Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1956, p. 3

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and rnlle north Jerm anahsaie at pm Caulhlhi Auctloneqnl WWI Feb Auction sale lot high class tam implement UVujnelr ha min and hatnehol effectsiar oyd Harris at Lot 20 can 10 Vespra Townshi No re taervo tannin sold nah 1230 Ihlrp Jerry ialuahuAuetEncer iois éraeusay 21 Auction me at gianti stock implementt ansaw grain house 51am uchafuk at at Can Tecumseh Township mile north Noreserve firms um 11 Auctioncer motion SALE Form Stock Implements and Hey The undersizncd has received instructions from so KELLY Lo 3Con8lnnis ljwp lnliomt of lushwny 27 Mia West of Thornton Clavcr Tqscllby Publi Auction on RIDAYLFEB 1956 Al past SHARP mesa £°liss Clyde Horse years old 1400 lbs Percheron More years old 1556 1a Set of Backhand Har nos Horse Collars CgAlTLE Polled An Cow cars due to freshen men 20 Burham Cow years due to freshen March 15 Durham Cow cars due to rcshcn May 10 HolsteinDurham Cow years due to freshen by date at sale Here fordDurham Cow years due to freshen March 31 Horelord Durham Cow years due to freshen March 25 Durham Cow years due to freshen March 20 Hereford and Durham Heifers to months old vaccinated Here ford and Durham Steers 10 months old Hereinrd Bull 19 months old FIGS 1YorkahirEgSow1 due to furrow end of March Yorkshire Sow due tr farrow of April Yorkshire saw 11 £1311 weeks old 10 Yorkshire igr each in Yorkshire Pius 135 to 150 lbs ach Yorkshire Pl are no 100911 each layer in Pgs 11 weeks old HA Square Balesv Bed CloverLHa well agod 1MP Troctor in flood rcpa tlonal ed and Fertilizer Drill 15 disc FordFerguson Plow12lt inch ftsrrpw Ferguson Snit tooth Cultivator good as new Scumcr row hinder aftcut owe littbrand nc ower horsedrawn Rubbertired Wagon andRack Set of Drag Harrows section draw barcom pie Gehl Hammermill brand new sum Hammermill Eclt brand new Pulley for FordFer son Tractor Quanlit of Grain ags Set or Corn Shle ds for Fer ausan Cultivatorw AnchorHolt Cream Separator good re air Horse Blankets Forks ovels Sling Rn es Chains and many olher art cles too numerous to mention TcrinsCash Definitely Ina rel serve as farm is rented Nuthlng to removed until set tled for gt Gordon Henry Clerk Jerry bl Auctioneer phone old eflecta for 175 lbs sun mono11 is Rb public fluetxilosli nary Curave Gauge Centdl Gravel Goran Ctmdles Sale will be inside Ganse which will be heated ie Cotuiuln Auctioneer phone on yamn one accusations AND omens Au non hulaP Clahne am ESTATE HELEN GRACE late of the tr Fnhoboo in theSlate of Cali fornia Married Woman who died on September 191954 are hereby notified to send full particulars of same on or before March 15 1956 HOLDEN MURDOCH WAL TON FINLAY wk ROBINSON Roam=2402 King street West Toronto Ontario Solicitors tor the undersigned Ancillary min lstrator of the Eatate at Helen Grace deepened afterwhich dale thaassctsdf animate the De ceased wtll be distributed having regard only to the claims or whic the said undersignedshall then have notice DATED at Toronlo this 19th day of ianuary195a WILLIAM ROSS MURPHY Anclllar Administrator of the Ettutcof clen Grace deceased co Holden Murdock Walton Finlay Robinson Room 2402 Bank ova Scotia BldgTgRiéln StreettJ Yielt 1018W BilLAW no or run MUNICIPAL TOWNSIIIPOF ESSA BYLAW To AMEND BitLAW N0 790 of the Township of Essa wirmeas it irdeemed ex lent and desirable to amend yLaw No 798 at the Municipal