THE EXAMINER CAMERA He thenread the evening Jason from Matthew Lilpier 20 story ofthe mother who 40x was on thespbt Wednesday evening toreeord this nearbad mishap on Highwuy400 just opposite the Mansfield rubber ing unscratched hes ductor driving home on Hisiar we was driving at nlddera into the bankithumped position shown Mr Polzin steering wheel was able mclamher to his ear Howeve with only slight damage iy serves to emphasize winter plant Mr ide hisilpturned vehicle is railwiiycon to njie ahd nt intqa skid on into the banked snow alongside threetime braced Pulzinshown stand to make thegturn tldslewed he the auto banged the ahou ï¬hé slipperysroa lt nutVine to unihjured this photo mere drivlng dangers and the call tion that needs to be ohserved National Gallery Wanis and Needs Public Vigilance Continued from page one wouldbecomethe laughing stock oi theworid it would also mean that Canada would never able to borrow from other countries happy relation exists now be tween countries The gallery has had on loan an exhibition of the sculpting of Henry Mooreflwhlch was on its wuyto New Zealand The British Council has conse quently paid most of the cost it seemed pity when calieeilnnpl Goya drawings and paintings from the Pradri in Madrid hieh ha crossed theAllamic to be shown at thelSnlthsonian institute was coming4°Catlidavn9he llntiunai milery obtained the ex hihition through diplomatic fin Property or All one gt problem with the rim is to make what is institution was pro ntire people nation gr iederahon pcrty of the ago when Canada was abletoae quire eight vworld rnzlsterpieces mm the Lichtenstein collection aht hecnme lot line art The gallery has one of thBflnest collections at prints anddrawings qualitatively speaking in the world gt To my mind it is very gratify ing lhatlhave yet to meet an audience on whom had to waste llééu onai art We must ave as part of Canadas cultural eritnge some storehouse of works of art of the highest calihr it is aunt tein up rlticnl comment Great Works Scorer The real rpr0blenl today in the arid afart is the rclty and anustically high price of great works Realizing that they were using 011e their major tourist ttractions by allowing United States South American and Can dlan patrons and galleries in buy bpflinflngs there is not one arm country in Europe even the nlted Kingdom that has not en Lted strict laws florblddingthe xport of works of art An excep isthe tiny lit mcipahty of Lichtenstein whose prince has nheritied one 01 the great historic apshurg collections 0me ï¬ghter rchst series in line mo thanks b3212 $130000 ear our government regularly ior acquisition the Nations Gall try of Canada has diréotor interested in giving shapg and La collection collection to be 31 first basedyon thesndbbish acquiring names yinu policy Britishesehool in which Plan New Council Faces Greatest Challenge Says Mayorl Greer Continued frflm page one three earmayors tram the aud ience John Little mayor 192122 23 Jim Blair mayoniililshand Her Honor Judge Mrs Hamilton may or 195152 Mr Little wished the council every success in their deliberations and hoped that they would be as peaceful as possible He recalled the time when Barrie had pop uiatlon of only 2000 and council deliberations werehol so peaceful Mr Blair secretary oi the Town Board and the Parks Board advocated morn dwelling no kgejï¬n org mien aepple were merit apartments and attics we head ls more rental accbm modation Hér Hondr Judge Mrs Ham ilton said it is the greatest honor to his ii rnernbEr of the éxrmayors amciatlonvof Barrie She regret ted that there was no woman replt rmtative on the ncil this year partlcuiarlyin view of the fact that women make 50 of the votingpopuiuuun hoped that in another year womens organization might find suitable candidate to represent the women on Council Roy Hickllnz return in 1mm Toronto tor the aecasion brought greetings from the Coun ty and advised caution on the question or city status Invitation For Corina Two matters or business were attended to by Colon short from thé Kiwan Hllé Worship Mayor Reeve Willard Kinzle DeputyRe ermen R0 ert Go brought outtlie health serv es in is area as seen pr on live point ot View in health Countypllnla Needed Funk Dingrnan chief probation ofl er of the county family court hanged DrBriillnger ilor his ares irifnmiative press tuition Mr Dimmistressedxlihe loqalï¬rnental health Manta Flaming imam Jim George Win