ll WmAï¬m 31 91st Birthday Womens Editor former resident Barrie now residing on Vancouver Island Mrs William Tuck will be celebrating her ninety iirst birthdayhonsunday February 19 and friends in this district join in extending congratulations to her With her late husband who died in 1957 Mrs Tuck operated market garden on Wellington Street ioruranyyears mnypeo ple remember her particularly tor the lovely lace she knitted tor pillow cases andahdcts She also loved to entertain herlriends with songs and poetry of her own composition gt Still active and in airlygood health for her age the nonagen arian now lives with her daugh ter Mrs Fish Carman in Royal Oak British Columbia An other daughter Myrtle and son are living and Mrs Tuck has eight grandchildren 2d great grandchildren and nine great grent grandchildrenlg The former Frances kiltenden she was bornvin North Gwillim biiry Township in 1885 Her par ents moved to Edgar when she was one year old Shemarricd William Humelr onhiay 24 1882 and they farmed near Orillia for many years Before coming to Barrioin 1919 they lived at Ogv ems Saskatchewan for five years third daughter Grace died severa1 years ago TelephoneBndge Trinity Junior Guild heldits second annual telephone bridge last ThursdayUnder the combo ership ot the ï¬nance committee ehairmenMrs Dyck and Mrs Reid Fiftythree tables of bridge ennastasnd cuehre were played in the members homes Prize winners among the wo men playerswerc Mrs Me Intosh Mrs Betty Caldwell Miss June Simpson Mrs Parker Miss Joyce Nettlcton Mrs Read Mrs Audrey Webb Miss Mary Kay Tierney Mrs Goon Robertson Mrs Flor enec Stee Mrs smith Mrs Ralph Congdon and Miss Helen McDonald Mens prizes were won by Bllt ton Dunsmore Frank Reid Elton Parker Dale Hill Jack Butler Douglas Blair FortyFifth Anniversary Two former Barrie residents Mr and MrsBert Perkins were guests of honor at surprise party at their home in Port Arthur on the occasion of their fortyfirth wedding anniversarywz Friends and neighbors gathered to pre sent them with many gifts and Mrs Perkins were roar ried in Toronto in 1911 retired roilwéyconductor he worked out1 oi rAllandale for the Canadian Na tional Railways for several years They moved to the lakehead three yearsago Golden Wedding AnAlliston couple Mr and Mrs Sibbnld Hoey celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in Toronto at the home of their eldest Maurice Mr Marrie in Trinity Anglican Church Adjsla Township in 1906 by1heRcverend CI Holdworthn the couple lived all their married life on their farm near the church where they were married until last June when they moved to their new home in Allisten MrsHoey is the former Inez Murphy of Tossorontio Reversible Coot They have six children Manx ice Mrs Arthur Golden Mar jorie Cliflord and Bert oi Allis ton Mszmerald Ludlow Bea tncepi Alliston and Lorne There are ten grandchildren and six greatï¬nndchiidren Games Evening gthiemhers of the collegiate stall and their wives enjoyed an even ing oi games followed by bul let lunch on Monday evening Canasta bridge and scalable were played in the library followed by refreshments intho home econ omies room Farewell Presentcrion farewell presentation was made to Mrs Chsppell on Monday afternoon by inspector John Clark of district headquar ters of the Ontario Provincial Police before her departure to morrow to join her husband in Perth Corporal Chsppcll was trdnsfcrred to District No 10 Headquarters last all Mrs Choppell hasheen on the WITH Mounts mac userr sass more Sim ii 15 zo owsnfsr vre KATISHA Carolyn ayne scorn the love adveneesol KoKo 4John Powell lhisseene is fromthe Mikado Program Presented To WMS Group NM um Uniï¬ed GalEl Minnow Auxiiiaryheid its re gular meeting on Friday The floaoqe committee headed by Mrs Heath aceretaw