Social Evening Heldin New Hallg Undér Wi AUspiCes Thc new community centre on the 14th concession of Innisfil Township was the scene tijl pleasant gathering on Saturday evening when bout 75 ple gathered to play games on get acquainted There were to tables of euchre and two tsblesot mkinole Prize winners were Mrs Browne lioiiy MrssMc eigan Mrs Col lumJean Hop ins and Gordon Downing The party was held under the auspices oi Little Hill Corona tion branch of theWomens Inst itute The institute wishes to otter congratulations to its 4H Club which meets in may Church Wi Obiecfszo CiosingRoads Opening on TceWerill Womens institute meton Tuesday Jon at the home at Mrs Lorne Harvey with the president Mrs Ralph llough ton in the chain Roll call keepsake from my grandmother was answered by 32 members committee was named to make plans to cater to luncheon for the milk producers held In liond Head on Jan 27 Members were reminded of the annual ilusbands Night which is to he held Feb 22 invthe form of cuchre and dance motion was passed to send rizsolution to the department of highways against the proposed closing at roadsopening on High Way 400 The program which was in charge at Mrs Earl Bell had as its theme Historical Research and Current Events An histori cal sketch of Newton Robinson in 1896 was given by Mrs Jebb ioilowed by the history of the opening at the church in Newton Robinson in 1892 rend by MrsL Copeland The early industries of the vil lage as compiled by Thomas Rob inson were described by Mrs Bell An article Grandmothers Kitchen was read by lilrs Johnston number of games in which each member participated were thoroughly enjoyed Tile hostess and committeein harge served delicimisn hob and the usual social hour allow cd inSiiiufe Members Will Enreriain TheirHusbSncis The monthly meeting of Fish ers Corners was held at Mrs Houn somes home in Bradlordon Tues day Jan 31 with 12 members and two visitors present The motto commented on by Hounsome was Work play loveand worship are four good ways in which to live An appropriate poem was read vote thanks was tendered to Mrs Steers or ing the item for hers Corners at the EVarietyNighti Mrs Hodgson in odueedand welcomed vis rs It was voted that brahch engage Newton R0 ason hall for the month at Noviemherjor euchre parties committee on posedmf Mrs Noble Mrs St Andrew was app range tor an evening to ertatn husbands The memhets ed to attend the magma pia hing day at Cookstown on Feb women from seiwing tnachine company at Newmarket eat to explain contest Roll call was Name town or village in Sirhcoe County and to some point 00 interest Some very interesting facts of ENaOY YOUR Womens Institute in brought to light In ntrner uve spam on New Years Custoduln0thchwn tries loteats were conducted One on eumnt events was won by Mn Hodgaon household commoditiesvpontest was won by Mrs Bl Steers 1he lsdiuwho had taken out milline course at Bond and hadthe hats on displey The February meeting will be held at Mrs Hodgsons home on Feb 29 The meeting closed with the Grace and God Save the Queen Lunch was ed by the hosttx and her so mittee MrsW51 VHounsome Mrs Turner Mrs Noble Mrs 7H Hounsome and MrsVan Dyke Dalston institute Begins on Quill ForSpringBazaar Shall call at the January meet ing of Dalston Womens Institute was answered by what to do be fore the doctor comes There were 14 members and two yisitors present Several thank you letters were read Quilt blocks were passed around and the majority decided on making the monkeywrcnch quilt inrose and white Eaéh member was given two books of tickets to sell on the quilt which will be rnitiedionvthe day at the spring bazaar There was $10 assembled from the trhveiiing basket The Dalstondnstitute decided to pay for the rent of the Guthrie play in the Oro Hockey League Mrs Kathleen Boidwiek mem ber of the program committee invited Mrs Hood of the St John Ambulance CorpsBar rie to give demonstration on artificial