irmsrn paras Canada Health Week We here in Ontario may feel that perhlps by the next time this week comes around we will have government plan covering some of thehcalth costs This may be the first stcE towudlslthe itemrot xkeep ng popu on loll instead of making them that way afterwards Itrmay not come to the rural population as quiCk ly as employed groups but we can hope Chaired County Committee of the Whole Deputy Reeve Sprnule was chairman at meeting of the Committee of the whole at Coun ty Council on Wednesday He sat up on the dais making deciswns and rulings quitc businesslike They were electing committee to represent the county Council on the Childrens Aid Society Musical Treat Those who last years enjoyed the Keswick Koralecrs at Stroud last ycarwill be gladto know thatthese twcnty voices ether with guest soloist JRIIL ap pearing again under the auspices ofthe St Faults Paulettcs week from Friday night in the Stroud Hall The 3th Line When the first rcportof the Roads Committee of the County Council was read it mentioned the approval of returning the piece of 8th Linc wcst of 400 Highway to 27 Highway How ever later Fisher Canton told Council that in the opinion of the committee the road was not in fit shape to become part of theg County system As no bylaw was passed which would officially incorporate the piece of road back to the County it is reasonable to conclude tho it is still innisiills responsibility If as Reeve Gibbins told Council in reply to Gontons re mark that road is not in fit con dition to be part of the coun system it is because when it wï¬s revcrted to the township to years ago it had been allow become as it is Why the hould Earn to tit and later rEi been explained cept it roads committee recom ended ts cou roa ected it should have If they did ac ty mags erhaps may then dptaken over without the formality of bylaw Gibblns endeavore haliegelhe committee state what ins were ma lairollxeytllhadthcr section of this road from Highway 11 to 400 which meets up With the paved road of the Township He told Council that on the townships portionthere were as many as ll000 cars daily in summer That the paving or hard top on the county portion would eliminate considerable traffic across on other township roads between 400 and 11 Highway and down to the lake wasobvious This county road which was taken over when Charles Henry was reeve hashad little or noth ing doneon it except thevscant iesi amount of upkeep It is usu ally so roughthat traffic avoide its use Theregace some very dangerous sharp hilltops which are without Vkeep to therigh signs and liver which headon collisions are likelyir Recently one of these types of accidents sent six persons to hospital and resulted in considerable property damage As Reeve Gibbins stated ï¬t the township had the spending of the $43000 which will be available to the count3from the lnnisfil County roads levy and subsidy the roads which are left to coun ty attention could be better taken carepf WantsShore Deputy Reeve Sproule moveda last minute motion that the spe cial ds coiiiiiiittee conside allowing Innisij grant grimila to those allowe fol4 ntyroadsmas tins 72 ur That the mill rate now set ould notbe changedto provide such funds forfvgraht and that the roadappropriations the county have been well earmarked illwno doubt imlnate any can deration of this suggestion The report ch allowed certain ur an municipalities as high ii gt grants was questioned xby llorDalton and oi al rgeA in gjonty vqte gubstan dc to im By RGLsi an engineer and four top offi cials besides numerous patrolman and machine operators The roads in Innistil are all good roads to say nothing of the paved and oil surfaced sections he told the council He said um in Barriethe mu cil alwayslfelt that committee es timates should be cut Here you are pastinga budget for roads of over quarter of million doll ars without dissenting vote The road committees appropri atinns were passed amounting to $306091td which will require mill rate of three mills of the county levy to raise making total county levy of 71055 mills Depends On Examiner County solicitor llacLa