Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1956, p. 6

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itectumlDraitfianv Required ior allied with varied practise s2 to years experience necessary Apply Penttand and Baker Architect Collier 5L Barrie 11492 THE STEELCOMPANY OF CANADA LTD Otters challenging opportunities to ambitious young men who are in terested in sues or accounting University or high school gradua llim required Age last years Apply to Personnel Department Wilcox Street Hanulton0nltarlloz SALESMAN ive salesman required im lately or TV and Appliance store Approximately 50 at home owners in this area are prospective television buyers Up to $15000 per week ior right person ma Phone 6446 125 ATTENTION SALESMAN We now have opening or three progressive men Barrie and district Full twining program available Alia ALSCO 121 Dunlap Street st aml2 REAL ESTATE To start the New Year right we need two salesmen preferably ex péritenced to complete our sales Full mon oup insurance baneiits plus iy competitions are some at the many incentives oliered plus wonderiul opportunity or ad vancement For appo ntment call Earrielztisl RlDOUT REAL ESTATE LIMITED 13 CLAPPERTON STREET ll2 CAREER QPPQRTUNIY Industrial Acceptance Corporation has openings across Canada ior aggressive youn men1xceuent advantages base on ability Posi tion otters stability and security as weil as all employer benefits Requirements 23 to 30 years or age higi school maitriculation banking or business experience desirable must enjoy contact work and be able to drive car vrsrr on warm Mr AL Macpherson INDUSIRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION LIMITED Post Office Square Barrie PHONE 5945 WOMAN required part time to cook normday meal Phone 5409 STENOGRAPHER wanted Apply TorontoDoniinion Blink carnal WOMAN to teiephone canvass and take messages at home Parttime Apply Box 95Barrie Examiner SINGLE onan ior general iarm work ust be hand at livestock Apply Sproule Stroudl 24 HOUSEKEEPER to live in two colts Officers iamily Camp Bor MAN wanted for automotive mach lne shop Experience preiemd Automotive Ltd lihnrg LADY to work in kitchenio wash dishes and help cook Apply Uni Hted Cigar Store 20 Dunlop sr E115 Bar TYPIST for general office work day week Knowledge of diet phone helpful but not essential Apply Box 81 Barrie Examiner 1149 Hsannsmmr for retain tobacco nature Must hnveexperienoe in meeting public neat appearance good starting salaryyhéispitfiiiu lam roup insurance awaited Ci nullity iiiE his mivhntldcllunbdmlhe unlined and experienced 321mm inest department relan icArogd Market vale 119 wmuust have experience Good salary innsr once howl ntion AmuPUnlted Cigar store 20 Dunlap an Barrie 12 YOUNG lady withcar Huat know Allandsle and Barrle welL Good remuneration or the oartfi vie sel or cope an Phone ask had Monday un DRXVER Salesman for local dry cleaning plants Experience rec erred Must know town Sun and ooinmission pl Box Barrie Examiner AUTO Salesnian permanent for lar dealership Excellent appor tun ty with good return and ben eflts Experience my Mr Hill 55 Dunlop st Wesbmrz WANTED Chemical engineer or position with local cosmetic man uiacturers Apply in writingstat ing age references and expected starting wage Excellent opportun ity tor ri htperson Kolmarth okens arrie 144 150 MAKE 1956 your best year Re yourownboss Sell household necessities with high cammiulon Possibilities $50 to $100 weekly Openings in Barrie Coldwater renaltor DunedinEverett Fam iex Box Station Montreal MARRlED man experienced and ca his in dairy farm work Large hilln mechanilcd arm on No Hig wny north of Toronto Fm house hydro summer wood gar den and milk Apply stating age experience wages expected and when available to McCieary Edgeley P0 Ontario ARE YOU satisfied with your pre sent income and chances ior ad vonéementl it not investigate the moneymaking possibiities and seen mture that could be yours as an independent Watkins Dealer Sell nationally advertised