gt FPaisï¬t WEDNhSDAv yr murmur ahrxnswnishina inniénce in the regulnrmonthly report at hir secreuryflssurer oi the Town manning Baud ll no 601 new early Ill eitherix oi Berth Reï¬ne thatno less lhunvbngthird all the dwelling now intending the town at Bar me have been erected in the pas seven years since Towq Planning came into reliant an unusual and surprlrlng development in that conpparativslthort period An lncreasc in general permits at 547568 is shown her last year mm Jan toDec 3L overthe previous ea flte 1965 loin wm the va ucor $1772782 Permits flor December 1955 irnnsmsn Mlnets Point mrqu Strabnnc Avenue builder same company McGibbon 89 Tlfllri St for 88 Sirabane Avenu builder Duncan dz Shannan Thalburn Duclowurlh St or 63 Dell Stj builderll Wild Construction Queens single lamlly dwellings on Shannon Avenu Bepnln Almnuons Cum lil Kempenfelt Din altmllons at 178 Kempenleu Dr builder self gayes 1119 F53 Road convert singel dwellingin spaniment at same addresr builder self ZulhCeniury Foods ma Weston Road Talon alterations 110 store at corner 01 Dunlup and Mary Streets buildehA Clark CusdenBarrle Terrace eon vent dwelling to store corner 48 Comer Si bulldur Pierce gtEoynlo MTxflllLStn addi tion at sum builder self Weller us Mrs Shcwchuly in millensn Hotel at 74 Coqu Si builder Emery Engin Injuries receiyed in soup at home on New Years Eve have put Chief Leonard onazue Chris ilan Island Rush in St And rews Hospital VMidlsnd He is suflerlng from broken nose two blac eyes and severe facial bruises Police state the Arthur Marks 22 has beenvchslged withvasssult coca onlng hodll suit offlthel traces ltSeven Years Church 195 Burton Aye slurI age shed same cadres builder sell Paylle Weston Rpadlo mnio sinraxe shed and zsrare nl 31 Toronto Si huildcr sclx Runaway 112 Cook 5L gas Lmkjud pump at 112 Cook SL builder NorthernMoter 50 Boy Scout Association 133 Clap peflpn St club house on Ellen SL builder self Nixon Building Products 207 Twin SL notice at same addres builder sell There were also two TV aerial permits and one no ice burri cadc VTotals for December 12 dwelling permits issued totali 512500 repairs inial susc Six miscellaneous permits were $23700 permits value $200 Total value or 26permiis was $155650 and aiteratio ANNUAL WEEK OEQPRAYER SERVICES FILL cHuRCHLEszi ARE lNSPiRATlONTO MANY The first in tile series or four Weekof Prayerservices lor Burrie held on Tuésdsy nightlnthe Burton Avenue United Church brought out anrattendnnce which completely filled the auditorium with all denomlnstions well represented The remaining three servlces were in Ventral united Church on Wednesday Thursdayand tonight or this week Not only have they proven source of inspiration land strong thening at the baith but the hast of being with one accord in one place meant gettingwgeinher 01 old friends andhew withn mend ly greeting and slew wordk gentler in the churgh vestibule be are thesewide The male all the mbreslncers the participation the service Msilenl prayers dl actedby Rév Grant Muirol Em RondPresn Ch ch that CGIIfAtiend RevR Trimbie of Burton Avenue United ureh conducted the serviceV lie Rev Nevitunï¬mlth motor of St Georges Anglican Church also participated and pronounced the benediction Also present were the Canadian Girisin lrhining Pass Baud Regimen and Bu tan Mantle United churches Congregsironsesmglng was with sincerity and was led by iiie church choir directed by Rs man Da leischpirmaster andf ganist old familar hymns wrth Vs mesage such as Saviour Bless ed Saviour Listen while We Sing Am Thine Olgrd and Oh Jesus Have Promised Outstanding munberswere two solo by Barrles sightiess but in splred singer Walter Kennedy who withthe gm nsplendla baritone voice puts hisfwhoie heant and soulinto his son ï¬is mm 19 NeedstIgIIance In the long run the lsuceessrof the Nauunal Galery 01 Canada wlildepend ormed inieli ent buhile ofiinlo Club at its 1irstmeeting nfV the ngYEa in qurinetonSch 5ch HuroniartAssoc Plans Color Film 9f Historic Siiefs directors mot ing of th Hur onia Historic Sites and Travel socialion at Midland on Wednés day decldod to anr ï¬lm of historic sites and museum loe Georgian Buyhike slme may This will he one of er in cooperation with the NIA tlonal Film Bourd gt momma Dewnlxnentol Trev Prsldentotvthe association flor 1956 is Dldhse Grlse Honey Hhr bor lecvpruidents are Grant Mayor rrie und Stayne Audi an on Wednssaa lguli institution in democratic the gallery does notwsnt to to and detached Dita declared the speaker who has been lecturing 0m hizalthaud nterem a1 people hisprresent position in May 11955 gave an extremely inlomative llr About the little known Worlg edueallon 13 described pouch xiiih ons and uuLiined the present slim harmed tam building remarked says éMaYorr