om 3am EXAMINER MONDAYmm News of Student inland One day last week Teddy Moore son of Mr and Mrs Nelson Moore who attends BDCI met with serious accident He un thinkineg put bottle oi acid in his pocket The heat and friction of his body caused the bottle to explode causing severe burns to his thigh He is still patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital Minion nuts Meeting iThe January meeting the Mission Band was held Saturday Jan 21 in the basement of the church Alter the installation of the new otilcers by the leader Mrs Carr the president Fran ccs Ann Maw and the secretary Earl Lennox took their places Roll call was answered by the paying tees Mrs Altman led the worship service the theme being iOur Beautiiul World The treasurer Ross llalbert took up the uttering Elizabeth Mercer played piano solo Paul Lennox showed some in tercsting Canadian pictures with his view master projector The iirstlpartbi the story The Boy with the Busy Walk was told by Mrs Maw The singing olfJtisus Bids Us Shine and prayer brought the meeting to close Two at the mothers served refreshments Weekend Visitors Mrs Lilly Stubhs oi Sault Ste Male Ont spent the weekend with or nephew and niece Mr and Mrs llenry Mr and Mrs Jack Speers and family of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Ralph Houghtoo and girls at Newton Robinson span Sunday with Mr and Mrs Spears Rccovering in Hospital Pleased to report that Albert Ayerst who was operated on at THE MODERN HOMEMAKER Thornton the Royal Victoria Hospital last week is ably Attended Concert good many from here attend ed theVariety Night WI on cert in Cookstown last Friday evening All report good pro gram Church Annual Meeting Trinity led Churchgheid its annual meeting in the basement of the church last Wednesday evening Rcv Barnard pre sided and Mrs Henry was secretary Nearly all organizations report ed an increase in their givings one or two reportingn decrease The poster reported ll baptisms during the year two marriages and six burials The 1955 Stewards were re elected with the exception oi two who wished to he relieved one cider has moved away and his place will be tilled at later date Votes at thanks were extended to the pastor nndhis will for their splendid leadership and to Mrs Lennox or her ioithtui lea dcrship or so many years After all the business had been transacted there was social halt hour Church Quilters The ladies of Trinity Church quilted two quills at the home ui Mrs Lennox last week Time of Servlcol At theciose oi the service next Sunday morning the question as to the hour oi service will be dis cussed and there will he vote on whether to have service at 11 oclock on Sunday morning or at 1030 oclock Willing Workers The Willing Workers met at Mrs Griiiiths on Jan 28 Nine girls were present Thc meeting opened with the Poiholder Gifts Pavilion on Saturday rSchoolBoys Mockey 00n progrming very iavor home of Mrs Bantingo day Feb 711 Recon Vlaltorl Kins Genevlefllm onto and Mrs Charlenlohbitt Barrie have been recent visttora at Neville Jamlcaoho The animal manhunt15p Vestry meeting was basement at St Judes Anglican Church on Monday Jan There was an excellent attendance The rector Rev Monks was in charge at the meeting All re ports showed aucccuiul church year 0mch were all reelected Church Services For themaath ot Fcbruary Sunday serviceswill he held no7 pm with SundaySchool at 815 Mr and Mrs Waller Gran of Peterhorough visited recently with Mr and MrsE Kerr and Ross Mr and Mrs Kcrrid and RossNiBlted Mr nod Mrs shock at Edgar Station Mr and Mrs George Vivian and iamin oi Jarrett were Sunday vist itors with Mr and Mrs Bid weii and family oi Midhurst were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs George Rugman Mr and Mrs Arthenham and family visited one da last week at Gravenhurst and raccbrldge Mr and Mrs Lorne Summers and family at Crown Hill were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Beardsall Congratulatioasto Mr and Mrs Harold Wright on the birth or their son Harold Allan onJon 26 in Royal Victoria Hospital Home Mrs Dicker child or is visit ing here this week wi Mrs Dicker and tamin visited at Falls on MOUNT 51 tools Home For Weekend Home for tho weekeadwere Toronto Bertheictta nodFrance of Donnie Clarkr min Mr and Mrs Henry Landru and Toronto it lie coopers At unlor Formcrs outlet The Junior Farmers in this community