may mm vv az ï¬kߴwwrrirlmv EmmaVFW eevflmw REPRESENTATIVE For Oil Compony grained aim oi Barnaarriemmilnelrw noblwlih board or ientieuun Phone ml WILL Board one or worth ew Get your redecorallnl for done now minimum or room and board Cea DIAL 5030 51030 COIPANION iur widowu¢l gt opblude1eone town duties Phone Alli 1min dly or Trinity EXPMCED Wheel MRI Ml Clarence lrrio in Box and pan known 90 cl Burl Skliryillierl Ill13K huh no FIJI an 300 msma COMPANION it hub tnL Apply Roblndnle inn ill Blake me in romBuslneu sLIlena 2m iziliu Ilï¬cnhi pliï¬fremsm ulfDIfl Boainl WIunport Supplier NLRIICQ 311000 catamaranruin 154950 cm mono room andboard Illu FEMALE Bookkeeper wanted or 35 IiiSEW Davin Payinent $2290 kom mmlim ï¬edmnaxfithtmm 25 is centnll rirentleiaillr CROMPTON Nominal ill535 FOR am emu oi no induces wwwmlrzxn urn 935 ELECTRIC 311mm cwm LING Opp Wrights Cleaner lnierese Principni mum on rum Cam imap Dunlap Ea PM am we mm lt Pl it capo siiiin ream unturnirhed POULTR mmzucm llalrdnncr min 74m Slone 1am white board hun In time l° Mr cmm in pm on musmax co irnum at years Permanent posl zalow in ver desian location wow 31 151321 gem £gwmmuimdg HOUSE mama close to col Laue living Salinimdoï¬ll ï¬guflfrlflgf931 FARMERS GARDENERS rqorn bgdroonis tiled piece 31250000 Full Price aimunmir mmcuve modem ales or ii eeelion less work Do ii 11¢ mm 91 Coidwaler Si East Phone 3151 Imam hath Lovely landscaped lot vuv Only upon down lop qullhy ii Iplrim ELMted Phone 5213 lélmuepillï¬ minuï¬gmmeenudwim Letus check your wiring ed aide drive and garage tamed home Living room anii Alain Bungalow hauled in end mm mm On Ionmm 23mm air all heated modern kitchen piece mluodview oiMeBny three rRoo Real Estate solemn 61 bmhroom three bedrooms roomlax kitchen three 011 Pflmn WWI cnlflen NHLBOFI 1931 alï¬wrmmm mm IRRIGATION run Price 510900 he mun him ennui pieese magi Phone 5167 Ex ll remuneraliam Our gt Mr ml 251 my med hum ï¬gmenwpgge If llidyvlsiflgi 4°91 nlk Dv your pmbkm mm KEEPHAERXTEELWNEED £1380 us 53 1ng mun COMFORTABLE room urine LVESTOCK FOR SAL kw ggrlgdgramsfiixe 11719 CAMPBELL DOTS 51x ROOMS max 900 Can Aim mam Clonal down town hone Reddtufl gt wman ror immediate employ RR 53 PM 14 511275 Full Price fa um 519 i7ldithwly nine ennui mmaiian bedroom Gentlzrn meni Clerk Stenographer for 100k $1000 Down 32500 down for this lur three In mm S°fnï¬2ll mm when in°i Willem maimliieimshm my MW manila ONE CENT mun cm wrung in unnows er experience emf saï¬nry exprecled to mucus ye SF 23 magma plnnS choose modernized in every way situated 33 3193 Iglrhï¬ï¬‚g Housmmc mm cox9mg UM Milk mev Rubber and Alpha ï¬lo fifse°rlec°3niy Clek gill Perms 3331 ï¬uwnronmfy°crrrym dawn payment oration 3330000 who not and cold wiier CcntraL dn our simple 30YEdui9 Feed riuuc well an er Finance Plan we can rilllance Ilent income ropeny slid ihe balance on m0an Ny PM 15921 lamla Supplied and lamaI SALES Mirnafel and salesmen gt Attention Builders viii viewing one Elle Call inguefgflfmhmlghfhï¬mi mammal 1mx mm 3771 uliï¬lioï¬d $53 rm animate meggnkteoszlflssculgns guild USED MOTORS LOTS LOTS LOTS flanmmm 5139 aliuh aim in narrowingxnumber Ed khglorzn One child ilvgicfgnzeé gï¬ï¬ï¬‚oï¬gï¬ ggulggnglhe WOLFENDEN Him and be 5m III Cl hflk me one th so our icedln eraiiom and motors with ans hp 2413 NEW BUNOADOW gin Rd concrete foundn l7 comsrmissigy 33$ogonsu all mm hp mom no ALL US 080030 