Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1956, p. 5

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We require se IQ HELP WANTED TRAINING EQUIPMENT DESIGNER derailleur Grade $3210 33m malted Jar the Do ent of Delcaee at AMP BOR DEN maria For tall particulars posten displayed at Post Office and Na tional Banguineat Services Ap plication rm available at these office should be tiled with the Civil Service Commission 25 St Clair Ave Toromo OnL NOT LATER THAN FEBRUARY 1501 1950 WATCHMAKER REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Permanent Position as Asslltant CPR Watch inspector or Northern Ontario terminal rtunitics for early mmo on Ming be experienced an qualified Io handle railroad watches and wrist watches $0000 week salary or better de pending on experience Modern ewellery repair section to work it Group Health Insurance Benefits Accommodation availablc tor sin lzle or married man Reply In wrilin giving qualifica tions and exper once to SPADONI BROS LTD chreibcr Ontario 1517 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNIITY Throu promotion in our com pony cm is an excellent oppor tunity foriwo men between the ages at 25 and 45 who want to con sider business opportunity which is very worthwhle These men must have an excellent personality and be able to meet executive type businessmen We re prepared to invest consid erab money in the right mcnsoi it you are interested in earning Irom $3000 to $4800 year to start depending upon your qualifications wmra BOX The Barrie Examiner an interview iluil GET Porter at Slmcoc Hotel Stlelldy work Phone 0018 116 CASHIER Experience not neces ary ii willin to learn Apply in person Allan ale Hardware 118 110 SEKEEPER sleep in Apply Patterson 16 18th Street or bone 002W Comp Bar 14 MARRIED man to work on dairy farm Separate houseGood wages Apply 80x10 Barrie airedhyT two wtth refer phtme house 4310 or all 2496 11517 HOUSEKEEPER reliable or semiinvalid lady Light houser work Sleep in UN 11515 or write Miss Haydenpan Bathurst St Toronto 11817 HOUSEKEEPER companion for elderly lady in Schomberg Good home for widow or pensioner Ap ply gtW Mnrchant Schomberg Ontario phone 2011 10 COMPANION help required to look atter an elderly leyrliutm valid and high school boy in HOUSEKEEEER re adults Live APP ences in Ln as modern bungalow at Big Bay Point Phone Stroud 2lr13 11617 Maria and ii salesmen SALES liestartiri aggressive salesmen to close lead Must be married neat and nwa car Solar comrnksion and bonus Allle eison 67 Dunlop St or it one AVLIW11ht 11011 093 PORTERTo wash floors and general cleanin smaliduties reliable Apply United Lip zoouniop St FULL Time Bookkeeping Machine Operator re uired or large local business ay 37321 lieweek with me ca and mi benefits Gradua salary increases up to $5350 per week starting rate de ends on qualifications and exper ence Applytp Box 44 Barrie Examiner 11541 =g 15 YOUR 11100101121 equal to alga needs Your or spare hna are worth 52min $909 each it you are able and Wilhng to work and accept suggestions This ust be honest and is sales job contacting established retail customers Our merchandise is jnationaily advertised in Read Warnu TOIMLE RUBBER STAMPS moon WEAYMOUTHS cook STORE 603 PAWS OARDENEES mmmrm 1N IRRIGATION lalkv over your problem wiih CAMPBELL all Barrie Phone not on 21 Highwa miles south oi rric Cdakghutt Farm Machinery Insecticides Myers Sprayers Demonstrations Gladly Amngedi 1710 MOBILE HOME TRAILERS are the answer to YOUR roblcm New and mobile homes