9lsiYeorNoi43 in 6m Medical Landmark The year now ending will long stand as landmark in the lives of families across Canada It brought an answer to the pray ers of parents everywhere that their chil dren might be spared iron polio the long dreaded crippler and killer The cloud of fear has not been entirely removed by the new vaccine it is not 100 per cent effective Nevertheless wave of relief swept the continent April 12 when it was announced in the United States that study of 1954 test inoculations had proved the vaccine at least 80 per cent effective Canada went handinhand with the 118 in attacking the scourge Acclaim showered on Dr Jonas Salkthe American scientist who discovered the vaccine But big share of the praise was also due to Canadian scientists at Connaught Laboratories an old crowded building lnmidToronto which has fathered many other importantmedical ad vances There method was devised to produce polio virus in quantity vital step in largescale vaccine production Long before the April 12 pronouncement Canada gambled that the vaccine would work The federal and provincialgovernments plunged $1000000 into its production to ensure there would be supply to meet the insistent demand that was expected That decision enabled an immediate start on an inoculation program after April 12 By the end of June 880000 children had received at least two of their three shots It is ex pected that 3000000 of Canadas 5225000 children under 16 will be inoculated by the end of next March Exactly how effective is Salk vaccine Appearance of the disease this yearwas about onequarter of the average for the five previous years although it is noted that the average includes the record1953 epidemic Top officials already have given qualified credit to the vaccine for helping bring about that reduction although other factors may have been lnvolvfed precise evaluation is expected to result from the detailed study of experience up to Nov 30 That in brief is the storyï¬ Sail vaccine Despite thescores of major events which took newspaper headlines in the year for many people 1955 will be remembered as the dawn of hopethat polio can be stopped Safe Driving Every Day It would be wonderful if every day were ii safedriving day for motorists But it isnt So for the second straight year there was set aside single SafeDriving Day in the hope the careful habits it promotes will spread like contagion The goal last year was to get thriough the day without single fatality in traffic It wasnt realized This yearthe Committee for Traffic Safety put stress on driving rules These are gobdfor every day in the year and if followed there would be many happier homes The motorist is advised first til checkhis car to see if its fit to use Brakes tires windshield wlpers lights steering niechanw lcs all should be inspected Thedriver who takes their condition for granted may be sealing his death warrant once hes behind the wheelandxroliing the driver should conscientiously obey all traffic regulations and give the other fellow sportsmanlike break Particularly he lsc utioned to stay within prescribed traffic lanes to avoid passing on hills or curves or in any other circumstances where there isnt enough room He should keEp ample stopping space between his car gt and the one ahead and be very watchful at Anyone sitting behind the wheelofa car must maintain continuous unflagging al rt mess to the driving situation he findshlm self in He must observe theeondltlonof his car of the read he weatherthe traffic flowing about him All of these he inust am rswwm AVI1thliiaIlsiieriMonday Tilabaanir EXAM hverage Net raid Three lillontbs End foam Frcnchlanguage press vaniimpurtant factor in Quebecs great posiwarp thaniwhen we soar giant ACloss Newspaper Wilson Bhllding ran Office Squar 1N BARREONTARIO adjust to according to the rules according to common sense and according to the code of conduct that dictates consideration for the other fellow gt Second he must so manage his otherliv ing habits that they do not compromise his driving performance drink if he intends to drive And he shoiud start out earlyenough so he can reach his destination without speeding or getting reckless If the driver can remember to govern himself and his can properly thats big Thus he should not start toward doing the same on every day OPINIONS OFOTHERSI Editors ToUgh Choice Midland Free Press Herald There will be only one mention in those editorial columns of the personalities involved in the election in molar is reported elsewhere in todays lmue some few minutes