Regional Méeling Piime Aimof Volunteer Worker Today is Good Public Relations Hospital AuxiliariesfjAre Told Fortyeight members at Womeni Hospilll Auxiliaries from Hospitals in Region No met last Tmmdly In the recreation room of the Stew artnutses residence heié The pmgram started with de licious luncheon served buffet style by members of the local auxiuary The busineu meeting at pm opened with The Lords Prayer followed bylhe Queen Mrs Mur iny Mills president of District was in the chair Mrs Drake of Barrie acted as secretarytreay urer Many Visiqu Roll call was answered by guests from Bracebrldge Huntsville Mlds land Newmarkcl Onngcville Or illia and Penetang The speaker was horn the Hanover Auitlliary lfollowing the reading of the min utes and the treasurers report which showed balance on hand of $1308 there wnsa discussion regarding expenses ofregional rep resentatives motion passed una nimously provides that all outof pocket expenseaof the regional representative incurred in the per formancc of regional work will be paid from the regional funds To meet this expense all auxiliaries in the region will be assessed on annual ice at $5 letter was read from the presi dent of the Ontario Hospital Aux lllniy Association curring to visit regional meeting when canvcn lent Mrs Needle of Mid landcxtended an invitation for meeting to be held in Midland enriy in the fall Mrs Mills told the visiting delegates she would be pleascd to visit any of their auxiliaries She then introduced Mrs Gructzner of Hanover chairman of all regions within the provincial association Public Relations Public relations is the thing up permost in the minds of volunteer workers today stated Mrs Gruetz ner Their aim is not so much to raise money as to give service Your hospital is thegreat heart of the cummunity Members should keep fully informed dispel miscon ceptions and fallacies follow up complaints and do all in their power to keep the public and the hospital on the best of terms so that you may say as Lincoln did Die when may have always tried to pluck thistle and replace it with flower She asked that all members rdad The Volunteer bulletin pub lished by the Ontario association if you serve the public faithfully ghd declared the public will serve yous Adiscussion onhow best to sit rnuitle good public relatrgns follow ed Sunshine Cards and Sun shine Carts which are taken to the wards to allow patients to buy numerous notions were suggested Cigarette machines and soft drink machines are both service to pa tients and visitors and means of revenue to the Newmarket auxil iary Carts with books are also popular form of service Vanity Fair rs Gruetzner gave detailed report on praject oi the Hanover auxiliary Vanity Fair It is hall Wltlla1l organizations with exception of church groups con tributinz and participating One groupcbasia candy table another avmvanother serves tea Each table is Inned the sponsor inl you The all 11 ends with gain smorgasbord supper It was huge success in Hun over netting over $800Hnnover hits oatv epopulatlon of 4050 The Hanover auxiliary one year agni pledged $0000 to the hospital for kitchen equipman it has already raised 000 of this sum Othcr auxiliaries discussed lheirl various projects and problems Mrs Gructzner was thanked tar her visit to Barrie by Mrs Gable The next meeting of thedistrict will be with the hospital councilx age gt st Georges in thePinearAngit ginChunk wuict wading scene may Dec Wkli Doris Whatlcy ugblerof cadllrs Whatley of Winborna Aiberta was married to iluasell III mediummews wife in In Era tt Matthews Barrie Rev Ilr Hollywood ficlatlng clergyman Detergents Were Research PitdiECi M38 auaanu moms MAflfllslwsswerc mar rlcd quietly at St Georges in the Pines Church in bank The bride is the farmer Doris whauey daughter of Mr and Mrs KWhatley of winbornc Alberta and the groom is the son ofMr and Mrs Matthews at or region in April rie Gift frotn The Frciich FRENCH BREAD During national holidays the French revel with dancing in the streets wine in the outdoor cafes and of course that wonderful French cuisine Heresvone French delicacy that can be enjoyed any day of the year in my homo where good food is appreciated its hardwrustcd delectable French bread thatcan be served as the featuredpart of any meal Even the novice at breadbaking will have no difficulty following this fascinating simple recipe And once you ve nibbled the crust of this supercrispy French bread wall