for sale oNew Low Down Paymentl Icheapor Finance Rates include insurance or full term your contract up to years Trade in trailer currturniture etc Parking space will be available tor you ChupmansTrOiler Soles Colron Ave Hwy 90 Angus Out asno LOCAL unnnoaa 7106105 MLCLARY Annex in perfect con dition Phone 2709 71017 DICTAPHDNE Dictator and trans criber Apply Cowan and Cowan phone 4521 71418 COLEMAN Oil Burnd doors with tan also oil tank and pipes work plus other Cheap or quick sale Phone lDrlZil Stroud 71017 USED Skates bought and sold Must bc in good condition or tradein on new outtlt Urrys 36 Hayfield 5t 71130 ADDING Machine and Wpewlih era Sales rentals repallo simcoe Business Machines Toranto 5L phone 4824 Iiam 1955 MOBILE Hume bedrooms as new Bargain at $050 down 577 per month Yellow Rooi Cabins evenings and weekends 7l5i7 RUGS Save ug to one hall on new reversible roadloom made from your old carpets woo lens clothing etc Phone 52273 BURNER heavy duty electric range With good oven Suitable or cottage Reasonable $20 or but otter Phonc4212 between BABYS Bed months old spring tilled mattress $25 Lloyd baby carriage ti months old 525 also washing machine car old Apply 197 Duckwol St till REAL Buy 15 it cedar strip boat steering control and 10 hp Johnson Bought in August Like newUsed less than 10 hours Forced to sellgPthie dlllrgrrlfismlzi WANTED LEARN TO WELD Lincoln Arc Welding School conducted by ANDRADE SONS Phone 10R RR Strand Alcona Beach Road 513725 HIGHEST PRICES Pam SCRAP iRON AND METAL CARBODIES Dont give your scrap away sell direct to FRANCOZ METAL CORP LiMiTED Phone426i Zflil HIGHEST PRICES PAID tor scan Madam Di est ly in writingt leill5 Egfirangergpsso St Roch Stu troal Quebec ii RosirionswANreo who iabie babysitter or plfieticai pulse 210 HONEST reila da ark Monda togFriday only Phoneefliil 21517 flla ACRES Pa 6° ail333i Lot iu Arth BATTERIES F11 5331 P1 0437 We alsogeliylpes beams iingles hannala and reintorclng rada iNDUSTRlAL IRON zAND METAL Ounlapfitnvll Fermil Rhone 6331 or 643 WRAP IRON METALS ms ES mnrrmns LIVE POULIR 2215 RAGE BAIIERIES mun NRA located St Hary room lower and 111m room up creed air all heating modern ltchen Asking price 500 with about half cash required Call Rose 5290 3160000 THREE BEDROOM Home in good location in east end large lot lar See this one or lower pr ced home mil can algéAll conveniences Ca Al gt LARGE HOME idell home for roomiu house or apartments torc ed air all heating large lot Only 38900 lull price three thousand down required Call 5298 Margy 51551313 roommhiimeltfi catc no urrou gggment Inlce landscaped lot DOWNTOWN LOCATION two bedroom home with dining roonh Th home is less than two years ol brick creed air oil heating About four rnnutes walk down town Cali Al Rose 5280 EXTRA macs NRA Bun low with excellent location clay rick torccd air all heating natural voodwork extra large closets tile bathroom About $2800 down pay ment required He sure to seethis one it you are looking for the larger one storey home call Al Rose 5293 DUPLEX Hillcrcst Schboi area three rooms upper and three rooms lower all heating garage um apartment carries house As ng price $10500 Call A1 Rose 5293 EXCELLENT DUPLEX POSSI BiuTlES Here is home that would make lovely owner occu pied duplcx it has four bedrooms and bath up and excellent large rooms downwith was room Rec reation room all heat ng liaragc and landan ed lot Owner trans ierred and eaving Barrie Feb 13 1950 This home must be sold Cull AI Rose 5200 This is also the Ideal large family