Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1956, p. 1

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appy aboutit The wee lellowcould behiddeniin an roii after birth When he weighed matter of Tower was eatParls muSic hall than over here tar alegrid and at was lm Ms héerltertai ett achieved atls without College trained nd stu nos tal and in When the opening mi Pull3 meat televised by the CBC Tuctday Jan 10viwlers will lee me than an impoannt politic eiiem and more than stately and limehonored eeremonyIln open in il Initially living represen tatioltiof the laraway ortins of our parliamentary term at govern meat and dramatic reusertlod hoine outoil thecold Incidentally the has zket shown that seats these thlee comfort abiy wouldnt auow anvordlnary sized dog at the independence the reprej sedatives whom the people elect it wlli be invited by cxvn 3min barium at 245 pm tomomw The origins otPanlamenlt represented in the scene in the Senate Chamber when the Cover or Genenl ends the Speech from the Throne the Independence on the Commons In the Wynnold ritual which precedessthe wading at the Speéch Tho parliaments of medieval England bore only it remote on cestors resemblance to those oi today although the ancestral linev irinenis are still in be seen In those early parliaments the Kind was of supreme Importance He sat onhls Throne surrounded by the great magnatesthc lards They too were vast importance repre senting power second only to that of the Sovereign But th Commons were very humble people indeed They did not have their own House and theer no sit thn the King wished to dress them they came and stood at the back of the house while the Lords sat with their Sovereign We should remember here that Parliament suil consists oi the three elements of its earii tlrnesothc Sovereign the Upper House and the Lower Houselh ay SAM madness Amolil the more Interesting specimens theanhnolworld tlnotive teatur elicepting homosapiens who also the mus trauma also he flourished around Mexlcd as early as the ninth century no1 The present Chihuahua likely evolved hom crossing the Techiehi with small hairless dog brought from Asia to Alaska over the land bridge when thl Bering Strait now runs similar chap eanbe tound today in parts of China The Aztec conquerors of the Toltecs gave the ancestors of the the littlepuppyowned by Mrs Ieorl teacup hilt nobody says he has to be taken by the Aztecs who were not Tells Childrens Briliingér Hornillonf present Chihuahua rich history in tale and legend He WE pop ular pct as well as religious necessity andrranihe gamut of variety at colors such as blue redrwihite and spotted Christopher Columbus holed the curiols fact that Teehlchls were to be found on the island oi Cuha where they could not have been seafaring peupze and the Chihu ahua was credited with guiding the human soul through the dark regions of the underworld leading Aid Spelety 10f Mental Health Treatments principal speaker at the acting or the Childrenfs Aid Society Centre simcoe Branch last Wednesday at Hiilcres school Bar rie wasDr Roy Brillinge director of Hamilton Prwlncia Mental Health clinic Dr Scoit dimlor oi Silrh Health Unit in in visiting speaker said that he was born in Toronto edum ed there graduated llorn Victoria at the 1934 joined the AF or sevelal nt arid ven gran years 19464945and then returned to Hamilton 11 also spent 16 as very ldlvl families btl there is one mentalrcase In every til Scr ious consideration is being given to what can be done for this inner her one healt pmblcm with 14971 in Ontario hospita It should not hes matter tear ing down our name andbullding greater but ratherto try preve tinnand to preservemental health and the attritude is changing wa an cases Turn in Page wo ole woMANSMAYORi was mutcness and tactthat the Sovereign is uctuall part olPariIament is Illustrated by the lad that enactments ot Parliament require Royal Assent as well as action by bothvllouses And pridein the ancestry our institutions has preserved theégor of the medieval parliament togtth plesénhvdl TheGovernorGen rwresenls the Sovereign the deceased safely 10 its ultimfle fleet lhe modern Chlhu diflerent lrom hiseariy janccstors with colors now ranginz mainly tram snow white to dot blale Americans preferring roll solid shades such as tan The diminutive dog hns leél comparisons even among oth breeds in size symmetry conlqr rnation as well as intelligence and alertness Thelchihuahua is donnishand good watch dog for waming purposes Here in Barrie are to be found dew specimens 17hr mother pic tured is Trixie not purebred Chihuahua but mixed with trav ailing Monohestei toy terricr She is owned by Mrs Paar Hackman at