Irrrr mania Brannon oilyTile caunprilu LEGlONinstalled their officers for 1956 at the Branch headquarters onMonclay Dec19 The installation was carried out by the past presidents of thevbranch with lmmedlatETaitpresident Al Giles in the chair The Norbert Moran thanked all members for theirvloynl ooaeperation during his year of service and he presented the branch with portrait oi their lnte Comrade Jock Shaw who was so wellliked by all Legion member it is to hang above his favorite chairjat headquarters The The no tgoing president retiring president was presented with aphst president badge and iewe BARRIE ROTARIANS HEAR VVD DESCRIRTiQNOFQ hid Dec 23 BRITISH TRANSPORT STEM gt llori nl Garnet Pratt sales manager of the handlerots division of Clarke and Clarke Leathers Ltd Barrie spoke to the Barrie Rotary Club at their regularmoeting unfrhursday Dcc15 on subject completely alien his profcglon Hegave runs lnléresungla knowledgeable accountï¬f British hungrynotion suMcet in whidl hebecame inter ésted during 32 whitime ngland Prdhclng his remarks lact that more of was prowar owing wartime 5e curllyrcguiationsl sted du lug his mymlom hoaddcd the he had been ab to bring his statiyticsru gt date Sinlflstics totrhe that Cip ham Junotlonnondon England Probation ibfï¬cer Succeeds Taylor In North Smcoe Starting in the new year Biuce Mnclnloshwill bathe new pro bation oilficer for the Noulh Sim coearea based in Midland otthe Simcoe County Juvenile and mm llyCounl He succeeds Dickson Taylor who is transferring to To romoAMetmpolitanren Native of Brucefleid County Mr Macran overseas du ng orld War Two Huron in radar wiln cheaper Afler the wlai he graduated in 1950an McMasler wit EAdegree got his MA at Uni rsltY of Toronto and then did postgraduate study at University of Chicago in PK 05 Mnrried with two small children itllMacintosh is member of the United Drum HiSfflthel died several months ago wash former Presbyterian and later Uri ad churchminister Who handled 2500 trains every 24 hou on the islandtherewereowar 000 miles of track the london Passen ger Transport Board had 100000 employeesrlamo vehicles and 000 miles of multisand carried 13 mil lion people every day astonished hisaudiencei It gave vivid pi ture of the complele oi the trans port symem of the Britishvlslesr Mr rm pointed qu on me transport madam iniheoldlcnu try and inVCanada tirely diflerenltg things basic problem was movaa people over olar stnnc Englandlifeprahlm Was to move vast number over shoot dislt lance Commenting that all railways stained to lead to London in the British Isles Mr Pratt gave de tailed description of iéit th the main signal box at Waterloo slaa lion fiherenm 21 tracks at the station converging to eight main line tracks and 1100 trains are handled every day arrying some thing in the region sensors The signal box has two walls of windows and is equipped with sec tional electriï¬ed charts below which is bank of 309 small levers with which the operators can moosejtromv 153 separateroultes modern piece of equipment is the train describer an electronic brelnwtllch keeps track of all trains approachin Waterloo Sta conclude his talk Mr Pratt yw oner description of Lon donsnndergrolmd With its vast ZEDmile network 281 stations and seven tunnels under the river lharncs GOOD SHOWING lt TRATFORD CPJHunting in Downie townshipWilfred Mullin baggedamoving rcd fox with 22 rlfle at distance 01 72 yards basement caught alight Yesterday evening lust bedn Examiner SpeCIaI lm Christrnas Issue Th annual Christmas ed The manla Examiner will be published on Frldny Dec RA In oddltlonv Ioflhe regular 190th of news large part or the lssrlo will be devoted to Christmas planing and stories Advertlsers wishing to have the cmtomry Yuletide and 5583 greetings most have the copy inonr hnslnéssoffleo by meI Thursday 15wa 3o Chrlslm lllllsinflo Three Flres 24 Hours Barne fire brigade had three calls within 24 hour over Monday eyen ing and Trim One call aserious nature The firstoall came at 530nm to fire in anelevator shaft at the premises ofFirstVCooperativc Packersof Ontario Ltd Ailan dale The tire wasquiclriyput out and littledamsge was done Ant 345 em jlueaday the bagade was called to partially built house alight at the corner of Vin contend Gunn streets The alarm was given by neighbor who saw the flamï¬r Withina matte minutes the brigade was on the spot and de spite the intense cold at the had flour limo of hose out it was not possible to save the unoccupled