ren QC when called before Coun cil to rule on thevalidily of committce of County Council to meet with the town of Barrie re city status said that he for one had not read in the press that surha committee had been re quested by town council When Councillor Kinzie pointed out that the matter hadbcen in The Foo nminer he stated that he of course had to keep in touch with both Barrie and lnnisfil Councils through that paper and must have missed that Missing Overcoat Some man weighing two hund red or over is wearing our over coat it was taken from the court house last Wednesday evening The one that was left is small for We need the keys thatmne in the pocket ANTEN MILLS Sunday Visit Mr and Mrs Cliff Hamilton and Carl and Mary Lynn and Mrs Hamilton and Norma of Bar ric visited on Sunday atL Scotts Community Sympathy Sympathy of the community is Roy Wood of Toronto Weekly Euchre The weekly euchre was held on Tuesday night with five tables playing Prizes went to ladies renc Kfnwcllï¬nd Laura Rich men DelEPricst and EmJ mctt Cavanagh Trip To Toronto On Wednesday at 11 am the bus loaded to capacity with 24 pupils and 22 adults left for their annual trip They lrrived pm and spentbn hour touring This was avery interesting place and one does not realize all the work involved in preparing pap er and the speedflin which they work From there they arrived at Maple Leaf Gardensat 380 pm when they attended the Ice Follies which wasmost beautiful and all enjoyed it very mucbThe bus arrived home about nine oclock some little tired butall happy about this enjoyable trip Weekend Visits Mr and Mrs John Scott of Ta ronto spent the weekend at Scotts Home Again We are pleased to see Frank Coughlin home again but he will be confined to bed for some time EBENEZER WMS News Ebenezer WMS met at the home of Mrs Joseph Hanibly sWednes day afternoon Feb with an at tendance of 24 Mrs Gordon Kneeshaw opened the meeting with everyone repeating the aim and object of the WMS followed by the Lords Prayer The next meeting is to be held at Mrs Gor don Landerkins Two thankyou letters were read and four sick and hospitalcalls made Mrs Gofdon Kneeshnw gave report bn the Presbyteriai execu tive meeting held in Barrie Mrs Lloyd Kneeshaw reada paper on Chr Lian citizenship andTemp erance The worship servicewas under he deaderahip of Mrs Wilfred Kneeshaw land Ernest Knee shawu Those helpingwere Mrs Matt Kneeshaw Miss Aileen GarJ tenor and Mrs Ernest Dales Mrs Wilfred aKneeshaw read The place the Bible takes inithe home Itithe Challenge to Sen vice was read by Mrs Mrs Hartley Evans favored with an accordianjolo Em est Kneesbawiread Not Strong ers vbut Fellow Ci izens extended to the Cox family in the loss of Mrs Coxs sister Mrs in Toronto at the Telegram at NOT THE LEAST PART of lng is that of the Royal Canadian Army Medicalcorps The medics must evacuate Rev Buéden Dies at Orillia Following several year of ill health Rev Wilbert Beaumont Bugdcn St Pauls United Church Orillia died in the Soldiers Mem orial Hospital on Thursday Feb Mr Bugdenwas born in New foundland 10 years ago and in 1915 he married Miss Isabella Snelgrove There is one son LieutCommander John Beau mont Bugden RON lie was ordained in 1914 by the Newfdundiand Conference of this Methodist Church in Canada and apphinted to Catalin where he served until 1918 gtAfter servingat number of churches in Newfoun land Mr Bugden mailed to th Toronto Conference in 1934 Until 936 he was minister at Cookstown ted Church until 1938 In this year he accepted call to St Pauls United Church Orilliaand was connected with that congre gation until his partial retirement for health reasons in June 1950 Threeycars ago he preached for onegrnonth at Central United Church during the illness of Lthe in ister of that church Rev Bewell The funeral took place un Sat urday at 0rilliawhen members of the family from Barrie and onto attended Formerlyof Toilendal AlbettVEdward May Di In Calgary at Age 95 One of Calgarys oldest izens Albert EdWard May died in the General Hospital there onJVednes day morning December 28 at the nge of 95 Born and raised Tollendal atthe family res