Sn Removal Apprecisiecl Lost Sundry morning then It tendlng SL Poul Anglican wereqleued to find on orrivol that the township plow ind gone through the yard Ind pushed the snow back leaving cleared place to park cars This followed our suggestion to the road lupervisor that nimilnr cleoring should be done at the Presbyterian Church in Strand not only no that cars could get parked but nlso that the people coming to the public rink could lmethelr cars clearo1 the road Supervisor Cowan told council that theidqmrtmerit looked on the removal at snow as service and that itnud not he mntined in public raids It seems that to make it convenient to park vehicles would be part at this service This brings upthe point 01 the villages In Stroud and other vil lages it is almost impossible to get sufficient oarking when there are any mnctlons in the halls or other places Flows drilt up nnd down the roads with their wingsdraz icing on nothing when they could be veered all little and push back the drifts to mokc parking space Recently In lront or the Strand post ouice it has been almost im possible to get vehicle of the roadway This busy oflicc at this time 01 year should be cleared out either by township or highway equipment This include other public places ihmughout the town ship not only on highways the benefit it in the meantime precistive of the clearing at St Paul May this be continued and other churches no public places included Modern Hatchery Plans Open House One of the most modern childr hntcherics in Ontario it not in Cnnsdn will he openfor public inpecï¬ou on Friday andSatlirday of this week Hunters Poultry Farms will have opennigtit at the new building and give patrons and others an op portunity to see their new equip ment in working order The incu bum 1srge trailer transport directlmm Denver Col orsdo and are the largest that have been placed in this pmvincc up to that time The last growth this hatchery speak well for the young man who has headed the development From small Iog house on the farm purchased few years ugo the busiqe has become one of the leading hatcheris anywhere So much sothat when an American ï¬lm which has developed special breed of hybrid chicks was looking for distributor for Central On taria hose Craig Hunter hatch and distribute its chicks These hybrids known as Del Kalhs have been sorsuccrssful for their producers that in converl sation with tanner poultry man recently he mm us when we asked we are up nbomhi Inocu with an would race to 11 price at there eveatllcouldobain The house It the hatchery will be led by nonrm my menu and ldnor prize We salute the owners Mnondllm Ortiz Hunter on their lishmcnu They have worked hard mt at the urn lime hove had time nor as rlsting with public MB and church Work This 00quin in mud oi its rucccstul citizens Need Municipal Hydro Commission From time to time we tiny tioned thnt lnnislil is large enough and 5Iftiitienuy Populated to take over iuhydrprnnd openme it un der its own musion With severnl thousand mttngu along the lake hunt each hich pays on average 01 $1110 ser vice charge annually beï¬idu top rate tor the energy they consume there alone is an enormous iund which would be uuoctzbleby the inï¬ll commission Bends this we are paying heavily forour energy which is distributed thrvugh the rural hydrn service Our rates as compared with Bar rie ure anywhorctmn 25 per cent higher than town rote Granted we have many miles of lines with sparsely spaced consumers but over the average many of our lines are well loaded Recently we were In receipt of rote charge by private com pany Optmu outside of Montreal in mum similar in many ways to in district and wore pumm owned system which we had ai wnys1elt was supplying service at the lowest mtos onywhere was be ing undersoid by this private com pany When Maser pays $25 or $30 tor service charge for two months and finds at hhe end olthe season that he is again billed for similar amount our energy surely those kinds should become pant the locnlrmunicipaiitys profits in period when the indebtedness ifaunderwrvitten in reduction in the ratesoould be made FunMann ovemgingnrmind $25 annually the pverage us the eiectr city consumed Where doime prniits go ï¬rst Bapxildsi SS ChristmaSConceri First of Season First Baptist Church had close to copsciw cmwd for its annual Sunday School Chrisknns concert last Wednesday eveningone the ï¬rst pmgrams of is kind at the season Underthe direction of Superin tendent Donald Pengelly the nurs ery beginner primary junior and senior classespresented varied progrm of songs sldis and recita tibns Twocarolsf Joy to the World tinge Upon the Midnight opened the concert iallow ed by scripture readings from Matthew rses 115 andJiukd prvgram was quartet mania krwANiAns way are am1 rating the second half or their GasO at Jacksons new BA service ion at corner annulus RandiDunlapï¬asts To raiserceded iunds for welfare kto he completed this yepnthencluhaco bted Lorne Jacksons otter or substantiation verses lEl by EricWiggand Ralph Pnc Rev Lilok ihe church minister led in pray The clss of nursery children and beginners taught by MrsxlIern mnn Tomlinson and M13 Wilma Evans wereï¬rst on the program with Kathleen Egg directing Marilyn Shepherd me tion entitled Dire First Christ mas and Mrs Cummie Boyds class of primary girlsprmnted skit Points the Star recita tion Giving Gifts was given by Marcelle Misek Charla Wilsons class junior boys gave rendition of Silent Night singing the ï¬rst verse humming the second and whistling the third IA recitation Gift to Give byJanot Eirnie washliowcd by Wishing by six boys 1mm Mrs Evons primary cllss and recitation Christmas at Hun by wan Jean Luck Men the vocal groups on til 00111005211 or rncmhers oi Townlinson ï¬amlly Mr and MrslIemafl Tornlinmn and their son Greg and daughter by John Lloyd Pattenden and seven girls from Miss Mayhem Siandens class performed an exercise lhe Light of the World Books the Bible were also reviewed by seven girls from the class recitation Jesus Day by Catherine MtGinniS and number by Vickie Tomlinson and Joanne Shupherd of Miss Verna Hitch arms senior class closed the pro gram ARENA PLANS MAGOG Que CPl Sports mindedMegog citizens opened campaign tor an artiï¬cial ice plant to the towns arena Adr Elsefor cient funds to build mum shows Baseline on two special hove takenJast Wednesday gt wanions Eerilson Ron Ste Vt Hughch umdKarlJennétt giilin customer some 3th pollshing service and that looks like Frank Boyes over top The Barrie Ares oliiceenrployees have heel workiugjot seine time on 5day basis but in order to accommodate rural customers and others skeleton stall was kept on during Saturday mornings As banksand many offices close on Saturdays the Hydro Area Orlice is conlqrming with girls practice and will transect its business on Mbnday to Friday inclusive errectlveliecemher 24 l955 However because at the volume or summer business the office will be open Saturday mornings dur ing the summer season May 15th to September 15th niEmergencyor troublé cnhs will be taken cureolns usual on 24Lhéiir bhsls by chllingBnrrle 5521 during business hours and 5525 siiterhuurs MAGEE ismoothnew ride cornering