Rays Body Sho Her two children were sired by Clsco bright srnonth1oated male of two owned by the Dunnilamily at 104 Bayneld St Cisco is reg istered Chihuahua At birth the pubpies weighed lust three ounces and could be completely hidden in an ordinary hot dog run When they have reached their full maturity the dogs will tlpthe scales otvaround three pounds Just the handy pocket size when the photos were taken the puppies were overisiar weeks 171d and could stillbe sat tea cup Goldwater Start l1 Full Quola For VSchoolejard lOOLDWAlEltQoldliate rub lice School Board winsahl to ar lungs its néugurai meeting with the passing there wouidibe mill quota of trustelas sbleto at tend series resignations since last spring due do troversy over the mew schdo as resultedln the Iboard lacking one when only two qtloiified out or ve required he would atthe gener nominations in De cember The election oltrustee for the 9a whi isselrvedby Cold publi schoo was held on hiyth out of le cast their ballot Vot Fred IllBrown ozlay led the poll with 121 votes Another ieleclrl civicj ser vice Henry Wnrre piclced second with 101 Bernice hmnson who resigned sseroId his title derives 61 unada not the the Senate And whenJhey ve been fiveton iron the Thronedhe Com mons do notcomeln and Litwiih the Senators they come no larrlh nlvbordd ancd to hear the than the bar or the Hotnefand no as did their remote predecer jar at Weslminster taut before making this lokenol arr ancient humiuty the Germans have demonstrated very diaer cnt temper and rcasscrtcd the right to lrccdom 01 5pcch and un interrupted debate which the low ci House maintained in the lace This part the ccrcmooy comes when the Gentlcvnanllsher of the Black Rodtradltinnaliy the per sonal ailendnni oi the Sovereigns representative in the Uppcr House ls sent by the Speaker of the Senatcto summon the Commons whenBlack Rod reaches the door 01 ihc House olCommons he lint itslurtUntil recent lime he used id have the door slammed in his ace hut politeness has softened tradition to the mere closing of the door before his arrival He strikes three times on the door with the head of his staid oi oi Icethe Blaek Rod from which tells the door keepcr when the door is opened that he has message lor the Members Is admitted bows ee tunes to the Speaker and tell him that the Governor General de sires the immediate presence 01 the House of Commons in the Chamber of the Senate Black Red leaves The Speaker tells the House oi ans or the summons and lilenziehds the members to stand bar of the Senate and hear thes ecll rrom the Throne All of this goes back to that Ian nary day in 1642 whenKIng Char les1 went to Westminster with corn undreds oz armed men to restfive memberslym Hamp Hollis Hazelrigg and Strode charges or high treason By ftheComlnons had outgrown medieval insignificance had House lor his five Victim whiichis guardI held the doors open with sworé and pistolsread calling lor bl odsheit But th VexxnEm bers been warned and had made Lhelrescape and the King went away discorntited Never since that dayhas Sovereignor Governor GeneralJbeen permit lted tolente the House Com mons and ever since that day Black Rod hasjaced aciosed door when he has gone to summon the Commons So that the greatest nuzrber of people may see these caretuily preserved ohservamcs of our Par liamentary heritage the Caches obtained permission to televisg the Opening of Phrliament again this year The telecast arrival of the Governor General at the Parliarnent Buildlngs with his mounted escort His Excellencys inspection of the Guard at Honor the procession tn theSenato Chamer thoud tell Black Rod to summon Commons the Commons maki theirw do the Senate Chamber and the reading of the Speech from the Throneby the Governor General water trustéedn Decemberlassto runtorMxtchedashcoilnclL ahun successij his lsgthe third strustee with 33 She nosed out iotpl Turner who got 92 Mr Turner also he hard luck ill shnw thE The subject otbulk milkhaullxe aroused considerabledebaleamons members the conuncut being in thelmalrh critinl nature to wards thlsfnew method or trans olvvan angryr king over 300 years DireciConicicl Brings Results Ernest Jenkins Anten Mills lives on firm dependent entirely on Hydro for heating and lighting On the Monday after Christmas there was power lull ure around am The house not colder and colder and at am he telepllonednthe Elmwle Tele phoneny and told 01 the trouble Nothing happened so Mr Jell kins Iphoned again about am Still nothing happened except that the house got colder At am Mr Jenkins decided to phone Slayner Hydr ditccu and In ten minutes poyv was restored Ladies Tankard Playoffs Barrie ice Janilarylx 16 