soon Mgdemrrend WV some months st his ho toldtvater Cemetery Womens Institute will med It mu it wit had Illid urn lrvlnlDCanon vi at pm no Wm fm5cï¬ people at ibmlm that Harry ited itr end Mu Morley Feat mm mm wanMn mania not who their mndpnr recently and were gusts It In Rev Chureher presided him on Scum Fl iiio were or train where they anniversary dinner held at lair it St untuim vectry meeting 4mm mammal Md came by aim Grimes Roll can one day last veelr non Horne Uxbndse The Ind Bowmanl supper It memmw Sod her all Valentine verse Paper visited relatives at Willowdala which Hrs Beg Tipping was elec nw Dunlap hm Md of by i1 Bidei Lunch Mn Em 70 WW and Toronto beiore returninl ted Vestry clerk The treasurer the uranium society Arthur Sheardown Mrs Bldwell Min Nellio Hockin went the home 9° by 10 lltollinson wubausbene Chair Rh1 Ii in Wine in WING Cooke rbawed successful year mm of mm Bond hm Visit Parents recently with uLohuKlllom mgt and some Tipphm math Pmfldem Mr and Mrs Stnchln and mi new innovations including an inim me Home Ind schaol Am Debby and Mr and Mrs Booth ppm count or mamanun Non wlku mm who of Toronto Visited their parents Mr Indfln Voile and son 60 1° Floridl nice at the rectory IM vmag raglanuh on on Sunday VJ Peter Elmulc visltcdllr and Miss Mary Stone has gone to Reports were given by Mrs ofluu Cone Bum Mrs Mumy Camnon Sunday Palm Beach Florida where she Maconnchie lor uie Senior wom Clemmen Unned Chum Jury Duty In Lucas hu returned to bu secured position at the Bill ens Gulld Mrs Leigh Coolie for McLean has been on jury position in Toronth otter rpcnd more Hotel me wnmens Ilium Reg Tiplgahh¥°evagg forthc Supreme Court in Barrie Ping tor the missionw fund this past week Mrs nerbert 51mm im in ï¬ï¬sï¬ï¬‚fln £10235 tang um Wallace Cockburn spent Sunday School Mrs Chrles Ar my Mm few days With her parents It cher tor the Fellowship Group at Village Clem ind gnu V350 lhe Guild Mrs Reg Tipping tor the Chancel Guild and Earl Do ï¬ï¬iï¬ mm Good merl at Euchre bio for the Mens Club in good crowd attended the in his report Mr Churchor cx Auxï¬awmis 11570135 izverï¬ï¬f cuthre in the school on Friday pressed appreciation in the con President at the Senior Won mm 1° he mgnion ior their support Helens institute ls Mrs Clarence lb1° EVCM imme Ihankcd the choir and organistsnw fl Choir Director Sailach Ind the ï¬dufï¬ ï¬‚uid sun Girr Guides Fellowship group for new pro Mrs Dubeau has started Girl Whflher jay cessionai cross Historical Bonk Guides licre Girls over 10 years Ol 60 During the year there were 19 In the Possession of Arthur age who are interested are ask blptisms ll contirmations our Dunlop oi Coldwatcr Secretary in to call Mrs MatLoad They Mlfliflfles and seven burials treasurer ot Meduntc Township i001 Thursday evenings at The congregation passed V0CSchool Are No is minute 730 01 ihiiiks the rector for his book dating back nearly 75 years Vc arm work 1955 The annual reports are written large number of friends at Olliech elected were Peoples in old style pcnmanship and are Mr and Mrs Aubrey Slessor met Warden Dr Hall Incum believed to have covered activities in the hall on Friday night and bcnts Warden Robert Maconn on school whlch was located nem prcsentcd them with entice There nothing to match chic Lay dclegaie Herbert Sto vnsey on the third concession of table and cnd tables to match ai the fun and excitement oio Vens alternate Frank Williams Moderire so lumps The address was read in rim special Valcminc from vcstry Clerk Mrs Tipping In the margin opposite and by Mrs Lauder The communi 0Ui Comnin soon and choose mxssion iuno treasurer Reg TIPparagraph is heading indicating Iiy Joins in wishing Aub and Dufcoum Hanmark Ding Auditors Chester Martin the gist of thcparagraph Gwmii every 51159055 in the gt Jim and Reg Tipping The Minutes or the annual re move to Orillin They will be 1m cm 99 hum pa for 1382 were missed both in the church and my VFW W151 way Anhdurï¬cï¬ltunl fangon Trustees annual return and Rimlipflyi having lived here all remember friendsï¬ild cm wnsrclcgtegsggcsgdemagf 55 auditors report read and confirm their lives THE TREND TODAY in the modern loved ones on Valcnlincs Dny min Hoflicuuum Society for Ved 5m All mine is toward curtains that trike thepiace lends rough textured appearance It you c°5 imrk 910 1956 at the annual meeting held Tum Elemd Lime Linda wright has been at drapes curtains that can be drawn would like to have the directions 101 mak ml WEI ll be gï¬ccSEAgW3$ï¬lifEhwï¬ie lief Moved by Mr David Emmy and visiting her um Mrs Bid across wide windows Cushions round ing these lace draperies and cushions Coldwmcr president forum pm ifsonded by Mr Joseph nerd um wcil oblong or square You can crochet these simply send stamped ultaddroasedch twwycam Samuel Caswcil do act as cushions with the new speed doublethick veiope to the Needlework Department 01 on ofï¬cers elected in an g5w£°fm Simwiénzgaerljn Joan Johnston gemi Bridge cotton Make