45 cooxsrowu suchv it may the Innoal Vestry meeting on Jan 30 It 8pnL in the ball It was road to see come especme those who ved some of the country roads The rector Rev Canon Ir mam theroetomuntotorthc neat leweeh Ir 1m Ir attcuiutheyhflstatue AIDA On Friday evening the AIPA held their meeting It Ir and Mrs Kings Ind followed It with hayride returning to the rectory or hot flash caul aunt Evenlng Last week the United Church choir held social evening It Ilrs Honey Harbor commm Port ilcltleoll dIIleyed their aunertorlty spin It the rink here Jan 21 when they outtoxed Honey Harbor 56 In In nut Simcoe RurIl nagi hockey fixture The Part teIin rponnred by the lexton Istn top and Hockeyjf 42111 omissions Laundérerslllo Fanning Fm Sanex Moth Protection Guoranieed place In the loop Vlltbmlnl and no losses The Huber goalie was not In mm In the openln unto which William Haifa They presented Mr and Mrs Fred Tracy with kitehenctock and Ihynln book Fred Is member at the choir Barrie GM Mr and Mrs Parker Priest Paul and Marian and Mr and Mn Norman Brown Barrie visited on Sundaywith Mr and Mrs Stan ley leiclr so Peters Vestry raw Port MchcolI duueore their opponents o4 Two goals were rIpped In by Jack Hugh and Paul Crellhtnn and Sib modem and Cee Walker tallied sing markers for the Port Honey Katbars two counters were by Jimmie Vessnir and Corhier Alfie Lamoureux showed superb log to the Harbor team in tho SL Pclcrvs Vesry was he in rame scoring three times the Orange Hall Monday evening The kwnei Wm splendid inflame list period when chm found noun mowed um i°hzhzsoi°°a mee in lever pitch at exciumenL upmeni union new 13m McNImll quickly showed The Farmers Union held the nm in 53 lirst meeting tor the new year in adding two markers tothelr count the Orange Hall on Jan 20 with PM cmghm mm mm 3° an attendance of 95 President VessatrLeCousilieau and Linda Fred Pearson pnslded received dailies on the Harbor cheral Items at business were team and Johnny Arthers ot the Port was penalized twice Harold dealt with and plans were made Wildc was referee to hold cuchre party In the hall on Feb Harry Adams spoke briefly on the work of the organi mtiim in Simcoe County Carman Downey spoke on some of the work or county council nndnlso commcndcd the members for the was once more appoint ed vestry clerk silica he has ably filled to the tistactian of all for many years After the Elnutes were read and Idoptcd rector presented his annual report inwhich he gold tribute to so many of the elpers who had rendered excel lent service during the year under review especially those who had so cheerfully accepted responsibil lty as the leaders of the various organizations as well as the chosi JEAN BELIVEAU Montreal Canndicnswos named to cenlrc on the first Nntlunnl Hockey League allstar team It Is the first time Beliveuu has been selected tor an allstar team He led the leagues individual scoring race at mid seasonu CP PHOIO muesli folks about onTgftiuiIrs of the iéhurchI ncal urc war cns no statereneét wits presented 52y glitz McCuis reosurer an is PLEASE REMII showed that in spite of additional Most people hate had bill ncccssary expenditure the bal ance on hand at the end of 1955 sometime bearing in wprds Please remit by return innit ma lircï¬ 32130ng Altai Pseolm enthusiasm in their meeting questions were asked and answer Hurry Lord was tho SlitJim 011 cd and some comments made the moaton the need and the financial statement was adopted VII II will be when it becomes and Mr McCuisll as well as his strong enough The way to may of us hm our private secretary was heartily achlcvc strength would be through Ilvn been Ible mid thanked for all his can and trou an active membership campaign Kym blc taken over the work involved and this Isgvcry vital in ihisslncc fdePIMd Mg in keeping such excellent records ï¬lletUninllla Mnh Lard suggest eonescano nulue eac mcm um PM MO of thc churchs finances 91 main dont re am ey need us deer Iway their debt is dine yes line to spread the Iymenu in future psyenve apesAiriInd The following were either ap neguflï¬mvï¬tégrï¬gh mumr pointed or elected to the sovcral offices rectors warden William Nevils peoples warden on um um Lemmon sidcsmcn at Cole ofmnmg Wm whicha man It Riley Nevils New my yog um 123 ils McCuish CRamsey time lo Iy wixh paymenu Earl Carr and Borden Nixon lay on can ï¬nd more my members of synod Mrs Atkin ltl liln le way to gel luck son and Alex Allen advisory on your eet Friendly lam up to 500 mm Niagm are lifeinsured II no extra cotton you Besides on many council the rector church wlr dens lay members at synod sides friendly loll the rates are lower If you need moo why men Marwood McCuish and Vernon also representative from the Womans Auxiliary Parish Guild Sunday door ou give yourscl time oopIy yIrrInglo INllm loan Well be all It yol 30 just drop in Fort McNicoll Goldwater