The when at executive and the pruldentl otryauxlllaries and lflilillatfoncletismlm Prubytertat ot the Womans Hi atomsy Eocht at the united Churchilth meeting in Burton Avenue urch here all hp 30 Sixtygage ladies were resent was president Mrs it hchren hol Crcflnire conductg meet wasopen with short Vworship service Auxi ell welcome the ladies to the church and made relerenee to picture repro duction of Solmon Head Vol Christ whichfhadbecn placed in the Sunday School by the local WMS in memory ol hlrs Harvey Johnson lormer Presbyterial printdent Seven officers re tribe elected this year including new sec re rice an Explorer mixp secre ta and candidate secretary Mrs SJKell ollChumhill Perkins ot Mtdlandhlrs Gala braith nt Orillia Mrs MeCuaig of Beeton Mm He ip of Col lingwood and Mrs uhy of Mid land were named nominating conunittee The affiliated socie ties were also tu so in names otjnomlnees Excoilent repo mm Presby terial secretaries were received the membership remaining the some aslnst year rAliauxiliaries reported helping younger groups in various ways New liilssiun Bands had been tormed with leaders lrom the WMS and all had held World Day olPrayer ser vice The knewer thinner reported tint although the sting tion bid been raised pupanut re we ace ï¬ltration Thinin votï¬be Mud lor the scholnhip end The organizatione had railed $41711 more in 1955 than In 954 Féllovvin dinner served byth ladies ott churihthe her noon session wasopenedby Mn Mouren reading poem wri by Miasjee WHS miklonary the Kama Raeryegand lead prayer An increase in Chris in stewardship interest was reported and the supplyzaecretary told at the holes and slits sent odillcr ent centresthe Parry Sound dis irict Regent Park Settlement summer school at Sudbury and Korea few ladies had visited Miss Fee at ltanra After discussion motion was passed that one at the lndlanwomen be sentto Five Oaks Training Centre are short course in leadership to help Miss Fee Thirtyfour societies had lollow edrtho reading course The year ly awardwent to Staynor Auxil iary whlcb had read 808 books with 49 members an aVerofl ol we bunk per pcrspn Allonwood Elmvale and Waverley rcceiyed honaroblq mention small de crease in Missionary Monthly subscriptions was reported finance committee was nam ed oonsiating of Mrs Arms stronuMrs Carter Mrs Bell Mrs ll Manren and Mrs Kell Program conveners for the com at Junrah Mrs John Drake was installed as president of the LadiesAux iliary to the canadian Legion Barrie branch at the Jaduary meeting in the Legion Hall on Owen Street other officers for 1956 installed by Comrade Dunnett past pres ident are Mrs Reg Adams past president Mrs James Diamond lst vicepresident Miss Jackie Merrett 2nd vicepresidentlllrs William Castell treasurer Mrs Peter Vicks corresponding secre ta MrsLorne Gilhooly record ingseeretnry Mrs William Flem in Misurï¬aw beliMrs Ki Mrs George Morris and Mrs Ken Houghton executive Mrsvw1lliam Peacock standard bearer Mrs Harold Eccles color bearer and Mrs Nellie Alker honorary color bearer Comrade Audrey Drake was in the chair to open th meetiné graée yd =1 rear en Comrade Peacock reported that Comrades Webb Hooper and Campbell had been ill since the last meeting The flower fund draws were won by Comrade Vera Bristow and Comrade Merrett The speaker for the afternoon was Rev Sherringol Trin ity Anglican Church who spoke on war experiences andthe part that the women at home played in the wargettort He was intro duced by Comrade Nora Charette Comrade Plant and Comrade Ar chcr were presented with their 25year pins by Comrade Dawe pastpresidentT Members joined the inging of For ShessA Jolly GoodFeli ow in honor at Comrade Archer who isgoing away on trip Lunch was served at the close of the meeting by Comrade Cas tell and her committee resort on 5an aquatsama roan ii Hammond Sc been trauma perm the noqu committee Chairman WJTï¬ylo resid atvthll meeting atte mentalivu ol the out andschool ssoctatiana and Mrs Hankin re vicejarcstgi Reporting on thepln for the Grade audanctnx classes Mrs Smith ï¬tted that Mrs FemTodd is quite willing to instruct again thisyeah The dlilcrent methods eleo lion otllcérslhére are threw were outlined by Mrs llankin These are all in the constitution Mrs Hankin stated thatthe coun cil committee will be asked in the very near luturelo reorganize as council The two viccprcsidcnts Mrs Smith and Mrs MacLachlan were appointed as council com mittee representatiVea to the an nual convention being held during Easter Week Plans are being made to have ilome and School series on radio lngannual Simcoe Presbyterial to be held this year in St Pauls United Church in Orillia early in May were appointed Tthhernc at the meeting is to be Changing Patterns Delegates wereappointed to the Conlerence Branch meeting to be held in Erskine UnitedChqrch Toronto onApril 10 It and 12 Those chosen were Mrs ll Mc Laren itlrsNBcue Mrs Brethet Mrs Colwill Mrs Gosrline Mrs Bell Mrs Wilson and Mrs Clemence vote of thanks was extended to the ladies at Burton Avenue Church lor their hospitality Buttered Toast ond Pot men rce commcahnies c2 Dunlap sew Phone4502 and YorkvOaun Dyaden Senlbr Wm WM No1 Toronto Preceptmlt lfuggn Put Seniorrlreceatrua menr Preceptreu Margaret liandy venom Preceptresa Vera VvBristow first lect er PreceptressLpuisq Elleni 2n my Preeéptress are an ergo 2PM tress Madeline Minnlkilnr 2nd cert Preeeptrem Kath en Bax ter first cc Prec rcss lreida Eugen second censor Pre ztntion CKBB Illh serles ouldr include panel discussions apéab ers etc special tadio commit tee oonsrsting oltwo representa tives from eaeh aftlllntcd home and hog alsociationia being form meet with Bob McLean program director SolCKBR on Monday yet 13 Wateh tor lur ther particulars on this series mm SUN LIFE 01 CANAUA Life Plans is is mgr mulled dtrgctor mummmnifihtié you EdithTEoy amp lulil muesliMel Precep Annuities Thévie fantasy in colour in prion mmtwaomu no1 armed one movable tyw wuknrn HUT III Johannï¬uunberg In 1456 your valentine SPECIAL f269€ pint kart earn up srsmh an tnannazvous ninth in treated ens in Zellelrsiownrlltendezviou tzrand ï¬rst one Slim dirk Jseama 60 Gauge 15mm magma 15 rtteiiï¬t getter1 cam and see them youzu mg helarze assortmehts the dependablezqunflty andthe mantrainfo at and tar smmly style in oadcloth Santeriad to vtmmhiewin ear BESS SliiiilTS