home £0000 ASKING PRICE our rooms and both excellent Jot only low doors trom stores Must be sold due to death in family Cull Al Rose 5293 OUR SELECTION OF NHA homes has never been better we have several with immediate possession Some with open fireplaces All have tile bathrooms Iorcedair oti heating Some are complete with storms and screens The dow payment depends entirely on the purchasers salary or wages lg Malia earnings are is 533011 19 can name your own own payment and it your credit ratln is good we can arrange the in once or you Call Al Rose 5290 BEFORE You BUY TRY LACEvjs NO OBLIGATION PHONE 5298 IlIOMES FARMS OCOMMERCIAL Sum PROFFRTIES 1016 HERBSILB REAL ESTATE AURORA gt BEAUTIFUL SPLlT LEVEL BUN GIALUW Large livingroom fire place bedrooms modern kltch en piece bath oil heating gar age Parklike setting on large lot All this or$12 500 ALEX HOOD REPRESENTATIVE Cookstown lhaho 73m 01 18 poems REAL ESTATE nave ATALL mas NHA Financed 3Bedroam Bun gaiows hood choice ctlnrgor miidEin homes Centrally located older home Duplexes and income Properti gHSmall businesses Farms Lots in Barrie Loisouiside 01 Town It pays check withus when planning to buy or soil anon mime 6387 humus DAY on EVENING CHARLES ROGERS LriEAIripa STERme rituals BLDG BARRIE oil heated Monthly cafih ma confining or live m1 Icnte madltisoal Mm CARRYIN 2451 anytime NEW BUNCALOW $10800 $3300 Down This love room alaw has large liv roomand ltchen load site on andvtllcdba on large at place to the new commercial area Alrrcondlll oil heat outlaw tans For noiuiment call Calling at apytime 9am to pm ROOM BUNCHOW 810500 Full Price Maj down in new reddénllai area close to achooland alone This modern 2bedroom bungalow is ideal for the unalifomily Rea sonablc monthly carr thiscomiorta 1e home dialling at 245 anytime to run wear END OF rowtt $8900 Full Price Six room aturd brick in excell ent condition int floar VERY LARGE LIVING ROOM dining room kitchen and sunporch Sec ond hour madman can ROOMS and bath CLOSE 10 bus STOP For further information call Russell Carson 2451 any time am to pro RI $7500 Full =1rlce 52200 Down Pa rnent Silt large roomsnsolid brie hardwood floors throufihout good iurnace Could be ly dup exed or srnali turn of money Carries 1hr $0500 per month Situated on Bradford two blocks from General Eiectrc Plant This is an exceptional bar saln For articular call Mr Sheisweil at arric 2451 any tintc ayments will Call nail to imm BEAT THIS $9500 Full Price For this immaculate bedroom bungalow piece bath Modcrn kltc on not air heating Situated on good residential street Close to schools For pointments call Mr Shciswell at time mm to pun iROOM BUNGALOWANNE ST $550000 $100000 down for this well inca ted two bedroom bungalow Situa= ted on large lot THIS HOME WILL CARRY FOR $6000 MON THLY First limeilsted so act quickly and call MrWorthington at 2451 any time am to pm Consult Ridout on nu REAL ESTATE Whether Buying or Selling RIDOUT REAL ESTATE mo minions CANADASLARGEST REALTORS iais $9950o FULL DOWN PAYMENT for inspeetion163 Guah eet Brand new Ranch Type Bungalow built to maximum NHA standards or bedroom brick bungalow with 23 tootlivin room tiled bath ultra modern lichen air conditioned with oil tully in sulated very high dry heated basement aluminum storm door Why pay rent 1ullpriee Immediate possession Call GRANT iala REALESTATE ctopperton St Crhon 5934 ITS NOT HOME UNTIL ITS YOURS And it can her oursi Onl down takes gieainin yngzwmg roorn bungalow in Allan ale are Its white stucco has piece