products necrsslties or home and term Nn investment Ii you have car and are between 25 and 55 your age write today to The Watkins Company 350 St Roch StMdnLreal 12 INSURANCE ln torszi Large American corpor iim Wishes to hire men 2218 to trained as insurance inspectors Permanent position with vocation group in surance bonus system gromotion and salary base on ility and not on seniority Junior matricu lation or better with com know of typing Must have car lob is presently in Weston Ontar butthere WSlblllty iuture transier to Barrie Ap Baxez lgfimr DUEflD the ever ncreasing re commends for Filter Queen the only home sanitation system oi its kind we are iorced to put more men and women in the fieldto show this wonderml unit The men and womenywe now have are making between 00and $600 month and have openings or Midland rrie Alliston Elm vale Coliingwnod and district Meet Mr nay Tracy Saturday morning at 980 orSaturday alter nnonut pm to talk it over at 87 Maple Avenue Barr 12 AUTOMOBILES Buying or Selling Weilnance late model cars and trucks Very reasonable rates With complete insurance LG STEVENSON ALL OF INSURANCE PHONE 520 35 DllNLOP ST 1952 AUSTINSomerset Sedan5gt Lovergnarl vitith St Camp Bor den phone Matter pan 1323 1954 noon Sedan excellent coh dition Low down payment Call alter pm liaA Dunlap st East 1825 llama 1937 Truck dual tires equipped with 125 bushelgraln bin or combine grain Reasonable Ap plyGordon Mm 43rd Stroud 1312 IOK 3ALI WESTINGHOUSE burner elec tncrange with top oven $15 Phone 3496 723 MpFFAT electric ran excellent condition Inglis lass ined 33831 water boiler2 ements therm ostatsnPhoneflS Cogkstown 723 surname Chain saws made tor Canadians by Canadian manuiar turer in Preston Prices will amaze you Free dermnstrntion or infor mationacnll Siroud 47r3l or write SuperiorChain Saws Saies and Scrviceli 7lfl iiios 13le annotated SIMCOE PETROLEUM mosaics rifles ijliOifld 2563 iiin Bruce tlrlver Salesman 1im GILSCN FURNACES See the new natalrm unit Forced Air ljleating with canon showman wasnnns The washer with in year mechanism gurarantee trillions imomrons TERMS ARRANGED aALro son 12 Hayfield St Phone 3003 7414015 MOBILE nomi TRAILERS arethe answer to YOUR roblein New endinobile homes or sale INew Low Down Payments Icneaper FloanoeRntes include insurance or full term of your contract up to years Tradelin trailer car minutiae eta Pnrklngspace will be available or you ChopmonsTroiler Soles Colson Ave Hwyno Angus oat anno LOCAL lzliltllos WONlDERlNG WHATTb DO WITH THAT CHRISTMAS BONUS choose Train Accessoriés tor American Flyer and Lionel Electric Trains to complete your miniature railroadsetup OManual and Automatic Switches Curved andStraight Track QExtra Flranslormeis Railway Cars eacon Lights ridges 4ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 DUNLOP sr Phoneiz43l SPACE Heater also washing Vm chine Phone 34411 72 HARDWOOD and vSoitwood slabs good mnditlon Examiner EA DUBAI TRUCIf for lllreAwl$ ver so rave or an 60 llfsu comsm Retrigerator and Besdi electric range Apply Eu Barrie Examiner SACRIFICE Walnut dining Sulle bullet table6 diairs Excellent conditionPhone odes 72 SMALIisin Coleman spacehedler with all drums like $4 TECO Spacedeaten burner months old Al condition ly 192 Peel SL nouns ma cnnyitonm reconditioned motor Gonelabout mo miles Lloyd Apto Phone morning or homes listedin 17 private 51 Cumberland umy roomswa MANAom well landscaped lot with root adv ilaiiuilml an drooin datumnnmmcmit ennui ml Sans rd Sires INCISME plusyoitrflgwmdt and laneutltdir ingot FMPRICB ism lad riln street lice ulnlly tidy andncleln iltile an ore ollwell ii an roouu moo pawnoaym rent 1m in a3an building with apartments two in room kitchensnn all apartments oceu led INCOME mo per month Fu $11500 id brick $6000 Down payment $130000 Stroud solid brie rooms price $6300 Down payment 51500 It 2451 Barrie slooupown PA $6300 FullPrtce six rooms with apiece bath just on the eol towri anI all yearn old at air heating is is an exceptional in