house The ï¬re is believed to have started when healer used in vent tho cement freezing in the msof six ï¬re brigade veshzlled la Cumberland Street The fir started by low torchwas outprior tormcirarriuol president Ron Vanderyeer ergeentataanns tkinson Harald Laine Cliff ling all of the executive committee Seote Norb Moran immediateth presidentf Douglas McGibbon first yloé econd vicepzesident Centre Cecil Mc Kempenlelliay ISAgaln frozen BearPolnl would ever become cold en but it was sudden and soon the immature dropped to Dec 19 and again coda vitiuee ing Wednsdny 21 had reached BearPon which is the clerk set of penielt Bay This is not eajly accordipg in past records all chrthat ol ows ireezeovel with bred May 1878 qr ldvdays lhetolllow be userul season 19412 194243 19434 19445 1m 1946 1947 1948 as 195 12 4323 9534 9546 Suspen BRADFORD CP Ra and Dominic 21 of Lon on On terday was fined andrhixdriv ers license suspended two months for speeding lv Police said Donohues auto was travellln at more thanBS an ghour Donahue claimed his speedometer was broken ndhe will ban ones zycontcst for ina 195a war enship of or toenail of County Sim tary AlMllllca Wflghtwassistant sergéan tcaasnble can Be zero Monday eorlympr rig Board Proud of Bdndsl Achlevemenl Membcrs of the BDC Board openly expreucd their plcasura It til success of the BDCLBands Chicago trip at their regular meet inson My night Buzzes 11 Robert treasurer any IvanCrligwe Don Tup Col 5h ringhpadrer quire DnLSchoo Board is Legal Opinion corrowam Finalyrneeting of GoldwaterCouncil was attend ed by outgoing ileeve Andrew Dunlap and all Councillorll mornA Eflph Mtghfl Devin will heneeVe SallowS huge iniyvhich he stated Archie ic copy of in letter seceivedby Allen Fishe BA from Lee Petersen executive secretary of idylWesï¬NatlonaLABandacun examine that bodys grat itude for the bands presentation was placed before the meeting The letter was reproduced in this paper on Wednesday Dec 14 Belore each member of the boardwas copy of the program and the principals report to the board give an appreciative account at the exploit The chairman of the board ASn£illr expressed the pride of 51 board in the fine showing the band had made The hnd been ambassadors 12 Cane and hadmade success of the job The board recognizgd the fact at the success was due to the work of many the perlormers Mr Fisher the advising corn mlttee and the adults who had ampahiedthe party and had assisted man the many problems whidli presented themselves Ion Tuckeiwarellglbl to hold seat Meet Board and also pg constable for Cold or man as You to his the lawyer Previouslydn Mr Ferbes hndlsaid he did not think Mr trucker could be aims tee and constableat the some time Mr nrcker wasnatgtho meeting and said if necessary he would Sig asconstable inorderJo rea talnhia seat on the Sahool Board Date for the second nomination to all three vacancieson the School Board was set for Dec 27 with election if necessary on do Danby is atrustee ï¬nish ing his flnd yearand the other two who received acclarnatious or 1956 are DgpaidGalbralth and Archie cker Natl will heqpublished xe streets amtto allow plows to clear mow December from the roads declared Boning Day In dealing lth accounts one for $31238 to cM Forbes for legal services year was passed council will collect as small port at the bill from the Rink mission for vice rendered themgt ndwill ad just legal services received by the School Board gt was in bi ade account wasvpassed at $178 charge forn one rvflre in Medonte the Boyd jnmwn property ieq redfurther in motion and is not ye paid rug Municlpdl A4 according en extend4 in 311 NY afldby thi early morn verbal opinion during life past erfirat problems facing Dlstrict Collegiate Inst itute and in die new year is salary demands from both the reg ular stall and the night school teachers the monthly eetlng Monday latwo letterswere placed hetore the board members One requested that the teadiers might meetwltirthe hoardearly in the new year to discuss the matter of salaries The board have fixed Jan as theydete for this meet ing The second letter expressed dis sauaraclld the night school teachers to the boards decision to defer their demand for salary in creases to the 19$ board 1th let er intimated flintthese teachers were not prepared to carry on next term unless some satisfactory lirringementl was arrived at The night schooljteachers had formled committee to look after their restszvrhich asked meet the night