bath heated by oil lorced air Full 08398110 mcoMc so scary Located at east end each apa ment at this trlplex is nicely tin ished an aseveryoonvoniencc lncome S230 Full price 313900 to see phone 5934 15LESSQRA REAL ESTATE Alleridale si al location sandmapzle ance andnott $9800 roamed bric storey full baa hace garage 31 urrie 2451 any JLSLESSOR Full Price or appointment and clothe LOOK AT THESE BEST BUYS THEY WONTLAST NRA 11W NO SALARY REQUIREMENTS £200 down ms alull rice buyl bedroom 01 heate rick bungalow in one of Barriel llnett districts House has been livedvin tor short while so many extras such as atomwindawa landscap lng Ind light fixtures are included In very desirablenelahborhaod custom built room field stone and clapboard home white picket ience surrounds wail land scaped lawns Large living room with picture windows and learn ing oak floors good size bed roomsmodem kitchen withlots oi cupboardynoat bmemcnt with cc enough for rumpus roanIA ratta attached and paved drive way Asking Pric $12900 $l500 DOWN Thegbert value in suburban pro erty wehuve ever listed tpl ncrer wonderfully landscaped with eute=tran1c bedroombungalow In addition room summer cot tnge plus small barn and hen house Full price $4000 interested in INCOW PROPERTIES See uswe have the biggest selec tion to choose from Full price 7500ientg for $11000 on Collier tractcom leter sep arate2 kitchens and bathroom this wont last Good terms FULL PRICE510500 RENTS FOR $140 lly operate apartments Oil hcat dIvery 500d Bhllpwl 2113 FULL PRICE 311600 BRAND NEW separate apartmentsRents to $220 month 516000 14 rooms cantrai Worn ley Street SEE IT LO0K $1000DOWN $69 nth ovoisl Brick Bmgaiowa lizardth you ditlercnt plane to oosc rem ATTENTION BUILDERS LOTS LOPS LOTS CALI US 2413 QRDQNSTQUIIL LIMITED REAL scram aaoxaas OPEN UNTIL 0pm Vi Dunlap Street East Re resentutives lro Lake Ontari to NilrthmBa x° Barrie inane 2413 10104 Six roamed brick hausé in Thorn ton hot water heating by oil piece bath double garage well it caied shade trees nice lot hard and soil which one oh lhomtunfi finest homes Owing to the owns ers business requiring his moving to the citythls property isiprice tor quick sale Moderate down payment Balanceby mortgage 11 required Possession gt Otherproperiyin Thornton for sale ior houses iarms gravel lot etc get in touch wi OSCAR BATES Thornton Phone Ivy urn Representative for HUNT Broker Coilingwood aoimfs lNCOME Property Codrlngton School Area apartments two roornS andjone roamed suites sell contained yield 53460 per year Taxes 50 $350 per year 5000 or best Marshall aepresenie Eli bush Contact room ck galow livingroom 11 lg 12 mo crate sized bedrooms plentg oi oi ce excellent cup oard arra ement lnkltchenFarce air oil atlng Gara with ov head door other fine omes folv tlon Contact Marshall HIGHWA No 90 it illimirge r20ml onebgtlhd re lll 292 yblln ham cat ii 40 arageand te entsycan ls ape Mar all Cautts lbong 2435 ev LARGE at he ranch ty bunga3 low largo livingrroorn ogout 13 10extro closets piecebat kttleljmiéd rubber tile tigers inI aseman ex 100 semen ii eateamgoro so it it Id écéoeliiy ea Dundornaldr treet 1014ld pos iiU iieuis Be ionJSundEywjnight vicinity Collie Bt Baptist hurch Phone3721 Phone $1 iii3W GOOD lot on aervlced xtreet cm 1545 rred 9351410 RDOM Phone 21 1512t ROOMS or no no and hard so mogul mes1H sum House West end Avail ably hmdlatalylgthane la ROOM Apartment run rch Apply 18 Dunlop st West 151011 Simw ROE httrlciive modem apartment heated Phone ma 315110 WSHBDJMIMIIL Gent man