Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Feb 1956, p. 1

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MONDAY wean attrition single copy 92nd YearNo l5 DAY hauntwu COUNCILLORWILL PRESS FOR MUNICIPALITIES TO ASSUME LFARE EXPENSE OWN CHILD WE The fact that the problcnts of the CAS were still uppermost in cnuncillors mind even after definite decision had been arrived at was evident on Thursday last when Councillor Abner Rawn Sunnidale gave notice of motion which he proposed to introduce st thle June session of County Coun ci The motion to be presented at that time will he to the effect that as from January 1057 the county should relinquish the re sponsibility of maintaining the CAS and from then on each mun icipality should be responsible for Its own child welfare Councillor Rawn said he would speak on the motion when it came before council He had however ascertained from the county sol Icltor that there were no legal ob stacles in the way of such sug gestion Councillor Albert Calvert Port McNieoll placed motion which required the appointment of committee of three by the war den to enquire if some of the county services could be dispens ed with without any direct handiv cap to the municipalities our 900 people are paying $14000 to county council for ser vices we could do well without said Councillor Calvert Councillor Dalton Jermcy Me JAllan Scott Named Chairman Planning Board Member of the board since it was organized in 1947 Allan Scott is the new chairman of the Town Planning Board Born in Barrie he has resided here all his life and watched thedevelop ment of the community through the years slow but steady at first amazing in the past decade Mr Scott is the manager of Brewers Warehousing Co in Bar rie He was educatednt Prince of Wales the former West Ward dontc placed an amendment ask ing that the special welfare com mittee being set up should en quire intn whether welfare ser RiE ONTARIO CANADA jMQNDAY FEBRUARY 1956 signsgabnsnn om CIALLY room vices in the county werea necce sity Councillor Calvert protested that this was not something for wel tare committee ltwas county business The amendment was put to the vote and accepted The specialwelfare committee appointed by the warden consists of Councillors llugh Johnston OrilliI Kinzie Barrie Dalton Jermey Mcdonte Downey Ves pm and Robinson Elmvale Renamed Essa Board Chairman Willard Cole will continue to act as chairman of Essa Township School Area Board in 1956 on the unanimous motion of his ici low trustees At the inaugural meeting in the new school at Angus Mrs Tar Bush and Wilson Wright were named as finance committee and Lloyd McLachian and Eric Mercer were named property commit tee The following schools have been allotted to each trustee for super vision Angus old and new schools Mrs TarBush Ivy Utopia and Baxter Mr MeLaeh Ian Thornton Crumble Hill and Colweli Mr Mercer Cookstown and Bradens Mr Wright Rev Paul Field Was present at the inaugural meeting to deliver the necessary and prescribed do ciaration of office Norman Cox worth area secretary was also in attendance Mr Field opened the meeting with the reading of portion of scripture and prayer Each trustee was asked toap proach his or her local clergyman and arrange for regular session of religious education in the sclhlools for which each is respon si Mr Coxworth was reengaged as sccretnrytrcasurcrfor 1958 at salary of $75 month The board is purchasing two of $255 each The régular meeting of the board was held in Angus Monday evening ALLAN scorr public school and Barriclcolleg iate Institute At school he play ed football and he was also active in hockey goalkeeper boxing and skiing Played in the cadet band at BC Drseveralyears Now his sports are largely confin ed to curling but nothing Inter fercs with huntingand fishing in season being an ardentconserva tionis gt Du ng the war served as cap tam with 2nd Battalion Grey and SimcoeForcstcrs Reserve Mem her of the KiwaniSClub of Barrie and St Andrews Presbyterian Church Marion Porter of Toronto Married to the former They have daughter Leslie and son Billy The First Column 15201215 cons 111an warms Barrie was especially well re Girl Attacked girl age 13 was attacked by man while returning home from Barrlc Arena about 11 oclock Saturday night The young girl had just separated from her girl friend whenthe man jumped on her and threw her to the ground She screamed and her girl friend immediately ran back The man dcenmpcd Barrie police have good description of the attacker and asuspcct was interrogat ed on Sunday but later clear ed Chief of Police Edward Tscbirhart asks that the pub lic notify Barrie police 