Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1956, p. 5

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is getting MéhlskjafixMnraih Cut Down on KitchenMileoge nothing harder on womans horée and buggy iayout nerves chologists agree than laconyeriiflt long outdated an rangcrnents for preparing the neussarythree day Some dxofthc accompanying draw especally prepared for The Canadian institute of ellumbing and Heating willshow why many wives and mothers often gmw times will no doubt memories in some who recall the pleasures en joyed in old fashioned kitchen where great deal of living took place iiowover the grim fact is that such domestic sweatshops frequently sent regular occupants in earl gravcs in the so called goodo days one observer coma merits many housekeeper walked herself to death ifyou doubt this notice the tances involved Nine feet rom stovcto cupboards thirteen from cabinet to ice boxwhich was generally located outin the back porchand twice that far from sink to dining room buffet Many households still have this restraints Hit1 rt it on And since even the most efficient operators mun make douns of trips between these points while preparing single meal they fre quently run up total of several miles per working day Now considerDiagram moments study here will show how easy it is to eliminate the marathon 1th particulfli layout is known to modern home plan ners as an which enables two people to work without tripping over one another other equally effective plans are The Corridor an arrangement patterned after ships galley which is ideal for single oper ator and The which has sup porting features down both in joining walls All of them however have one point in common They are built around the sinkmost important Forvirompt Courteous Scivie PHONE 59435914 Frea Delivery within so like zircon171 sworn BUY UNDER OUR BUDGET PLAN Up to 52000 home improvement Bram iiiiiinrii so ELLEN sr naiurrs ouiLn non on niaavsa SE cannons single unit in any kitchen now that central heating has in most cases eliminated the coal range The sink is flanked for maximum efficiency by cook stove and re frigerator Although not shown in the floor plans the heights of various shelves find work surfaces is of vital importance Counters and storage areas should be arranged so that woman works at her most convenient level with minimum of reaching wo un der or climbing up on stools to secure food supplies and utensils Accordingto recent survey made by The Canadian institute of lumbing and Heating three out 11 five kitchens in houses over thirty years old still come lot vu FOR STEEL iiiiii llllllliEIIS wejsliécializein and carrya complete stock iiiTllS rationz roii iouii liliEllS BnllllilinillliliE MilliliillE VCOMPANY Phone 3744 an Sflliiliiliillli NEW in HOME riiiiiiiciiii ionlinow iiinti motoring on the iceto Gloucester r12 vr lift 7i Iiiws closer to than if youre among the backward no per cent dont compromise when it comes to making necesary changes it will pay in the long run to go all the tray The weaan ot nonpub ent set up are already well known ito the woman of the house re liable plumhingand heating con tractor can quickly estimate how much space iannwbelng waned iiell also suggest what canbo done with this extra space Many couples finally facing up to this problem have found that solving it leads to the solution of other problems Quite number for instance find themselves citioy ing the additional advantlgea of an extra bathroomconveniently located in pantry that no longer serves its original purpose Financing thcproiect is equal ly convenient Your own bank will be glad to advance upto IiiiiEWsji ConeretaPatch Topafeheonerete or to repair cracks musket the old surface and cleanaliail lain particles Laeaeold chine to opena crack Mnelently so the neopren tar conghe packed in The under part of the craekvlabould he cut at least as wide as the opening in the surface to allow the patch to lock Moisten the old concrete to preventvit from abmlogwater from the patch Keep the patch damp for aeteral days to cure it well and prevent crumbling n4 Scrun 0n Chimney Keep Out Insects Ordinary window screen placed over the top of the chimney will keep mosquitos tiles and other insects out of tho house during the summer The screen can he held in place by cementing brick over itat each corner of the chimney if left in place the year around in screen will prevent