CONTINUOUS SHOWS SATURDAYZBO pm SEARCH THE SEVEN SEAS YOU WONT FIND SHAY FRIDAY SATURDAY EV£NINGSHOWSAT6509pnI EXCITEMENT LIKETHIS WA FTER WAVE or EXCITEMENT 35A 094557 EDITED EV WARNER BROS THE PLUS roxiurws uI CINEMASGOPE Ann WARNERCOLOR 57mins JoIm warn mo Lou mm EVENINGS ADULTS 75c TAX INCLUDED MATINEES ADULTS 50c TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25 TAX INCLUDED MONDAY TUESDAY llIiYS 0N1Y EVENING sIIIst Plus Gortoon DESIGN Fun LIVING CANADA CARRIES 0N PLus REEL SUBJECT EOR ENJOYMENN iiiS HOTEL SWEET asï¬illiiï¬lé Bi sunspnmmnï¬ of 010 05 diplom illn my abandoned babe In his arms mam 91mm mun SPELIAI III mInsIIII mIII Irs lHENiOST LAUGHPAdED WEDNESDAY are 15 130 pn1 THE BIAGGESA AND BEST WITH THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS IN EWQRLD II IiNIlvliii ENT RTAINMENT TIIIIa mm Tilll WEBJII ntLï¬EWoneurunaso mm IouIs mason ironItal Imam Cl HEM SCOPE rug Civil Sunni Union Credit mm on the benefits and facilities available cordial invitation framed in all provincial civil servants in the Barrie and district area to apply Election multed as follows Directors Kellogg preslj vicepresident dent EDay Mervin Dobson treasurer Cpl Andrews Russell Adams credit committee Constable Scragg Con stable Pitts Piowright supervisonv committee Pea Kirby Jackson education committee chairman Russell Adams Sterling Trusts Earnings Increased increased earnings in all de partments and record activity during the year are reported by Sterling Trusts Vorporation will be submitted to shareholders at the annual meeting on Feb 13 in Toronto The 1955 financial statement released today by President Birka shows assets were increased during the year to $21000404 up $13 millions over 1954 Profits are shown at $224545 before taxes and $139170 net of which $82405 has been distribu ted to shareholdcrs and $50000 added iothe Reserve Fund The current dividend rate is $180 per share or compar ed to last year Other two yearcomparisons 1955 and 1054 shownin the annual statement are as follows last years figures in brackets Gross profit $224 545 main Taxes other um that have toasted the Queen with real estate $85366 $07349 Dividends $02405 $72740 Transfer to Reserve $50000 $75 000 Reserve Fund $525000 5475000 Independents 87 Decide to Join Tobacco Assoc Gregory chairman of he Fluecured Tobacco Morkc ing Association of Ontario stated to day that in his opinion the deci sion of independent growersrepA resenting 075 of all indepen ent acreage to join the associa tion Will tend to stabilize the in dustry at least for the present For the information of oid members who argue that their basic acreage should be increased because theindependent growers have been given basic acreage MrGregory stated thatlall should realize the Board has not given anything to independent growers but has cuttheir acreage They grew an unlimited acreage but have now wisely tconsented to six acres per kiln and in addition to take the cut that is ordered by the Board IThis certainly is no reason why the acreage of old members should be increased There is no acreage to give out at present and if one member should be given an increase it would hive to be taken from the other members The more the basic acreage is diluted the less there is for each mem er it is the sincere hope of the management that the members will restcontent with their pres ent allotments otherwise the re suit well may be no control the nexttimethe matter is upifor consideration This is no tinge to rock thoboat When asked to comment on the failure of the directors to agree on the acreage allotment for 1956 atthe recent meetinghe said Quite true it seems they made mountain out of molehill Since the difference in opinion waa oply 2vhowever it is quite evident that the directors gconlt scientiouslyexamined the pro blem with close scrutiny an ith much independent thought No doubt decision will he arrived at within the next few days Furlong as measurement 210 yards is believed corruption I62 the ancient furrowdong measure of iosm field PAYEEB THEIR OWN sIIIIIIIIaa PlilYiillillINll nIIIa till summer Sllllltllllllliflllil rSllNiNlEllfPliiniilollNll vim $417000000 in 71954 to unemploy ment insurance workmenscom pensation pensions and welfare IN MI me My DIAL 4427 43V in the 44th annuai report which Annual conference South Simcoe Junior Farmers Section ZPages 9h 14 WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 31956 men at Bond Head Hall Hear CBC Farnt Broddcoster syncs stands Head on Saturday Jan 23 there gathered the com ing leaders or South slmeoe unlties men and women who will be taking over the affairs or state municipality and commerce in the very near future glance through the reports of the various clubs including that of the secretary Mlssltuth Ire land gives an outline of the pur poses and accomplishments of Junior Farmeranot only in South Slmcoe but all parts of Qntario Secretarys Report ring the nex year would like 11 Junior Fa mers to try to educate the people in our county and our province as to the im portance of our organization Miss Ireland reported At Federation of Agriculture conference in Drillla member asked one of our executive mem bers what value the Junior Farm crs organization is to the country This Federation of Agriculture member did not realize that every club meeting makes better citizens of young pelagic by making us ac cept responsl ilities and helping us to learn to take our place in