HOUSE OF HITS mnsmlr msr wrnl ms BEST IN than in nm simm EVENING Snows AT 650 own CONTINUOUS snows SATURDAY 235pm MGMs DRAMA OE THE PEJIING PARTY MURDER The story of the teenago murder the will start you talking qnd thinking Adult Entertainment PLUS NEws CARTOON WE SUGGEST THAT CHILDREN DO NOT ATTEND TllIS PICTURE GLENNHIRD flflRfliHYMcflUIE ARTHUR KENNEDY jiflHN HflfllAKKAWJURAUH EVENINGS ADULTS 75c TAX INCLUDED MATINEES ADULTS 50c TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 525C TAX INCLUDED MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MATINEE WEDNESDAY 230 pm THEYDONT MAKE THIS KIND OF MAN ANYMORE Arsgso PM PLUS charcoal ANDolHntcrarns anlnana ENTERTAINMENT THUR Flu lt5 coulmllods SATURDAY 230 pm NamMSeoPE COLOR thlllnl Quantization the novel by IIA Does use IE RIcIiIiIIDSIARIM LEWIS FEATURE lllon SOCIETY snowma 0N0 EACH EVEN NG a1 IIIOIIAIID HARDING DAVIS Sundoyk 911 Concéd Barrie Citizens was negol Finest Yell Presented By Inna winter coneertnpmsentcdb the The reason dorthia chinme piained Alderman llamh was that in the present pwition the sewer was outing up the only available harbor Barrie hu hanaferred to the other 1tdeit would not illect the docking SPIN Reeve Willard Kinda attempted to Introduce ah amendment in the etiect that the matter he referred to the department orpublic work iortheln lo Iind out the cost and feasibility of such project The Mayor ruled that the auggelted amendment did not contormlto the rule or debate Alderman Hamblyadded clause to the original motlon passing the recom mendation to the department of public worku move or Duh Alderman Gerry Coughlin rep resenting Ward brought to the notice at Council the dog trouble in his ward He alleged thatvin that area dogswandered around in droves he admitted the dog catcher had attended complaint there but it was apnarmt that this was not complete answer to the trouble vAldorman Golda asked it the dog catcher had Instructions to go out only on complaintor does he no out prowling His Worship Mayor Greer thought that the do catcher had not been told to an out on pptrol nor had he been told not to go out Alderman Golds said ieel this is municipal problem and we must lace it Any good dog lover in the town at Balrie keeps his dog on his property and tied up or teneed around have been two and ahall years on council and we have been kicking this problem round Its time to do something Council passed motion dire ing the dog catcher to go on pat rol onthelookout or apparently stray dogs Special Comhble The recommendation of the Board at Police Commissioners that Wilsonahouid be appoint ed aspocia1 constable with duties canallad to collecting parking met er monies repairhl parking meters and the eniorcementv parking meter bylaws broughg erthlent commentiirom Alderman coldon Mclhrk Alderman McTurk was disturbed on three points First how vwas this man to be dresse secondly how was it proposed to explain to thepubllc that his powers were ltrnitodto parking meter offences thirdlythc time he would inevit ably spend courtxduring the hearing at cases rvported by him On the question or dress and court time HisWorsnip Mayor Greer explained that he would be dressed like an ordinary police oliicer and that arrangements would he made rm any his cases who heard on Wednesday alternoons time when the park ing problem was least heavy in the town Alderlnan Paddlson pointedout that at least two or Canadas larg est cities had already adopted this system and that ithad boosted reyenuo as well as improved en forcement Council agreed that the reclimmandatidn 61 the Police Commissioners should beiollow edand that the duties of Mr Wilson as special constable should commence as from Feb Jutdoorlzlnks 0n kmpenmt Bay Both Oakley Park and Codrlng Citizen and hereto under Bandmuten Joe MoNeulle and hit Shepherd proved to be one or die out ever given by the hand In addition it markedyihe ï¬rst annoe here otJfladam Maria datro who was wimou doubt thertarot the evenlnl aand will hexa wondertuL acquisition to the mortal circles not only Bar rie hut to the larger centres ot the province Talented Vlollnht gtBer taultless number were in two groups and mostly lamiiiar no music lovers had new meanr lng gtwith her interpretations and yxecuuan and with the excellent support of pianiét Lloyd iuflord Madamefliedstra has charm stately stage personality and received most hearty applause mm the largesthttendance so tar the series iler numbers were well chosen mule first group were Seren ade by Franz Drdla and the 5th Hungarian Dance by Johanna Brahms and in the secodd