Corpora tion at the Township or ma now THEREFORETHE mmx ClPAL COUNCILOF THE TOWN SHIP 0F ESSA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS irhai hum is hereby amended adding to Section thereofa new vparaaraph to readastollows gt it shall be unlawful for aha person to maintain or operate tli limits of the Municipal Corpora tion oi the Townshi oi Essa any mobile park home or more than aperlod of 00 days in any period at 10 consecutive months This amendment shall not apply to any mobile rk home cnse for which as been obtained £120 in the passing or this By This layLaw shéll come in to force andelmt axon passing thereat Byan rea arnrst sccond and third time and tinaliy passed this 30th day of January 1956 Genre Awlllsinaon Reeve llonnnn Cnxworth Clark my AN exit in WANT AD 3110 Mr CORPORATION OF THE to uni gunl laiafimaaueé sari ordonrIom United HUW SUNNIDALB WNGIL CHANGES FEBRUARY MEETWG DATE rite regular of Sheila dala Townahlvaoanall no bias San chilled for thia monk last week to suitor40 We when they will bésvlaislamllr Harts hmtblrJHtrr 8111 in The will Canyon Followln Monday ovarian Community Concert at the Roxy Arixoas where theywill vialt Wirelgunb¢18 or the Beaux Trio and wo er oftheloca altos on were Nortia street as andvflrn halo Donald Street at leavingThurs day on an extended trip south Their first atopwill be Globe their son laelllL lbey also intend council will meet Itiuanidale Garden gt1lall on saruaoar Panama instead of the cmtoifli Thurday at the monikfllh This change in male beeailo of the January sitting or County Council 1ho meetinl on Saturday will start 1000 uh norms To other Pursuant to the rovlaion of the Mechanics Lien KS 1950 Chapter 227 Section 49 the under slatted will well the soiiowinz care to cover towing andatora char es after it has appeared three ties at The Barrie Bummer rim Ford Serial No alum5900 1955 License No eram7 1040 cam sumat 0i2i104855i 1055 License No A0442 1030 lnlcrnniionnl 171 Pickup Serial No 7010133 l955 License No man reunions Gannon Glltord Ontario nARIllE Dismlcl commare lNSTfllJIFl nonao Miami new Bsnme DISTRICT COLLEGIATE lNSTlTUT scum muons ion sti laied sum basis plainly mar ed Tender for Barrie Dlstrict Colle Mate Institute willbe received at the office oh the Architects until 1200 noon EST Friday Feb 17th 1956 Plans andspeciaeationa may be obtained train the Archilectslon de osit of cheque rar 00 pay no to the Arch tucts is cheque will be returned upon retuin of plans and spec catlorm in good condition Lowest or an tender not me ossarily acceate Pa Steele Architect st Clair Avenue wen Toronto Ontario 1314 About 400000 peasants in Chile live on farms of less than four acres pflr family cohvenr Youn CpAL ruRNAc T0 on Now IS The TIME TO save on susraioarioh No inconvenience through luck at heat during this operation TERRY Is Best BY CONSUMER TEST Economicalto own Trouble free hugged and Streamlined Precision Built Fully automatic with MH Controls model for every need Lowest priced quality oil burner in the world Clcanvand quiet More or these oil burners are sold than any other oil burner in the world Conversion anit mmplctclylnstalled with 200 gallon tank and all contra 1214 Pllone 47 tirOil Bullies Saies Seniioe an In Foreed Air Furna gates atfllfllm installations uhdcr NBA Home provcrnent Act lte airs the cleaning all naces and burners GORD gmywanb momma PHONE coum an 51431 FLOOR CQVERING Wow mor Carerta Olrinalo all Relation