your own curtainidmperies this paper requesting DRAPERIES AND Piflvgigbibe timinaéing committee ring flamed showing Itheir lirslt tgrm hviiseyi of wide and narrow strips or hairpin lace CUSHIONS Leaflet No 08464 DUNLOP 51 PHONE 4055 repo mug in Mrs Albert tiss Hera artoc Dri gogclth weclrcskisltt vicelprosildtcnt Auditor tor the Section gm Vafseg N9 1uliiiss E13113 az on 0550 on ross lellifl now IC isrstzw Mn Timing can that tyiili°292$ aw ms wm asurer Mrs Angus Clnr um Mn Stewart Irwin do an as rain Miller of Mount St Louis Goldwater the section auditor or the monk We ycals baï¬ztéctrggsgggrsgnnouncedabank mg yeah Moonstone Mrs William Wylie or Coidwatcr serving her first year It was decided to adopt the Wood Contract at this school Grenard Percival regal lily as the societys emblem Mr Samuel Cnsweu is to don Iier Toronto who started at the 1° 19 supply regal vci live cords ot hardwood and full term 1955 gt $1 realign Spring membersmp mid Dine at one dollarper There are four schools in Area gt no 13113 of lheinemlmrs Bord No Warminster Coulson Rosborough thanked Mr wylié Cleaning Contract cmgmon and carley gt ior his leadership as president Mr Joseph Reid is to whitewash TWO Pupils 019 VVlthor Turner was asked to ob and clean the schooiroom in good Mrs Miller teacher at Mount lVain information about picnic ta workmanlikc manner and have it St Louis which took first prize cs Mr Wylie suggested flower completed before the 3rd of Jan in the pnrndc at Coidwatcr lair oaks as means of raising funds uary 1883 tor the amount of sev in 1955 with 100 of pupils retailsnRossDunelifferwon doorcn dollars Signed William Stew marching had thchonor of see 19 art Chairman Dated the 27 day ingltwo at her pupils win in puli Slides of Dutch gardens werc Dc 1882 Show by Mn Rommon and lunch com er be speaking competitions in the was served The next meeting lieOpening llohart School it years Med cham will be at Wouhaushéhe Area School Board Medontc pianesï¬lrp Sliced the 9at Bar Coldwater Loams i5 Planning to reopen H°bï¬ï¬‚rie in 1954 Another pupil Da As might be expected or School for the beginning of 1°vid Pottage son of Mr and Mrs community which principally 1958 fa term The 5°h°°1h35 Ken Pottage was winner of 1955 serves the rural district farmers 17 05 37 spcnkingcontesis forMédonie and Will play large part in the air duh Wk Puim However at Barrie and will participate in cction of Goldwater organizationsguere 12 will from the provincial ï¬nals atToronto for 1955 Hobart area now needing lflStrIle this East Leader5 1n the Villa and di tion nndVMount St Louis School trict include Reeveg Lawrencse vemdeCd sch 373 Dovine farmer and highways de The BMW is meeting transpor There have only been two parlment employee presidcnt of tatlon costs Vtor some puplls at chairmen oiArca Board since it the Lions Club Ritchie LaneV to tending public school from Ho was started in 1943 The late ester or the Severn River area ha Morgan Stewart 01 Vasey was the President of the Legion 013 Two years ago number of ï¬rst chairman Thepresent chair Lovclace farmer President of horns WWW and 7113 MW in his Eighth yflai Oi tileCommunity Centre Associntlsmce the minor repairs have service is Sterling MacDonald of tion Percy Brimage farmer and been made he seven °h°°5 V3595 member of Medonte Townshi in s°m° mph 15 planned during the coming sum Other trustees on the board mer holidays rare Roy Edwards Vasey Jack Flower Apron Teaching Sta Barr Hillsdale Bert Dobson Eddy and Arthur Muffin Gren Aren teachers are llillsdale ard Secretarytreasurer is Arth Fred Wood Toronto and Miss ur Dunlop ot Coldwater 56 Plymouth Belvcdéle Vil tdnnr sedan New 6s apciCVVés quVVtoVVZOOhorsgpovvervvithVPowerPaFV Plymouth for 56 is so fresh and yOuthful There new moodmind driVingfor and Spirited in concept that you feel good you too in this drew Plymouth just Iookingat itli New Vdoor IntzchVes optionul Anubis dramatic beauty hp go into safetyseat belts SafeGuard hydraulic Vbrakesconstnnhspeedeiecrricwinnshieli1V WASHER with do rumixactly as lusruedl Putyourï¬ngor hnoncw kind of tin ng PVmP 50 with Plymouth pushbutton PoweVrVFiite wgh Tm optional on all models Pressyour ï¬nger gullblooming flower is this cry ï¬g Vpor on the button step on the gas beaut apron fashionedfrom and GO This is safer driving too The remnants in two shades of glow control panels placedtonhé Ieij drum hggzaglgflstsgliillllmé hamss gm driver safely out of passengers reach Pattern 7086 Embroidery trans tors directions for making rflowi er apron l6 inches long SendITWENTYFIVECENTSln coins tortbis pattern stamps can hating acceptedh to The Earrle Ex nor House old ArtsDeyL so Front st Wést Toronto Ont 3°r Pgnt plainiyNAME ADDRESS nunlo man NUMBER Order oluALIGE BROOKS ONLY$7S per week Nesdilecrafl iBARRIE HARDWARE im dcalgns knittingerocbetem VV ties drive the beautiful neWPIymoutIi minegy Viirozlgonsdugsand nove es en can Yamcopy Br this wondertul bookanqw Youn 4° BuyfeldV Street mi 3664