An audlence which included three ex challengerV Greer mayors represent ajives the churches the service Giulia the chamber Comma the Junior chamber oioomrnercennd civic emé planes 91nd filled the council chamber witnessed the ln augurationol Battle Tovvn Couneilior 1956 last night Aldermen representing each ward in turn were called to their seats and adminisbered the oath oiiice by frown Clerk Ben Straughan Then came the iReeve and Deputy Reeve and ï¬nally the Mayorto his dais The Town plerk handed the Mayor his gavel as sign at olllce and turningio the assembly said IVnow declste the Council of Barrie 101 1953 duly installed nenl Personal Honor His Worshlp Mayor Eldon Greer in ofllce for second term celled on news Lewis MA BDpof Collier Street United Church to deliver the addrm You have been elected to office for another yes and it In very real personal honor Hid Rev Lewis You have eenelected to municipal councl sud mun céélollnly Cbunul 1956 suntan Reeve Innsnepnly ncevo arson nun Reeve kunn Klaus gt Deputy Reeve Murray Mills Colllngwood Vaneeve John incumbequ Reeve wmlm Mldlsnd ReEVe Willlimi Khl len Deputy Reeve William 011th Orllila Ilnfli John stun neputy Reeve Kenneth Curtis new Albert Arehie 0n Panowublic wuss Bench Hilleres RALPH SNEiéROVE BECOMES meeting 61 the Barrie nous School Board at Vgchool on Wednesday Ralph Snelgrove was elect oi the based by ac Mr Snelgrove has ee years on the board KClVIAIRMANSCHQQL BOARD coming year It is sonnething shill probnbly remember ibr longtime shall feel very proud haveserved yqu sschairmsn said Mr Snel grove in scknowledging his sp polntment There Were twonomlnatlons 1013 vicechairman eelved an equal number of votes in um baum but Mr Msclaren wasvelected on castingvdte rsnk sha on took his seat rd ior the ï¬rst time incoming members were dck natural The cbmmittee slate approved by theboardwa ï¬nance John Dobson management Jack Gr hie Gimlmsnn Dr Frank Shan non property sndsupply Jack John Dowa andJsck Macbsren Each re eguiar hoard meetings will be held on the swans Thursdaon mil month The inauguralmeet ing for the purpose electing the chairman W85 alred by one Longshtie busin as admin lstrator for Vthe bosrd time in the history leile govermnentat this level is lust important as Iny oi the three govermncnu we have Youhlve been elected to dlfliclgt task for you do your work with everyone looking over your shoulder You mske your decisionswit the outcome uncer tain Those who judge younre too apt to Judze alter thinlg has happened our mi in the present year is more difficult We are rapid ly urgwlnz community This tawn he been almost static torn num ber at curs Now it is on its we becomlna my These shines are coming very very rs ilev wls ncluded Wevvlsh ting you wil have wisdom that youvill hsve the guidance of God thatryou mu hIVe vuxon ad equsteto meet the problems oi the Niamey of St IChurvh resd ihe prayer Piunlgm or Annexlime his opening speech His Wor shp Muwr Eldonï¬reer com mented on the fact that One the prphlghtï¬tscinz the town this year was annexation Our bnun arias sr setting crowded and we ave small conununliles growing the mums this was the mat the mien oi the existing nlnz dbylaws and other bylaws hither Thomas has has belongs wings of th bigge equal eugenics COme For the tlrst ofOoidcwster Tcwem Nightcn unbny heidiridsyevening Jan Spunsored be answer Lions Club and iihe couuc will hemmebthe public school nds ring at oclock e1 roglam wlur nclude rah Zebonllre cnnsonnn uses flle discarded wereq gstherai 1mm Thurde byv1illage liery idistmhiields as tun Dï¬ilityfneeve llrbzoou prunn Home pepIcy neavé Elma hm ro Reeve Lloyil Scan Vnenniyneeve suds Buttile omew eorge lskhbeliuiy Reeve Ernest Maurice Deputy Quienelle his 6rd ï¬le charmlatejnthe gruwtih ofunhéalthy mentalhahits These evening at School Audi rlum crest greatest ents scuur lmger Ststistimindiicate ma one numberof every infam paliene ln menialin stitufloï¬ Wraiivelyane mem ber of everyr 1471 families he in Ontario and this figure duesn9 in elude ulose patients being treated lanai today stated persons ithen Ineedl intensiveheat ma occale merit in outpétientor in myehish rié hoopla Mudh blfliis co beiavoided bunny recognnl emotional mvbierns Indvhelp given inesrly stages of hemp ng per sonsilry problems etermed this fearlytreéhnent gt flrnenlal edu Hamilton statédf that he enjoyed tnsudjences interested in closely Brilllngerpald specla tribute rater parents who milnrznpn lnp hlatriewards impatient clinics Withitheser glues itwis obvlous that it is the responsi ill ofï¬every takemeay ures so thatpersan tyl drstunb tmught siege or Vpreventedlg rflhe eslabl rn early ent cl menial heallnf mmihee would mg for me General sna conducted Dperstive éewle swas rutGovern