gamepluedon Feb It Guthrie Bays school hockey team defeated ocoro ot ihe junior hockey team trim the school boys under 10 won their ï¬rst two attempts On Feb they delutedEdnr school 04 and onfeb ti tticd to 241 victory over the team from Ed gar RCAE Station gt The teamsare doing great jobdont forget tosupport them your attendance Ind cheers fst Not hi my Perhapsspring ianot too far away twovillngera have reported seeing rohiuslrecentiy World Boy of Pnyer Ladies dontt forgetto attend wmens World Day Lat Pray Toronto spent Wednesday Feb lo hoiheldfrldoy Feb 17 It Ymrm mm umig 730 pm This Iervico is com lnllospitol piotely undï¬lominntionai em Mrs Taylor who has not hroeing members of every church been well lately entered To Throughout the world on thatday ronto hospital this week Ilhe women will gather tooiier up community conveys best Wishes Sheiiefgnycrsgtlï¬e servingh wit to her nt omas urc Church Annual Meeting With the speaker helng Mrs St Thomas Anglican Church Pnrsensot Rome The theme of he the annual vest mew the service is One Flock One It the rectory the evening of Jon Shaphem has on the para 81 Reports all showed suc phrase of theIndianShepherd 1055 year CHD names was ithoehntali aliaseaxllnlot thés enigmeinitywllixhe n3nlm0uï¬lÂ¥elected ns peoples present to make the onnunl pray WFden 533 mm 31 Toronto out day succeSS being appointed as rectors ward on for another year Wii Pretteredding sonwns clectedpresidcnt oi the mm St Thomasrqhurch was the set building committee ting of pretty wedding on Fens George Wilson and layden not at Paris on hubcen redacted mayor oi tth northeastern Quebec minin cen treAbywztnmatio Mr outler Suit Ste Marie Mlehigan spent tewdryrwith Mr and Mrs Eereward Martin while on route to visit th daughter in Geneva NewYorx weekend Guutl Guests with the Morelamily the weekend of ï¬sh were hit Illd Mrs Ineson and Direct boys of Bright gt Mr ud Mrs hello and tam with Mr and Mrs Zebuluck enjoying pleasant game of cards Gilt For french The school children and parents of Ivy public school helped with giftlor their teacher Mr Ben derson which was presented in Baxter Hell on Tnesdny evening Weekend Guests MissMnrgoret Jennett and Ty ier Botaiord and James Botsford spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Jennett Harry Knupp Mrs Clillord Davis Mrs Arthur Coxworth and Mrs Davis Arnold spent Monday inToronto Getting Better We wish for all who are sick speedy recovery and are pleased to learn Knupp is improving in health also Mrs Hammond who is in the Barrie hospital is doing nicely Toronto Weekend Mr and Mrs Bruce MeVaneil spent the weekend in Toronto with Mrnnd Mrs Murray MeVan ell Wgnted News The ivy correspondent would he pleased to receive news of in terest Just leave it at post oiiice N0 CANDIDATES TlSDALEltSIk CPA call or nominations alter the Spain schoolholid resigned in jurisdictional disputo tailed to produce single candidate from the study book him Mc Lean and Mrs Corruthers were assistant tco hostesses pleas ant hall hour was enjoyed with social cup oi tea World Day of Prayer The World Day oi Prayer ser vice will he held in the Presby terian Church on Friday Feb 17 at 230 p111 Hockey On Friday Feb the1vy pub lic school hockey team the Horn ets journeyed tothe Thornton rink to play game again Utopil puhiie school team Bo teams were very enthusiastic showing great competition Danie Martin and Ken Guest each scored goal Utopia came back by Ross Hig ginson and Peter irunx scored goal each thus making the score tie Weekend Visiting Mr and Mrs Gcmmlil of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs II fusrmc WIHI vol own Pkolo Canal 17nd mung AI any houmwiio known We the ï¬lm lash thnt counts with ï¬sh chowder whether ito nindo from clnxna or oodtish iicrc Cuilndiml Nntlunn Railways Chef Instructor Joseph Kelli mmpim chowder timt um butter instead oi pork and in invourito with trovcllcre durint Lent Weckend Visit Mrs Davies spent the Weekend in Stayner Mr and Mrs George Wilson and Ben oi Ailiston and Mr and Mrs Len Sturgess oi Oro Station Visited nt Eilis Mrnnd Mrs Everett Hugman Yoprown glossesBrand nowrlienring Here it hearing id thlt becomeo put of the eye mind or now wearing iv of concealed hclring it ca come to write for free booklet at Lynn Russells on Honday Feb 13 Topic Government or Pr ducer Marketing andS Meeting Home and School in SS No Jenna on Wednesday Feb 15 Miss Attended Course childrens librarian is Mrs Lee Banting lcnnett Mijs li Banting Arnold appointing Oliver EE=QQTEBWJ hem To Firlil and glamin oi Richmond Hill spent the weekend with his pnr Nephews Funeral George Cpok attended the un cral ol his nephew in Victoria are reitring to the farm Congratulations to Herman Wil ton who rctires from railroading on Friday Mr and Mrs Wilton This community wish Mr and Mrs Wil ton many happy years of retire hold service at 730 pm onAsh Wednesday Feb 15 Community Sympathy Sympathy is extended to Mrs Oflly Studébak Harbour ment in this community Bowdery in the loss of her sis ter Mrs Roy Wood who passed Chinch Servieo away in Toronto and Wastburied St Pauls Anglican Church will Friday afternoon at Craighuist Forum Meetingl Midhurst East Forum will meet the new sllmmlng girdle wflwrizontal stretch above waist breathes with you THE stuniaAKul inhumanr billion VlongcatominiHiddtlzDM debmmaupméqm 513 right In and see why theres so much hill about Studebnkers craftsmanship with aflnir Insiden decoréborst dream rich colorkeyed vinylfpbrie combinations And whenyou shirt rthoymngieof Studebaker Takeon Torquol diagonal side panels Ii ileuderize theï¬gure is Try on vqu debaker Miracle rondhtlgging sed Hawks ï¬ra ull line of familyï¬portis ears dehnkerd anmado ted ell St baker cal when youd your natro on inode to ur