Haii cla sum and paellamiiion whom they pitkgd or soothe year usa drixirnes 1min Juntn memory But mum ory flurry thing The right at on orflnar everythy obiect can Id your Ind whirling back into theynnn little dish Saw breakers tboee redotriped hard white erodes that always got eatledihulio eyes in their neck of ï¬rewood maden older wo man outooquaintance ramm ber Chm at over sixty yellnun me was recalling how her hthetwho ran country general qtore usedto till up the limits Chriltmls stookina with potatoes in ï¬le one and bulls eyes The perhaps an orange And he 11 all would havethe biggest Itocidnz otall tilled with pola toes ond turnips 0n 1m particular Christmas she and her younger brother rush ed down in the early hours oi thr morning to seewhat Santa Claus ind lett for them In addi tion to her bulging stocking there was package loi her with lattice red ribbon ernbruidoring the top and the wordsio Mary for bring so good when Papa and Mama were at church She can remember how she tumedto her brother and said Harry doesnt that look like Pas writing The two toddlers rushed into the store and got out their other account books and compared the lino oldfashioned hand Sure enough it was the same And all doubt nished when they wontand got the tape and suspiciously measured the bulls eyes lhey were exaotly the same size as the ones in Pas store Bulls eyes and disillusion They are one and the same to her still Dont let anyone tell you that Canadinn girl arent as wholesome as girlan other Iparts olthe world or as their pioneer grand motilny tar as that goes wlhisxonehappenod in simcoe County young loom house wile expecting her first baby any moment had her husband call the doctor He described Her symii toms and theidoctor told him to relax first bahy it wouldnt he there to hours declared the medicaiman The expectant mother disagreed She had herihusbandhundie her into the back seat of the rear and drive into town He was still knocking at the doctors front door when she rolled downtho hack window and aheuteda Its all right 10 Dont bother The babys here Mother Hid baby are now doing tine home alter one day in the hospital Toronto tot exalted last wee about vocal trio that has an exlo cal radio station announcer as one of its three parts Shane Bimmer who was earlier spotted as member of The IhreeDencesvopeiating out of London England came home with his team mate Paul Summer villa and on English friend Barry lien the way They were seen and heard in the Indigo Room at the Hotel Earthy and bi RIP vision New Years Eve It was Ictunlly Cauldlm de but for the leaner dis jockey and hi friends but hardly their tint crack at thebig time cane directly from four week englgunent at Londons posh Dorehester Hotel and theyre booked into the Coioiv Club when they return to their adopted otampinr ground in the spring Shana handsome séltepvken individual who was never heard to do much more than hum around Barrie was in Oshawa when he sct ottwiih fellow radioman Surn merville tor England two years on as members ol the Johnny Poul nio Johnny Wacko the or iginal third man dropped out Later The croup was renarned The tree Deuces when Mr Hamilton came along The trios big break bayne last September when the boys made their ï¬rst record Snuggle Up which became hostseller in England it isnt available on ihi side of the At lantic yet young university student home for the Christaas holidays gave her thither surprise gm this yearen electric train Miss Joan Sarjeant of Barrie Terrace who is ï¬rstyear student at the Univer sity of Toronto wus winner 01 the Ladle Auxiliary to the Lions Club Christmas Eve draw and passed her prize on to her father Bruce Sarjcant as Christmas giiit McCallGilchrist Nupiials are Held AT Jubilee Church quiet wedding took place on Monday Dec 26 1965 in the vas try at Jubilee Presbyterian Church Stayner when Miss Doris Pearl Gil hrist daughter 01 Mrs Gil chr and the late Peter Gilchrist was marricd to William John Mc hll son or the line Mr and Mrs David M00311 01 memd REV Jack ofï¬ciated at the ceremony The bride wore an atiernoon dress at pale blueitaiian brocade with seed pearl and rhinestone em hroidery and matching bandeeu of tulle and rosetyuds Shegoarried nosegay of red roses and white carnations Miss Hazel Gilchrist who was her sisters attendant wuswoar ing an aiternoon ess oi gold cryathiette trimmed wih brunt Lemma and matching bandeau of bronze mums and gold tulle Sm carried nosegay of bronze mums The groomsman was Harold Gil christ Alllsbon brotheraf the bride Mter