giving mmmg 1d 1m Ewargiï¬gnï¬dmaénflnfl you only pay liit price oi delivery no Tammi st Phoae 50 Mr WrishL 110ti motor We have many meow P1101 $3900 Down Lovely inc bun rgcrealion room To Mn Aired Phone ma 15191 date Also ERTIES but this one you Illuuld and dance oi over size closet apnce THERE 13 CH SW Wm Mm mee WI $$lnl bragging Th home NY in by FURNISHED Bungalow oil fur like direct falling thiglï¬lsera girls Olll at shaitlnli ing is nearly completed Down mm on 69 cm TO THE iiseii Make an appointment to see um may modem ML BARRIE FARM SUPPLY ALTER ATONS 01 you Gummy Commmfln and be Ball hearlnz hanger Smrsw gnaw Mm NEW in 5mm am rAir by 5199 Wilson iy Bay isia Pman chow Garage and rvlca Simian uses Car on asset Good territory caelis paddles dryers selr contained apartments upstairs ggnm°2nÂ¥uEug Almosi new bedroom bunlalow FURNISHED Room Business man mu STORE FRONTS AND In Barr dxsmc wme Ew mu 75 mm W9 lied ml minutes walk tram nreierred blocks irom down h°° hymn detailsnabiiiutelogselgf gozfalllonklg lion tank hm 682x 330 glam Wm NW 245 any iune am lo pm gm Ed hgwnmmï¬lfl mm mm as HMO Fm EXTENSmNS in gt can £3 Price $4 500 $1M DQWN ageimagion all healing should sell coniaineii anment Egg P1651 PM mm Can unit house be ï¬lmed into AmLADIES Wanted Gm EPLEI IS HARDWARE Only $2 300 Down 050000 poured concrelexéfundallllon Tléuï¬ gaggle cygnce20Aqlaalla algaroll mamas Comfortable home on are extras ome 01 YOUNG PIGS Phillie 359th even Ema T35 REE have you heard abouk lending Victoria Harbour street BRIGHT LITTLE 110 ql Rose 5358 this lnxs latter pm Blfl lfldyjThe fastest selling cosmetics wnh good fled mm no 5lR00MED amnengh mm 351 kEXPEMENCE cm Len mu LE GORDON dining room modern kl en iwa al home maud mm 1198 1mm PW 20 Picsnweeiu oldJWThomp mm mazes MOB HOME 51 son Rn srrnud 913 COTI SON Lending representat LiMiiED 13ng sangw em 08an lreet only about seven ï¬lms old VB cellent nilmun Commission and bonuses Write an Esme Brake an any um my to Exam it 3901 own and UNFUENISHED apartment YOUNG Gander gt Lorne Oro Station Phone 015032 55 roams heavy wlrlng separate en Viiugg°g$15 139 Yéï¬ljï¬ OPEN UNTIL pm pm down town run price 0900 Call trancePhone 5752 151119 CE 91 Ml thin fig mm ruthenium savinuii 3210MB BRICK can yum iiaarim ginning geranium gTisiEm cry yTrrson dire SPECIALIZED UR me uai to your new V9 mm $9500 it ca Duplex located in lliiicrestac ocl lemme en ranï¬ nee Feb zil App Priest Minesing 1293 Yahoo1 Hg 830 ind gmobile hams gar sale Hume to North minim 13 52300 down Pam outwarn ullleatllng pad gargï¬iï¬erhl St Mrs Corbett phone 2831 1519 phone 4292 91321 hour are worth 5200 to $1 oneVance Down payment 7154920 minding value with swdrlnmme Rooms hot and cold water plmEBRED Shorthom all as mmq 101535 com um nr able and Wining the me live downstarr and have anin 333M eaccept zesiianejnis ocheaper rinuice lines inciuiia Â¥$IArY°€cIirrfl extra Inge comeiram upstairs cni Al Role wmaigggonlyalï¬a rgiaiiéiih Piggy30g bull in monthsudark red Harold mum MOMS is sales lob cumact eslnbmh insurance ior iuii term at your llvin my room huge kiiehcn 5m anytime 1549 Sieve miles east or vireey reluil cusiomers our merchï¬ndlff icqnlfiict up in years on framed This arty would 919 BUILTIN CUPBOARQS is nationally dvemsei make an excellent dupex will low Duplex located in Si Mar ROOM Mum apmmemnew HERD oi ie came wiur Bar EMODEL ING ers Digesi