sparks from flying out with danger of setting fire to the roof the bushat volunteers bce sev eral years ago Speakerint nos Meeting Dr it Brown of Coldwnter spoke to Coldwater Home and School Association meeting Jn diphtheria smallpox $2500 rcpayablc over petiod of five years at the new low rate of per cent COLDWATER iiy LORNE LETHERBY Motoring on the ice On Sunday Art Cornell Bill Pheasant Lloyd Taylor and Mel Wylcy motored toGoHomcBay and travelled from there on Sev crn River ice in Mr Pheasants truck to Gloucester Pool They reported there were about 25 cars seen at various locations on the river tractor had also been using the ice to transport logs ice was two feet thick with some being cut and stored On Monday liirCornell return ed to the riverby car accompan ied byRev and Airs Ross cums ming and family who enjoyed Pool points Rink as Community Centre chcral items of importance were slated to come up at the an nual meeting of Goldwater Com munity Centre Association to be held in Coldwatcr court house Progicss towards obtaining the Goldwater rink from theshare holders to turn it into com munity centre has been at standstill for many months Diffl culties have been encountered in obtaininga sufficient number of shares to allow the transfer to take place Some shares are held in estates and it is reported number of shareholders are adopting legalistic the proposed project to ensure realizing the full value of the stock held Anumberof others have already turned over their shares free to the community cen tre or have expressed willing ness to do so The association already has plan prepared by Stuart Ni Keyes Orillia engineer forco vertingtherhuiiding into co munity centre which would retain the rink and add numerous her facilities There is lumber volunteer labor have offered to use if the building ca obtai ed for alteration into cbntre the lumber is not used soon mayhave to be disposedof as it has been piled outside since cut in hand which HAVE 0U HAD YOUR WlRlNG CHECKED RECENTLY lF NOT For Safetys Sake Coil WELLWEN Tltltl Cu tilts Residential and Lloyd Lcthcrby of attitude to operation Hospital the public school last week on Communicable Discascs Dr Brown refcrreth to such common diseases as scarlet fever chickenpox and polio it dealt with their origin symptoms length ofdis abillty Imposed and treatment and told of complications which could set invil the diseases were not combattlcd information was also given on the Salk vaccine for treatment of polio The speaker was introduced by Mrs James Emslio by Mrs George Devitt Norris Walker president was in charge of the meeting Bill Drastlcaliy Revised Coldwater MPP for Simcoo East is attends ing the session of the Ontario Leg iisluture whichopcncd on Tues by Mr Letherby stated before leav ing for the session that the spec ialLiens Committee of which he is member had drastically re vised theoriginal bill proposed for legislation in the next few weeks it is expected the commit tees work will have been com pleted and the revised bill will be submitted for consideration of the assembly it is the intention of the East Sirncoc iifPPtopartlcipatc in the debate on the speech from the throne gt in Brief Councillor Thomas Seymour is reported improved in health but is requiredto rest in bed for circulatory ailment in one leg After lengthyfispellwofr clear cold weather snow started falling in vColdwntcr on the morning of Jan 30 Councillor Charles Wadge has been appointed to represent Cold water area on committee of the Georgian Bay Development Com mission Ronald Pile of the iiEPC Barrie was in Coldwatcr last week conferring on hydro affairs Rev Charles Carter of the Pres byterian Church last Sunday com pleted sermon series on Evan gelism On Tuesday morning he spoke on the morning devotions radio series Rev Milton Lovering formerly of Coldwater district now mis sionary preacher in Gaspe area of Quebec is recovering from an in M0 treat General He was visited recently by Mrs Lcathcrdalc form erly of Goldwater who is Pres byterian WMS hospital visitor in Montreal Rereavement Mrs TG Cornell has received wordvof the sudden death of niece Mrs Gordon Cornell of Roekton Ont The latteis hus band passed away last year Ar thur Cornell of Coldwater attend ed the funeral week 25 FOR FDQD In the 25 of spendable in come now goes for food on in creaseol since 193539 and thanked recently Annual Meat Thc Barrie District