ad Alpljali Elmo Wall Tile tl mm Iagagging more ma wLA WOLFENDEN tie Toronto so Phone mas 991 aracrmzrxo TRin WORK WING HOUSES COMPLETE mammonnooms BUi TiNcuPBOAaos RVEMODELLlNG PODCHES SHINGUNG SERVICE BRUCECAMERO BUILDER Phone 6382 amg TRUCK LETleRlNG ShOWflOlTHS bond is GOLD LEAF OUTDOOR SlGNS sail J©E OWEN annals 0775 if noanswercall Collectprom as WEL sour TILED onojwsaas Coaerata tattoowells culvert and storm sewers weep n3 tile SEPTI cfrANK um ADE ANP INSTALLED Air compressor warbg FORan lelKr uri dial the onus DRILLIA DMLBB FERGUSQNREID Service nu masrmoa WALL ma rmonrvsauomo rare ESTINATES Boxvss BARRIE man in Earth m1 coeuecripNs No collectionNo lobargs Ctxdltlaureau of Barrie tilMary St 521I LEARN To we Linehln Arc weiain can conducteti ANQRADE I1 SONS Phone 10314 RR arstroud Alcana Beach Road FUN25 to visit San Diegoand Mexico City Mr KeetrJi wua conductor With theCanadian National Rail wayl beiore his tomcatlan year Frans formerly at 23 Dunlap Clapperton Street and is temper arlly closedwatch for the open ina soon at this new location 13 BORN SummertimeMenu rs berla are hap Michael Ralph VILLEMAIREAr St Midline Hospilal room on 13 195i baby boy to Wy and Larry Villamaire nee Lonan premature Baby dlcdlatcr Matinee WATERSFIEMAN At Kim bourno Park United Church To ronto on Jan 12 1950 Miss Marian Jean Flrman daughter of Mrs George Finnan and the late Gcorgc lrntan of Entries to Second Lleut John Water son of Mr and Mrs Via ersaf Toronto Rev Mr Arm strong officiated gxfi DIED COTESuddenly at the Royal vlctoriv Hospital Barrie on luesday Janka 1950 Charles Henry Cote of 70 Eccles St 11 Barric beloved husband 01 Leona Mlscampbellil dear fdther oi Earl Geor in Hosting at e7ennett Fune al Home Barrie Thursday Fe at 2pnsl torment Angus Cemetery Mas Lodge Wednesday evening at 730 oclock GAULE Victor Haipital Barrie on Tuesday Jan 31 1956 Rachael McMaster beloved wife the sister ol Lily McMaster of An gas inher oath year Resting at the Jennett Funeral Kotne arrie Funeral service Thurs mcnt Anflus Cemeter SAt stile Roya Victoria ospltal Barrie oni nsesday an 31 1956 Letitia Lillian Hart cloved wife of Elmer mm dear mother ofDorothy Mrs Abcrnethyl and Stewart Emma Resting atthe Lloyd and Stcckley Funeral Home Barrie childre for service on 11sursdayiel vat 230 pm Interment Thomas Cemeteryusbantg Bay JAMIESONAtCo ugwoo Gen eral and Marlne Hos ital on Monday Jan all 195 Sarah Margaret Crisp beloved wife of the ate James Edgar Jamreson ex Restln at the Deck er Mumiord uneral Home Creemore where Service will the héid on Tliursda sea at prn interment one wood Un lon Cemetery ElmAETSuddenl at St Joe ephs Hospital Gue ph on lucs day Jan 3i 1956 in his Mth Rinehart beloved hus and of Clara Kate Bell and dear rather of Audrey Mrg George Su ton ofPuslinch JohnF Toronto Roy and Fred Rumley Funeral Home Acton where the tuneral servlcewiii gt Ibe held on Friday at In fails Your voice has long been stil But the rheartsyoutaught to ve ou you now andltalways wi Sadly missed by wlfe as BlleELIrln loving memory of well who passed away 19 age ears years eve that sari day one we loved We God took her home it was will Butin our hearts Lovlndgly remembere mil Pa dy and Sherry GOODCHILDJn tidying metnor dear rather ii $3 passed away Feb 1955 Gone from us but lcavsng mem ories if ale ifkliiiag emor es in while upon this earth weatay Sadly and fans 1y SODDCHILDIn loving me cry oia dear liusband and fa lea Albert