of Christian Stewardmp presented an all stewardship program with Mrs Newton Besse of Guthrie as special speakers Mrs Fred Sarjeantandhtra Chisholm welcomed me mem bérs and visitors at the door Mrs Cumming renortin for Christian citizenship regretted that bilinlt guallrin in our own country should he has came at any dim oultls She called attention to article lathe United Church 0h aerver on this problem and aLso on Raee Discrimination Mrs Dutcher reported 75 home calla and 18vlaita to the hospital Hrs Marshall was introduced by Mrs Robertson are new member Collier Street Church will cele brate Wars Sunday arrMuch when Miss Harriett Christie principal of the only United Church training school in Canada will weak at the morning ser vice Her topic will he iull Time Service for Young People In the Work of the Church Miss Christie wlllspeak to goth ering of CGIT and Explorers in the afternoon to be presented on March land zin Harrie District collegiate Institute Auditorium by the schiiolglee club rejects with sncr camrra clue provincial police ofï¬ce stafivhere for nine years She is the form er Anna Pigottdaughter of Mrs Henry Pigott jhcreso Street iREGULAR $25470 rmsr DIESELS First highspeed train to nse diesel locomotives was on the German State Rnilwaysin 19113n The World Day of Prayer ser vrce was announced for pni on Friday Feb 17 in First Baptist wrirrr an iron AN moss zul RlClIlVlELho WHOLE MILIK CIlEDDAI cnssss nrcniuréLLo rivrsanvnn coarse silcss 25 EIIESE mcuMsLLo CANAmaN from noon procnrssr cmvnn VALLEY surname mission shown censuses WWW 100 pair Errtoms 695 895 45 pair Womens PUMPS STRAPS Ti ES ill LA 3095 Tt HKRH CUiSAN LOW Heels 1295 Sint 4V to All Colors FITTED Lrnrznrv mus taken Mrs Chisholm played suit able music and alterwarda to her own accompaniment sang fin stewardship hymn None of Sell and All of Thee Mrs Heath rennin complim their capable pruentation of stew ardshi Hrs ELAIN delimit 1b 7i CHEER CHEESE rimLb sans mur cOLossn 3v mm FEWR 57 cum rum censors Juan on Ron zicï¬ï¬‚lIESE SLIEES SAMSEAL nsoumn BUTEn mt 155 pugsï¬jmx cULvnanoUss nCHOICE non Iqu nnn manasgnnvo tllï¬nnlgsamm23¢jt uses our on Lorie CArsLm Minimum 16 oz M33 UNCLE arms LONG GRAIN CHRISTIES RITZ BISCUITS af rah Armstrong him Allen was in the chair or the afternoon HISTORIC KEIILE ABBDISFORD BC CPAn iron tea kettle believed used by early Fraser Valley settlers from Nova Scoua was found duringa scrap iron drive conducted by Bo Scouts £w Following her introduction by ted the ï¬nance committee on mm MOMS CHATHAM or Aiter 10 months waiting Mrs Joe Sullivan succeeded in getting an orchid plant to bloom The flower wail expected to last tewweeha Beale iaa viee presid of Simcoe Presbyteriai She brought theauailiary vital message onfstewardahip We dont choose to he stewards Invru wRieHr CLEANERS Lro PickupiondDolivery Dial 5531 us has isiiiespladetobur is vs Eozpkg is orlioll 31 5911 Bozpko VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL 600 mm SATURDAY FEBRUARY is ATYOUR 110 MINION sromss Lmrmn BARRIE DISTARIO VCATELU MEAT 15 °= 150 29 notional TMAnGsnms reason MKBGENE we 31= or cm is on NIBLsrs srscram conu may 35= LYNN VALLEY HALVES sysop SPECIAL mourns we is Oz 9m Pkg Jillianronaro srscmL HEINZ KETCIWP brew25 on visiting YOUR ranan murmurs aï¬tiiliiiiEiJSii renown 25 son sLLyouninaxme fr PlllTYH0Ull= Is For 37 euros censure roomsqu 43 expiry 73s pkg Hymns bemoan unevenness graham sour tom12s puns glwlréï¬ï¬gowmsmcmussucno ram ALLENgs Icnorce rpprs Jules 24 or heat ECONOMICAI uiis Vegetables Mill on sore PHONE 2397 nanny on sun AMMONIA FACIAL Tissue LIQUID snnvr nor domino 32 or Bottle 12 sis rig suns shrines wrrn isms suiwhgrry Juir on is isms rnousnnonn canassnn some armor nus onemenace AT one when our Morison Ai 5g 93st Bun srncmu