Honey Harbor Moonstone 55612 vr FAIII Wu oflggflyï¬iï¬gï¬u wannun 17 range rr vmm GEUNECOV Bran NEW easy 55112 =90 53 In 0E some To my mu AM If merge Represent Simcoe tounty Bill Winchestcr and Harry Adams represented Simcoe Coun ty when 35 delegates of the On tarlo Farmers Union presented their brief to Premier Froston Monday in Toronto Entertained at Knock Members of Local 112 OFU Minising were guests at Knock Local 92 at euchre party at Mr and Mrs Joseph Cochranes Tues day night School Chancel Guild Womans Auxiliary Parish Guild and Young Peoples Association Andit was need J9 0b535LE that practically all showed improvement in one way or another though it was also felt that there is so much more to beundertaken and done in the work of the church as is always the cask and the determin atlon Is that we should Go on from strength rtoi strengthand Hearllen to what the Lord will say unto us After the rector pronounced the benediction the ladies served welcome refreshments and hap py social hour was spent ANGUS ill in insulin near as NOUGUTY OWGEU as my M19762 iA ma IF you KN BABY6m an no await AINT warmer BOYS NAME 15612 School Chancel Guild and Young Peoples Association auditors Fred Fisher Borden Nixon mem 17ch of the Great Chapter Fred Fisher Marwood Earl Carr GMcCuish1J Ram say The cemetery board was re appointed Aftcr all these appointments and elections had taken place re THE WILSON BullDING ports were received from the par Post Office Sq BARBIE Phone 46 ish organizations namely Sunday RY IAGARA mm comm an iidnwnhrun non By Wally BilllOP HAVE HIM Do THAT EVERY TtME CLASS HAS DANCING ACCOU NTANTS ao ABM WONG MIBLAEEN guruens ï¬cogfflm CO NEW 131 sort drape of fabricat the pretty sweetheart neckline adds the drSSup touch to this after MV GOOWESS WHERE DIP YD GET THAT BLACK ITS 114E ONLV SURE IVAV Tc WE GELS FROM ASKING ME ITS KOTA REAL ONE PEEWEE PAINTED ATOM Boys SEAGBAM how Iarrilhn Solicitors Nohriu Dublin MacliABEN ECOMM CA uostso moans ucsnenn Municer AUDITOR ARTHUR GILBERT and Audinr ommrzfï¬gml AND Molina consonant II ltrclns HA NEEDEAM C0 0333 Public Amuntulu Toronln malngtrlo llllol EnlldtIlli Past Omen Mull 2i3i31 uÂ¥tinnnm CA ARTHUR POWELL mangngnaccoumm hr DEM TfllflhOnl am noun HARRISON COWAN COWAN IIIVIIWI Solicitors Nmrl Counltlul Hours am to Monday to man loss nown MONKY TO LOAN coil llrrlly ant JGLADSTONE comma QC amour and SW MONEY so Dunlel st sale Imi anon an MuLhnEN and WILSON Donald Manure £1 Charlesl WIwn Mrs James Jefferies is pa tient in the Royal Victoria Hos pital Her many friends wish her speedy recovery Sympathy Extended Deepest sympathy is extended to Miss Lillian McMaster and rela tives in the sudden passing of Mrs William Gauley She died in the Royal Victoria Hospital Tuesday morning Deepest sympathy is also ex tended to Mrs Charles Cody Le larrimrs eolieu Money to In limoml 1th Illilluminat 1mm 011011 BA Tuesday morning after hurt ona Miscampbell and her son in the sudden passing of loving husband and father who died noon frock So very feminine so very flatteringi Smooth gracelul Iineshclow so slenderizing to the shorter fuller figure Per fecLly proportionedeasy sewing Pattern 4557 Ha Sizes 14 16 18 20 22 24 size 16 takes yards 39inch fabric This pattern easy to use simple to saw is tested for lit Has com plete illustrated instructions Sand TIHRTYEIVE CENTS 35c in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care The Barrie ExaminerPat tern Dem 80 From St West came THEYHILARGE 517055 newsmssss il amps MAND KEEPING THEM ON IVHILE OJ SIGN MY REW CARD comamp ACCOUNTANT attack slunuel no amount MIIISDN 1I coinr stun hou Asa WILTON EDDIE ill SONS Chartered Accountant Toronto Orillla OBILLIA OFFICE West St North Phone 1805 Resident Partner Mix CA LIFE INSURANCE ALFRED HARRIS imiimmm Full Ins It Anllnll Close Cnmnrlllon Group KI MI tnenhlp Femlon Ind Sole Proprietorship Insurance dancing GUI LIFE mpyelentlnl landon Xnnlrlnce Cd DR grueling ltllll 555 Of 27 Irlll wwsgd 500 OPTOMETRY Massagelr Hydrotherapy MAHIICE IIRIE FAA0 omumlar DAMS It St Ell SHWI l1 lntrIgoa 33 rtde oi nonunion More WEED GRADUAIE mam Phone ass Itourl ssso an by nunat BOBIEB 34 30 or alliesnoun to iron osed salmon Attention Ih nos 30er SMITH 30 amassnun noun about at an NOEL STEPHENSON to ammo ounlu It em II rtlaon no music LrssoNs Toronto Ont EXAMINER WE WAIT UNTILB ptn and ifyoul Ilrrllter Sclieiw mun st norloll at room until litan up SMITH MoLEAN Emmat to ounun llccualn Inc illell alarm is Imull mien Barristers reunion Is Dunla roan an LIVINGSTON MYERS BARRISTERS dc SOLICITORS 155 Collier St Phone 5454 BARBIE VETERINARY DR FLEMING vmnmmmn sonarsail sonhil st In rim is carrier bov has notarrivecl tler culnopnmron GEO It ELSE BUBNS xtu ourch It By Appointment IuoNI use no Irwinltst OSTEOPATH portlyElisa Yourham Winso osmoratma cwuo tllEltli Sim Clllltiï¬ cosmonauts