Goodchtid who arsed awa Feb 11955 Peace ully slee mg re ting at in lliavvearyirla and oubles are CUSMMCornbihin bWa aquippeii tovdocualom ca £371 Cocksh tt comp eta wt klcenuln strav rod garlic roan rlél°llia Eli eateng cflt Baird Ell ast lnsiiehcehhe uttered he bore Till God called hltn me 1er nmmor lAlways Irem wire and imily Street west Barrch is moving to Cunningham of Calgary Air lo announce the arrival ofxt oir chosen lail 50th year 1uneral serv ce onic service auspices Corinthinn will long Suddenly at the Royal late Wiluum John Gauieydear day Feb at 330 pm inter year Albert Franklin Frank bath at home heating at the worth Lee Boynton who passed away Fen1 1955 Yourehair has long been vacant our dear daughter Lorna mad 11am Alber missed by son lointelg mmvmieum and he mad aluminum or or last meet which werede The rem rlpve Ii ntvofthe activities aario the put yhr whidsiilaowod Rie mt interest in the welfare oithe church hadVbeein maintainedThis mppdrted by the church wardenafa nts Which showed nJarxer halanceJnrhand at the tendzarthc car than atthe beginning at 1955 fli were pted llawtnx were either an gt inteA rjclec the rio olfice Re¢vorsfdéliurch witdeli 30 gelected treaau Daiton Mcher reappointed sidearnen Earl Bell Mel Law Dan Bell Herb Andrew John Robin Karl Rhiil as erb Andrews and the are Chapter Dalian Bell Mel John nd EarlBell taperin ten nt Sunday School Dalton Mcher amident fIWom lliary rum Bah Robinso of GtrlrAuxllla Mrs presented at the organization of the allureh general uslmswas eds of Thanks Luci labia sincere thanks to the molly in bonflljlehds and relative lor their sympathy and thou ifulnesal Ilso Rev Mr Lewis for words nsalationand Re ofChurchLiltr 23 kindsice our en uvetncnt Our anics toifrto ADr Ifiostnikott for his constun and ki til altcn tlofi aari mgr flllnc MQR QwWe wish to thank our many friends relatives and neighbors tor their kindexpress tons of syrnpathy andbdnutliui dMel agtitgwmanu wars stamina and 30 log the tintle cards it andfluwers received while in the hospitaL Thcse kindnesses remembered Denicc their doe Bufifefiflr Stews gnaaaieasr9ia Osiqode Hall in mo and started methib iii fatherivllemllton Mimi t19 Owen Street 11 died in 19 retiredlrbtn dismissedgnd the derl bytii bl in with Various encouraginzreporta My uens andtsmlly 131 floraLoftedn atlasin our recent owers and or the many tary llanars in Alllston and gym especially on Christmas serious lilness and convales WM litibayondpri during Monkmflnn were my new than predeceased 11 in Hoisqu viiil 311 imam strict of Eikfirst unfitewartv and twarcbiidrea Margaretshf Charla wallapost master of Kerr Masonic 1qu lr toolt leading pom singing tenor rolesin Gilbertxand Bulllvo torodactlonsi Barrie tosrANDFOUND UDST Ayrah Heifer ifmn Git9Con fist Gwmlmbury Phone Mr Bradford LHartmnn 17ll13 lawnSmall black and silver beaded purse in the violnity oi Rex Theatre or lower MaplaAve K2 ke Phoneuzos 1713 LOST20 Aluminu ladde rr€isutirh AK Biscuits R3031 35 Alnt ilitilltl Villll RTSWEAR SlQRE REDUCED UP TO SPlllllli Elllll HOMER SKirllS SVViCAi SPECIAL HQSIERY VALUES FIRST Ql LITY 54 GEAG 15 DENIER Qilillily Fill in iiiilJitik totalled Sill STBRE OPEN WALK till iiurihg the parts of alterations to our tittin we will be open for business as usual airless more more all limfillllill WET EillllS SLACKS ALL BRREMES Tlillflllfillfllll Till STORE Suivial av iiit

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