned orgsnization islstilljequlred to get the most ou of such modern re finements For no thing it help slot it the entire operation can be car ried on in oneplace This may be in thehasement wherctubs are already installed 0f if the space is available it may be transferred to room next to the kitchen whlch eliminates the necessity ofconstantly goingJIp and down stairs to take care of other responsibilities while the washing is being done In new homes the ground floor location is much favored and canoften be managed in an older house by making use of large pantry or partitioning off the end of near by back hall Some study of thelaundering process will suggest additional ways of relieving strain Before washing canbegin it should be noted sorting must be done This calls for goodsized table or wide shelf within easy reach oftubs where soaking and prowashing is done It should be of height that eliminates unnecessary bend as for the tubs themselves some care in their selectionor replacementTwill still further re duce wash day fatigue Most ga meats inustlbe soaked before they are put into the washer Collars and cuffs frequently liminaxy hand washing And With thasechoresinlni tion sink and table generally for more convenient since the bottom of thelsink is oh levelwhich can he reached without stooping Two innovations of the past few years in ll alsoincreaserthe case North Simcoe held at Huth Flos School TheWI met at Miss It being pin supply of hotWfmmlliltelflo draw Choc our presen chines consumption Ill you are buying new one the dealerwill gladiy snipplythis inform lion And ifqu heater lsfunahlegto meetthewasher req meats it would be wisotoinstl new one at the sametime otherwise you will not be receiving full val us from your wuhersspeedy up todatc action Besides larger type heater also provi es lenty of hot water for regular dai dso throughouttberest ot the house Tuesday itthe one But after suchirn provemente have been made washing can be put through the mill any day of the weekLor any hour of the day Furthermore the husband Who donates little time and thought to solving this agcold womans problem will find that 0ttawais prepared to help meet the ex ense involved Recent fe cral Ie islation now makes it possible to now upto $2500 from his local bani for such worthwhile homo improve ments The interest isoniy per cent while the loan ls repay ableover period of five years And the dividends eSulting from such an investment amount to good deal more than Jréshiy laun dered shirts For instead of moaning and moping andcom plaining about fWash Day Back the lucky fellows wife will be busy singing his praises NEw nos Walter Halls of Actonwisited on Thursday with his family here Miss Glady Viney has returned riding few weeks to Mr and ms Pilkeyr now of Stu th irth of aaou The Iarmhorum had as special guest on Monday evening James Iiancoak yan Vlack farin ei agricultural representative for There wasan nt tendsnce of 18 Topic discussed Wasgovernmen orproducer mar boards are necessary to handle price sup rts and surplus vdis posal as it is federal problem producer arketihg board could help sta ilize farm priees Tuesdayde ful daybbth for the children and adults Valentine parties ï¬tse Sohooland New ome of the omwoucsirm moonnon he unnamed in thaatwo hundred sanitarirthroughout Ontario over 30000 patients are receiving treat lneh uid core fihis care doe ercly entail visitsme the attending rphyoiclan and the nurses who serve the patient but necessary Visitfromxotherhos pilotpersonnel aswell InterncsIi gt dayrand nighthead nurses an supervise technicians from the laboratory the dietitian Or her with pdrticularly if special diet pro lems are involved all have their duties to performin the allover care of the patient In addition consulting physicians and surgeons may be requested to ace the pa tlent and if were not pomlblc torccord complete lnformatlon for the business offlce when the patient was admitted visit from that dew pertinent is required And of course members of the housekeeping staff and those who serve the pattents meals and inbctweca reireshmenta make many visits to each pa ents room every day All see as well aa many otEcrs from various departments in the hospital who are involved in the treatment and care of the patient are required to visit the patient many times during the stay in hospital