attended the banquet and dance Midis Parkside The school boys hockey team played against Hillsdais boys at Minos pond on Thursday after Toronto Visit Edgar Belonger spent Jew days in Torontothis week hathlo Trip Cecile King isspending few days with friends nty Buffalo Plan Spelling Bee Plans are being made for the spoiling bee to hehcldat Eady next Wednesday leAN AUTOS rxctories ln litdiaï¬tmed out 5646 cars in the 155 double th some period rarest Hill app eclote this set of useful aswell as attractive gitts Croc rated with double thlck cotton the clock butterfly che and flowerpoi are worked in attractive colors Ityou ould like tohave directions tor making these potholders simply send stamped selladdressed envelope to the NeedlecraitDepart ment oi this paper requesting POTMOLDzRS Leaflet No gtWh1 not botoar money you need to put yo ï¬nances back and sound ligated basis At HFFYOane scupmsiooo airy in duy li gu hnye stend tn meandycgu Zezui An in new branch of chartered bani is much more than the best place to Mr and Mrs Elmer cumin Mr and Mr and Mrs Ed Hutchinson endaie were given also sundry by Knowles Trustee MeQuIy ted to the Elders tees apd Suntan Pianists Mrs homire Staintonl Mrs Knowles and Mrs Allenhy Meeting closedwith prayer Rev Mr Smith light lune was served bythe ladies Recent Visitor Mr and Mn Wilson an daughters of Markdale called Mr and Mrs Mumbcrmn Mrs Van Sickle Campbellvilie visited with Mr and Mrs James pick for tcwdays lo and Mrs Plaxton hnd of Angus called on Mrs hum EPaddison and Mrs Allenby on sand Lodge Euchre L01 3055 held euchre Friday night Ladics high MunAllan Legato low Mrs Fleming mens high llaroid Oscer low Art Mobiles Another euchre next Fri day night gt Sunnidale Corners WMSNews gt The January meeting of WMS was held at Mrs Pattersons with Mrs Culham presiding very interesting program under convencrs Mrs Barnes and Mrs William Haverson consisted of scripture reading by Mrs Cuiham=glad tidings prayer by Mrs Morgan glad tidings re marks Mrs Sage topic on flndia hy Mrs William Haver son contest and sentence prayers by Mrs Morgan and Mrs Bates closed the interesting meet ing Lunch was served and all enjoyed social time together YPS News Tha YPS met at Norman Git tens Willard Sage was program coovcncr There was splendid attendance Scripture was read by Bill Bates Prayer was giv en hyNorman Giiicn Barbara Buio had as the topic The Story of the Creation Rev DJiek closed the meeting with prayer Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Stewart Palmer and family visited with Ed Buics recontly Mrs Nettle Prosser is cw days with Mrs John Wedding Celebration Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Everett Lougheed who were 30 years married Saturday Mr and Mrs Ed Buic Ann and Palmer visitedjwith Mr and Mrs Strath on Saturday Getting Better Milne is improving slowly since her stay in the hos pital BRENTwCJOD Sunday Visitors Mr and MrsArt Duckworih and family of Angus Mr and Mrs Gordon McBride Lisle vis ited Mr and Mrs James McBride Sunday IWeekcnd With Parents Miss Lena Scheli of Toronto visite her parents for weeke and Mrs Gerald Durnond kcepyour stvin It is an allround banking sem cslhey Schoolhpra Lloyd Patton WA Stainion and Mission Xedgercc may scent circimls word for rum but it comes to us trout lndia in Hindustani the word is khichri la the land or its origin the dish was made boiled rice and highly flavored ingredients and was layered pn chrsaliy throughout the country Time and distance have wrou changes in the basic Iormula or When Europeans adopted it they added lion to the principal ingredienk Iothtt in Canada todhth is thought oi as well seasonedï¬sh and rice dish It is dish to keep in mind when you wish to use canned fish or leftover cooked fillets inva heart and flavoring for ingredients can easily be varied to suit the tastes at your family and the contents of the pantry or refrigerator dinner diah me cups hot cooked rice maï¬a flaked cooked or canned hardcockcd eggs chopped 3i cup milk tablespoon butter odmargsrinc tablespoons choppcdparsley 5i teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Salt and pepper to taste Combine ingredients and heat lame to Glad to report In Bobefl Whitley arrived home on Satur day alternoun trorn Toronto hospital where she was patient or the last 10 dull Mr and In Albert Gibbs and loll Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mn