before the closing of qualiï¬cauonsvlast Friday the editor of this newspaper under pitSille allowed his name to stand as candidate for the deputy reeveship that is as one of Midtands two representative to county council There are undoubtedly fair number of readers in Midland who over the past twenty yearr have differed with what has been said on this editorial page Now without even hnvlng to go to the trouble of Writing letturtothewditorriheywill have an opportunity to register their dissentAll they have to do is vote for our opponent But there is one catch If they vote against the editor he will have that much more time to devote to his newspaper writing Whereas if they vote for him and he is by chance elected there is dis tinct possibility that at least some of his editorial responsibilities will be taken over by abler hands You vote against an editor you dont like and he can still keep on editing Youvote for an editor you dont likcin ofdor to keep him awnyfrom edit ing and the guy might even get elected its tough choice May Return to Books Oshawa Timesscaeetie We are now told that some TV shows are drlvlnz people to the movies Maybe somday they may drive rew people to reading beans Apprentice Training Wlndsor Starl It seems to be popular pastime umung English speaking Canadians to ridiculellremier Maurice Dup icssis of Quebec for great vnrioty of reasons Mr Duplessis Quebec ilrsler never seems to worry much about what the rest of Canada thinks of him His policies appeal to malorityfofQuebec voters and they go on reeiectiog himand is government with monotonous regularity There is much to criticize in Premier Duplessis at titudes toward Dominionprovincial affairsThe fact is our Canadian confederation wouldnt work if all provinces indeed if one or twu others including Ontario were as parofhiallyminded as Quebec Premier Duplessis is opens criticism on many counts but we shouldntallow ourselves to be blind ed to the many creditableachievemenis of the Que bce premier and his Union National government One of these which it seems to us is deeervinz of more attention than it got inflheflnglishflangunge press concerns thelvast apprentice training program in Quebec Premier Duplessis recently opened new million dollar wing to theQuebec apprentice train ing centre whichis described usihelargest of its kind in the world Skilled labor was atva ow ebbrin duebéc after the war In ctroperation with industry and lsborffhe provincial governmentset up centre dsigned to encourage the youngpeople construction business Eightyï¬ve students registered acquire skills in the éhe ï¬rst yearr Today niore than thousand are enrolled ome of the early graduates are now lehde in sev eral Industrial enterprises in the province The appreniice tra program according to the ogress in industry and natural raources development The Quebec govern meï¬ri is to be commended for its foresight and down tote approach to the problems of its expanding economy There is atide in the affairs of man Which taken at the flood leads onto fortune Shakespeare Men in great places are thrice servants servants of the sovereign orstate servants of fame and servants of business Francis Bacon Wisdoth otttimes nearer whenwestoop ednesddy Fridoy Barrie Outer we But if moihcr wanted Labor DNESDAY DECEMBER 14 1955 THE BIBLE TODAY 31 PAIBON Upper Bible Society tum thrillcrI oouldweii be used to describe the story of therecent translating of the Bible into the script jinxKoren mm he turn of the century minim17 had iiiernlly worn out his eye putting the Bible into the chuiul Koren script Few people could reodihia however Ar thenew simpler script was de veloped Ind novels and news paper were primed in it lhe de cision was made to print the Ni in it also couldan way to aeord 1L Viki SiAiLd poms MILLIGAN The other evening nticnded public lecture by an American astronomer onthe solar system The lecturer had spent hLI adult lifetime gazing at the stars and latterly surveying them through the great telescope at the Wilson Observatory of which he is staff member aurssoianysievaasJemlLJne of millions in the Milky Wayand beyond The oriy new thing learned from the lecture was that the moon Lanai satellite out It was plinel which lad wund and out of Its orbit around the run and that the earth and the moon mmplanets Coming away from the lecture looked up and there was the moon emerging from thy rim of blacki cloud Then felt 1like some watcher ore skie Whénka new p1 swims into his en Ae walked home otsiward bright star apthRd lnh rift in the clouds