1m mediatciy if they see poisons loitering around in suspic ious manner presentedlhursday at the Fifth Annual Sports Celebrities Banquet arranged by thg ont writers and Sportscastcrs tion In aid of th onta ciety for Crippled Chit en Some thing over$20000 vssraised that very night and thctotalfor years has reachcd $110000 eh indicates that those who write and taik sphrtscould have something in the heart after all much Morrison ector ot tb OntariorSoeiety for Crippled ddre Jack But ler who has be chairman of the Barrie Kiwanis Clubs committee which raises fundifotthat pur pose were at no liable and in the big banque hall of he Royal York potted them an ourgénisl and the ex freightv Carla with in llontorumacbincnta 1W mrnrm srmpio JACK MITCHINSON Works Manager for Canadian General Electric in Barrie throws the first rock to open officially the 8th annual GE Bonspiel at Barrie Curling Club at nine oclock this morning Watching Mr Mitchinson are Harry Armstrong honorary chairman Sully Meredith honolery mem ber Vern Adams president Barrie Cur Trinity no1 Campaign To Raiser$lZ0000 Tuesdays supper held by Trin ity Anglican Church proved the magic of the word fioyeltyJ Strictly speaking magic is an understatement compared with dealings expressed by His statpménb ot marvellous meeting outstrip ping our wildest hopesI was most sincerely made Mrs Flsncr and Mrs Jack Butler led the Junior Guild in catering to over 100 church members who will form the nu cleus of the driving power in the coming partiellistlngs canvass Talks Provide Inspiration Talks by nlcCsrroll John Mitchlnson Hebcr Smith and Charles Seagram combined hum or with inspiration to prodllcc an invaluable comaraderie in thé meeting Mr Smith explained the can vass plan Heicalled for con ccntrated facetoface intensive canvass for fundstotake place between Feb3 and 10 During this period he felt sure that the enthusiastic prayerful start made on Tuesday coupled with inspir ed canvassing will produce funds to bring the total pledges to $170000 many from East End Many othhose present bt the Easter Annuol Shopping ling Club Play will continue through Thursday with two draws and three games to each rink each day Of the 64 rinks in the preliminary games 18 winners will come back Friday for the finals Main and Second event trophies are Barrie Ex aminer and Sterling Trusts Prizes General Electric White Cane Helps Blind Confidence Until used my own white cane for the first time doubted this years theme for White Cane WeekThe White Cane Creates Confidence declared floss national white cane weekchair man of the Canadian Council of the Blind and The Canadian Na tional Institute for the Blind People were so gracious Mr Ross said Strangers came to my old at once and in pleasant friendly manner dissolved my doubts with courtesy and assist ance Taking place from Febr to 11 cosponsored for the 11th conso cutlvc year by CCB and CNlB the week will present the achieve ments of the sightlcss In Can adawide education program While the offer of guiding hand along the street gives con fidence to the sightless the achievements of the blind create confidence in the sighted Mr Rose observed He spoke of the numerous blind men and women who manage CNlB stands and can teens in post office hospital of Monday are all lavara flee building amffactory With overthecounter service and cheerful smile they develop confidence in their sighted cus torners he pointed out while blind workers on the assembly lines of Canadas industries create confidence by carrying their share of the daytoday job The blind who serve the public in occupa tions such as piano tuning and repairing have an additional op portunity to develop the confid ence of their clients Mr Ross explained that confid ence in the slghtless grows not only through contact with the sighted in the canteen and lndusl trial placements of CNIB but through the recreation program in Bermuda for Two Jamboree Easter in Bermuda or Two at Vscvendny all ex pense tour has been announced as the grand prize for the Third Annual Shopping Jamboree sponsored jointly between the merchants of Barrie and The Barrie Esnmlner cmmmoompmenifiysnnrnweha continuing through untlFSatutdnylcb 18 this edi yet tied with annual event ppomiscs to be the largest Elaborate plans have hecnvymadenndmnnymerl clients are cooperatinglwlth special sale events More details will be published in The Examiner on Wed nesdny and Friday of this week loyalty supper were from the East End of Barrie These people in looking about them in Trinity Parish Hall could not help but compare the conditions of the old hall with those in the Trinity East Anglican Mission