Apply in wriiing to Trade In trailer car imitate etc REAL ESTATE conversion cost See it now by Church area room livini qua decorated an communes Sun muk Re ommmramnm Mr Granger 350 st riocli1 Egg Palkin mg 31 mamas Bayileld Ph 5298 caning Mr Worthington 7451 mun Deli dummy ggflolwsgï¬gg able mum Fhm 535 gm and ï¬ne my Box mnm mama Monday Friday 9am ii pini 524 aim heating Large w51° Wfl niliiislmra smvica smmï¬i lécffaééIiorI3érï¬ Chapmons Trailer Sales Saturday an 51mm anomalautiomw Full asking price s10500Cnll mom eel canininerrunannnnii REGISTERED mflvfrnnseunwed CokonAveHW90 in none win Lima APPRECIAmeaaoo run Price 5m minimmigmmiipgg Maryam BRUCE CAMERON ï¬gkéimieiélllnï¬iilï¬isinééï¬i BEND DOCAI 96 Sum PROPERTY 3200 mmriammfm lam NiliA Risa ave togglvgllgdioggfa lslaao gillraw choicmwn Fiills lt Human il SALE We rooms owaoll church llflcieiitï¬iliinwiqr Modern Buff low Alcoua ach We and he WWW grin helium will Sï¬ï¬‚flï¬un gm fwfwgf REGIS Here Phone 6382 Lragdibhgggegï¬orknotiï¬iéivyï¬llef 7v 11am Simonlei Wmdsémj 111111533 iiygiiï¬nichnlifaggï¬m Vegcellent ï¬agznnagrnsmlaa vary Cum My milletgsblzslreiggg Jay ivin age health edu auiic or raround up 59 i=1 53mg 3min Ehere recently em llP oilCYCLE electric motor not imlayvginteriud aununepiot 31 16 Iï¬ï¬ï¬‚ééï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ Off iï¬glgmbgaï¬Â°ghï¬hflle grflécï¬ï¬fe Er34 RUCKLEn ployed references nsid Phone Strand zlrll 71719 lane Extra large lot To be sold Elï¬n For mdulm L3 Room unfugnlghgdnï¬gflmen¢ er man and Wile completely tarnished owner 11 Mr shelswé at 2451 any with bath on ï¬rst flooro heated CLBAEVIEW Yorleahlru bred iShowcords Banners accommodation Alia NEWCOMEE Florian wnh bench been transferred in another cou Roaming house or or Adults only Box62 Barrie Exam sow to arrow March Saw and Examiner Md Windmill Phone 233 719 iry ciaseh stchool and $0506 me Emrwm ovfl mfg inclu 151920 igs gee ogévsergéreablahgse GOLD LEAF linbeac an ENDOpToWN arson en ne BLACK Muck Earth 25900 yards 13 WEST located in good rental area and Room House unfurnished in Emmi Write 52 Barrie 33132 $55 eéiéin If 335 31 CR close to nip pine Forced xiiiEgg iown olBanie on mun Si 5125 32 HM OUTDOOR SIGNS ï¬rsme years experts mum 719 5293 or Siren 1023 $3300 hsfgnaa gorse Mgrsmegra Emmy Available March lgï¬ï¬ Can Evaninga and weekEndS 25° Nil USED Skntésv bought and luld srx was Rooms Am sun 501m awn Fume cm AL 12 midnight and 5°C an 9323 gig geglnneï¬mguuffngflgi BEFORE YOU PORCH Eï¬ckCWSrunum Th nose 52ml anytime ii ROOM muse miles easi of 3253 71 no Balfleld higegihtxgglel ï¬liflï¬ï¬ gigs ggagianfï¬uhmd are ON PAVlZD HIGHWAY JOE live room one an 513 000 BARRIE €775 NSIBLE ma Ed m3 VBW 1mm 5160000 551 desires poslltion 6years NEW Coleman Space Heater with ggmhgggï¬mgogï¬g n32 Calmu IZan3eyier3rwï¬ï¬ lunged Elmvm 15 Justnorih Jaime 90 acre in management Ap tank and blower also zoo gallon A1 cm mm ammished good wizhi m1 bulldlng no answer call ï¬fï¬azxï¬ srrie Examiner tank with gauge on ii phone lira 51 rnenr hot air heaiinz large lot and ï¬g Mnglhm ï¬rmed prime Fume Psgh an and high c911 pm 402 zlllil Coukstown 71921 ANGUS gang located in east end Ca Bath Very central Adm 63 M5 school busnt the door50 meant 51 33 == AL 3e 5295 Mirna Me Avg 151940 aushand pasturewllh creek water ADDING Maehiuea Typewrit $4900 Full Price ab D0658 PET STOCK err Sales remain r33 aimeoa