is amines APARTMENTS mislead OAKLEYPARK APARTMENTS room bedroom apartment in Barriea most modern apartment block Available immediately PhoneHeury Bemick 2810 or appointment or see Janitor apart malt l5l7tf RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LlMlTED 19 CLAPPERTON 3mm STORE FOR LEASE Dunlap Street Barrie Just newly modernized Immediate posse ion $100 per month heate Call Russell Carson 245i any mvhktltebk noon In 1m mmlpn 151110 WW tarnished if was rooming Cue may WAdulll Ah mfamkpply 1s mooind 5t 51011 LARGE bed lilting housekeeping Suiia loi mm Nae bus atop in Amndak No duldoan Abetaioera Phone it ROOM modern brickllun ow cityeonvenlenl garage Adulia only On High ll one mile south ot Stroud one 1311 17 ULTRA Modern bedroom mant in new building heat an hot water included monthl Ap Ply l7B Grove ROOM unfurnished apartment heated Highway Bathroom in house miles from Barrie close to Radar snowrhmï¬lrz iiiion heat A1 Ramoss Get your odeodntlng nor 10 1571713 CROMPTON gtEcTRic HOUSB tinser or 133 nary 56 EM roll SALE goo Atria 7o cuxlnvated biran nenr Orfll home valuable mile on Mud excellent barns water pres lure in house and barrio$10000 Rhone Hummus 112142 Mitch ener lalrhcpe Farm Coldwate 10 ACRE house with and alltall Small tom Farm and nice brick furnace and bament arugunnd lruittrees own pa merit and no ecre rm good bull inn and bam near Th le possession lowdown payneat Ind easy terms Apply Oscar Bates Thornton hone llrll ivy reprscntative for Hunt Realtor Colllngwood phone l516 17 F1 instructions lnxm Duhlic auction on at Mungnv ted mCouchlio AUCTION SALE yniStoek lmpla eats HOLGI ands me Household Effects undersigned has received tram LLOYD HARRIS Lot ZDConlO Yespra Township 1ng It amid Chllch North nrlihw nyrnli by Public ulctioiloir Tuesday Feble Auctionsale of wwldpopuHUon new about WM may be doubled in an other yearkny population ex bwf allot Pea BrAuclian sale of hi cum farm implemenu livestock himgrain and household effects or Lloyd Harris at Lot 20 Con 10 Vespro wmhi Na re serve as arm is old rm corn Sale 91230 sharp Jerry Coughlin Auct oneer 1018 premisvesotlsophid Estate corner of Centre and Guides StreotsCoohtown form slack im laments hay straw rain ho hold etiects tor James hnrulr at Lot Con near 161 73110011 Vro 11m tor9 ROOMED house Jbedroolns gt gt new coal furnace on Codrkigtnn NEW STORE SL close to schools Reasonable Merchants interested in leasing rent Apply Box 45 Hartlifi Am FOR the good ml largeegg ew building 3331 ï¬ght lilcatlionfI should con WISHEnupgcr duplexp4 lvithlxgarlgmgflirtg ï¬ray tact Mr Fadden 2151 Local 2nd privï¬gd nullIi 513 an gndmmvgmfl and re mi uninsured sthds Consult RIdout glories 34 McDonald Sti 535211 m1 mhnmifekv rhk nailing ON ALL REAL ESTATE mi intonation it Copeland UNFURNISHED main apartment RR Berton phone 55112 2117 Whether Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE um TecumsethTizwnshi mil north west or Becton Nopmerveelernta vcash Sale at 1250 ahlrn Aerry Caughlln Auctionee 13zt Thursday Feb 28 Auction sale can aALANC mm sonAiis arm stock implements hay izrain and some household enech for 110 McCutchcon at Lot 28 con Tmoronna my sale all pm sharp Term 51311103 uni 1m snavicr M111 Charles Fonlc Auctioneer 171920 Friday Feb Auction sale or asmouo Phone Strand Collect or Barrie 2087 2271 WEDNESDAY FEB 15 AT magisz SHARP