14minute Wédhesdax end gt unddySchooi Pupiisffloici Tim flower humy Selim held its momma Christnus concern ml was 01 Wednesdayevenlnl the hauler in she unnediule and unlerdepumegq pieenied pmm tor rilrenu and on sahudny anternoon the lec ture room It the chum wuï¬ae evened Dlmvter nursery he glnnerl an primary department timer iiiuh hr the earl mogmeihminumflu refguinea feminine rr FThe Wedm evening mm nwilh Imaviz Guiana DreIn all iï¬iï¬l ocioï¬ When Clynidnt swimming or the em Sunday SchooL noun uszehaimianT Mai that iliey had been Salome were Wayne EelL who ulna Silenk Flight acgornpaniul foxï¬fe IM For the Hmulvflmble em 51 0111 Plum ollbv mnlo weekendjrflh héri minim Mr and Sunday inihevwisl Chum Were wellalundea nie Sunday School mhwalï¬dyixtlnmd the in Quintwuprb renled wimgjlovely handbag mambe anyservice on Chxighms VWJbut will be us ual Sunday NEW ears Day lie was else in mm Wur vMWWoUKwWWWflmWflwï¬rflven new mum or beam IJQ ouqu on Maidenhmme puenis like Nauru 33 en imeuure unyxi 711 arithmetic by 10 orBO mark 11 llnguageo museum butler them educailon become nor mystery Nqniowiu in the piano by BobBell uam flue United Co anin wha kg maria at the nrganlzatlonela duel meetingégzld vanxea um piano by Bob an Owina While his mm on 3F hERWal York Hotel Toronto xon Deer 124ml 18 um mmmmnm You Mï¬rrysaen Ppas rife wwwmdim Wi Wm Mesuccéeds Errol Nephew at Wommck Alden Mcv Muirer vvas elected omen Susan malarial Janehboke gang duel way in Manger and uqllrlu We Three mnaï¬ui Orieni Are was sung by Helen While Barbara McFadden Muriel McClure and Sharon Skinner There were two piano sales on the program Popcorn played by Susan Maanrtn and Ill Sien herdess played by George Swanl special feature of thE evening were two bagpipc solos Scoilund lheBrnve hhd Road to he isres played by Jimmy Ngusgn David Hoey played clarinet se cciign It Came Upon vthe Mi night Clear and there were reci lullons Eleanor Love Christ mhs Ev Pauli Moore Beverly Cowan and three visiting Iriends sung Twas the Night be are Dhrslimas without accom pnnlment Three Christmas plays were pre sented by the Sunday School con tentsThe Chrisimns Dove by Miss Heather Cuiries class Nice Dimppolnimenl by IVES Inn Mllnes class and fPairlcks Pres ent by liamld Darchs Claim CP Spoiis Camera in 1h sky was fJesm The whole bias lrnmihe two yeorolds iuihe sinyea olds in Ed in the singing Jesus loves Me ibr rhelr parenb and gout iul quarle composed obMargn Newtonsixsin Scott Turmy Ric nrdson and ianice Corby 5a when Mother of Salem Mnrghrelrmure was soloist in Awiyiinuilvianger and just be lore jheir tea party lhe whole ells sung Uri on the Rho Top Rein deer Pause under the leadership of Gum Tea wusfserved by fliemolhers 1M tables decdryied with reindeer and tiny evergreen The children were thrilled by visit 1mm Ml Dornthy In who had brought along three Hillcrest School ï¬nd our puppets in em shorl Chrisrims play or the ch dren on miniature stage The high point oi the day was visit rpm Saran Claus who gave gins io allthe children and Lhelr smallbr hers and sislers who were gueslslor the occasion iooiball Grey Cup AllSiarGames Prove FID°P hennadun Press all Writer Theres many an oldtime loot ball tan with smile on his see these days Theyre smiling about the return to the Old Canadian game at the EastWat allstar oothall game in Toronto earlier this month Young and old alike agree lwas thriller lhéyput the loot back inlootf ball those husky stars from the east and west as theybatiled to 66 Lie The oldllmersshaubedwlth glee as CainEraser the youngIIarnil tonTigerCat and homegrown Canadian foothaller nulkicked Un lied States imï¬ort kicker Bob Hy Edenleldt Edmanlon Eskimos 439 yardsto 343 with mudspattered ball What gave everyone greater thrill and the oldsters touch nostalgia were the return kicks late in the fourth quarter Dramatic min With nunuie to play the Wash Easts 28yard and promptly noooed it back Hydenleldt Hydentelt lried we return the complimeni but the ball went on the side of his dot andhnded 7n the Easts 231mm an East player surrounded by VWest tacklers reu unlit The referee handed theyWrs 15yard penalty for not giving And Lu thirddomaS once in while asjn the East West game Alley make haste to avail themselves at the smelly Canadian 1ay of kicking in the single point fled Reeve former coach and veteran sports columnist wrote in theTorantn Telegrgm thal the next shepwvill be to bring back the onside kick Reeve claimed he onsidekick would have won ggested plug in which Eckileldersstnd behind nd across lhe ï¬eld The kicker would drive snléerto re downrlts summe Canadiarrpiay lhey on own the genes insziiuie puny led Mae postman the womenmet on Sam day evening Hills Murinoflr to 32y lurkeyumw Miss Bren ocnkEse BUNS mnsm BREAD Probably in the disiantiulule some sort oi mlracle fluid will he invented which can be injected lnlo child braiin and praiide him with all the knowledge needed cone with the lanthsllc cm ons of th innliflcgwarid DUTCH ensrmEs our chines appointed pull oui HMIEEO Keouchot Pickering ticket No Fall93 was answer by 31 wile Yearfl and singingï¬am gins Camome he shaker 32 mrnm unopin Mr Merino reiumed from hospital undergone an opemlion two wee gt machine or work fewerlhoura 13 conserve ih jpbs or to be paid far dolhg nothing at all Our ex pundins world reams lo nuï¬plx enough r3055 riar anyone who cares to work arihem Dawson leaeel nver mockNews onrmvm nous HOMEMADEBREAi nsr prnms rdn cnï¬rsr mmme rim is univm snonrr yards nndtheEasi took posses slen on qu own 83 gees carriedplay to thy Wesls 2037 linejndwllh dsjefl to flay Erase ckedjntdmhe Wests end 10 Parker tan Eskimos emailth ballmnd between charging save the day for oiblill just like the old days llimll ll ll illlw 15 1i all our many Friends Hill BREWER esr wishes Ill Slice are vcul AI OConnor tnop nr evenings Anson Me in Janey or Jim he nitbun you chic