For rticulers all Mr Shelswe 251 rrie Consult Riddur on Ala REAL ESTATE Whether Buying or Selling RIDOUT REAL nsrsrra LTD CANADAS LARGEST REALth 162 price M1100 Down paymmt $1600 in and out or town Commercial lots and bush iota GORDON STOUTT LIMITED Real Estate are an Dunlop Streetrfigt Barrie on Contact sumBarrie outskirts on El way rooms ern ii an Bayiield an bosom nt Vturnace attached as Frld un Sword don YOUR lassmo is LOOKING FOR LARGER HOME SEE This one Miles on in dull ld an Nice lot and lovr tages ammonium room brick swoone holdinz with HXgroomed house and douhie garage neat and mod ern Three mllessuuth Barrie on Highway 21 sumoQueens Park Hospi taljnrea rooms brick and me ZstoraK l2 year old finality oil uting recrea tinroom double garage Per not lamily home and location Spacious than ample shruhsfexcell tgar age This home has tour rodents and bethon the upperfirmer Lords livingroona dining room kitchen reception hall on no two piece washroomon the st Bartram basement has recreation room with bar laundryroom with nuiornatlc was abundan phoard space andmrtedsnih ting This home is completely equigmed lPlIO 6337 DAY on EVENING as tltz blinds V8la3¢rbdxesunra€ ovGERs ne onus an sor agv ointment tosee thia ouxi CHARLES in Town Eest Mortgages Ala2 IsLEssQR scnmnmoosr billiard drnomsllus Den 1s ily Home Five room rdeluxégbunfilow creditile bath al in ma anishedq base at 3550031ull price bedroom semidetach hardwood floors modern and kitchen cupboardsvlt lookin or int42 call 52 or an appoin this one Dam storey bungalow yciocatedpciose to school and ooln only ten minute to ownntowri This rope is priced to sell and mu be to be appreciated at to see phone 5934 een reduced illn rigs tom lzfl and is anex¢flen Thishome asryiatural oaktlnm hallowed sngdrooni un Elrickds Mldlle Realtors J5 Owe St Bernie Ptionelssm NllA insole closein locate Phone ily Road Can be seen between pm Ownernt amines NEVL now under proarm an lGl like your enquiries now tor earl epiesentatlve Co tta Re Estate Broke ing 25 QUEE Park Area lroom brick bedrooms living room 15 11 good sized pining toglid sardenand our beautl ul lgarge and kitchen Double gar sha recs This prope abe recist Real tale Street phone 2485 must YOUR chn at flroomed bun near usb completed school Eaéi ins oak floors with inlaid ink alien and bath piece bath in dry tubslhts 3me ace taxa aslowglls rent Inoking or good home these Phone 19231 or ap 161493 SwimEAST End Lshaged Built to NHA sped options manta includiri no ntment lhuir we maple trees Consisting ol rooms decorated and oak floors modern kltdiendndabath fully insulated galow lot 60 150 storms and screens Gurney orce Marshall Repmsentstive ACoultsr Real Estate wANTEb Ricés PAI Pix 331 W6 illa sell pinks beams IlIIll channels it rainiorclngrods lNDUSTRiAL IRON AND METAL Dunlap Poona deal or slow large kitchen three finished moms in basement plus twofiled forced air L9 in Ho thetmopane tree Acres Mario trim and hot water oilv heath of st Vinéeritut Shannon See the Fully landscaped Mtllllm lfilffi late giving more living and paved concrete dllvm class money Also conve oatedonly one block kom as low as $98501l0 See andpsrlc Call Al gt low down Zorily $150000 in Come and look rice Iron as and on what MI mud to livered Ilioa Barrie ANPC mm and Diana 94 BUSH wanted liard or salt wood hone sh 314111 ogs dual lor STOUIP bti fig STOUIT LlMlTED Rea raw Brokaw Dunlo ran lacs 60 xii011 41 bedrooms goo 1624 DUPLEX Suitable for large fam Comer Biakewnnd Pencianz dinerent styla to choose trunnlow down aymentsbslaoce lessHim rent Marsha at phone 2185 eval 18 air oilhea other one homes or ernediilatz pomssion Contact Broker phone 2455 evening 2592 1812 Ferndsls Hot its will San ninth rigid Spectqlprieu paid considered pply nth use iszs 5e Park BOOK heited tment is moor Applyrlr Pennant SimrLARBE Itineti psitrue all Eiffel isigmg and El 15 room is he lrnmcdletely Phone RAW 8300 heated Innahep conveniences Seplnlz and bath Hydmxlnd hot supplied anaemia Orig AP