Another nu old ire1 ï¬lial has disappeared ihe pm vlncial police are the guilty parties of Barriebut with the best of intentions Who ever heard of buying Christmas tree except as last rmrt and yet their is what our defender of the law are strongly suggesting that we do With all respect to the conduc tors the current crusade again tree thefts hueto see another time honored custom pass away ihe custom oi sneaking alllo some one elscs property piolainz out tree with the unerringeye ex perience and running for your life There are nice trees on the mob italprobably nicer than you can now steal within walking distance it just isnt the some Corporal Kellogg First farmer friends took some of the thrill out of tree hunting by offer ing to donate tree to your Christ mas celebration lust for the cut ï¬nrandmow this Gone are the doysof tearing over the hills of the old Allanchle golf course dragging toboggan and con tralnnd tree behind with an irate farmer in pursuiL Accommodation For Tourists Built Association Told Continued from page one trrbution to Huronias growth by the late Dr Cranston Hon Drury and Wilfrid Jury Wardena Welcome welcome to Vespra was voiced by Simcoo County warden and Vespra rceve Roy Hickling who stressed the interestof nix31 peo ple in the developing tourist trade The $1000 which out of its $1500 000 budget Simone County votes to theJliimma Historic Sites and Tourist lAssodatlonhe termed very small investment but one well spent Urban and rural communities in Simcoe County are working closer together than ever before on this and other similar projects the wardenadded Portage Road Ivor Brown Orillia chaired the meeting and called on Grant Mayor Barrie to report on the survey by Jury of the Mile Portage from Barrie to the upper Nottawasaga River This he did in cooperation with Clarke pointing out that the Bar rie Chamber Commerce hoped to have the entire route of the Portage marked and either Ross ï¬street or the Sunnidale Road re named Portage Road Barrie chamber of commerce president Ralph Snelgrove told the presentation otthe Dr Jefferys awards to two students in onc in Orlllia and one and asked the Associa tion for its recommendations as towhetheg the annual contest should be continued Frank Bray and Grmwards reported briefly on the success of the Huron Indian Village project at Midland Mr Braythanked Huronia Association past president Edwards Jury and Cranston for their leadership In theolbscnce through ilinesg or treasurer Hamilton Cold Water ast president Majorjlliti he presented antinterim treasure report which he held audited ter ï¬nancial Report Total revenues for the year are dtpected to be $393 from the sale or Huronla Histories and from grants and manilaships $5425 atotai or $2513 As against this expen in curred to date are as follows 1955 and 1956 dues Cflnadiau Tourist Wisdom 5100 dues Ontario Historical Society $3 travelling expenses and expenses re attend ance of representative Lane alcapadian Touri Asscc iatiomcnnvention $22150 scholar ship to surnnler school of Indian archaeology won by 1Leonard 1gaurlnPenetangl $25 Expenses re annual meeting small tarial expenses $250 printing of folders postage expras and other distribution costs 5113351 cost of last order of 10000 key folders not included MajorLane said that there were 3100 copies of thdIIuronla History stillon hand was 960 having been disposed of ï¬dring the year fora total revenue of justunder $400 Offllese 10 per cent were sold in the Midland area and 10 per cent each in Bar rie and Oriiiia Tees from Owen Sound and Barrie for 1955 were till receivable sumo Pieces Sent out Tlie meeting waatold that workingih eooperationwlih the chamber of commerce ioffice Wu oyenthaght of pettypieco deltame at the new retull n5 whenwe sighted the mowcovered little title of the town neighbor next door yeslerday morning But the far retaliation was too much even for tree uhievesby instinct lass14w clumped and sawed at one of our own statelyeverseens and there it is standing on the cof fee table tail toot and hail high sign of the times Sgrlvuslya neighbor aroundthe corner on Grove street Ralph Waymouih has homegrown Christmas tree that has been an object of adrnllution for well over week Its his owntree in this casetoqutall evergreen ouside hLI hotrt door Fity feet high to beelcact addccorated with lights right to the top Mr Weayrnouth says that there are one hundred and forty lights on the tree He also explained howhe gottth up there hut wont revull the means Not be cause they werent at the most legal nature but because it might stop the passeth wondering how he climbed up thal high mvln worked on Post Office Square for quite some time and having considered it rather de ilghtful business nddrlmthere arent toornony plums in Bar rieri hate to see the name ehang ed even lol such an estimable rea son as that voicad by Deputy Reeve Hersy finennotlon than that at perpetuating the home of Grant in town could not have been made but we are too short latlandmarks already without datroying line Ouirnuled street and place names are what givs city its charm What more dellgï¬ltflul touch could we bequeath to future generations than calling square alter build ing thnt no longer exists Take Gallowa Hill in the City of Londonthat was lot more grue some name to cling to than post office And how about all the streets in that city that perpetuate the names of the guild and trades that once existed there in fact our progressive town fathers maybe thwarted yet wonder just how long it will take or petiole to stop milling it Post Ofï¬ce