noapnavrews 1955 Canada andthroughout Canadian Air Division in Europe important new accomplishments and achieve ve denoted the work of montaie not sdme pigthe Ali Forces 1955 activities including purchase oLizew aircraft air ex iest peacetime defences pisNAlOiliern new navigath devlée role at air com rounds the over eady units of Search and rescuo engaged on Son daleCorners semen5 Greetings nlsvuith seasqn and New mercy Iliuma pzvv Nap tune theRCAFs new submarine human flies over11m Atlantic coast Maritime Command squadv rons now fly tthr atrol aircraft ASabre jet is pulled apart gt ground ew at Metz France dur in exercise Carla Blanche hen or western Eurdpewere tésled las nimrnor El NAID nations and 3000planestook rt in this airloperatioa that included mock atomic attacks 43 Three Danish students at RCA Station course Jim and Haroldlh kinso junior memory cmrrse AndBum andznaie Atkinson Robert Raike one year attendance pate ma 531 Glen Wood Ham Atkmso Atkinson3rian McGauley Atkinson Elaine Atkinson Nell John 11ml Blue Seale threeyear attendance Shirleyl Bide Janene McGauley 30 an El anor spent with scana map before asolo flight Air the holidays and liars Joli Thomp den hampur these birds were shipped ironi the en Thursday last yo gt mmumioruuusrd ureai curtain llrs deorgStott Wyevale 1th all 1391 frown HEMh me apron Mn Finndellnllla Among those here or Girls at gt were Arden Hertz Torontmiwlth azMeru Mn andMrlltobert Brandon and son or Sudburx and Mr andMrs Douulaa Bnodoa andiarnlly plvnlrrle with Errand Mrs Rnward Brlndon MI Ind Mrs Douglas Ron1411M Jarally oi llmmins Mr and Mrs Douglas Dam and daughters oi Peterboro Mr and Mrs Lorne whan and son or Phelpston with Mr and Mrs Thomas Dawe in Murray and tanAlly oi Scar born with Mr and Mrs John Murray Mrs Frank Playtord lor onto with Mr and Mn Frank Piayprd Spent Ynletlde Am Among that away for Christ rims were Mr and Mrs Oeler Cope land Kenneth Donald tmd Billy with Mrs Copeland at Bond Read Mr and Mrs AlvinDmnnan and Larry with Mr and 2411 John braith Coldwater Mr and Mrs Gordon 110de Bessie Ella and Ray with Mr and Mrs Irvin Joha stonMinesi Mr and Mrs Matt Nixon and Smoky with nd Mrs Jlrn bran Toronto Mr ad Mrs Char es Thompson and mil with Mr ZMr am matey Vasqy Monday Guests Those away on Monday weré Mr and Mrs Harvey Trew andLlonci with Mr arid Mrs Irew Waver icy MP and Mrs David Murphy and Paul with Irlenda in Midland Mr and Mrs Gordon Rowat with Mr and hirs Bili Beck Orlllla With Theyncirlomhles Mr andMrs Allan Gantoa and tamily St Johns Quobemand Mrs Mervin Ganton Toronto vis lted and Mrs Jack Rurn Ralph Rumbla mi Hillsdalé birds wmsanJakga class to Bay City Michizan Mr Hulse sold trio of his prize 10 to Illllott Royal Winter Fair liaise Bereaved Mr and Mrs Hulse were in Newinarket to amend the funeral of his aunt Mrs Stella Hulse who died as result oban auto amid ultimatumrt llsdale Womens institute met Tuesday evening atldrs Curlord ley sent WV Quanta 1171 call was meted in that me Will law Mr and Veal and sonJohn withth parents Item and Mn Vesta Min Jessie Foyatcn oi Maplewlih Mr and Mn Ell ram Mr and Mn King Sr oi froronto with their aonand orally it the rectory Mr andMra Noun Box Mary lln Crawford and tflenda with her parents Mr and Mrs James antord Mr and Mn and Mr ryd Mm Stun Swords oi Ottawa 4an Marni Splendid Cr iatlona The real Chrirtrnas spirit is still within peoplesh as was ahawnby the xpieadid congreaa the churches tor both Soil Residue Mrs William Henry has sold he recently purchased home to Mr indiiillrs Glen Beiihy Mrs Henry purchased In return Glens home They are both movingearly in their Year staying atcondics Sorry to report Charigjarker la notwelland is vllihhls dough Mrs Ferris Cuodloa lha Barns lo rm hangy and prosperous Nev Year liefthe stall oi The Barrie Examiner and all uare Roll call was answered by an its by in tnemhars Motto Its not the gift but th thought tat theglver was explained by Mrs Troughtun were sung and gave reading on Christdms Mrag Alvln Dren nan gare reading ona thought lia lrew thank the hamper rs Fraw nurnher of Christmas cards tothe shutlm Lunchwas served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Charles ihompsonand Mrs SXWIES In ia will spénd more on her five agricultural vcaileges and establishthree nevvones by appropriate quotatiooi Mrs adapt yisitonzwlthldrand IllI Dimon were and lira Nixon and truly ran Walker and Heads Toronto Mrs Ken Moon addressed iew remarksIt the eloaeot memem voicing hia appstumors at the evening and ta pm taken by the tram ayrpeclal Christmas leaflet an Joyed Mrs Steph read apoemriil0n1ytholin and Children Keep prepared by their toadiera Following The Queen Santa ap peared and Lemma supply or its with candy nuts and ma chted in little ones followed by thesinzinx or several Christmas carols Scriptuns read ing were given bylianstewart and Mrs Grosewho also adthe Christmas story He Came that We Mlllit Giw Mrs Wanlus sang Holyï¬ight as solo accompanied on the piano by MrsWilllarn Reid VALVABLE Am mar and tin production make Malaya one the biuest dollar earmzra la the commonwealth sterling bloc lheimcotinx closed with the Mlzpah blowing and member aat down to gaily decanted Christ mas table arranged by the hates Mrs Grose andMrs Sump ms with Christmas mine and can dy as special Christmas treats The next mating will or ranged and announced by the min ister it is to take place early January in the church Chllihlfls rn Londan Mr and Mrs Williami13ram spent the Christm weekend with the formars daughter era me Law and saintly lnlaoridon Mr and Mrs Thornton tephem and phildren of Newniar were at the parental home for Christ mas and Mr and Roland Cor her and children with Mrssteph ens spent Mondayln Newmarket 85 Con The Sunday School elda very anteriainiosconcert in the church auditorium on Friday evanlni The Trail Ranger boys and junior girls wereseated in thochulr loit and ledln slnllnz many lovely old carols Many of thechildren recited quaint little recitationaand severalsarig solos and duets great many shepherds were pres ent5 mtumeu pleasing ieiaure the close was the precisewith shephérda and Wise Men paying adoration the Infant gt Earl Gilmore interwar was chairman and Mrs Howard Morris plants liev Mr Wanl Get rid ol uaalrhtiy pimples and boll rucva Deenaem mdiqtedOlntnieot lta nullity Pictures by Favoro Examin er atoll photographer tha ap pear in this newspaper avaitahte implouy prints rnorvrrr SERVICE lit syzn WO°=O°=O° ooag DASHS ELEcTRIc morons BARBIE aces 51 Worm Guantanamo merge rm indpagans yamwrca or mama Prop olilooutiisntstaraoon