wager you wont be able to stop ThisFrcnch bread addsuinv terest and variety in the menu and it really makes plain meal dance Your baking ability is sure to win thapralse at family and friends whenyou serve this gold encrusted bread It tastes so good and its so easy to prepare youll want to bake it again and gain huge bazaar held in the community Design Dilemma rtrmsjsromsmac ensemble has been called designerr dilemma beeauseSanr Ferher of Montreal has combined just about everything that can be included in one garment Forbes got angry because American slick mdgazines or years had been exploiting what eiternied outlandish creations He decided to outgimmick them blouse ds tuekia the all goverblouse with liary id and diagonn tucking 0ne enable sleeve ia ong the other mttiareequarter length The skirt straightline on one side and gsiared an the elite It comf different fabric CP PHOT T0 FbPiitAro McLaranI Fonts RELISll PRUNE PLUMS Swlft Quality Product JEWELSHORTE DilieiourCInncH sWtFtsj PREM Parker Largo ANGEL CAKE Jan Parker Carimcl PECAN ROLL Parker Jelly Inouurs flsiiio MlNCEIDfBE ROAST 2Vto SlIP£IlRI6IIT ULDER Frcnoh litea rï¬ cup milk 158 cup water this granulated sugar teaspoons salt this shortening eup Jukewarm water teaspoongmnulated sugar envelope active dry yeast cups sifted allpurpose lour egg white slightly beaten tablespoons waiter scald milk threequarters cup water one tablespoon sugar salt and shortening Remove fromheat and cool to lukewarm Meanwhile thoroughly dissolve teaspoon sugar in onehall cup lukewarm water Sprinkle yeast on top Let stand lo minutes Then stir well Stirin lukewarm milk mixture Measure sifted flour into largo mixing bowl and all liquids all at once Milt thbroughly then knead slightlyin the bowl Cover with damp Albertl Barr Make well in can Homemakers wba hale yon the bank of bathtub rings ndqtreaky disb know the value of deter gents But these man1p detcleln ing agents have nth liftbalk Ipeedinl up household choice in industry delergentahlve hand in the ing of all aorta things They go into lubricatilig oils printing ink and cmbalmlng fluids and serve lustu ably as theydo in thetfamilxwfllh Perhaps youre uted towashing yourhail with deterge nuin lng shampaos but didvyou Know that the dreisriyeu wear oweii ibe attendants Ame Mr and um Bram Jones thing At berth bride Wu Inked tn luc Small drenwilh awhite calli orcd but hitcjorcitfd cor After honeymoon in Bent and Cattery Mr and In Matthews will be matting their home in To ronto search Then the critl ahamgé of soap was th motherplinved lion no aucte the ply xci pee degeioped what it called ex tandem niese mueased eyew cr of detergenu and the Mm time lowered the cost so that every housewife could afford them Back in 1M only fewthous and pound of detergentnwere Ikennoli in air mllll9 po dsvof bum andvliquldsfbun awardin Is 33 their arwith of delicate Canadiansbought 130 million pounds rna mndedeteh something to detergcmsbéaidea itt cleanfrcsh look ltwas infatt thetaxtile in dustry that fllstidcveloped deter gents many years ago Up tujthat time soap had been used to with raw fibres but its chemical dis advantages prompted scientists to look for better cletming agent And after many years of résearc detergents were born Despitethe great discovery of the textile industryit was it long time befoie detergents be came household word The nat ural oils that produced them Were rnuch too costly for the average homemaker DuringJhe 1950s the booming petroleum industry patt ly solved thisiproblem by provid ing ingredients for better and cheaper detergents However it wasnt llll Would War ll that the housewiile was ilnaily affected by all this re from draft letrise until doubled in bulk Punch down dough cover with damp cloth and again let riti until doubled in bulk Turn out an lightlyfloured board and divide into three equal portio Knead each piece lightly andahapc into slim loaf about 12 inches long Place well apart on greased baki ing sheets and with scissors cut diagOnal slashes lntop of loaves about lib inchea apart Let risB uncovered until doubled in bulk Meanwhile preheat oven to 400 1kg Fhol2 Bake risen lonves ipreheaied oven Janis minute then reduce heat to 850 deg moderate Bake another 15 minutes theh brush loaves with mlxture oh slightly beaten egg white and tv tablespoons water andbake unt loaves are cooked approximately an additional 29 minutes cool bread in draft by in open win dow This gives crisp