group Ltlhetlei by Fritz Kreislerpand Montis Czardas Popular Radio sun Other guest musicians were the popular radio and television stars Uncle George Oliver and his Country Boys Vchullen oldtyme fiddler with incrtdible speed which was followed by Oliver fwith the guitar and lanky Slim Pringie with his ponderous and sturdy bass violin which take lcnty ot slams Uncle George had his usual entertaining line of songs and gulps including sly Joke on the Barrie police force Master of Ceremonies The seating capacity oi the ex tended stage waa taxed over the imit with lull hand attendance and visiting bandsmcn Master at Ceremonies ABell wondered it the gymnastics re quired in taking and securing sgat formed part or the entertain ment Although not tully re covered tram on lllnesshe was most considerate and efficient an houncer and extended welcome toithe audience and to allVisit ing perlonners including several bandsmen tram the Royal Cunadlt tan Dragoons annoying Canada the hand as never heard to better advan tage from Sousas sonorous King Cotton March to the ï¬nal Strauss Marche Militaire Some ol rile numbers were much heyondthe ordinary dilliculty but ton Home and School Associations have suggested that the providina ot outdoor rinlts on Kernpenielt Eay might be considereclby the town At the suggestion or the weliare committee the Colmeil have agreed that the matter be referred to the recreation committee with the recommendation that they soli cit aid from the service clubs to open outdoor rinks on Kempenlelt an Merchanta Belmnï¬biuty The attention of the business area 01 Barrie is to be drawn to the principal points or bylaw 1205 through an advertisement The bylaw isconcerned with the clean ingol snow and ice oti certain sidEWaiks and strEeis in the busi ness area of Barrie Principally it makes it the merchants rBSPOn sibillty to keep clear of snow and ice the sidewalk in front of his premises DEPENDABIE INSURANCE bothbandniaateh carried throuda with ahared honors fBullera mWibmuxll out the Jina lnr trumpet litGeorge Wilson GuyrNoakea and warren Pranks March Lorraine was flawed hythe oeleeted hymn In the Hill Around with an org like tone trombone trio Cygne The Swan with band ammIni ment was gnovclty by Peter clair Sgt GecrgeDunn and Sgt Chick Webb 1he Green Acrea overture followed and alter Ma dame Riedstraa second group the Honormroh preceded the iinai Strauss number and the national anthem CALL EXAMINER FOE PRINTING NEEDSPHONE 2414 THE DER 0F INSURRM fsectlohwogéslatoleg wnrmo nmusmz Pro grcsaive Conservative member of the House oi Commons tor Quebec West has described lea aul St Laurent as apoiied ebildot Prime Minister St Lament Speaking in the Commona Mr Dulresne said JeanPaul 43 won the ledtral by eieclion in Temiscouatn Sept 29 wlth childish saying about hll influence with hil lather CP PHOTO CHURCH DBSTHQYED sr MATH dAUTHlER NORD luelCPJThe Roman Ca tholic Church in thiasetiloment in northeastern Quebec was destroy ed by iire 01 unknown origin with damaseSnf 335000 nnd doyau PROMISE nut to let yourINSUBANCE lapse All young couples atartinl out need adequate INSURANCE to protect them in case of calamity See or IodayJor the right kinds of mSURANCE to protect YOU and YouRtamily STEVENSON INSURANCE See us Ems For Insurance orALl KINDS as Dunlap at Phone 5201 Monday gonorma IbMDDliBN EVERY SATURDAY Local sroa DANoEa Tana Pattenden orchestra unanimous Collier St penta aolusalou anarlcaa loorj Feb 13 Si Johns Ambulance room Town llull For hirther information contact Mr niaay 5197 Mr optima i230 or at Public ldbrary apnnsma by the niln and District Film Co ncil MllNIIIESW£n CINEMASCOPE orEns me rllEQATEs 0E cautiono rasSIONATE an Nlrï¬nm ahnonaaasnanln naunarns aronnllnaf lioness Ill alum as or annual commas lumen av motto NATIONMLYj KNQWN liï¬iiflliNN JUANNE UHIJ PHEH HNEH IIElmwnttheallllitestolzilcalinn LMALcomsous NEURAECEAGENCY snailsr am PHONEBHS annoys llamas CMISEXV tion oiticer aflamld Van Wygk Jlhe st goon is remarkably gt sturgeon were ï¬rst reported In the com mergi retuma in 4881 and reach owgrowulg spécies of ï¬sh which does not reach maiurit until about 20yearsgol age may grow to very pillage The old zirloh cturgeon Simone is since 1898 Bull Ellis ile angling The capzureol from the waters Water and fits ooptu side ahl item mafPo est ï¬sh on record ia 215 pound tilinch sturgeon from Lake ofthe lWood whl 152 whii oak harvest in 1891 when some28000 pounds were ta However the flaheryd pnedofl rapidlyafter 18M and the sturgeon soonbecame Iorgotten ï¬sh in Lake Simone Some Was aged sturgeon XML