completed and paid for in single year by the Trinitybuilding fund How worthwhile the past year vork has been was seenrrecently by The Examiner photographer as he took pictures of the spacious edifice on Cook Street People are greatly impressed by the ad vance made so far and comment ed on the second greatgoelzlot building néw hall to replace the present Trinity Parish Hall The CLOSE cALLFoRrwo annals MEN completion of this will be truly splendid accomplishment Hope for $50000 gt This year church members hope to seevmorctban $50000 go intotheechureh Budding Fund in the Anglican Community Foreman Dies At Victoria Harbor Former Victoria Harbor coun cilloiiandin recent years town foreman Bert Moreau died sud denlyof heart attack at his home on Thursdgy afternoon 80 HOME PRODUCE ECnnsdlnns cousumeabout em 01 all they produce vWednesday of C08 volunteer organiza tion made up of sightlcss mcm hers the CC8 links almost 60 clubs of the blind from St Johns to Victoria who conduct year round recreation program Bowl ing variety of card games and dancing are only few of the winter features All these activities create con fidence inthc white cane car rier Mr Ross said and in each event the helpful understanding mmwflghfid friends is most appreciated Be cause of this understanding blind Canadians are now accepted as useful citizehs The message of the White Cane is known every where It means the blind may ms TOWN or sham Aun occurs or sauces finAm algan Mannum WomenShun Service preme Court Jury Su Out of ninel women summoned for jury service at the Supreme Court session which ended last Friday onlytwo accepted Wo men jurors in Canada have the privilege of declining jury ser vice shouid they wish to do so Many womens service clubs have been urging that women should accept more readily jury service and on this occasion the sheriffs office at Barrie accompanied the summons with special notice pointing out the essential part played by jury men in the demo cratie pattern The hearing which began on Jan 23 before Mr Justicchtew art had list of cases comprising five criminal actions 10 jury civil actions and 13 nonjury actions All five criminal cases were dealt with but the majority of civil ac tions have been traversed to the next courts The fch petitions for divorce were granted There will be nonjury sitting of Supreme Court commencing at the Court House Barrie onAplll Prior to this County Court will be sitting on April Judgment was given in the case of Clifford and Marion Ellis vs Clarence Preston Damages were awarded to Clifford Ellis amount ing to $11000 and to his wife in the sum of $12717 The plaintiffs were also awarded costs of the action Grand Jury The GrandJuryforcman Har old Hill inspected the county buildings at this sitting of the Supreme Court They spent considerable time atthe county gaol While they found the build Barrie Branch Canadian legion Ladies Night The Barrie Branchof the Can adian Legionare holding ladies night sttheir headquarters to night One of the feature films to be shown will be The Lone Silence an outstanding film on the Poppy and Remembrance Day It sshown on CBC television last November 4v An interesting innovation is the attendance cash award The names of all members attending are placed in drum and at the conclusion of the meeting draw step forwird with security even in strange city becauscthe White Cane Creates Confidence is made The member whose name is drawn receives $10 cash fiDlOVldEd he is there Eull Progrclrn Arranged For County TruSteés qndetequers Annuol Forum of Codrmgton Simcoe County Trustees and Ratepayers Association are bold ing their annual forum at Code rington PublicScbool Barrie on The nneday pro gramris scheduled to start at 930 am and continue until 430 pm The programyfor the morning scssionis in two parts The first part willbe devoted to panel discussion on the school board at work The chairman will be Gillies public school inspector at Collingwood Other members are lbestined for Fclme Baritone Jos Milligan Opens Cdnadian Artists Series on Felortmry 25 rer who 195657 gt amcs Miliigan brilliant young Canadian baritone whois giving limited number of concerts in this country during the winter andvspring of 1956 will appear hereon the eveningof Saturday Feb 25 in the first concert of the Canadian Artists Seriesi This maybe the last season for many years that audiences in his native land will have an oppor tunity to hear this splendid sing dcstined forfame He will appear with several leading European ope ompanies in Grand award winner in the 0130 French network Nos Etoiies Future and now gland award winner the Genevainternatio at competitionJames