crustto the loaf Ma cloth and set in warm place free loaves 111 your FOOD BlLLS molte KETCHUP zilsoztin SAVEac NING it 25 BAVE 23 lZaztln3SC SAVE 100 save lOo each BAVE 4c 35 SAVE Zo Itg niés 27 0I0 pkg ROAST IV IExlra taan IV vb33 lb Av art Adi chcica Nad 49 jttAspitiitittEs Youll do For AAPu Ngw INSTANT COFFEE Mild Mlilovk custom Ground Fopular Brande gtcin oi alum ruiicai Boiuwc rill3 81 VMEMBllS iSdz tlns49tv COFFEE 31 it rains ui har Thiskn ed royal blue vwool dress ilcsignedlvln Farts features an open design by Anny Blatt The toprhax shi collar and the skirt isflared and worn over stiffwhite tlco Resort Shoes Ate Colorful And Lightweight withwintcr vacations in troplc climes heeoming increasingly pov ular fhcl iiist cold blasts start many woman thinking about summer cottons shoexdepartments in all ports of the country have already start ed blooming like springtime Youll and counters brimming over with colorful tropical lithi weight leathers in iaseinatiag ai riiy of resort shoes for every occa alon ideal for winter trip theyll be used again come the Einster Parade and summer vaca on One thing youll find that all these wonderful new tropical lea ther shoes have in eommonand that is the silhouette with the disappearing shank it is dressed up in such wide variety of treat ments however that its become at basieas the pump The new law throat tobc the most popular style Youll ï¬nd it worked into sling backs and open toas dressch up in printed grain and smooth lea thers off with many different prints and checkerbbard striped patterns The muletype shoe is also in great abundance manyof them and draping achieved by the use of tropical weight kid calf and suede Another featurehi most of these resortshoestis the range of per forated treatments many of which are done medallionw igns These are used in ma ch NURSING ASSISTANTS feed used in Canada BmeJhey k1mobablesone ofthelr more pleasant tasks in the inllitaryhogpitol atjfort Chur cbiltlvisnituba The busy hospital serves wuhatgï¬nrch arimrenentendtng as far north as olutedaay endeastward to Thule Green line seems designs including plaids paisley lecturing dressmaker detailing and ES inn cahoth mainsnaivainv at the shoe Especialiy notewort is the prevalence oft perforations an the nEW lotverheci shoes Heels continue to make news goodmnny of tltbm highligli matching heelandflantp inollk studs stitching embroideryi stack cd leathers etc Lcathers lacing In everything from the plain simple aniline anda matte eait through the fine grains andprint ed leathers in almost any design conceivable Suede makes IAoln back particularly in the new soft pastel shades Colora range from white and offwhite through the pale beige to brown faintly predominanth Next in importance arc the pale pastels and ï¬nally oriental colors in but orange turquoise and gold Add alithis to lightness in weight flexibility in construction and design for everyoccasion town country coektai formal and leisureand you have the shoe picture you can resortta pun withperfeet confldenm METERFIJI Marten fur come it ani Ill malxot ihnwcnsel famlly having beautiful dark brown coat TGDEDS iii liilil The arcing assistants are let rightcplEv yn Ptequantivciitheralipottawa and Pte Elaine Almas Bir River enzel of Oyen airman barman can the has uxneldo gnyjbabyaitting with magicinne goof EN WEAR Hill iiiill YEAR END SPECiALS DUFFLE COAIS mailminis lliHiIVEEk oFcoN iiia nahl Eddie mm presenting High Tea Award to Bob Ill JarPanda an Smela delnin Rail AcDanqld and lain1 Raine $io OW1AVIAIIDgEirstï¬igli so 153577 Ridgctown League Secretary JoePerduTcam rSalcs Company Captain Bab Hint Members Karl Wright Bowlcd atEddias lanes Ridgctoï¬n $75 now simian sactuid nigh score 1534 roistovm Laï¬gu Secrets Bob GrecnléTeam funlverdnicl0aptc Bib Vea unfitlemurs Witt vcaudry Shinhall Lorna lelor Joe Vitelli Ray McDonald Harry Raine andiIoe Perdu JackDernpscy ind Doug Shanahaii Bowled at Ana Bowlin Toronto sis now Await Â¥Third High Score 15194 Sitlly cipuiain nSitlbyMpmb rd Sehretary minimTeam Lucien Gravel Henry acoue Gald tunnel Add Llcasse Bowied Orlctnl lactiling Ottawa sponsor by the bnlgrro Bowling satiation to encotllbpt heallh loot amt £achweckitm in 3213 definition felony Zlnhlld lo the 1ch with the Highest score 21 Highest Store and 5rd Highest Sonic Alihtsorcs are comfuled means am an rash lh handicaps This each for the trial build in loco bowling lll Real talion mi Kail Wright Jinan by Dow or