Mohemira bungalow perieci NewleHA Bungalows re Kn tar ngxsflgn mm we $3 1331 Vi gang WELLS DUG TILED Business Machinu lie Toronto 57 condition on way 90 in Viil immediate pomaslon The 11195 Child 11 Lab and to 24 tim CANARIES Singers $795 liens phone 4824 not PHONE lt 00 down Balance are compieie in every detail Farc gï¬nï¬myhggi d2 50 tare ï¬lm on CONDITIONEDF Concrete tile ior wells onlyrill es Cages SuP is lic son at rin com leicl liZSsEEicsï¬xfllem 501331 gogggï¬orrigesg swan oliorvias cums em saline 23354 oliIsldeenans age Emmile 2m 20 mm Mrs Agar CE ll Ind KAI mun me URN HEB llEW mlfl and 39 CH 82 32 38 19 per immth gym Gamma Egopmigmss BUY 05 THE ifili2r3r inazes are above led roomson ound nod pErlvaie lt gmc le We gt gt FERRET male Houndyblackand 18 619 5750013 Price averalle men IM down Puma entrance and 3m Mulls Alisa REAL ESTATE LIMITED be reduccd in accordance 52 wmim 5L is male9 mm MWREGO Why Vicki mi Rose 5293 and let us show 19 CLAPPERTONSTREET Air compressor work male and ca ewhite Easier ham centres 1a suiin with ROGERS REAL ESTATE EASILY an LEXED WWISHED mm ï¬r ma close to Cam Borden Ch 519 Lovvmi mm FOE wmm nies Will ml reasonably Moving hp motorin good runn order HAVE Aq ALL my on Bradford st close to the Gen mesaEmma drenwelcome App Box 50 Ba WORK 1519 Phone 290 camp Borden 71920 Cenkluy doomed older Au REALiESTNlE able or people Centrallvsrihilgls mm huh dill 7215 mm COMMANDER 3331mm mggWï¬gdlpggg Sm businesseaw uswrnséai ANYTIME AND =2 noon Cottage annulled hydra of buildings bum houses have bath FERGUSONREID miles very me cash down And Apply 19 Duckwmt hi 18 L01 outside of Town PROBLEM YQUM N5HED heagéd bed 82 lime ST APT ice 120x s5 electri nker ANYTEME DAY 03 Munro or BROADLOOM Rugs runners stair REALTOR CdNSULT corn let insurance 101203 Camemv cm 1e 39 REAL ESTATE Cdem an 53 151920 Dunlap street East 1311211 way as between Barrie almw Hem With mm frame house and on sand to city Mr Marshall Hillsdale Apply DoughertyBros 71520 era Electric Call Mr shelswell NBA Final ediBBedroomBiin °=d=L 33182 WEE1NGOYSE dilgirigesilaégr 13 gallows Km Emma 20 HERBSILI=5= Whitney cu per so can lion so ALL incomm tm AUTOMOBILES burnerheavy duty Millist range ï¬gIain hirFe vicornSuuf Rdput BARE garnished 3333 35incee5fl REAL ESTATE Etoducts ideal or cottage $25 Alter pm 15 55 STUDEBAKER Duplexes and income Proléfllï¬ 3m mu pm Situated near Cookslown rwo seia rim lio Jimll1A mi PLEASED TO water inside miles south oi rooms Established milk Quota carriage months old 525 also you THESE HOME AND DIS male an aunt mad Appl at 041 comm my my wasmnz machine our old $50 cuss YOUR Pmncgmn mwmm Smye 531 Torn princelow gt nients or will take trade CHESTEka Suite am to check with in when te REPRESENTATIVE OOI SerVIce ï¬yfyéi mm we mm Que unsi buy or nu BEFORE You BUY 3m zugsgxiï¬lgmapaekoï¬geiï¬nï¬u mm Phdï¬Ã©mflm heater $5 kitchen table and challs 930 am 3331 andulaPhone507 i5ia20 TILE Hm nine SELLING ITR mm mm arrie xam R0 ERS GORDON STOUTT We nnnnce laiernodel can and We AW WHW hm STEPENG TRXISTS BLDG 2LARGE heated unlurnished lwxst tone to carved rever roomsran ette sink lots of cu Real ES Blake uucks Very reasonable rates Willi Hugs ye chum BARRIE hoard mug in kitchen Apply 189 OPEN mm pm STEVENSON sarflyles shgwnein ht arrivacy GOOD buse2ucreein lawnan 2535 0N EUGENIA st new room ALI rmos aarwcz Hm gigggEHTmgiMi 32 yam bunï¬alollilï¬srtilednï¬hiii