momma in held altsflflsllgiuuhe gt new oral mu new Auxiunuï¬eetln lace in thedulrx By Chuck Young Flbrunry meeting of Coldrmu Mrs Stevens auxiliary upte ilpm Ladies Auxiliary tolhe begin scnialiv on the Community Ceo iWIAEuDN 7MB lees Wr monuments were nude Lloyd madman Simeoeur or deputation iromfort Seve to interview Hizhwayrjiinister flons June Allan at theugisla Moore Thefdelegltlonp minister their argumbntsliortbe highway department retalniuz gt the presentroad Ahroughfort Severn the route whichshould bï¬Jollowed by tho firMould thhvlywhenitbconsuuctcdm MODELSOIO Pancake an nus HOTWA hia1cnlNG BASE RABBIT EARS companively rig organize ï¬ghtï¬e vou haunt my gt Groupo the Guiiduo axon Matching base ing pancake noer guruave logue on Feb which is Shrovo flfuesdu Members of the Iroupheqded byPresident Mrs Morris Douglas will serve pancakes and women Irorn 630 to 730 pni Alter the supper Rev Churcher tor oi the ohugchi will dï¬scriho rnpreto on go re on ip You SAVE mageEllast year 13 the British isles on rape Anniveraary Honeymoon Trip Mrahd Mrs Charles Eplctt left by auto this week ior trip south and plan to return about April They termed the vaca tion onother honeymoon as it culminates their 50th ding on nivcrsary celebration Eplett n1 hi Marco iUDIECE matched cookwme sel ngï¬wï¬ï¬m ggjgfae and his wife may travel on to Mexico wherethcy visited on previous occasion chance of winning this 10 mwérfflejtthrleï¬hedï¬gmÃ©ï¬ anusuI scrvce ioro departure His parents had one of the first stores in Cold water which was grocery meat shop and bakery it was token over by Charles Epleit about 1900 and carried on by him tor over 15 ears Mr Epleit shipped the irst corioad of potatoes into Draw willbe Cochraue and was known in parts ï¬nes bay at the north as the Potato King Later he gotinto the car agency gt business with the Brown brothers and atterwords ran the grist mill Legion Donations Chldviloter Legion at their Felr BARRIE PHONE 4870 ruary meeting passeddonations leaslist hockey and campera groups donation oi $50 was made to Goldwaters three boys hockey helphuy equipme lie willstraï¬sport Junior team to compete at Barrie on March Assi tance to Guides Brownies camps at Bass Lake Was given by $25 donation to camp commandant Mrs Killoran Permission was given to the Ground Observer Corps to lipid meeting in lregionurllali Febbbls FeJOterewi eaa and dart tournament and dan MUGGFJEDSKE TER By Wollyr will be held in the near futuo Walter Orman of Foxrnead Rampsva THiSlï¬MYNEW come member WMKETQGNE p166 BANK ME SOMETHINGFOE Attending Funeral Service MyuuLpy Many relativesond friends from BANK Goldwater and district attended Take advantage of these specxal Jamboree offers to have your cur the funeral service held at Orillia or Miss Carrie Loverlng member Safety Checked according to police specufications of pioneer MatchednshTown ship family who died Sgddenlï¬ï¬ EV Stroud in her 57th yea Ross Cumming oi Goldwater Un ited Church couductedthe service and temporary entombment took place at Orillia Cemetery vaults Julia Lonerizxgléwis warn and raise in as an spen WW FOLLOWING almost her enire life there shoe le Ai lo OR gays aetibe ï¬brgmunity Eifalrls FOR gt gt 155 Levering wide cut gt otiiriengs gt mme ia reaives sum ng ENGINETUNEUP are three sisters Mrs John Gouett RELINED Bessie gfllllidiarxlrflirshLiurz ginségimï¬iRigiuahifl WHEEL BALA CE fluff bothrsoi woréimffla in now and hgvémenirvaqjgsb four brothers Arthur Lovermgot ed TRANSMISSJON 2E3 Eflcttiégiiï¬ bill LUhRICATION TEERING KeepYourjcar ionriinebetisr of Matchedash and longer Haveva lubrication gt ContestWinner 14 Elaine tkinson speakingfon New Canadians won first prize gt in SIEiat thlespï¬aklilng scoirluelst lcreld mvaei coo onw CAR WASH gratulations She will spéokat M5 Barrie SIMONIZE Weekend with cousin Dim Dovtarvis frorlr txllort an rio speutt ewee en a3 RADlATOR home of his cousin Charles gt Soltys and Mrs Saltys Newfflos ii filter changeregu Mis Betty Pilkey eldestdaugh erzofMrs Sarah Pilkey has been patient in Wellesley Hospital Toronto since Friday land were Sunda thelatiexjs daughter law Mr anG Mrs Jack l3 it next meetin ot Newfr mens lustit into hellqu homeof solitary Muiroy bring