Square Anniversale ls Celebrated By Home andjSchool lhe anniversary meating of An ten Us Home and School Assoc latio ohTnesdafbvéniilg opï¬nédqgtk with the singingof Canada Roll call Where Imet my hus hand was answered by 15 mem bers and 13 visitors it was decided to purchase an electric kettle and some teaspoons tor the school The programbegan with read ing Mznv Are What Women Marry Elven by Mrs Miller rwo gamesadded little exclu meat and merrlment to the pro Some Christmas carols and music were enjoyed The president Mrs Easton said few appropriate wordsland Mrs Metgalfe an honored guesty was asked to blow out the two candles on the lovely anniversary cake Mr Percy Muir on behalf of the visitorsl thanke vthsjassocia tion for the ghrisunasparty The national anthem brquéht th most pleasant evening to close of Mr and Mrs July at bei unable to attend gt New Olfioerr On motion of Major Lane Seconded by Beg Weiham and unanimously approved the follow ing oflicers were elected by the nuronia Historic Sites and Tourist Association for the coming year President Didace Grise Honey Harbour lst fleepres Grant Mayor Barrie 2nd vicepres Dr Ives Staynet Secretary Cransion Midland associate secretary Ivor Brown oriliia treasureri Hamilton Cold water ihanltsto the ladies of the Ves Pra community were voiced by in coming president Didace Grise Mayor mules Parker Mrdl nannisrlcno liar ulng The centre isznot really hutlts all part at th Baskets or yellow and white rnums decorated 5t James united Church at Stroud for the marriage of Miss NannaAnn Given daugh ter of Mr and Mrsuw Givens cf troud to John Arthur Smurth waie son of Mr and Mn Smurthwaite RE Dafroy Rev Gordon Wanless officiatedrat the doublering ceremony and wedding music was played by AE Church lil who also accompanied his daughters Miss Bylvill Churchill in the singing of The Lords Erayer and Perfect Love during the signing of the register Given in marriage byher fath er thebride waswearing gown of chantilly lace over layers of nylon net and slipper satin styled with straplessvbodlce and bolero sleeves coming to points over her hands The gown was trimmed with pearl sequins and seed pearls and headdress of nylon net and chantiily iace trimmed with seed pearls and coming to rounded points at the temple held her waistlength veil of layers of nylon net She carried white Bible and rnauve orchid with stream ers of baby mums Her attendants were Miss loan Marshall of Hillsdaie as maid of honorMiss Leslyrl Welch of Minl loo cousilr of the hrideas brides maid and Miss Shirley Wray oi Scarboro as flower giri The ballerinalength gowns worn by the maid of honor and brides maidlwere ofjcrystalette in shades of gold and bronze trimmed with pearl heading and styled with strapless bodice and bolero jack ets with braceletlength sleeves lhey warezhat lng feather head dresses and shoes and carried bou quets oi bronie mums and gold mums The flower girls gownof nylon net over taffeta was in green and she was wearing head dress ot tiny flowers and carrying nosegay of bronze and gold baby mums Edward snuruiwalte or Scar bora cousin of the groom was groomsman and the ushers were Cannon McCart or Wexiord and Norman Smurthwalte oi Leiroy brother of the groom reception for about seventy guests mllowedvin Stroud Coin munity Hallwhere the mother of the bride received in copen blue crepe andlacemithblack and pink accessories and corsage ofipink roses The grooms mother who also received was in eggshell nov and was wearing esran acorsage oi alsospoke briefly comhrendingthe Associat lvildlnnd and the Huronia and Georgian Bay Developingl niission the Huronia tu ll writitoday for re or emonstratlon minimum co 2m anrnunsr banger om et oi matching lace withrlong on aweddingtrip anew York state the bride travelling in pink dress of brilliaatine Iaille made on princesse lines Her ac cessorltsvwere navy and shewaa worth navy feather he with rhinesune trimming endgahrelith orsplihx for ticket witha mau orchidacorsager 0utoitown guests at ding were from Eulfal ivy Barrie Toronto Mimlwn Alliston Beeton mond Hlliand Stauffvlll arbdro Rich classes boy has Andrew Presents Concert The jilnior Sund School Central Jim Church presented their annual concert on Wednesday QVenlnBfDr large audience of parente The program featured carols and recitationr as well as special songs by individual puails and groups of children At the end oi the coacertksanta Claus appeared with candles and littlegiit for each class 1heprogram opened with the singingofSlient Night by the whole school JackieBurgess was heard in the openingveraeand Stars Above Are Brightly shin ingwas rungby tho entiregrouo Following the addreas of the chainnhnifor theevening Dr Mklns the kindergarten clans tinder theleadenlhip of Mrs my Burgdssand Mia Whenlam skirt hi bodice bocher is of dusty 301$ deans dreaented We Wis You aMerry Chriatnba recitation by Doug luKlghiloy and Awayina Man Miss Louanna Youngs rim Bank theltitle of he number performed by Miss mg thistrnascdg certprogra reens and hills Dar nine Bryce Liberty icant gave recite Bible Tell Me 350 Miss Gall Melreanl Ition by Rickie canonus Bells byw Humphreys cian were by 113 Lord is Counting 31 by Elaine Burton pro milked mu nhb fhgami Alvin the as an on gleaéhilosbone clM recita on Liberty we Lake roman liar the huaoi year Lake Superior in estimated to Hereis gift that Moin will pally appreciate at Christmas eolnes complete wlth sewing thread concealed under double hinged lid shown in walnut on FURNiSHltiGS Phone 2843 wed with giant tailored iqgilliilielnolisl PIAL498i