near Lovers Creekhe and his brother were well known asoarsv men many years ago The resid ence now rebuilt the summer father had cooper Lshop which was to the westof the house and near the creekwh re Al had ed to Calgary emplo 31 theCPR shops reach carp enter for 20 rs retire mama He was formerly ber eCaigary ha alsoplay comet in theisth Here near Earl McMastcmof Angus there are no Aid and Womens Missionary Soci ety of Zion Presbyterian Church day Feb at the Jennett Fun Rev Gucrgis minister of Church and friends Church In additionto the friends AMr and Mrs McKibbon of lam Cookstown flHE LAT REV BUGPEN served at South River andthenl idence home of VE AYurlris and their Arctic nane patiehtloï¬i and treat casualties under sever weather lst Air orne conditions Well advanced lmyears Mrs Rachel Gauiey who had been in poor health for some time passed awayon Tuesday Jan 31 1956 at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie daughter or the late William and Margaret Jane McMaster she was born on the fifth concession of Essa Township on July 20 187D and her entire life was spent there and in Angus Except for one sister Miss Lily other surviving relatives of the amin as her husband the late Wliliam John Gauley died on May 18 1952 Mrs Gauley was Presbyterian nd had been active in the Ladies declining years ernl Home Barrie was taken by Zion Church who was assisted Rev Paul Field of Angus Unite Lovely flowers spoke remeni brance and were from relatives and from zion and neighbors also present were Windsor Mr and Mrs McMaster of London Md Atcer Toronto and Mrs Bart Interment in Angus Cent etery and nail carers wcre Wil liam West Thomas Duckworth rvey Robinson lleginalqurn old Frank Higginson and Irwin Miller 311 of whomhadkno and respected the late Mrs rontoand 14 grandchildren tion will meet in 53 Wednesday Feb 15 Please note change of date Cameron roll um Mn Nash baa Devotlollll In Topic your panama ï¬nding auceeeded in get ting Ilia Holly Brown mam gt MrsllrltusselL librarian from Barrie Public Lib rary as speaker Come with your readingpmblc Lunch Mrs Brooks Mrs Bow dery and Mrs Poole Contest Successful iiia The hockey dance was rueeeu certainly appreciate your efforts There will be another dance on Feb 24 please note the date Good music as before Sympathy Sympathy is extended to Ml and Mrs HarryMarshall Mrs Ben Marshall Harrys mother gets transfusion lrom and PteJaBllliLéesonall attire MedlcalPlyop ycsnadldnArmrPbotm lancer resin nt of Oral Towing KP norm Anderson passedsgway in Toronto on Jan 25 19 after short llineï¬ ï¬‚is death owed hemorrhage Anderson was the son of the lateJohn and Marion Ander 211a65 survived by his wide the crater Laura core three sons nd four daugh ers Mrs ML Sedora May Toronto George Regina Sash Mrs R055 Mfl Whinny Grace of Toronto Charles Goderich Mrs Cadeil la Lilllan Helen and John To The ate Mr Anderson was 35 stone million and bricklayer by trad Much of his wark can be seen in and elsewhere flhe high esteem in whichhe was held was shown by the many floral tributes The funeral service was held the family church St Aidans at llawkestoneon Jan 23 andi was conducted by Dr night ntermcn iri Easti sons Rzibert and Vincent Cadell and Robert Anderson and three nephew Jack Anderson Berncll McKa and Gordon Moor the late Mr Firmingwa tive meinber of Coldstpeam byteri Pres asonic Lodge 54 and AM The Masonic serv Weddes yoveni Ia 25wa well attended Thefuneral service held ratathe Jerrett Funeral Chapel Torant was nducteid by Rev Baili ll to of on dstreaxnyc arch an ed be ormerpastor Betti Gauley Former Toronto Resident Frederick Fleming Diés Suddenly at Eeigusonvale Frederick Fleming formerly of ed away suddenly at his honic in Fergaisonvale on Monday an 23 1956 The deceased was the so Mr and Mrs Fleming andca brother of DouglasFleminé Toronto He is also survived by Millan andtwo children Donna and Donald Fergusonva Rev Reece at Jacques Furr eral Home with interment in the Union Cemetery Calgary The aged entleman had made his home with daughter Mrs Jean ade at1029 Fifth Avenue Calgary There is another daughter Mrs Both Clih ilinoï¬and