Hunters Angler Conservation Club hth cornea one year old Eehpwith the annual meeting in theCGE club rennin Bradford sweat fur Tailoring Minna there Wilhe film shown and special entertatnment plus refreshments and doorlpriu The Conservation clubexecu live hava already planned inon advanced setup on committees and roper constitution and bylaws or liaisonwlth the do partinan Committees to be formed attheannual meetiiuttro Wildlife Fish and Stream FruA once Conatltution ancL Bylaws Program Entertainment June or Members Program and En tertalnment Special Events and Publicity in view of the above all mem bers are urged toattend this im portant mceting in keepi with their conservation pledg give myplcdge as Canadian to iiavc and faithfully defend from waste the natural resources of my coun try itssoil and minerals rLs forests waters ind wild life caowis Hui Organizes iiiC Group Rev Ball has organized iiiC Group of youngpcople in the community This grou wrll meet every Sunday evening ntha church Sunday School room for group singing Bible study won ship and recreation Elected officers are as follows President Allan Newson vice president Wendy Beuant secre tarrytreasurer Helen Kenney counsellors Mrs Roy Newsonand Miss Marjorie Gough All young people of the com munity are invitedto ioin Church Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Crown Hill United Church was held in the church basement on Tuesday evening Jan 17 All reports showed very ccssful year The following officers were elected for 1958 Elders Charles Robson William Swiuer Drury Cecil Choppell arid Torn Kenny Stewards Car1 DruryI Gordon Dunsmore Gordon Atkin son Norvai Caldwell Robert Bea zant Ro Partridge Clarence Smith on Roy Newson troasur er Roy Partridge secretary Mrs Harold Switzcr trusteesWilliam Switzer Charles Robson Narva Caldwell ushers Howard Cald well Jobn Dunsmore Clarence Rhinehart James Kenny Allan Newson Alvin Smith organist Margaret Gough assistant organ ist Mrs Norman Tuck auditors Mrs Tom Kenny GordonDuns more Euchre Party successful euohre was held at Mrfiand Mrs Delno icrmeys sponsored by Crown Hill Wi WinnerswereMrse Carl Drury and Mrs McLean and Allan Quinlan and Carl Drury Womcns institute Crown Hill Womens institute will meet at Mrs Switzers on Feb at pm Motto Bring it cur rent event Roll call jA mrs print in newspaper Miss Ruth Hickling will give talk on her trip to Florida Hostesses all ladies bring lunch Visiting iiere Mrs Key Schoinbcrg is spending few days with Mr and Mrs Gough lllin Hospitall Sorry to report Ruth Ball and Barbara Salshury are confined to the Royal Victoria Hospital Hope they will soon be well again filth Painting ceiling in painting cclllngpaiptln strips across th width rather than the length of room This not only reduces the number of times the scaffold has to he mov ed but it also permits the pointer to join up the painted strips be fore the edgcsbegin to dry gt USFAIIM PRICES Prices receivedvby US farmers have dropped since 1947l949 while prices paid by farmers for supplies interest labor andthe like havcgone up 12 The LOS ANIMOS ROOMS SIX BEDROOMS THREE CLOSETS SEVEN CUEAGE HOUSE 286th Ft Garage 7100 Ft 88 21 Dimensions Offering gracious combination for indoor and outdoor living fihe Los Animoa is designed primarily for those families who enjoy informal living and enter tainlng Spacious Without giving the an pearance of being large this ranch house boasts an abundance of windows to bring as much as possible of the bright outdoors inside Each of the three bed rooms has cross ventilation with the two front bedrooms contain ing three windoivsapiecc Almost the entire area of the back wallsin both the living and dining rooms is given over to the windows allowing for an unusual amount of sunlight and air in these rooms The windows in the dining room look out on the back terrace where youringenuity can he put to good use to make this Barrie Underwriier Attends Jule ae Meeting in Infantsi An outstanding highlight in Canadian life insurance hlstory was observed in Toronto today when the Life underwriters Association of Cansda launched its 50th anniversary yea Official commencement took lace on Thursdayevening in 26 when Golden Jubilee dinn Was held with over 500 people attending representing every province and mum centre in the Dominion and tholeading organization of the business and industry world Guest of honorand principal speaker