TEE LOWING gt 14013515 muses Mare years old 1400 lbs More 10 years old 15001 or ï¬ackband Harness Elihu Du rhom Cow old due to freshen Much lglu ham yearsdue to freshen April HerefordDurham Cow ears due to lreshcn March 10 urhnm Cow years due to Sahel byn datcio salii Durham ye rs ue datum sale DurhamoC when by ow dug to freshen by date tygig citmi Supplied had uuunu registered and grade Holstein and Jersey cattle anshlle 1m plemcnls hay and housc oil eli ecis for Wallace Halbcrt at but 71 with private bath and entrance 171 Mill cm heavy wmn hentd can get our choice otedntes rvlle slim ADAS LARGEST REALTORS CAN 1517 clglded Rent saw Adults ping Rocks Hump nook and one 3837 Tom am the ncwDel¢alb chicks or better ROOM artment available om livability more eggs With less teed ckee in iroom Phone 151017 GOOD Lot on serviced street Phone 8728 iii10 00M or rent so arate bath ghoul 2734 1512 ROOMS or room and board Erad lord St Phone 5267 151047 HEATED furnished rooms 11n mediate possession Phone 0372 ROOM mment sun paid Apply 103 unlop St West 151017 SlobLARGE nttractlve modern apartment heated Phone 2190 15140 FURNISHED bedroom Gentleman preiierred Centrally located Phone 5137 lswt FURNISHED Bedrooms light housekeeping Central Phone 4719 or 2358 1517 UNFURNISHED bedroom house $60 monthly Allandale district Phone 5817 151347 BRlGHTLY furnished single rofnis Apgly between and pin tilib354 l57l718 MODERN room house to rent or will sell North at Barrie onhigh way Phone 4370 1514 ROOM heated apartment Till nished blocks from new Post Ofï¬ce Phone 5788 1517 SMALL furnished hested apart merit Adults Apply 10 Read Street or phone zsaa 151647 ROOM Apartment available im mediately No objection to child rel1 Phone 2151 15l8=17 ROOIMED apartmen ground floor all heated lmmed ate po ession Phone 5400 1517 ROOM unfurnished sell con tainted hEBIEd apartm 57 mon thly Phone 2720 151a11 LROOM self contained apartment Separate entrance Available March Phone 2770 or 2079 lSll UNFURNISHED apartment rooms heavy wring separate en trance Phone 6762 151749 COMFORTABLE bedroom in new home with kitchen privileges lf desired Phone 4339 1516 COMFORTABLE bedroom in new home with kitchen privileges if desired Phone 4833 1518 FURNISHED room new private home $5 weakly Closelo bus 193 Duckworth StBarrle 1517 FURNISHED or uniurnlshed roam suitable for one or two Heated lighted Apply 91 Ross 51 151817 MODERN room bungalow with bath and garage Immediate poss ession New area Phone 1909 1517 LARGE upper duplex newly de corated hot water heated Cen trally located Garage Phonezzmi 1547 COMFORTABLE room close 7to down townuSuitable for gentle manp Phone 1101 anytime 151647 ROOM Apartment in apartment Bounding electric stove reir ers tor Ava able March $05 one 3364 1517 noom uniurnished apartment gt oilheated laundry lacilitles Ad uhs Apply armory Liane after pm 151517 4ROOM partlglumlahed bun low one mile om Allandale 35 monthly Apply Box 53 Barrie Ex aminer 1517 ilooMED non Drivein rnonLh Adults in roami apartment rge livin room kitchen and bed arrie Low renï¬lhone ale 911i 151 Room healed apartment luh furnished separateentrauce Suitr people Central one 151521 2LAEGE room Inlfurnilahe épart mbednthihcatied near his Am 18 on on berland St 71513313 Hay and Straw Apglyéfl mediately love andm Business cou lc only Over if Brown Rea Ethic office $8750 