Milligan= re turned to Canada in December He has become one of the out standings figures in th musical worldinthe spa few years He move rontofrom Huntsville voice with the famed lieder sing erEmmie Helm whogt guided him nations performed the role in every per formance with them since As memberof the CBC and RoYal Conservatory Operacom panics he has established him self as an outstanding prospect in this field He has appeared as guest soloist with many of the larger symphony orchestras in Ontario and has twice been heard in recital atthe Eaton Auditor iumin Toronto Tickets for the Canadian Ar ists Series which is sponsored by the Barrie Collegiate Band now on sale The dates of the otherconeerts in the series are April 16 when the Opera Festival Singers of from to willjprescnt are Cosi Fan Tutt immune and April 28 whcn the band 800 McCarthy lstant superinv tendcnt of elementary education Department of Education Ernest Cumbcrland secretarytreasurer of Banting Memorial High School Board Alliston Dr Alfred Crossland chairman Barrie Sep arate School Board The second half will be filled by an address on auxiliary and remedial education by FStinV son inspector of the auxiliary education service Department of Education The speaker will be introduced by Scott public school inspector Barrie Following buffet lunch the convention will tour Codrington or Oakley Park school This will lie followed by another panel dis cussion entitled Relationshipbe tween town or township council and various schoolboards under the chairmanship of Roy Hick lingI recge of Vespra other members of the panel will be lsahel Post member of Orli town council George Longstaffc business administratorg Barrie Public School Board Hand Hugh Ritchie trustee on Elmvnlc Puli to School Board The forum willconclude with group discussion byinspector ateson finances and grants fol lowedby summary of the find ings the various gr Since 1864 ll PagesTwo Sections logs in admin and sanitary com dltlon they noted with concern the overcrowded conditions in the mens quarters The Grand Jury also deplored the fact that juveniles had to be detaincd in the gaol and recons mcnded that some improvements should be made such as mattress cs on cots and some sort of floor covering word of commendation went to Miller and his wife carelt takers on thetmanner in which the Court House was kept Those serving on the Grand Jury were Harold Hill foreman William More Donald Campbell Russ Miller Earl McFadyen Jam cs Playsare James Leonard Wil liam Agar Mrs Olive Hersey Walter Forbes Clifford Bailey Edward Johns Twmfign Struck By Car Crossing Road Jano Ncsbitt Eccles Street and Norma Doidge Park Street received injuries and suffered from shock when they were struck by car at the school crossing at the junction of Eccles and Dunlap steels Barrie Friday afternoon car proceeding west driven by David Jcrgis24 Angus struck the children as they were cross ing the road Police state school crossing controller was on duty at the time and was signalling the traffic to stop Charges have been laid against the driver Jane Nesbitt suffered from shock and bruises on the knee Norma Doldge had abrasions to the nose and chin and also sullen ed from shock 31 Grant Approved To Federation OFVAngcuItUre 0n¢the mendation of th Agriculture ommittce Ceudty Council approved of grant of $2000 to Simcoe County Federa tion of Agriculture but decided to take no action in respect of the Farmers Union for grant Councillor Abner Rawn Sunnl dale ut motion to the effect that report of the finance committee be amended to allow grant of $500 to the Farmers Un ion Thc motion was defeated heavily SideWaIk Fall Mrs Creasy bad nasty fall on Dunlop Street owing to the icy conditions of the sidewalk Fortunately no bones were broyv ken Mitten and Dog Help MinisterSave Child from Water red mitten and faithful dog saved the life of Bobby John stone of Alliston when he was playing on thin ice which gave way on Friday afternoon Paul Shilton son of Rev Shilton St Johns UnitedChttrcb Alliston wasplaying with Bobby at the time of the accident near the banks of the Boyne He im mediately rushed home about 100 yards away and told his father that Bobby was in the water Mr Shilton ran to the river bank but could notsee the small boy anywhere Then he heard the dog barking and saw him standing by hole in theice At the edgevof the holewas the red ith Bobbys hand still crawled out on the thin ice and pulled tbc small boy hiid wsb unconscious short period about ficial respiration he revivedlhis is the second narrow escape the boy has had Last winter he fell

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