schookconunltte efore the editor theyear Trustee Flynn chairman of the night class committee asked for dlrectlo from the board in this matter He pointed out that the governmentsuhsidized night cIBSSEs to theextentof 75 of the cost in the case of New Can adians underj instruction thegrant IThe last regular meeting ofthe lancr Board on Monday Dec 19 startedin cloud dissatisfaction which arose on of report of the property committee on negotiation with ma Barrie Recreation Council and the board Sinclair was voicedby the chairmango The property committee under the chairmanshipof Griffin had met two representatives of the Recreation Coun cil to discuss the matter of Teen Town runningdancés at the BDCIThe result or the meeting wasthat theiproperty com mittee recommended the use of the premises on Saturday nights from January to Juriehy the Recreation Council pro Vided that the nights were not wanted by other school nctivlté ies1hey also made some other recommendation respecting supervision otactlvities in the collegiateby outsldebodies Also at the meeting was rep resentative of the cuiodlan staff who while stating that the custod inns wouid stand by any board de cision also said thatjhe custodians felt that they wereentitled to free Saturday afternoon and Sundays as nilliwed for in their contract Ahrief survey of Saturday activ ities Itthe collegiate rum October to December showed that on only two Soturdays bad there been no activityjt the collegiate 0nthe matteroiv supervision the bommittce recommended that the basketball clinic on Saturday morn ings should be closed if nonslruc tor waspresent within hall an hour secretary AriLien to write letter of thanks MrFisher and MnaqaMrs Leishrnan Mr Leishman nztheclralnnan at the advisory cmnmittee to the band The principal also naked in eonveyto everyo is who was connected wlth the project the rose to 90 Ioview of thlsbe wanted to know theprinciples of the board respectinghthe demand for increased rates for unit sch teachers think gt board is that it must not load on the taxpayer more than is neces Bowman principal out that the government favored in school instruction and thatat one time the CII night classes had an enrolment of When the board had decided to makemenlght classes selfsup porting and had raised the fee accordingly the attendance had fallen off Ahyfurther raise in fee mightvonlyjend tomaka the classes smaller under which cir cumstanlceme questioned the ad visabilily of our ing on the night school After further discussion it as agreeditiiat any luture risein pay the night schoolsv stat wouldhave tobe met by cor responding inerease gt school fees MrFlynn was in structed to carry on dignmron with the teachers concerned on these lines The night aohool committee Will meet with the night schoo teach ers before the endlo theyear but no definit on that the principle of the pointed in night alter the opening or the collegiate The committee cit mpcrvisorslorr the Saturday morning games should be there at least quarter of an hour before the starting time and that there should be two instructors for the proper supervision ol the large gymnasium lheno smoking rule should hestrieily enforced by all parties using the premises Complaints Received Thereasons for these recommend allonswerc the facts that on re cent Saturday the basketball clinic had been without proper super visor and complaints had also been received respecting the behaviour of another body using therslmllasium for basketball matches The committee had pointed out thcse difï¬culties to the recreation councilrOnthe matter of the or ganlzation playing theirimatchesgat the collegiate the Recreation Coun cil disclnlméd all responsibility while they had endorséd the in feet up 011170th in the heglnnin even to the extent of giving fin ancial assistance it wasentlrely private project tside the scope at th councilnow g01 Sinï¬glr chairinnn ofSEDCl we at mule way0u1 ballabee gonna to accommodatqe Teen grown on Recreatlornfhun the tum occadny£reviousiy with Iittlé McMulkinw installed as president for thcBarrie Brent the Canadian Legion for 185$ on Monday Dec 11 The installation was car edout by AliHarr pest prgident of the branch Cecil McMulkin has been mem ber of the branch iiiom 1947 and has takenen active part in Legion activities since his inlltiation lhls current year he Served as ï¬rst vicepresident He Rf edwlth the 57th Battery in Toron during theflrst golfovexseas wasfjoo young Vforthe ï¬rst war ud too old