greferred Centrally located one 167 1510 FURNISHED Bedrooms 1i ht housekeeping Central Phone419 titE50 15111 UNFURNlSHED bedroom house monthi Alandlle district one 5017 151011 LARGE turnisbod houaclteeping clan ccnirai Adults am on 151511 Lo tarnished heated on men Aduli Apply 16 Road Street or phonegzbad LrltlH ROOM artment available im mediately objection to child ren VFlIone 2151 151017 ROOM uniumiahcd sell con tained heated apartman 70 mon thly Fhona 2720 loltiil NEWLY decorated seit contain ed apartments theated Blake St mt Phona 2025 lSHrlfl COMFORTABLE bedroomiin new home with kitchen prlvli desired Phone 4038 MODERN room ho will sell North at Bfiia on high way Phone 4370 151416 FURNISHED or unfurnished with suitable for one or twoileatcd lighted Apply 01 Roll 151017 COMFORTABLE room close to down town Suitableforgentle man Phone moi anytime i1516ltl7 ROOM Brick House North at badraolns Available Feb 15 $90 per month Dial 4725 between 08 prn 151418 ROOM uniurnishad apartment oil heated laundrygacilltles Ad £5 Applyflt prary Lane alter pm 151517 ROOM Apartinent groundfloor oil heated 05mm frigging Immediate l1 Exarnlne pp czcs it 1516 to rent or 48 Barrie 151440 BRAND new bedroom bunga low lleated includes lcar garage $100 per month Available now Phone 5091 151418 ROOMED heated apartment on turnished separate entrance Suit able for eo le Central PM am after fining 1515ntt LARGE room uniurnisbed apart mééoi wniié 33 ii cooonec Cumberland St igpiaqa FURNISHED or unlumished large bed sittingroombwuh sink also bedroom on heated hot water Central Phone 5780 151817 AVAILABLE Feb raom kitchenette and bedroom oft heat ed central Furnished Adults Air stain Apply 29 Mt aid st 2151047 5110 modern brick bungalow city convcnieaces garage Adults only zn Hishwa south Stifo oneilarls 15131341 ULfllAModein bedroom apart ment in new building heat and hot water include viiivjnorlthly Ap Grovezs EasLApt 14 151018 ROOM urilurnis1led gpartmat otter heated1llghway 03 Ba room ous miles 1mm Barrie close to Rfid Siatl Phone 057r2 OOMEQ house bedrooms newcoal on Codrington St loserto schools Reasonable ent Apply Bolt 45 Barrie Exam ner ROOM Aélartment available lm mediately couple only Over Cliff Brown Real Estate office $67 0moath1y Phone 28 BEDROOM winte use shower washingmaahlne electric and relrigerator oll heated Appl Juan and Bea one urnished Wasaga Wth self contained apartmen No objection to baby Heavy wic and separ ate entrancetstis per month Apply Eowman Ave Phone so 157154 no spin Em Contained4 mm but water eated paparimcnt central imme diate possession ant and room apartment valiahle March Av unturnlshe Va artrne immediate filowgsslon one Nrnishedl artment2 rooms with kitchen1 texBo centrally d1=honev ms ismsl up er duplex se arate driveway adventrcitc tripletsir celluconta ned oll heate led Rant 75 monthl Barcloainl or writeBox 150 1571617 if ROOM Agartment availabia lm medifiteiy ath heat and wate HP but raisrredVAt 10a 55 at stairs tor Arani music both 11 one mile isiail lsiIita tove and trig Business town Adults or Poznan Pb HI AI PAINTERs if We is Free estimates DIAL 5030 Fluto CROMPTON ELECTRIC ntnusriunzwcomreav cur HOUSE WIRING Mun hires repairrwork let us check your wiring not promoting $1500ull Price Modern smelt bar jon the town established two can nook um ou utred EX LEN FOR gt CO Call Bilsell Carson at 24511 tlrnefv am to pm RIDOU 10 contradiction swam 2946 GAS RILLINGSTATlON ANoflsNIACK BAR loit page can WITH LIVINOIQUARTERB 6420 5167 FLOOR COVERING tom wither