Hostmu In Million mm was is id Legion Hallflvitb the new m9 Tienl Mr Love pw Animaï¬seï¬u lice in mach1r Committees tor mas in uecuuve 5n gt ï¬lylckgh You February meeting of Coldw ter Mn Stevens aimlth renn nouneed Inflows Mn Peteron In ilfn Ladies ALIKIHIty toLhe Legicm unutive the community Cen militantflan on nannies no II cqfrn nyI wmnmnennv NBA Amu juggiasz am simmer idintenriew Highwiy iionJAmuAihn st tbouxisla green on minister their arguments the highways department retaining VI the presont road Miran Port severe as the mute wbleblhshoold nmllowad by thoTrunsclnadl III Ituztbvayyhen it is construetedin Moonsolo at sn THSHOHNY iinrcmNG BASE BABBITvEARS compfltiveley mmwm BAG WILESEEB jgNRmOgggA tian so Matthias An liean Regular price 22915 ghmhI 13 me Felloamip roupo nre onxo Matching base ing pancake pper so imi iogue on Feb it which is Shrove Iluesdny Member of thezhuoybeaded byPresldent Mrs Mums Donal impressions gained on You SAVE mnéieElost year to the WPE Anniversary iiirneyrnoonl Trip Mrahd Mrs Charles Eplelt lcit by auto this week ior trip south and plan to return about April They termed the vaoa tion another ï¬loneymoon as it culminates their 50th wedding on uivemry celebration Mr Eplett la riving his car or the trip and litter viaiting at New Orleans he and his wife may travel on to Mexico where they visited on in l5 previous occasion chance of winning this 10 liar Epistt recalled sImInII oi lgia so groun in an ine ioI e1 New set has 911 service inro departure His parents had Ie oneot the first stores in Cold water which was grocerymeat shop and bakery it was taken over by Charles Eplett about 1900 and carried on by him for over 15 ears Mr Eplett shipped the irst carioad oi potatoes into Draw will be made on Valen CIWIEHIIB IIIIfIId WEI krguLnIinKnmg enor as eoo ins Texs nyl Later he got into the ear agency gt businesswith the Brown brothers and aiterwards ran the grist mill Legion Donations Coidwater Legion atiItiaeir Felr wary meeting passe onstions BARRE PHONE 4870 tourist hockey and campers groilps donation of $50 was mode to Goldwaters three boys hockey teams to help buy equipment The Leéionvwili transport iol learn to compete at Barrie on March gt Assistance to Guides Brownies camps at Bass Lake was given by $25 donation to camp commandant Mrs Killoran Permission was given or the Ground Observer Corps to hfoi meeting in Legion Hall Feb Feb 10 there will be bhege nnd dart tournament and dance will be held in the near intur Walter Orman of Foxmead IERAMPs came member you thE Taelve 70 GREAT Blé PlowBANK orvouRSALLDAvvesramvr Attending Funeral Service FumeFm Many relatives and friends from Goldwater and istrict atten Take advantage of these special Jamboree offers to have your Ircar the funeral =6 1th Orillia II or Miss Carri Lovering member Safety Checked according to police specifications of pioneer MatehedsshTown are ship family who died su den Int Strand in her 57th year ev Ross Cumming of Coldwnter Un itedChureh conductedthe service and temporary entombment tool place at Drillia Cemetery vault Has Miï¬rizgawge bugn one rase in eas an spen FOLLOWING almost dher Inire lfiiehtheilei galhe wasa augterote ae until11s George Lowering AL lo aysatiye in iIorIriimunityII oigéicrls ss veringi wi FORIIWO II ogifriends in IinzgediatIet relï¬ltiveg hsurtiirivinlg iI are ree ssersh rs ouet Eessie odiIlIlIlldidlariniclyrshLaur Will yourbrakesbésé the pol an rs IE CI Ice sway check It IIIIIIIICDIIIB Nellie both of Toronto and irIii now and the thernadjgst LuskICATION Keepyourjcar running better and longer Haven lubrication jobandoil ï¬lter qnangeegu TIREIISERVlcg gillfubtutiéérs Loveringo any orono an TRANSMlSSJOIN Garnet and Jack Covering both of STEERING NEW nos Contest1WinnerV Elaine Atkinson speaking on TTERY gt New Canadians won first prize of $7 at thespeaking contest he at Elmvaleuflighj School gratulations She will speakrat Barrie SiMONlZE Weekend with Cousin ohn Dovtarvas from Northern 0n rio spent the weekend at the RADIATOR home of his cousin Charles Saltysyond MrsISaltys TOWINGSERVICE 661 somérume wnArl You DONT In Hospital MissBetty Pilkey oldest nu ter of Mrs Sarah Pilkey npatient in Wellesley Hospi Toronto since Friday SohdayGuests andersJOrviuol Mfrs if Wb Meeting Valenginofs