central and on heated and DUN Adults Availabl Apply lnDemn to 71 SL 315 per month ROOMZD tore built about 10 No5 KI dexoeuen condition close torchool Marshall Repmentotive JZ Eoalgill Real male Bmk ROOM apartment with We laundryroom own enmoeA lovel warmpoii heated apsrhnent in oice location for lainfl at two or threePhone 4543f Winunent CHOICE nrtinent roo en tilcd bath hot water heating 1th all hardwood floors and trim H13 to be seendofbe appreciated eentreL Availablenow Realtor CLEAN urnished enartm living room bedroom modern kitchen hullin cupboard move his private nth minutes walk to busatop 81 Tillin St 130 or nnyilme Saturday 43 NEW modern apartment Pen tang ROOM apartment lumishcd or unturniahed oil 0E Phone om leg 31 LARGE housekeeping room turn ished new decorated Maple Avellue plsli COMFORTABLE be room in new Rome with kitchen privileges it esired Phone 4338 52 UNFURNlSlflID apartnient on mound floor Reasonable ll tang St Phone 4357 FURNISHED niousekeeping roomspbedsitting room and kit chen Phone 2318 1528 ROOM twin beds Suit girls or gentleme Comfortable room 793 Dun donald St 1526 ALLAHDALE in rocmsgafl Gowan Si Agply Howell Flo aStrou lsll noon apnrtnient unturnuhed $50 shnre heat water and betllfi1oneflll 452ti LIGHT Housekeeping rooms suit one or twobuslneas people Gen tral Phone mills 1511 LARGE unfurnished rooms hiati 152 noon basement apartment Suitableiorcou it or business girlsvl7hone 292 1524 ll ROOMED Home one block from us and school Immediate poss euionth1e 453l 1512 APARTMENT tumlslied rooms May corisiderrone childBlalte st east ndPhone sold 1513 $10 15l92 WRNEHED prartrnént suitable lot2 single girls oreworkinf cou vle Apply DzEssa Road FURTNISHEDCBedmorn Central For reliable person Housekeepiiig privileges it desired Phone 22 152 69 15 dROOM li contained ground floor apartment with bath heated cents on 3an wihbérized Wiringlnalde wste Lake Cedar Park Paul EURN om privdteholbe Central pAadulta Apply McDonald st islil Air 100 house an tlisituatd bioeilg from fsriye Points Poss Elissa distal APP is hot water Ifh Avenue private Privileges it worth evenings WWI room ap menthot vwefigoilmeated priv ate entrance on 2902 i5i2 Perle Park area co tai ed and iecrtilednbanth la inirman with picture ttled floors throu had new toys and lriltidoire ultsonlyAi bi immediately Phone 1894 tilully decorated heated 50 rooms kitchen with in cupboards livinlt room hgdm uur bedroom and Phone 47m 1513 Business Opportunities finial SIERVICEwStntlon étlrlllfl rr ares lull Bay Street Toronem lfizllnlgt ROOM BOARD 571 OMS uni ish Ross St ed Aplsliagl ROOM imd Board Go ted Phonejfi mm ROOM and Board Business grillerted Phone 5180 alterI FURNISHED lront room lie with board Bus sic vflllble Phone 2838 handmadede St mingling ROOM and Board tor entleninn to sharePack lunches ew min utes to down town Phone 6W 12 tr gt LOST ANo Fauna LOSTTruck tire llxlStI between Terra Nova and Barri Reward Phone Creemore Era 1123 LOST Mans wrist watch in Bradleys restaurant on De 24 about 430 Phone 4234 17 LOSTan brindle female honnd white spot on chest lost near Elsie Reward Phone Zlordliuli the name of where phone 859r21 Reward =34 LIVESTOCK FORSAL months old priced Phone 4138 YORKSHIRE Sow 2ndlitter due soon Phone 812i32 aPIQS weeks old Phon fi evenings or weekend series weeks old Au MoCann Utopia Phone tiril 21 GRADE Sheep purebr istered Oxlord sheep Mlllz Elmvale POLLEDflereiord Bull ready or service wellmarked Reasonable Silrtpkin Stroud 1492 on snvanAL Holstein Heller llOlSlEllN Cow registére plus dueulanl ll f275 Brown phone 43rll roud voaxsninsllogserviceats bleltor registration Priced sel Ciitton oakiey oh stain or beet 3221 atoclrerstle nerd week due Feb 15 Also ice thunk lvy to breeding ei one due Grades Vace noted Appl Small Stroud COMING on January 25 th goat he in the histnry or ring In ustry Watch tor 10 information STAR the NewYea righ registeredflereiord Kg roe viceable ice msr ldyC Inn

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