Irideed the vtecbnlques and therapies of modern medicine and surgery addrup to very busy time for thedatient especially duringtba ti tor acute period of hospitalization In addition to the above of course there are visits from fans iiy and friends It is rather stag gering to contemplate that in one day counting only anaverage of tin visitorspgpatlen the hos pltals in On in or to re ceive over60000 visitors and this fact otte oses aproblcmnot only for the cats but for the hospital aswelL Asaliomemaker think ofvo important factor of thisdaily ur flux ofvisitors to our hospitals the problem of good housekeep iag Ahospital must seller élean and in many of tsr meats not onlyClea ut sterile Thus dirt dust we and slush become the particular bugahqo of the housekeeping staff If the weather is inclement or snow or slush cover the ground freshly washed andwaxed corridors 1n the rnorning can look like inch country lane after visiting hours with little bypaths of soil and dirt leading off into each pa tients room Infections toocan accom pany visitor and sometimes llagcrbehiad to bedevil the patient whose weakened coal dttlon plays perfect host to its tenacious stay Some itorsevenhave tcndenoy for ftenacious stay and weary edfhut unwisevlsitlngvhabit gt In this regard nteresting 1950 when people were prob the hospitalsybeca ous flu epide showed definite beneficial ro suit Therewasa marked reduc tion in increased temposshims which patients often enperience following 5visiting hours and pa tients rested bett and pro gressed more apidiy duringthis period afï¬rm to gt All of this is not ovsay cours that anovisi pg regula tion should be employed by bus pitals it does honiever indicate that to rid friends should use caution the matter of how or how nfteaL ttend Perhaps os anddonts many REirst ll shouldbe borne in mindthat the patient is taken to hospital hecaliistfe nmost cases acut oars nd LOYDS 725s LUMBEP and that is theoffect it hasdn run the risk lushincur aromanraad to assistthe physician in Iluléw wired not these cognition almanac and often patien ant toitheslck he ages on of quiet Avisit fromono flan Fried ber ofa tinnyma moms the acute periods tibiae is per haps the wiseatvprocod Second mandala many other mlgln which youjun manifest your lateraland yotlou lo scintillation mealml an to that impulseof anxloua lri but many padeutamJoo in theflrst imam oi lllaosa to loan that motion are there Sanguine it night more thoughtful to send flowers to thefanilly home with mesugo of p9 cheer well remember oaesuc quct which ciale to my durl thec itical illness of loved one The card carried Fills message but broughtcoinfort and sense of sharing when read Thinklng nfyou withap in my heart LatorI was to telr my patient about ltand hetoowua made happy by our friends remembrance Some people send bruit or items of food But here it end he remembered thatytho patient may he on arestrictcddiot and therefore not able onioyfthc gift Indeed it is iiy who the patientin hospital than of diabeti pa tieat hospitalised to treat meritE wholwaanot roapondr lost as hcrjhydcianam Ipccted After two or was being consumed secretly by the patient and undoing all the goodthat harmeat meats wcrc expected to pro duce One can alwaysof course his friends in hospital by me cheery card are frien message can been hand when the patient is ableto enioy it When itcornes to the telephone it is best to wait untilthe patient can make me call rather thanto of interrupting rest period or of overtiringthe patient by too long conversation In instance should aNo Visitors sign on the patientfa door be disregarded This restrin ometimes beas bene laced on the attending physicians order andeveanambershi the family wise toseok permission thntha attending phyla to an indicates th visitors are permitted so who come wall will wish to olr serve the restriction of no more than two visitors aton tmcfinthe patlcats room They will also wishrto ind that fshort visit ll do the patient twie as much good as along thatnersona or family problems should be home that anywhere tinvalue to the patient and probably ofxno interest at tho moments that anxiety and au should never sh ondeht Bx hehaauhus ways of not to take any typ otfoodlo dayswhca shares to hem of pounding mg mg lila family includes two sons ind hvdaughter neither of his ysvtmk up the ieattrado However