Slimline Fame 35 25 PH Mm ouse and am and one 89 men ea ns 18 ll MAcres only miles from Bar 100 till Ph 6293 35 ounwpsr 13mm PKOIERT FOR SALE neuviungecrï¬i °n££ï¬Â£iï¬$ We alwaye halleajoodseleclion oi PM 154 rie and hair mile 91 hlghway barn is 10 good ior mixe Six roamed brick houseiin Thorn land run price mm pm omm TYPE Home Room heatedciean iiimiaied mm We mm COLLECTIO 55 PM °il$26 32m u2££eÂ¥lÂ¥i£ 3m Hi22 new or mm mm Ji SLESSOR lalnalinwhnsmrsnm gig will sour semiinsi can cated shade irees nice iot hard RANCH Burl slow mm HOMES nishéd ne child Welunigton llPrice $10 50 1949 CHEVRODET PICK HM and soft water one or The tons Phantoms Ifshnpe uviugï¬ï¬f WCWEPROPERHFS ESTATE 154 19 $5 000 Down 535° Bh0959d 37 1371940 lilies7 11911195 Owilng Mil £119 own anglerroad tReinantimyKiiecizratied 01m clapperion Barrie MONMY mmmhhed he ens Sines re urni movln ens an aorms psi eccenogaieorne me my mfmï¬gm lainion Owner leaving iown 2551 923 SUMMER PROPERTIES gt mom agai eri zEroarneuiih kilnhenetle sell ï¬luaaeilfirfe 331940 ggeggicg 313$ byodégï¬aggwï¬ sumo Phone 2775 nia No OBLIGATION ll in way 01 uaolllidlinvfshnenl f3rq°bfm°$bvyri$é rid inown rahi we can lass EMBASSY lzrown Meteor PNMSM 03 Bï¬ï¬‚rwg CALL 2678 NOW xowPofleer level gt lIvcli built 111 beaten Emmi 1° Elmiiowr KlinleÂ¥$°h home in an exce eni at area snoom Dwelling in excellent cori OPEN ML My mourning 36 rneueraiesized bedrooms ierny WW qfles as wyann real dltion close toscllool Call Dunk mm Simonath Barrie BusineuCpll For houses armygrave it bush or do board mine and charm Cat price Marshall Representative ï¬le 68 To nlo Si Barrie Pl in WT innate zetllklouchi arran elilelgt in klzefln 3on with bconxleniergallerms Gout Rea Estate Broker Phone ngeï¬aiï¬ Blake 0mm 4824 irF ancin can be amazed OSCAR BATES ThOrhton Milne 63 9V5 cmvmgsffmï¬nl mail Gui Barrie DEAD STOCK removed fro hone Graham 6898 phmeI hue 1e cg com h°° 591mm no hborhwdimd 10 Bill sitting rbom tuxdished tamixmomptly for sanitary 1F vy ï¬lth onuontact than wflywmnenud Avmme 19mm from vv onLicneycolleci Barrie 8611 nda ARM ran ouri 54 CONSULJs 000mlles mpruenmwe my to p25flclszVieIiz vim withadequate ahrubréua two persona Near bu servwei Fmile nnlrallii asleslililfilsiliï¬tlzarf C33 ugh radio turnwsignai evening 2592 lie maldmum sari Him 95 gg mew it deskrd Phone miles xrorn Barrie Barnflxw memoir experiiyduneggn err rcondilioner 89 Word i2 5192 Ind two cement silos Six acres of oi complete orchards Regsaehfbie lay st 1920 23 mom maple bush Write or hane mtqustimms iree Hen Km In form dbath ROOM MN in heated Ivart Ewart Carson Barrie inane Ph listen Phone Elmv 51 ii Ill ray air Wild hills nvcnience merit sell containedpse rate stor goal5 81 35¢ nah iBBml slabling or Wu Hhloh dry Haa recreation echoicelacaiionSut couple on Owned 91 nd tie and 40 pigs lai balameni bath in basement ree Reasonable Phone 543012 ACR all unable CUSJOManglblninan Cumberlan self contained ï¬elds per Knrnze and hydra Lock rent in H500 halidown 3475 iiinan iargebank barn dro at do equipped in awnnoun 250 Oil 5Uper year laments can or purchaa Immediate posausion Cal 934 any ti cod water at gar north New12 Coakahutt campiet rhea oiier hla roperty noweconhet iiirice Radar Station paved acaur kl nand atrn Mar all Rapreaentalivaifld 23 away Browaiistgtjj Aim ru kngk an FloW on 4335 Real Estate Windsa ronablermlFCAn shalburae phone 33W