Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1956, p. 7

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or theiesnr flitire no mansion xnmum run en ransom Anya anytknowedxe or nbovennqu who diei It Barrie onior about April 24951 please WEifiuwmm°i8°su um BB EC wen nunmo asr ram EQUIPMENT flow on mailer Ap Hen Davis Ivy an Pb 30i LIVESTOCK WANTED CALI1 Wanted ior Veallnl Cali Henry Davis Ivy 312 HORSE wenkdsuitable ior bush work 1m to 1800 lbs Plume M75 41x2 WANTED Spriner Cows an breed also breed ewes Call Waller Amos suouo one 24m iiutHi 3mm nisrnicr whim INSTITUTE Invites applications lor Supply Teaching Apply stating qualifica tions and experience to Mr Felt Business Administrator Dis trict Collegiate Institute Boilrd Barrie Ontarl 13 DNIIIIO nernnrneuror ulouwnvs normsrt surruans or Carina roars Benntn ruled trnderl muted man or Ceda mu iortInIo Dmrie will received In the bum Bulinear em Block runmm auiidinnromn to Ontario until 1200 oclock noon heidny January sue195s emIItcuou rntnnntinn to Hidden Tender Poms Ind Tendr Bnlclnnel nu be ohuinud mm In District hlineu in Poincs Parliament nuunin Toronto onurto Thu ionic or In quotnon not num accepted ELEON puty Miniluh out of Mivhwan onuno 3rd 19 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS 15 HEREBY GIVEN pursuant tovThe Trustee Act that all Creditors and others having claims against the estate 01 AG NBS MARIA HARE late of the Town oilBarrie in the County or uncira widow Deceased who died onvthe eleventh day 01 Sep tember AD 1954 are requested to send part uim 01 their claims to the Imdersigntd on or before the third day of February AD 958 alterwhich dutethe Exec or will distribute the nssets of Estate having regard only to the luims whichtit then shailvhave notice and will not be responsible for any others STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION sterling Towel Build Toronto Ontarl It solicitors BTEWAET ESTEN rrie Ontario star Staci LANDS no Om remifs ELECTRIC SERVIC Plfll inlay VPROMPTiSERVICE ONvALL APPLIANCES tenderness rnonz Maiago Ai PAINTERS ggézuaiiéhristmu decoratinl Free quanta DIAL 5030 gt LEARNTO WELD Lincoln mini School cmductedby ANDRADELE SONS Phone 10mg RR Shroud Alconl Beach Road 519115 TRUCK LEIIERINE Showeords C7 Banners GOLIPVLEAF OUTDOOR SIGNS Twit JOE OWEN EARRIE ms it no mm ciill Collect 0mm gt51flI FLOOR COVERING Anntron lioor Conant Linoleum museum 4mm Ill Platte Willi Illtern Suppli¢d and lrce slumm WOLFENDEN Toronto at Phonis mu we CROMPTQN ELECTRIC mnusmrnn comment nooseWIRING lizhtinzflxturec repair work pegusoheck your wiring son mu usuumm can 6420516 we CAN sows YOUR HEATING PROBLEMS 24 Hour Oil Burner Sales at service Forced Air Furnace Sales and In stallations Installations under NHAHnme Im provernent Act Repairs and cleaning all types lur nacesand burners monnmn PHONE Lincum 1921 51490 ASK FOR 5713211 nnd 111 new Filmer months Phone shynes or have new ntirnnle ask for like auvnm on union 1qu de endlhilit ca 5101 no clam in Ernie Broken 5=Du lop Street us Phone 251 any 5151 THE Child Bchool aids ns Jn only service seryschool teacher 142 can 4373 108 pun cnnpsnmmor kitdisn boards Retention trim work occasional Iurniture made to order and repairs End refinishing Reasonable price Phone smug HS 51 CARPENTRYV builtin cupboard rubber set storm windows caulk in Insulating mtennas installed pa ting deco chi ttinl Work Phone nextwiliu ms CUSTOM Combining Wo ltu Equipped to do Eustbm com inin New 12 CockslIutt complete wt scour ngn and struwapresdsr Altoju ply truck end in ele 7ator perienced opera are Rene tunable rule Contlct Baird Shulburnc plant saws 5174 Accommodotlon Wanted YOUNG motliJ with diildren requires largeroorn in home where Inga could look utter children He Examiner 1111 FARMSEORSAL TED Flrrn Listin Phone xgstouttheli Estnte iaitl noose eEr STGCK cocxm Splniei mmmeles blacksnnd hOne lored Phon 4396ryw 332 WOOD Fort SALE GOOD dry hardwood for sale Reasnnnbl Applfirnufllgcgsrme me Minesing Phone de oz sEE arFEEb ALrALrA wiur soine Timothy Buy orsz Weil savedciioile Apply McCartneyp Minesirig he rig 53 PERSONAL IF CONSIDERING marriage eon suit Marriage Wellare Spec st mall Established 1908 Over ciients rich and poor marriedsic ready Scru uluus secrecy Sim ox Dickens Postaolfgiga ON DEC 29 1955 an automobile accident occurred No 2111131 ay near Waverley result in deaths 01 four persons mild anyone who witnessed this accident or was atthecene shortly after wards kindly tale hone Ba 5519 or write Box BarrieEx iner 13024 Bra medals Order and mixed ch ks now Pullets roller cockerels few started special strains Vsunh FOR arms or TAXES INT ECOUNTYOF IMCOE is hereby given that NOTIC the fistoninndslialle to be sold or arrears ot taxes in the County Vat Sirncne has been prepared and waspnublished igsan advertiserne December 19 copies said list or unnaor digenisement can be seen in my piicatian for sam payment or taxes as in The Ontario the said listonrnr nature gt7 House Barrie antnrio proceed in sell by public Iahd together 8111an the said to think 02 youi 56 us Bubcook Leghorns Ame Hy bridsParticulars Bray agentL $35 gamma RR Breton CHICKS should be rdered Get your choice at datesuWeot Barred Rocks Hump thenvaw Dekaib chicks for etter livability more eggsw1th less teed cost more profltvbuy Dakalb personal serlYicg on younpo ygpm en es ruig Hunters Poultryz vultr kce NON on aim chiknglaé 017 Hillside Poula gt dl atrainsiike Arbor €Villgnotk$ Ames IraCross Pilch ooks Get price iis tram Miller 111 Kmarrie 1024 200 dinghternflarion Mildred in him lreitnrxi cin yam 01 Mrs Cain nnd the late Mr Cain nu iii skim uary Stret United mime MEAt the new vimnn rtihon Jun 1956 11 illl plt lonfir snLnd Mrs Uldis Bum 191 larva ANDLER At ellay Vc Inrin Hospiiai Barrie on Jan 1950 toCpland Mrs it Chandler llVilnyLocp Camp Borden EMAN Lthe Royal Vic inrin Huspi Barrie on Jan Mata Bnd Mrs Gerald Creeknan Sohoo Borden son MMISAAGAt the Solditls Mem orial Hospitai Oriilin on Dec 23 195540 Mr and Mrs Roy 11 Manama JunePerkins 5011 31 nines SHAVEltM the noyui Victoria Barrie on Ia 1956 to ICpI andMrs Frederick Sehrnver RR ihomtan daugh TerminusA Royal Victoria Hospital summon Jun 1956 In Mr and Mrs Jame Trlmble loo Durle st East 11 dnughter mother worksBox Hub Sta neri on Kim ii 1956 23 Berlnetébdear minim91 James ofWes flicmns Holmes Eadie at Torontoand Mrs Doqu Brooks Madge ntpHamiiim ln his 51nd year ultesunq utthe Ward Funeral 110mg main hSt estoni we By interment it ann Cannery FEERifiRuAt her home Ewart on Saturday Dec 81 1955 Margery plan be ovedwiie cl arry year Interineht athLineCeme efy InnisfiI mday Jan GILLSuddenly at Barrie on Thursday Jn 1956 James an new rr ov us undone rKerr dear tnther of William ohm Bay Point Selena Mrs Perrya7id Kathleen Mrs Fountain of Barrie brother or Harold at Alliston Clarence of Edmonton Mrs Saunders Rene Barrie Anne at London Mrs Wounch 1Lena ot Ridge tawny and Gear at Barrie Resting at1the en etc Funeral lene Bar Funeral taSt Marys Church or requiem mass Saturday Jan 7at nmIn terment rys Cemetery iN APPRECIATION would likeJothank Dr Lillie lhenurses ori the second floor and all my friends or their muny acts at kindness Words crnnotexpress what these deeds rneant to me while was in the hospitaL recent illness fin3e New Year to llred wan would like to thank my friends for thelovely snark fruit and flowers sent the hospital Guthrie 51$ POULTRY Phone 13m troud me while wnsiin Mrs Cameron Ew rt Jennett 1111 mg Qpllian £422 Cnrnp Belle Ferrier in Iher 43rd nurses 1045 King Winnie 100 one New SUNDAY Jim 115 anytime with Jerry 130 Counlry Calendar 200 Junior Maurine M10 You Are flhcre mourns 30 Window on Canada 500 Perspecti vé 530 Fighting Wonk 800 Exblorlnk Mlndl uJILFIther Knows Best 7000ur Miss Brook 130 News Manning 00 Ed Sullivan Show 00 Four Star Playhou 930 Showm mm Folio 1100 car News Mbiimy JAN with Feather t45Auhrcy dz Gus 580 Howdy Doody 800 Western Theatre V630 Newp 02g gather ports 