Mr no An invit lnd Henrylohnson and member Jesus out her two sons rnizhtsit upon ï¬lerikht hand and the left at Himself in His kmgoom Visiting Spun introduced he was the visian sbukergReY Wil mnaton 8D DD for over 95 years minister ited Church Tamwowho ll here or the tour services His put ac uvitiu are grand reca gt vice in Toronto with the Ilioronto Ministerial Amietion ronto Conference and yin the Kiwanis Claim including Grand badge of Ga held many other his sonsis in the navy and In other lett recentlylfor Africa He was amisslonaryi estern ad and was for it ter in Montreal nesnlts of Prayer In this quiet pleasant manner closed the hooks and talked upon Taking Jesus an example which stands alone in Hill herifice of lilrnscu or others he dwelt upon iniemussnry buyer for others and rum his wide experience told of the miraculous results of earnest prayer and of the healing whirh came One case of lady whohad been purulde for some time wns almost unbelievable but eatne ln his own experience case where sitter earnest iniercesnry prayer he said to her in the name at Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and wolk and by the powar oi the Holy Spirit she did arise and walked about the rigo regained her health and Lived iior some seven years afterwnrd Other Services The other three services or the Week of prayer were arranged for Central United Church and Wild nesday nightr ruw ionel Rowe rector of St Pauls Angiican Church lnnisiil was in charge and againlthe visiting speaker was Johnston wh in many the evening gt hearty honeragotionallr singing led choir rid ilcntpr gun music by cho rmas er Warren Ma Last amt the service was on ducted REV ALuck at First ieht Re of Central Unit Mis AliceMde Flint rig Dies In Her 61th Yb or the United Chu WA robby was active in 33 The United Church Christmas years Mrs Fleming surv ed by as Emmi andgseven chlldren Mrs Slan Jordan Reva of Elmvalé Jim Port Crede Walter bf Mimico Gordon ot8rrie Elvin oi betray Mrs Harry Priest Grade of Mlneslng and Dorothy at borne also one italotherJohnJohnsonx of Aplo and one slglerMrs an Gertrude oi Cooks Funeral service was Fri day Dec at Anton Mil United Church conducted by Rev Veals lntegnerit was in St lohns Ometery Craghunf with ï¬le following acting as pallbearers Lawrence Scott 1120 Mctnughlin Delbert Priest lrvinngamn Ra ner lnhiey tiicmrdso Amen the floral ytributes were those the WA of AntenMills snil neighbors the slut at Co pace Barr and the Goodyea Ml gaelatives attending aiehi mm distance included Mrs rdofiser pmyer and is marvellous results Lthe bonnet will Magn of Mllrklrk Kent Iwhb his béén Violiv in the would movement for eeveril rant Muir oi Egiinloo line JOHN TOMSQN iormerly Barrie wai instilled eaterday It the noonluncheonat Cara as prerident of theKiwani1Club oi WeitTomnto Mr Tomlimon was nctlvé inlhe Barri Kiwanis Club liewas district manager for this Manufactureisme lnmrance Mannyhere having been trans erred to the West Torontodistriel years ago It number at Klwanians went to Casa rr esterday to after congratu mma iations CHURCHILL gt Mrs WatLMlu Slam of gtTorantaMr and Mrs Worv son and oh Watt of Willowdnle and Mrs Constable Christmas with Mr and Stewart Holiday vultors Rel Pulsar Bourne and Mrs Bourne and children of Cornwal lis NSand Rev Donald Peel and Mrs Peel and children of Amrit sar indio were holiday visitors with Rev and Mrs Sanders Rev Donald Peel and family are on furlough ww munuen Mrs Frankhobertson spent the holidays with her daughters Cooper Cookstown and Good at Aurora Mile Sloan Misses Lillian and Mary spenl ChristmasDiiy with Mr and Mrs SionhBarrie and Monday With Mr and Mrs Wicks Markham and MrsL Wiggirii or Newtdn Robinson Mrs Dharles Smithan Mr and Mrs Clark Srnithand children Jhornhill and Mrs Ldnghuist Barrie Mrs Graham of Toronto spent Olristmas with her son Fred Gru nt Hindle of qukstavvn gt and Glenn Kinnear by one in Torontowith menus Lth min7 Christmas and in Willowdale tor New Years reters Parish Tea flhe congregation of St Peters held their pal Parish Tea on Wednesaay Dec 2a with good attendance enjoying hot pot luck shpper The sunday School chil dmnput on the program Then Mr Graham and Mr stark with projectorsshoWEd ï¬lms Christmas Carols the and carol was recorded by Mr Gra Vham and played hack Hearing their own voices was Quite thrill for he children Santa Claus en urr ed and distributed the ts uuced Church Christins Porky