monthly Phone 2673 151648 BEDROOM winterized hauler shower washing machine electric reirilxerator olldheï¬teii lurnlwshed Ap can an ode asa Beiicii phone 154 i51owrti ROOM with kitchenctie self contained apartment No objection to baby Heavy Wiring andgsepar ate entrance $65 per month Apply Bowman Avc Phone 0904 151 18 SELF Contained room not water eated apartmentcentral imme diate posiusiim $75 also room apartment and room Ipartment both available March 3060 151517 AVAILABLE March one room uoiurnltsnedv apnrtrne also ior immediate possession one furnished artrnent rooms with kitchen Both centrally located Phone 2435 1516 17 ROOM upper duplex separate driveway und entrance corn leter self contained all heated not su plied Rent 375 monthl Avail ab at once Phone Barrie 3947 or write Box 15 Barrie Po 151617 0M urtme available im metllitolyath lieti and deter sup lied Down town Adults or bus nessygcogpiel pretended Agilth Dunlop pp 11 person gt hlck 73 Dundonald St 15441817 ROOMED apartment upstairs iurnlalrad hot and cold water shared downstairs bathroorré Available Feb 10 ultdble for sin gle gentlelliiall Alplpgy Bin gushing or Wednes ayé ur or phone 2054 151017 NICE New Bungalow nilrnodern hardwood floors nice lot avail able Msrch $50 monthly nice apartments rooms and rooms unfurnished unheated monthly also 3room cottages winterized on highway 28 m1les from Collingwood uniurnished heavy wiring $25 monthly each Apply Hunt 1518 Colllngwood or 733 1517 =l PAsTuRE ACRES Pasture landfor sale Len Con Innisfll Aptin Will iam McArthur Thornton Phone Cookstown 301s seen reel MIXED Him for saleRound bales Phone 0291 191713 15 TONS and mixed bay for sale Phone JZril LeIroy Ralston 1047 MIXED Hay tor sale 1n round bales 20 mm at barn Ken Pot cage Hilisdale 19 LlVESTOCK roll SALE YOU DONT PAY ONE CENT Until market Tillie On our shuplennrcdtapeled en Finance Plan we pan ï¬nance Turkeys Hogs and Beet Biol Cattle to months tin and beef game 11 fullnlsh Purina Chews 101 any one or these four feeding operations dud you only pay 11st date THERE ice of delivery 7GOODEwes and one Run Ply Harry Mo auxall Hawkestone WANTEDto pick up or lmflloarï¬tv YOUNG Holsteui Co etstduertofrechm Heels cihated and accredited on Shnfnrd Franklin Ont er ind cow ear old ogï¬yeanoldy Beeid est win Phone $35$40 2246 15 no cm amnion mum11m Alm Puaut do as law Pillch expertly doncéorie tree ALTERATIONS STORE FRONTS AND EXTENSIONS and that house be turned into apartments NESHMATES FREE 35 YEARS EXPERlENCE SCOTT SON Oro Station Fhone Oro 51755 arscuuznn TRIMIWORK Momma autism Comm RECREATION Rooms BUILTlN CUPBOARDS REMODELLING concurs sumoan mm lAXE smvrcs BRUCE CAMERON BUILDER Ph ne 6382 57111 TRUCK LETFERING Showcards GBonrlérsi GOLDLEAF OUTDOOR SIGNS callV JOE OWEN 13mins 6715 unnnnsueiuu Collcct Oro 40 5411311 WELLS DUG TILED 911 wmsnocoumnom Concrete tile or wells coIVertl and storm sewers Weeping tile SEPTIC TANK uADr ANDVINSTALIE Air compressor viork mwnnmm r01 wmlm wolmi Whitney Concrete Products7 hourlidial 731s Drilli OfllLuA but saw ï¬m FERGUSONiREID Floor Service TJLE PLASTIC WALL FIRSTS 9qau foot LINOLEUM F1003 TILE 13c perflila Au TYPES Encour vmmm MDRSANDDG Phone 4751 Elsa11mst rent supplied Phone 91 CAarnNmY Work pairs new work Hr Stedolraphy Barrle Business orcom lete orchards nab thlrnates free Hellenfk i155 Phone Elrnvdg HQ gt51£720y CUSTOM Combinln We are uippeddo do cos mu ew 12 Cockshu an te icoilf my atra 312 ms puninp St East rri room St Elmo Psilhe rm 1n combining cost Fo Chicks or personal more proï¬t buy Deltalb service on 1viour poultry problems call Craig unter Strand phone Nr GET YOUR chick buying settled ou take no chances lcks You know it youre an old customer in good time with Hillside year besides all and crosses Cross Pilch you take no there Hunters Poultry Farm 241725 This standard breeds Li special strains like Arbor Acre Arne ln Whatever you buy chances w1thquallty are from this old established Canadian lul inlhrrnation Approved Hatchery on Ask us fort layers broilers Dave Miller RRIS Bar rie 2417 Bu ness Opportun es GAS FILLING STATION AND SNACK BAR WITH LIVING ouanrrihs This station has an way locationwith ling one the to ollnes andolls 85 on last year equipped snack bar quarters in ï¬le Lcondition nu Diane owner andIJadies res with forced air dry tubs The and Sepatfllef bathroom lus separate mena oms or use by the public It has full basement oil heating inun elrcelllent high am ronta or further expanslohi It is hand brands of gas out 10000 gall has well ius excellent uiiding is in spotless All equriï¬mentils included in the price 11 price $2900000 agood Iirst mortgage can hearranged or the right person Contact Al $059 gt arms lit at 98 Bayflelifslrtl QQYH LACEY REAL ESTATE 95 Hayï¬eld 51 $I500SNACK Bar gas pumps Good gauonnge Living Groceries could be added gunners Plendid distrch $3000 cash will handle plusstock EKeliough Real tor Barrio phone 413mli GARAGE Business sales andser 2917 vice including property well lo cated in Barrie E170 and tire franchise concern with turnover Employin lcs Temls arrange Ownerreï¬ring Call Kellough Realtor 101 Sealed Tenders will be received up pm Monday February 13th1953 at the Town Clerks Office far the supply 01 good in to5 automobile This is going splendid yearly 12 mechan if re uired Par arm 29 Royal Charni Cooking terior paint sufficient for one one for the ï¬rst floors of LheMunlcipal second and third uildlng mice supplied immediate Lowestdr dny arlly accepted tcnderhot necessi smhanAN Tan Ulllk 1417 ord Suite cornï¬lfete Red Durham Cow 5year lacillegofpgu iHlJlltiglnJulï¬lé3 casteIn Cow FE gm an treshen March 15 lirsldzisordflleaf3 er years calf at fool ur aw Years call at tootD ham Heeles 000 to 700 lbs eac lord Steer lyeï¬rs fat pring ives months oldlllcreiord months old Durham Calf jInnsonltllgt old 10 tStockers Dur crsan around 800 lbs accli wagmng PIGS Yorkshire Sow 1o pigs weeiu old Yorkshire Sow due farrow April Yorkshire Sow to new April Li 10 York tom75 lbs each in or bs each llorkshg ound mo railing or market AND GRAIN 2010115 Mlxcdr Hay Allelic and Timothy round holes 10 Tons fled Clover roundbales well saved 1500 round bales wheat and cat Straw ushels human can suitabe 511 300 Bushel Mixed Gra PLEMENFS dz MISCELLAN Adllg IChalmeis Bnler un es ower drl McoiFarmallM Tract wiles new Case actor good gtgndar rep inowv new 11 Massey MH Tiller it disc good as mw John Deere Irwor Cul lvatnr 10 1t good as th MbC Seed Drill l3 run cl Labelmemngoodaw new DCorn Binder brand new pigfrlatlpnal Power Mower 74t cuhncarly new Mount Vernon Fer lizer Spread good as new A1115 Chalmers Delivery Pow erRake lth out John Deere Manure Spreader on rubber brand nowMH TractorBinder