7001ablold muffler PIIn 930 Denny Vaughn Show 1000 Studio Oné two CBCNnuia rosary JAN in 146 V0139th oi Parliament uo Woridru 530 Howdy Do dy 600 Western Theltrs 504 many Winston not GMJhéaIre 00CitizensForum 930 Pick the Stars 1000 Obenine or Parliame impcm News cA many at vkind ess End beautiful floral trilmtes during their recentsad bereavement Mr Tom Flem ing and family fmiixsr moisj rulingjnns nous cams Tsoosf ironmnv heen curling since Ed us is trophy whiohhe and his Man who Ina th actilk the hadnt Iween tilelakaifvilzctevhcqsides Haws rd Allin who usullly cam Hewri athstthe snow LI dew it Almost rueh Inius one ynrto discus innis Iii in gencnl He mwjiennen in Toronto unsung heapemtjnosl or nu eekends unionism spec 9km ngixusfid was and 0111 of we war is and ricently hesirlyped rink at Hnmilhori which tome out tops He curler here ns he is was liheoIM now in his 73rd Helm my He now brothers vnre donating to the Giurdiiii Club to be memorial elrp fertilitym John Allen their mhemwhp one of the chnrter member Churchill Club John Allancurled with Iné Churchill eiuo tram um unui 1916 The first ice used was on the unlock Creek at the loot Churchill hill Inner club cornpetitiimonly and will be contested toi alumninL Ii ls inscribed us donated by Gavin goo won rohn nd Howard Names Omlflad In the Holy 01Mr and Mm William Milans widen weddi snniversarythn numeg of Hero and Jack Ruflett sons the cou ple were unintentionally ietn buL the mention or Mrs Jack sisteri or M18 assisted wilhthe pouring otfleav was not included Thedeiails oIIihé ntlnir were sent to usandi we do no now how the lilfled being mentioned gt oliavv nolnlradv ob trained 1W5 I102 licensehad bet lendqsoulfinpb 11 list whose whoere slillou rixi has been handedm mhe ppllxcfiAdpamin€nt IN MEMoiuAM GILLIn ldving lnemoryof our Samuel Gill Jun 1952 Samuel Gillwha passed yAug12 To dearly loved to Sadi bered MILESIn rnu In ying Officer Murra ison Mills Mac 882d 35th Squadron RAF iFsthiinders missing over Hanover Germany 945 gt At thegoin down of the sun and in thernonlln remember 13811121 dear father in Sinai vino passed away Jan 1953 Wealgen think 01 the days gone now lt The orievlink Th blonrgwas HYLINE and Dékaih pullets CANT FIND what you are looking forlichauces are we canheip GORDON STOUT LIMITED Real Estate gqulerséfls Dunlap an 119 Phone arr 181 mu 1119me Weldr uduw Seldiln mun ennn lur sunau am sunnu 3111111 Tlml run on aim ruirwrmr 6m YOIII Community anomnound luv iIrflnOut Alonl 202 Ind 11 sin on severe WelittieAhought death so nea Onlyithps whohave lost can tell The parting out nos no drones ihe businas 01 exporting rugs brought Canada $90000011 the first six months of 1955 Dis juieting feature oi th hole bus iness is tha Cans rats ire quently find theirsway back to this country in the farm kn portedkteigtiie Napanee Ont The memorini uup will be for fir uryiui or lulu lien call Al OConnor It CMIIV em or evenings Anson Mu Clnskis st on or Jim minim s1 Lel unr uonI your calm ennumii yar morning of pickup unrioathle to Maybe Cy is merely trying tokcep warm perhaps herlhasnt heard th he cquid be sure or well Iueied turnlce with stave wood gt MomL566 MILLER iLUMBER Noon JtPPzEJ STBMuLsnz 4611 DEIIIIIS Minn 101 mun 51111P5i3 We yttingler tile Halonsin who isseriizusjlzoutimak ins his herd produce better living tor his tum Ily must get more milk and longer life tram isroowsuihatjdkes planning and skill but can lie done Caretul records kept on portance more milk large nurnher ram show the im cows giving only 209 when couldnt cover costs Cows giving 300inude only $25 Coivs giving 450mm surcharges and Ian $91 profit Anoiher example Figuringleed and milk nt 1950prices tqget aytair comparison the Purina her at their 1928 production level returnedsiuzz per cow above teed ai their 1951 level ma but the higher produc mom 1000155 It costrnore to teed the higherproducers paid on implyilvr Iflflllltilflltll IA 1mm blight

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