uq Iuptrn Pilllic Wall 111 artrm Supplied Spa tartan Free IM 116 Toronto at anomaly zTRlM WORK uncommon ROOMS BUILTN CUPBOARDS REMODELLING POIICHES SHINOIJNO IMMEDIATE SERVICE BRUCE CAMERON ovum Phone 6382 WTRUCK LETIERING Showcords Banners GOLD LEAF OUTDOOR SIGNS Call JOE OWEN BARRIE 0775 incanswer call Collect Gm 402 gt 5f wELLs DUGTiLE OLD RECORD 0m Concretestile torwcils culverts tnd alarm sewers Weeping mCTANK UNITS memomer Air compressor work mm RATES ron worm oar Whitney Concrete Products After hours old 1215 113 N0 0m FERGUSONrkEiD Floor Service Ruian FIRSTS asapi toot 13 artille ALL WP as moons ALLWTILE FLOUR SANDING COLLECHONS No collection No chill Huts gar re phone Oro 24 fiozTirinfpogtogoré iy to am oron re flame Vic init Phone Stroud oill collect MIMEOG Hm Stenogtapwmrrfi Business 0011 eg IJtl Toronto St Pbonn Hliiit DEADSIOCK removedlmm your term promptly tor san ryi disr nosalclhoneiflolle Barrie 8617 Gordon Young Linlitch 53tfwv fflilifié one rates not atesh Hen ligand lhelpstnn honeiEirnyae 57ri4 resMao $103K 301511111111 VVWa argtully pe ODSII om cm NewP l2 Cockshuttscomflleto straw melded and stain ele erato Re Ba 541 Everything no PnhlE mllmlNG lioness comeii 17 route On our simple 5isia This station has an excellent high way location with ample fronia 511 for lurther expansion It is hand lion one oi the to brands at gas olines and oils on last year it eguippcd snacicbar plus excellent livln quarters The building la in excel at condition and oilcss throughout Separate bat room or the owner plus separate mens and ladlea restrooms or use by the public it hasa Iuikbasament with larced airoil heating lnunV dry tuba WOLFENDEN eouipmrni isincltldcd in the Fuii price $2900000 good no 5135 first mortgage can be arrangcd ior on the right person Contact Al Rose at Bil Baylicld Street Barrie Ont oH LACEY REAL ESTATE 9U Bayllcid St Barrio 291 PAKMS runsue 00 ACRESALL AWORKABLE CLAY LOAM Lot 17 Can Vespra miles north West oi Barrie omCity milk Barrie Phone count or 21119 SLESSOR REAL ESTATE chPPEBTON BARRIE 133 ACRE FARM 512000 $1900 cash pres clay loam 73 acres at pas are rivgtatr east side at tarmuil room lt house bank barn garage V1 iron highway 50 ACRES Light and slightly rolling has cor ner of hardwood bush Would make excellent tree land north of Bar REAL ESTATE LIMITEO ric Full pricc sum Forrappoint ma ment to seeT phone 5334 SLESSOR REAL comm 810 69 ACRES all tillable house and large bank barn dro at door good water3 at garh north of Barrie on ludsr stnepn paved road to close John Brown estat $4500 $2200 tllvqwn antgtEe Rea ta in alanar 100 ACRES 70 cultivated valuable bush good pasture mtie at highway near Orillia Modern home excellent barns water pres sure in house and barns 10000 Phone Moonstone 12r12 itch ener Fairhope FarmColdwater sewn Livgsrock roRSALE YOU DONT PAYZ orcdtapc Fee er Finance Plan We continence Broilers Turkeys Hogs and Beef Cattle Up to 6months von turke and beef cattle Well turnish Purina chows ior anyorie these Jour feeding operations and you only pay ist price at delivery Tile 315 NO smearinane Piltinfl Chows Surge Dairy Equipment markets Phone srmas yenrs old and Durham breed pply Jo Caldwellphone mini Rama1 uaniit ew st Toan 91 tolpi Hay andStraw art 1405 loopsz VPUREBRIBD Holstein flielfera milking now due in Jun strain $160 EA 11 Barrie GUINE Fowl$t young bits 5c homing pigeons Glenn Allan Can lid 5r34 qIY lbs lrtil other sired by so VG Eighthlgs average to Also no

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