booming Part of thercason is that attracting business Oneoftheoo with offer free has topass iaj tourists Kind of shookallh guess he co eatsbut it Lbrought the business Ied likes tohunt whileand sees the occasionalhoo key done but his business aa if dont leave himmuoh Id use to do otherth tissue hutwhoa youre boat the onlyblacksmithiathc to by don get the critters tooknlnehourl 1111st lnl Geori an icy socia on the latest development home team houschceping aria much easterlthan in twostorey clean willbo lor nomemdher en prefer onestorey closet whcro you boars Andwiththc convenient room arrangement in the house eat and em or cod sized keeping the interior theihomemaher we Since there is noentryhsllin The Ahern the stations coat rkcep wraps aswelias the fam ilys stormy weather apparel is The ammo things to forgeuaheagl itsre cent bid for acquisition of new manufacturing plants within its four counties and two idistrictsfln orecent announcement by Neville Keefef geaeraimanagero1 the navelopme As is the new modern veneer plant of the ChmdianWbod Productsliini ted atKearncy five miles east of at the An ScedPhntonFemT Oneal ahicffealurcstvu do onrtr oftheuse of rssuscitlrtbisby diilm Stinconivho in Elisaer trainingtorlgho 533$ epartment of Lands and Forests stiason showed several lifter fdms and described re asibilitiesof council and in dividual employees furthering 10 Motownma small ateeuadder encumb esisned counciltm inborn toreducs dent hazards was examined considered to cxoelleati provenient any news ofth patient thin should it 3w by lywlï¬ï¬‚ Mob en cave are tiredjean Nance theforenlngls ln thcapirit ofjcrlt hpt rather as sugges tho paflcnts htf lly WISE an pug II an ways the patioata good usu Ina5 HNEX audition Highway ll halfway between Huntsville and Burn Falls Awarding4w 43 belt Vicepresident of dianr Wood Mints Limited Gtimsby new mlllovent into production late in January and is now running Font per cent of the 12090 Jestper day capacity Birch the main wood beingyp ocessed or veneer purposes at 124 inch in thicknessand the method of 1hooit clip has reduced scrap to mi imum consistent with high production Practically all gun is whein veneer operation alone employs about 45 people some girls while ancillary open ations of mill and logging em ploy total of aroqu 100 states artnett retarytreosur our own Will remai Wet Hartnett conclud located in the living room Kitchen at Front In keeping with odernhome planning the ltitc is at the front the house Aromfort ablebreakfast nook is placed in the rear of the kitchen Adoor leads directly from the kitchen to the living room which must do double duty as dining room Both theheating equipment and the laundrymust einatalledinv the basement of Allen the former should placedunder theliving room snd theilattcr under the nth or kitchen Located as it is atlthefleftside oi the house the ammonia in appearance of addedlcngth to the house The projecting bedroom Ahern contrast whiteshingled exter ior combined with ored blinds and roofing wilifgive appearance to the house BluepflntsAvulllbih Complete plans or titleth or any ho itsthis in announlcing the opening of Keefe no in iag breaks be straight linesflof given pleasing able at Home of theWeeklae 87 chbossct 5L Providence Rh They arepriced at $1275 for first set Send cheque or plans will be shipped COD Should plans prove unsuitable money will no refund cdupon return of plans plus service charge of 25 per cent wners hi eluded MEASURE snow ACCUMULATION Eight snow courses arc being set up at representative points in the Lake Simcoe district to re gt cord snow depth and crust can In tions The amountof snow well formation ofcrust are known to have an important bearing on wintering conditions of various Wildlife species and similar data is being collected in mostldisq tricts in Ontario Measurements are recorded weekly3and supplied to the den partmentof lands and forests re segrch division atanple forans ma llassell is assisting Lalr Simeoe conservation officers in choosing suitable locations and settingeupcoursos each compriar ing 10 measuring ints HAVE YOU HAD UR WIRiNG CHECKED RECENTLY iF NC For Soietys Sake Call to Residential and lndustrial Wiring to air Work PERiAL 4i senor DEALER IN on BURNERS EALES sssvzcsi hiiifiï¬ï¬ Shop 54 Sophie Ros i93 Seyï¬eid St tpsnont sanï¬ttuihznanhmm mists all PHONE 25 ARRIE