respiration Mrs Joan 0de was the subject The lucky draw on prize donated by Mrs Betty Mossip was won by MmLurne Handy Sr who is to bring the prize fornext monih terestlng reading on the mnttb Febt 3pm at MrsEdna Brown Roll call isYour Great est Cookin Disaster The pro gram on community aetivi es will be convened by Mrs Hand it Mr Ist assey and Mrs Joan Coward collectionlwas taken The meet ingended by singing God Save The Que TEEN TOWN TALKI wolIattended Sweater and Sock hop was held last Saturday night atTeen Town Ken Jack none of as Would miss Homer and om Homerf Garner and Gary Jethro Valley gave us their version of fishitting Whis pering Stands and flhey Laid Him in theGround Among the crowd atrleen Town on saturdny night there were iasts The inostjenthilsiastic seems to be Graham Creighton The chaperons fortheevening were Mr andMrs and Mr and Mrs Ron Stewart represented the Rotary ank youtor coining We hopey is enjoyed yourselves and that you will wanjto come again We will be looking forward to another dance on Feb 18 Sally TeenJown th ight hard mes zsslvlewmof Dress is 3367 non see Annysnrewvlslm Aremrtor the Dalston boys to Mrs Betty Brown gave an in The next meeting is to he on ay Jomsnnemoms quite few roeksndroll enthus Brennan Roughton will he ln charge oi were married in st Marys Church on Monday morning The bride is the tanner Mary Margaret McKinnonLAdsughter of Mrs McKinnon and the late Jouleshlex aim AND out John Connie rowan ands McKJrinorlotuaame and the groom is theson orMrs Powell and the late John Powell of Barrie Alterawedding trip to the United States they will be making their home here Hehr 11 non ones Barre Mrt andMrs talph Snelgrove lea tomorrow morning by to Barb do reï¬t to Tr niï¬ad an onlbago inBarhados they will hejoining friends from OwenSound hank Hall and Miss Isobel Hall Mrs George Spearn and her daughters Reta ahd Georgiana and niec sMIss Enright 1of Tm ronto have left on three wee othe sohthem United ere itors atthe nameot Joseph whelsn eddmg Moh day mor ng in St Marys Qhurch St 11 Hayesqnd SUNNIDALE ERVISOR Sunnid in Council passeda 111va dismissing Edgar Cami ers as townshipvroatl supervisor hired Oscar Lowell to the sitionu Sam Curtis AQakviewjhmh was ap pointed DIED momma Richard Jones helped hundreds of time builderswith ideasand DR IIAMPBELLIBEREAVKD Iglis brother William bad Just recently retum home alter visiting in Barrie gt In the eight years one to immigrints to Canada brought int insJ suspooaoo int capitaL mm TMMIIA PLUMBiï¬gSHEATiNG 84 DUilLOiS smnwgsr iBALANCEDF oak wmrrsctorn cons Dr FredA Campbell nameV at Queensvllle dentist was called to Winnipeg Mo ayFeb61953yMargarct yesterday owing to the sudden he 80th earpiate or dear wue is me law death of his father beloved mother ot Riehard Jones grandmother of Raymond Restin Funeral no 27 iiiiiii LZT RiSTO spaon smash 1399 Food SPECIAL OlD TYME some SYRIIP SPECIAL AUN IEMIMAnHu mats mung SPECIAL SOLO MAMARIIIE SPECIAI arm caocxm DEVILS roca CAKE PHIX SFECIA IIOInzKeIeIItIp liliby sweellvlustold Prelt as Frozen races cl IFANcV Séubtqoh Farms claim Pools flying Sliced Strawberries mar Soulhload BroccoliSpears mm we 25 Treesiveet Orangeiluice 201flis3sc IN M051 LoILAw MARK uoi Plot 367 We 36 rooms WEEJI MINE HINDIHES 3w TE CONFECTIDNS ion we 5m ma FOR VALENTINE GIVING WoodIntanslldrsergadish at mamas DIIPickles sat gehurrs own 115 venom are wnu neALrMowmouumei Isollfl RDEEDL WIET AND JUICVI GRAPHfill sees nominees aim Ital35mm are rennin so snub MIL sunsweer DKIIIMAI uncusa ottoman ronrv SNACKS 12 oz sitcicnés Itleettext tissues were wnXEo mar PAPER Muriel rinses IOIUW anaemia toilet Allrunose onmo Li vltrm 533 emuotauuo mm wuott wucar was oAitv vmcl UNILICID no toil SPECIAl WESIONS Fruits Cookies lacun 29¢ clung tbsuws mu gem Ice Cream INT 296 It srscuit liylmer CERTIFIED any Foods second Westons Solhnes its 21 resins or THE wsnu seems VARIETIES r49 nunlav unlaw unit tvxxbcl