Wilson vileincome Elke Feb 10 date to attend the gala Valentine do ce in Ev erett Orange Hall 0n Sick List Sorry to report Mrs Jenkins is sick at the home or 3011 Bull We all wish orern Jenkins speedy recovery Barrie Visitors Mr and Mrs Harold Tcnklna and Barbara oi Barrie visited his mother on Sunday at tho home at Mr and Mrs Basil Jenkins Play at 13x om On Friday Feb RCA 13X Angus Pine River Ramblers gill he playing for their special once Birthday Greetings On Friday Jan 27 iricnds and the nurse at Toronto General Hos Six in top oi double holler until pip lug hot 0r turn into greased casserole tops with hits of addh tional butter or margarine and bakeat 400 ten minutes orun tii thoroughly heated Makes tour to gtive servings Seasonings may be varied withcurry powder paprika cloves or other flavor nss and Michael visited in Aurora on Sunday Sympathy la Bereavement Many friends at Mrs Olive Brontmeyer were sorry to hear of her death Sunday in Collingwood hospital She leaves her husband and our children the baby being only two weeks of age Mrs Brontmeyer is being taken to im quois for burial Out ornospim Miss Gail Padlson is home again after tonsil operation in Royal Victoria Hospital Merrie Recent Visitor Noel Vansevern of Glencairn visited Mr and Mrs Franz Van Du Hydeny Sunday Mr and Mrs Oakley oi Grentel visited at Mr and Mrs Horn erssunday Tcmpdrnrllyn Charge Rev Fr Sahach principal of St lemma college Kitchener has heenin charge uthientwood and Stayner parishcs whit Meyers has been Visiting rela tives in Angeles California Community Sympathy Boy Taylor of Grimsby died last weekralte ja short illness Mrs niece at Dumond Gerald Truen and Mrs Robert Taylor and Rev Fr sniter BAY Mr and Mrs Harry Perkins visited last Friday with their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Ollie Perkins Barrie RR Mrs Norm Maxwell Dalston spent Wednesday with her par eats Mr and Mrs Barry Perkins Mr and Mrs Ollie Perkins and Diane Barrie RR spent Mon day evening with Ohiosparents Mr and Mrs Harry Perkins Ernie Mooder and Mr and Mrs Harry Perkins Shanty Bay visit ed on Sunday with their sonin law and daughter Mr and Mrs Don Wil ms ookstowtt family visited Mr and Van Du Kruya Sunday Home For Weekend Marlory and Mary Mae Mag hussen ot Barrie were home for the weekend Back Home Again Mr Pollard is returning to his home alter live months in Gen eral and MarineIItospitol His many friends hope he will soon be well again Gettingellettcr Mrs Dumand is improving after being under the doctors care for few days minimum EYE GUN LG Stephenson CARE sour RO OPTOMETRIST It swirnehsowsaewnunns FOR APPOINTMENT PBONB Ml uncommon DUNLOP ONTARIO sari THE BANIQ wooon nauseaunnee ABOUT IT Only chartered bank Of full range of honking seniccsioclddiat Seeing Accwmb Qnrnlzlrmrmts joint Accounts Personal Laaur gt Commercial Door Farm Improvement Loanl NHA Mortgage L0th Home Improvement Latins Foreign Trade ind Mhrhr one that make deposi cash gt dep05it boxes transfer money Irvurination Buyrng and Selling Foreign Ercbange Granada 011mb LMMJB Transfer Money Order and Bani Drafts Travcllcrr Cheques Letters Craft 54ch Deposit hm Cudir lnormotran Pinker 114514 oj hearWu Cams Stark gm ntbcr awn ï¬an by To Friarsled ll Toriii Congratulation lo to Mary Walu who will be manlad in Tomato on Feb 10 Work on New Road It is expected work will cont inence on the new road from WWI 80 into Everett It to Tutoran the road will be as feet wide with driving luring oi ca loci and new bridge to bebuiit overthe Boyne River DALSTON Mrs Robert Milne Newmarket spent law days visiting her aim ter and brotherMam Mr and Mrs Norm Maxwell FINE PROJECT While Camrosc can hardly lay claim to the iirst chronic oi hospital in Alberta it cc can lay claim to heing the centre of the largest institutional care tor the aged in all Canada The experiment by the Province oi Albcru at Roschavcnis vhcidg closely watched by other pron vinees Camroso Alta Canad Stores To Serve You Iank orillin own Voyeurs Low Price Thai Counts sons cows onnssas sronrswnan imitcd Offer howl ONO ERESr mu PAY NorHING MORE UNTIL June it melanoma cannons usume 3WEEks MI cuELLAIRE gt1 ALUMI UM STORMVWiNDOWS ogooons OALUMlN MAWNiNGs ALUMIN boon CANOPIES nmm Finished in heautiful baked on enamel colors ldwte choose from sites in bdwnsvicwOntario VTerlcpltone Town Sterlings299i Direoti