arty was held on Thursday Dec program put on by childre lethalzinaldxseel home on ur ougr olrl in showed it taken iandia ip cu uol soaring Club The Ladies Bridgeciub let on Tuesday evening at Mr away You Mrs William 230 enoseaoirva aural Amraourgmansrom ré may son offlcronto spent New with and 15le spen with hot supper followed by present etadirector had no tODimeil and son Tarorltospen as Your with Mr and MnGeorze Peacock with No Robbin Frmnloroliio Ml and ME Albert Gilda Year Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson iidrenv or nlistletown and basil spent in painting on the wall for the occasion minty dinner was served at i130 and thePihe River Ramblers who supplied the music wish to tillsilk the eelteams and all in charge ofthe dance Ibi the courtesy flhey received while play ing at their danqe From Mtiv Sgt And Mrs William Wilkinson New Year Mrs Â¥g sperm Service Stlana Anglican Church hold special service tor theflnevh lyielectecbotflcels OLtha on Jan at pm Visiting Friends Mnand ers Lawrence Brown called on Mr rid Mrs Jumes Pill HMr and Mr Warl visited with Menri Lockhan From Toronto gt Mr and was Lloyd Neviils and children Mr and Mrs Eldon Nevills and spent Christmas with Mr William Nevliis In reroute Tordmo inrphrismias DEEEmher Mgatlnr me WlA dijL Pauls Anal an Church held their Docember meet ing at Mrs Frank Jonts withhrl Winfred neynolds 10 cwnmreriunhvus In and hrsAndy nd Mmflgm All mm unity lederatlon Korma Junior farmers institutes ï¬xative Miss Non Hopkins in the kins Nana91513 and my 1th Allenwood alloyed mf Years with Mr and Hogwaim bnly walnn ollsimcoe Countycwnéil lam will be r9 twain when the 56 unions upen Mow Jan in Mn neither was returned as Reeve of magylusge ofVietariI defeati former seen ytwo to one maturityflin the Jin1voting in which over loanat the ratepayers entiylho spentlll year ofhla Bu tonteA time herev illMined buildlmwpln that tune iriencl nuver to be roman Vigil loorconuensrnm Jeuumi SALE PRICES rhohnaaoli MBnd Weather played havoc with nets and severelyrhampered the annual wlliteilsh rpawrrgatllerinx expedition cohduded by the staff of vih rentarlo government fish hatcheryrt Colflmood oiiiy ten million the lowst spawn harvest years were gathered nurinsa threetwee period irilhs vicinlty olBrit and thenadhiyei pm rue ezga be hatched in Coilinr wood hatdleryduringthe winter and the lime animal be returned to the same spawn waters in Ann Warn wllh Pwylorker andbece Weanherhee Gordonmyhvndrrle with Car bett Adana Mrahd Mrs romo spent Gordon Gmhmn New Years with nerst Veois an and Mrs Carter Bar Ed new friends frï¬m hereihursdny afternoon Aluiflln Fllnerll andMrs Mervin Parker ten ed the mnemlofGeorpe Pox sons fatherinimv Ml Slnllh TOJ ronlo on Saw rday Friend Mrs Mr and Mrs Charles Parker will be gladto know they are progress ing well and hope theyle soon be ableltn be back home again contractors forFarmers agel of the CollingWood very strolls winds prevailedvdur in mastof the tline and several North Sign ighorrnenvlvost much equipme eorge rim NH Britt comincreial fiahenngn lost 150 pieces oi net because of rough seas in view of the limited on col lection consideration is being given to collecting whlte1ish spawn in the southern part of the Georg inn Bay this week wheralish are still occupyingjspowning zrounds The spawn is obtained by catch in the fish in nets and milkiii the eggs from the females giogouogoï¬oré =o=pu DASHS in was In nose Sr am who trunnionran EuchrekAllnndale Orange Hall nl°$9=0=o=o Saturday Jan Also every loil owing Saturday night Progmsiue euchr Community Hallbn Monday Jan Admiï¬ion including lunch 50 Christ Church ivy Cemetery Board will hold an mnuni meeting in Christ thurch oil Tuesday Ja 24 Dante Saturday night at Gu Hall to Paul Emms lamoh in Stroud men Allxiliélry oi the MI Cadcts January rneeung Wed Mrs Frank Jones Mrs William Andross li sick isor the past ewwe hope she is soonJeeiing much bet te ay Visit Mrs Gordon Wh pps and Arnold daily with Mi andMrs JamesPlikey Stay Your to take this opportunity to wish the editor and start of fihe Exam iggr aBrivght andHapPy Ye 75¢ vlEwlNo nosday Jan 11 830 the Wilson 205 Innistll to evening Oates Mr Jones Myers 72 aarrie Horticultural Society is Hillcrest soiool auditor Jan 10 prn An outo date detractl from he beautyoi your pe for bealiliflnalion gemralrdiscumion hartieuls The cost is less you think Come in free estiin Topic TBS ture Eve