reception at the home of Mr and Mrs Haroldi Gilchrist in Alliston Mrand Mrs McCall left on wedding trip on Peter boraugh Iakeï¬eld Norwood and Hamilto San space with lsmart new Modernfold Spqcemq$iér Door add beauty Creemo seitm ing Croutons Gated Ball Quilted witbrernnwutnenttinlhrtbe marriage Illa Aline cum Putt daughter nljlrl Pratt and the late Woodman Pratt at Catharine turmerion Walkers Point tn Bits nan AriourAdarnaan eon or Mr and Jan James Ailmoon of Wm Bush glohn Adan owni aled tthe ceremony Given inmarriagehy her uncle wuum Pratt or Walkersth the bride was wearing agown or white nylon net over satin Elerllngertip veil was ought to aheaddreu or seed ourisend rhinestones and die was carrying semicascade or red roses The maid horror Miss Lola Dur ley at Sernia was normed in mauve toilets and the bridesmaid MN Thelma Bongrd or London was in pale green taliela They wore flow er headdresu to match their gowns and carried bouquets or yel low muml Kenneth Morrison 01 Barrie was groomsman and the ushers were Murray Ferguson of Glen Huron and Donald Adaniron Toronto brother at the groom bullet luncheon and reception followed the WEdIiing Receiving the guestsihe mother at the bride was in black and was wearing wine and black accessories The grooms mu ther who also received was in black with gold trim and was wear lng black accessories Both were wearing oorsage of ite mums Leaving on wedd ng trip to points rouththebride was wearing swims AND COMPANY harmed awum decorated with white andvyelhw rml 1hr are onrriege at Miss Imé Amy Gilluh 0H Chm or Mr and the Mavle Gthnk of Goldwater in MI Elkh Edwards jngndsan vol Kr and Mrs CuBeutU at My on Tues ihy Dec 21 1966 two oclock in the utiermcn Rev lions cum mind ofliriatod Mn Argyirihlettjhyed It wedding music The bnidé who has vex in marriage by tier hither incur ed in mwn white sun and not styled with vwhité hce bodice rules or palladium brocaded tai ieta with matchinsbOIero jacket and comge or red roses Her cessories were red and black On their return Mr and M11 Adumson are making their home HR Barrie Among the outanitown guests at the weddln were Mrs David Mar wick Bo rt Marwick Min Leona Voroshuk and Lewis Shcdden at St Catharines Miss Mildred pm or Port Robinson Mrs Gordon Poole and family and Mr and Mrs Murray Davey oflor Onto Mr and Mrs Walter Pratt Mr and Mn Joseph Pratt Miss Lois Pratt MLeLJudy Prattu Carl and Bernard Pratt and Mrs Horace Bradley Walkers Point and iv an Hodgsan of Hamilton Yes in order tolclear our racks to allow workmen to in stall completely new store iron prices tinall merchan dise have been slashed including Fur Cont prices Dont miss this chance of lifetime to savemoney while buying aSimmons and Co quality coat or other article dress dztted withwezrlr and rhinestone and held lingertip she named hito Bible nu sodnet iiiammonium It charter leob she 313 mu MSW mkuve and hriihnnia were Dei co Edwards in town at Yellow dogsnd ma Shirley Orton ind oi green net similarly styled with threerqueriervlenath humming netand 1m They wre Whirl hmw id urried noun or mine and 9qu mac flower girl was Miro Pa trioiahlhomas wearing mauve net has styled with tall skirt oi three lieu of nylon mauve not She cirriai msch ox yWmumd IWiiiiem Adanla was my and the ushers were nmald Gil hank and Rhinh Edwanh hallowing the ceremony re ception for one hundred guests was held at thoDenison Hotel Receiv togwere the brides mother in mist blue inflate with pink acces series and corrage pink ms and the We aunt Mrs Ry nex in turquoiseme with Mack memories and carnageoi roses wedding trip to Montreal Attractive leather shoulder bags Practicai longwearing in shades good denierï¬n Difference wllon your olllaurnor uses sum sumac on won son5x hating Vail all one month with FDAslid entlre hoatin lookedlihthio ooapnheleAnuavhirtle Shell me on who more heat oil You get the added protection of FOAsx at matte charge Call us todnyl RiiiliMS°i SUNNIDALEROAD Pinon zero and Pullovers by mail and Jantzen Cahadas finest sweat rer at HDainty dncrons colorful wool jer seys cottons Vvely styles at prices you wonft believe pas ible chance to pick up or pair at nylons Fineultra sheer by Weldrest Phantom Whisper Corticelii Eegu Iariy priced to $159 pacemastcr Folding Doors give flipcovered with any fabric you the floor and wall ehooso tomake your doorpnrt space throwfashioned swin of our decor Th may he in conItal Theystayjmigg us in pairsiayw snugly doorway dont get in tho are available in seven sizes modernfoid EVEPYTHING iN LUMBER PHONE 24