Competition was mpleted at Braeabridge iThuisday In residual Playdmvns of Gran On to ladieslanksrd Two ort Carling Curling Club portallon Tile resolution calling for premium on milk handing In bulk was mented by theineoln Coun ty and Bclieville producers cintion and was carried byr overwhelming show hands resolution opposing bulk hand ling presented by the Lincoln as soelation on the grounds that the small milk shipper is placed at an unfair disadvantuc with tho hig producer met wllh sclnt suntan and less opporltlonéand was plac ed on record At the prairie milk producers are paid on ihehasisol formula price indcx which takes account of the cost of labor feed and other items in the cost or produc tion milk together with sirens sonable profit Should the money taryyvalue oi anyol the items in cluded In the index viiy up or down the price paid to the pro ducer is varied accordingly The reason or requestirlgAhls mium or bulk milk is given as the capital cost necess to get into bulk milk production Itwu stressed that it required the pro ducer to lnvbst ina tank or storage andeooiing The bulk milk distributor or that tlme isno adequate grounds or this demand for premi Admittedly capitalexpenditure is necessary to get into bulk milk haulege but the eVenluol rreturns to the producer more thoncom pensate rorithis outlay oi eapital rinks won regional representation rights 13de by Mrs battled Griffin llEWs crew Midland Fairs OWE Soundcntry Matches will be allBlirrie Curling Club starting at prn Monday Jan The two winning rinks mm this districtplayofl are then elig ible lor competition at Liodsoy Jan 3041 when the Ontariofinais will be held Boston Bruins were 3881 515 ola ound 2500 course winning 74 but Flyers 46 gt prenllum craniabccauseIhe use areomhlne ll Ital or the milkjroducers to air or pre mium bulkihnuialo i£gt3iif¢° iIt demo or premiumszare recha niudiih the States and In Some Ontno markets where milr uv haul in bulk In OshowaWhere bulk vhsndilng was first tried one dairy pays ll 10 cents pin vV igoYear Old Boy pics of Leukemia Funeral Tuesday carroidnon oils mem bertoi the RCAF stationed at Camp Horde Sianiey VDavid Dunn pol ZIOVBay ldSlFeeL Bar rie died olvaeute éukcmia at the Hospital for Sick Children nTo rontoi on Saturda mornin The natured the childs illness was detected only two week ago by diapeciallst Grade pupil at Hlllcrest School he lelt school in the middle bl Decflobér Besides his parents LAC Arthur Dunn and Mrs Dena Dunn he is survived by ancidcr brotherand sister Gerald and Carol ond ynungcr brother Alan The Dunn family have lived in Bnrrievlor two years vBeiore that LAC Du was stationed at nen they ended at Timmilis or sev ls esting at the Pethr gt whereftunerai service willb held in the chapel bn Tuesday anternoon It two oclock Inkoment wilibevin Bar rie Union Cemetery nally trom Nova15cdtia Barrie Flyers Friday night no7 down to vt ieaguers in action It wasa fine display doingrlght welli Players were TOP 19 11 convent heier not interchangedtor this contest as previously anticipated Mrs Archie Fraser hasvbeen aplt poian umpire BOOST FlshflNG Sr irvncmrmi Que em The Yamaska county hunting and key writers and publicists took in appearanc assocmtlon yplans to put the game and went awhyeolivinccd time great fishing because coach Miltflohmidt wantedt his chargesa little goal scoring confidencefor major league play Asit turned out somegot the practice some dIdn The whole ceterle at Boston hoe Playing on the ice The all seemed who on 17000 fidgerlingsincluding bus that Barrie Flycrs will turnish conditionjhutshowcci flash or and plekereilnto the Yamaska Quins Iwith s1me line material two 01 historrner brilliauccl river mayhem next sprlng inclT on mass KW NS CPIAnna polls valley growers plagued by asurplus of apples lett an estim atod 209000 bushels of fruiton the trees rather than spurdnwney for picking them This represents about five per cent of the total on over the next three or our years They were particularly struck with the play of Jim Josephson Boll Bec kett John Chasczewslrl plus the prospects of Bill Forhanand others For 17 minutes or the opening period the teams played scoreless hockemand Bob Senioclooked very well indeed lathe Flyernets rie even tutedsawchuek coupIEo hot ones Milt Schmidt took charge himself Fleming Mackell finally iiith the icev at 46 passes ironi Pier son Qtlsckenbush Th Nicholson scored therlirst of three goals at Ildzso helpedjry Annstrongand Mackell Thats fthe the ening period ended 1n the middle sessionBoston op ned up joltturthor withCostelilo twin Tergusoh Pierson and Quackenbush ge three pl set theparent club of

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