the community Every social func tion helps us to learn how to con duct ourselves in public No doubt from the members of Junior Farmers will come many MP3 and MPPs You know have yet to be at banquet where there was majority of senior people out clicking glasses do not think that you will attend many lunlor Farmer banquets where there is this carelessnesa Each of our activities church service field day debating and slnglng has its own important part to play incur intense educational program do not thi that many of the active Junior arm ers will be one of those people that do nakexercise their fran chise or allow decisionsflo be made without putting in their few wordsJ have had disagreements and even few words but feel that this is good for all concerned even if our president sometimes had worried look After all our own try has not developed the way it has with people that had no back bone it took many individual IIIIIIIIIII meme BARBIE commumrv coucanr nssocmrioh In our own organization To Their motto is Self help and community betterment They 11 um are developing along totally different line of vthought shown also they take part in calf In their ancestors and the force that has developed this dub 50 will tgmwlhg leadership may be proud of their accomplish istsauch as we have in Junior Farmers So please tell that uncle of yours or that nextdoor neighbor why you are Junior Farmer am sure he will then see our on ganization in new light would like to wish you the best of luck in this venture and an eventful successful12 months Executive and Directors We would like to take enough space to go into details of the work of the various clubs of which there areisix Alllaton Tec WeGwill BeeTots Nottawasaga ivy ChllliWilil Each has an executive and appoints directors to the county organization These for 1956 are Allistonlloss Brett Mariam McMann John Bell lccWerlilCharlie Wilcox Barbara Wilton Sam Lee ChiliiWilllGeorge Lucas Dou glas Hughes Beth Presser ivyKathy Price Ross Brethet gcéflotsNames not submit Nottawasaga Burton Somer ville Frances McNicol Maurice McArthur South Slmcoe president Allan Houghton director to the On tario Junior Farmers Milton Mc Arthur llnanclal Status The county club receives grant of $200 trom county coun cil This is supplemented byfunds THE Enn 0F Insunnncs too much charcoal Yeaand maybe not enough IN SURANCE How about YOU Do you have enough 1NSURANCE to cover todays high rebuilding costs7 if not call us today iliilcresl School TONIGHT Feb 900 pun ii iii STEVENSON iNSIIiiIiNEE See US FIRST For Insurance or nu ms 85 Dunlop St Phone 5201 14th masons snapuanr Cnoacmu THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16 HALL Boys GIRLS arrucnrloivs Apply in writing Mr thingo Long Barrio Rgcreatlfp FLIP CHART MEETINGS Sponsored 13y The Simcoe County Federationof Agriculture FARMERS Heres your chance to hear the story of our farm organization How it is organized What it has accomplished What it plans for the future WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 15th COMMUNITY SPEAKER mu JACKLIN misman Ontario Federation of Agriculture EVERYONEIS WELCOME swam scuooh sum 1m HALL an pan Gurnmacomkum acaoo pm which aformaldancew atthaeonferenoa danoeyearoforganintionlaaruliive esrwentin the red and going concern bonsplel entry fee rofit of $2600 lost W47 field day dance which left profit under $10 and variety night which Inc profit of $4145 other attain ouch as presenta tions and in in competltions were financed extent of about $0 That the or ganization could extend its ser vices and add to its activities if lt Were nothandicapped for funds is apparent Various Activities The local clubs participate In at which displays are Their field days haylarge crowds of youths and some elders and the events usually have base ball competitions The ChllllWiill club which held arents banquet night at Church was so successful that the hall was overcrowded An other outing this clubcnloyed was trip to Tomato attending the Royal Alexandra Theatre than on to the Town and Coun try for dinner and finished off at Maple Leaf Gardens to watch hockey game The ivy Club was another which he activities on the move and he many educational meetings as well as social events In this manner themembers of the club which this year celebrated its 10th on ma annouan DANCING EVERY SATURDAY LUCKY SPOT RANGES Torn Paticnden Orchestra enormous Tannin come at ADMISSION 500 AUEHCEB 10°F Barrio In funds to the be Nottamu Cnrled Noitawasaga club among other sports went in for curling and from the results it may be con ciuded that this is no longeran old mans game The president Milton McArthur brought home third pï¬ie from Peterboroush id They also play baseball and an entry in the square dance competitions The TecWeGwiil club which from its name one can figure the parts of the county represented has for its president Sam Lee Judging from remarks made at thedinner oi the county organiza tion Sam has not only won him self fame for his leadership but the fact that he and Miss Ruth Shaver were about to celebrate some event at the same time must have had some significance They also have acurling club pro ject forthe coming year is the planting of trees This will leave lasting monument to the work Turn to pace eleven plane MALCOMSONS INSURANCE AGENCY 41 DUNLOP ST BARRIE PHONE 3735 1KINSMENWBING0 IO0E HALL ThursdayEeb03i000 BRING FRIEND TO SHARE THE PRIZES IoIIA JunioriguA 1o MARL can