alsortbree grandchildren all of Calgary His wifeMary Jane died in the fsamacity lll 1901and as also predeceascdxby his wife through second marriage the former Minnie Whiteley who wasborn and raised in Allandale fence Olflviind carried on 111 some wormlater making anlfle ailoilierjkiads of barrels Some 55 years ago he mov Light Horse and andhadxtrayelx lied tb lrela dflnaliltll ya afartha at ny hat King 812 Glencairn Ave Toronto pass of his widowlthe formerEva Mac htllnéon Thepailbearersg were lier MacMilian Willi Eighty NormahGourli George hards Gordon Sunléy wasa Mount MOI RdWNï¬ ALIEN BREW evening at his home were three grandl Church and aimemher on For hompt Courteous Servloe Easiedavgig inIKintgaton Oil Wed Ines or engthy DAtsroN Blrthdly Party KeithWoodentertalned num ber of teenagers on Saturday It was hIlJlIy birthday partyand every one hada good time chkend vmwn Mr and Mrs George Jones Barrie spent the weekend with tholatters aret Mr FWOOd us an Mrs Mrs Brown Toronto Mr and Mrs William Bulman New Toronto were Sunday vis Friday in itors with Mr and Mrs Watson son die was bornjn Oro on Apriil 40th Wedding Anniversary oivorsary of Mr and Mrs Mowforthat their home at Craigv hurst on Thursday evening New Look ForiEnmlner Our Barrie Examiner came out with face liftinglast week How nice it looks nowi Even the photos are so much improved as lair BEAVER racial39435941 rm Delivery Within so inna MONTHSTD PAY BUY UNDEB 0GB BUDGET an Up to $2000 homeimprovement Emma ladneed toielplanls diexwhanyniireaway from gaug Ethetiiicknessof wink an hegamount of water required foreach plant ANJCHGR ERY LIMTC hogvmdueen za chine of thc0ntario Hog Qumran satiation insecuring hog prices above the agency succeeded in aeourlng 24 Thanks to all patrons The boys Mr and Mrs William Coward Sr attended the 40th weddingan imam titJan Melanie president Produce As Itated today excessive Our Despite mama our demand of from five large meat packets l0 was became the sale ush hog priccs below Alevela rel pork this team domestic ted to current oominer park as well as the sale of choice prices our marketinggem was to the American market successful for four of Jive these prices Mr Melanin stn mm 3003 Quebec the largest province poisons per squaremllgv ran at national average is sa persons per square mi live large Ontario packetbids Mr Mclnnls said surtlu with 23 cent bid from the Pickers carly in the week wellas the clear type Comm came as pleasant surprise to nin many readers vru stating Party mfl EXPKET mam WORK few from here attended the you skating party at Guthrie on your Fridaynight DODGE D3807 DEALER 15 Bradford st EEQNE 5971 Drill Well at Parsonage ihe Official Board met in the church basement on Monday night The main topic was set tled when it was decided that well would be drilled at the par sonage committee1 was ap pointed to look after this project earn rundown aim nun man in Jï¬vou and owner and need it promptly for shopping to pay over due bills or any other good reason call on HFC soon if you have stendyinoome and can make regularqnontbly payments no endomers are required Loans fromiotl to $1000 molly made in one day IIOUSEIIOLD FINANCE Robot Manonr 28 Dunlap5hWoat condition phone 5529 lAthll ONT moundaura Hummusmany Iann Wayloin HOW AlliI Willi BRAKES Let us check them soon we do complete brake jobsusing famous Raybestos Bonded Linings 154855CflvPDNTIACEORD DODGE PLYMOUTH ed Linings installed on all four wheels szoso Wheel Cylinder parts honing and freeing of emergency briike cables extra MOTOR TUNEUPS We specialize in Motor Tune Ups Generator and Starteroveré hauls Carburetors washed and reoperated Martak Lubrica tions car washes andoilochangu try our inwso Havolineall climate oil 65c qLWe will pick your car up and deliver it llussel Slranngliun Motorss sxr CHIEF wi¢hrnrhOx FIRE canr oasorJNEs Customers Protected 24 Hr TowTruck Service 82 sierrad Street Borrie no 4140 KNOW Wlllil wonmuriiynmnomimoimingramming Im merelyhere to point our the value of ng weilknownarufl camp to administer your estate You See your estatei far too important to todayforlourf booklet at Family vcrs many