was James Dtmcan CMG chairman and president MasseyHarrisierguson Limited Toronto Speaking on behalf of the Association was JED Mingay CLU Toronto chairman of the associations board of directors SimcoeMuskoka Life Under writers Association was represent ed at the dinner and meeting by Fred McConkey of imperial Life Barrie president of the county association Gordon Louds Work Atlantic Trninmen Roundtheclock efforts nf Mar itime railwaymen to keep trains rolling and communication lines open during the recent storms and floods haveiwon high commeno tipn from Donald Gordon charr man and president of Canadl Nptlonal Railways in telegram to Hayes vicepresident and general manager Atlantic region Gordon said delays and dis ruplons would have been much worse had it not been for the relentless efforts of the regions officers and men WHY PICKON AGRICULTURE The government subsidizes tel evision radio the railroad at omic energy development trade negotiations and numerous other things Why does everyone holler when the agricultural industry asks for little help Lachutc Que Watchman cLAnKsrLOOR outdoor living area just as attrac tlvc as you desire Located intho front of the house the kitchen faces out on the area set aside for border plantings Since the window in the breakfast nook also looks out on this little garden youll want tomakc it especially delightful so that youll have pleasing view from the kitchen or breakfast nook The generous amount of closets throughout The Les Animos is real boon to the housewife who likes tohave place to keep everything and likes to keep everything in its place if you have but one car you can use the extra space in the twocor garage for storage Every home handyman will up1 prove the installation of the tool bench and storage unit in the gar age And theiwholeiamily will like the protected back entrance to the garage from the arch With overall dimensions of air it 27 The Los Animos would re quire at least Wfoot lot Cub age of the house is 26600 feet cuhage of 1he garage is 7700 feet it would be best not to build house of this type ina crowded area This house is selected as an illustration of eharmingthree way combination of brickstone and wood being used for the ex terior finish However should you prefer shingles bri or ma mee lam am the floor plan of Thcios An imos It should be located under the kitchen in the basemanlyof lthis house The heating plnnt should be located under thcli ing room Blueprints Avallahle Complete plans for thisiiqmo or any home in this series avail able at Home of the Weekplncq 87 Weyhossct St Providence Hi They are priced at $1275for thb first set send cheque or plans will be shipped COD Should plans prove unsuitable mon¢y will be refunded upon returniof plans lessa service charge of per cent free homelowriers kit included with cachaet plans Mention The Barrie Exam or when writing LET us NSTAL sumac CHILLING WEATHER sonry youwould rfindrthc results equally handsome though perhaps not as distinctive Since no laundry is incl ded Time To Fix Floors winter is good time to fix the boards in spaces between floor becauseat this season the home heating system is in oper ation and the floor boards have shrunk Clean the space between boards and fill with paste mix ture of fine sawdust and shellac whiting and color gt BRISTO PLUMBLiingHEA N6 84 DUNLOP STREETWEST Wood 3770 indies liii Wetiill lielpyoii modernize liatlir omit Shearzdd Finanu Plan ruieiruy aniona to fill you build Clfl orijer without mat to millll comfort convenienchv tli oomsan kltchensl Wewill show suggestions for custom rhpietainstailatlan and terlal nnd lei lndustrial Wiring Repair Work tidfldiiiit2é°f moi about mum Af ur er on er ser rrnl annly whetharyyou do your own auua viceon rfllldlbgl adriftclan CHLARKESELECTRIC BELT SANDER Ask us about reservations sANciNsrouerNr 9N0Wrflmlflm =5 13 83212LTJ Qlifltiiiti so and live your floor neyv Iraantv and lnatra we fnrniahrall equipment materta and complete instillation quit RENTALPMN mention on NEED rris easy To asap LD noon You 0011 voims canons moo SANDING no Infram maxim amourum AYMENTSARE USUALLY LESS Than What Pnyjnkerir so wnv nor PUTYOUR RENT MONEY INTOYOUR owN HOME gt invila Man can in una to aurian DEALER ML BURNERS SALES SERVICE Midi 323 Shop 54 Sophia ayiicid no about rr latoat particulars or thnd 91 WE DELIVER 80 DUNLOP

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