cut onwubber new Rubbertired Wa gonand Rack with rollerbear rig good repalrrSedore Loader wit fork and snow bucket 1949 Mercury Truck Zton with stock rack rubber and motor in good repa Scutflers good as no WheeborroW Single Plow Mow er Rip Saw good repair can be driven by tractor Steel Land Roller rum Sets of Drag Barrows draw complete Buzz SawMachine Quantity of Steel Roofing Fanning Mill and Screens complete 52 of Renirew Scales 2000 lbs Renfrew Cream Separ ator 2121 700 lbscapacit Stewart Clippersrfor cattle ele tric brand new Wede Electric Chopper good as new Chore Boy Milking Machine rumpletelor 10 cow mg Trough £00 Sacks of Barbed LWilE Tools Forks Shovels Chains Sap Buckets and mag other articles too numerous to st HOUSEHOLD Errncrs Clary good as new Addison Electric Range $burner heavy duty good as new Space Heater 2Couches Odd Chairs Dis es an articles too numerous to list CASH An ely no re We as tarm is sold tithing to be removed until sciled 1ar Ladies of Greniel United Church will Iserve lunch AUCTIONEEE REMARKS Gentlemen Mr Harris has lull line of equipment equipment are in 100 per cent sale able condition andranyone warlung 11on articles would do well to at tehdthissale Delbert Cole and Harry Parr Cl ltsterry Cqughlin Auctioneer Pli 17 ne5449 Kathie ire Pigs almaal Electric Emery Stone Roll Range Bedroom many other Livestock and Con lluTecumseth miles south or Cookstown it mile north or Newton Robinson and la mile west Highway 27 No reserve lhrms cash Sale at 1130 am Mc Ewen Auctioneer 141710 Thursday March Auction sale of arm stock im lements hiiy min ctc for Me ville Stewart south hali Lot Can West Gwlllimbury Highway 400 Form soldh Terms cash Sae at pm BALANCED Manning lawman Auctionefriï¬ SALE or LANns FOR ARREARS or TAXES IN THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE NOTICE is hereby given that thellst 111 land liable to he acid for arrears of taxes in the County of sirncoc has beenprepared and waspublishcd in an advertisement December 1955 in The Ontario Gazette Copies at said llst 01 leads or advertisement can be seen in my otficc or will be mailed upon makin nrplicatlon for same In defaiil Payment of taxes as shown on the said list on or below DAY MARCH 1958 at the hour of two ocloclrln the analnoon shall at that time in the Council Climber Court House Barrie Ontario proceed to sell by public auction the said land toipay such arrears together with charges thereon Tim cm nsruoiii growth is stunted or retarded thercis little chance of correq tion being made later 01L most three time weight At ix wee times its ini weight Attwc 13 not all sold on March vé weeks thirty times its Ill lal an adjourned salewlll be held on weight lesday March 20 attwo oclock EMA is why Coop Chick Starter My cméoumy $551533 ade of the u1lngred Treasure Offlc is av ilablew Courtdflgdse Barrie Ontario gy growthproducilrigpropherti1ef 29th day of Novemhe 1955 necessary toenab ethe 1c 138 perform this tremendous phys ogiialï¬feat It ababy develop cdat the same rate of growth eight pound babywould igh240 poiï¬ids when 12 eeks old tart our chickens righ Dont Coop Chick 11011513 0111111511 The rfoiiowin autom bile will he soldubyn the under signed ior storage and re pnirsgt 1941 Nash Sedan Serial T14 5592 1955 License 292849 iiiiciiiilianiiiicr gt room 2129 178ESSAROAD 239 INNISFILst ANNo Norms