and as the Christmas season was approachlng felt likel those Wise Men of the East when they beheld that new Star which was to lead them to newborn more in Bethlehem They wormutmlonm who had mappedund utudiedlthe rinse They believed that the progress and destiny or man ldrrd and oven individuals werokwrltihufln the heavens Oncnlghtvra they were deana ning the mantis new and brilliant in uppoared low in 10 935 At ï¬rst they thought was an optical illusion for it seemed to be movingvslowly westward They had many times seen showers of teorltes high dome zenitlrand He told us that BETHLEHEM they brought rial in iri bute and peace offering What must have been their rur prisc and disappointment when they found their long and weary lourney brought them to village innl There must be some mistake lbey made nnoiher observation of Stars position ere was no doubt thabit stood still right over this common Eta in lonely ge lhey stared at each er in the dim starlight They turned to the camels as though they would re mount and return But thosedumb creatures rwere wiser than they Tired out with their trump across the desert they lay down in the rgudway breathing heavily in ep The Three Wise Men decided to follow the example of the camels They entered the kind The inn heepcr noticing they were rich visitors was full of apologies Howun very carry all he could offer thmwubliedof Maw 11 the MID but be warned tbeur Ibot Just been born than asionallya urge meikor would sweep low across the airy and dis appear comet was arue yisl tent and was regarded as good or ill omen for some poteniute Julius Caesars wife was referring to thatssuperstition when in the play onthe eve of his assassina tioni she warned hlm2vWhen beg ie there are no comets seen heavens themselves blaze forth the death princes To the mmqu Monthl new 5hr was on plain derer in dirtantspaoe It had orbed and moved mluï¬nuly andoeemedhbeelmnth tov folio Convinced that It Vthehcraldofflrerlseofl and powerful noth they loaded their camels with PM visionsfor the punlongs and as was the custom or the East Reading Be JanuaryTopic Teachers Cliuncil The regular December meeting of he Essa TeachersCduncilwcs hel onDec at Cediar Grove School 553 with Mal Shirley Prentice pres ding Mr Shortt reported on behalf of the film committee an the board Nov COOkS tne showing oi WhD5hoW$ th ï¬lm would we coming films to sent of enable teacher to prepare for his visit Each month it was agreed that thevannual board held beheld over to the second week in January Mrs Duflinl Hodgins and Mir Sham Were ap pointed th connmlttee in charge of eMerinimnent MrClark spoke to the group for few minutes about me pr lle accepted an ï¬re speaks at gt It was mavedbyMr Shortt and sanded by Mrs no streaming tall but was full Mter years of painstaking effort the manuxript was completed and the ilrot 400 the press in the Biblofliiouse at SeouL Then war broke out The Biblellousewis bombed and almost everything destroyed The minder of the precious handwritten manuscript however was mauled out by the wife of Rev Young Bin lm the master mind behind this translation She hid it in pickiejar in the cellar of their home and hid her husband in awoodpile As expected the communists searched the place but miraculous iy missed the manuscript and the mom Knowing they would return she again smuggled it away over hills of guerriliia infested fleldxto tann owned by fricnd There it wns buried in barnyard when it had finally been smug gled out of the country to Japan WAhellrstMmgeswo rewritien outby hand Aswar cleared around Pusan mugg nunchild 911ch tho Wind Men in lWlthout waiting for reply they hastened to theislable where in speechless amazement they beheld pale mother tending her new born mbe in strawbedded manger was this the great ment arch whose birth had been her alded by new Star The W153 Men dropped totheir knees over come with awe and raverarea in the presence of so profound mys paguvwere rretiup in tcry Star had brought the soul of this mild from heaven AC viug on the mic Manii By ï¬nancing your purchase plain home applicp Section 2ques 15 SAY WOULDYOU arms No thanks very much We khow fan rovlde for the winter by accumulating hoard ofnurs wirh people its different Ir ey invest in 196 ooAnANrEso rnusr crimncnrs Authorized lavmuch for rum fund Short lamï¬ve your gt oswg yauriy lnlorirl payable hullyearly In lull yuan on lnvortmonl of $42036 accumulator 5500100 for you Writ fer ampm ï¬ll any IHE STERLING Inusrs coneonsrion iier omcl euNcu omcl nflnlIP 50 MI innirbincuovinoi on purchuro