my mm wsmas the Soclety who were It the an nlul meelln and hard Mrs is tell an dormantl how to kg aur awn Christmas mans mqnu will doubtles be twin their hand It ll these days ms cox m1 rr icon no slmpl and used such lnexpennlve mlterllls cm wish evmne could have seen her Throughout her demonstrations she used mlm rnplt gardeners could let ever BWS Splraea branches or wild cranberry branches or qulncc or hawthorn branches and or spean things bit at juniper ILL TELL YOU ABOUT law Mrs Cox showed haw to mike so gnu cflnmuke your own decora Nerve Weakness How common is it among men and women over onenain age New WenkneIsNerveaNuvoull Exhausllan Thcre um mnny words Jar lL Including the Greek word Neumr lhrnln mm Nerve Wanell tum ollcu Rd to describe eondltlml that can nflcct many people ave myu Alter that go you may comnlnlll ol lan easily tlred You eel all in nimble moody poor nnoelllet such linen many people wluly turn to Dr Ellmlel Nerve Food for dependable How long should you lake J3rChusakNmEQQd It may hnve mken month or your body t4 become rundown lenle dint null mnny people nervel Althuugh Dr Chan Nerve Food help to billld up Nerve tn ulnldy or beat rcllllu yon lholi D1 Chases Ntrvn Foodvlnr at least wedu Thil your hody chance to gel the ill beneï¬t ol the Iron lumin Bil and other vnhnhle medlc Ingredients in Chucl Nerve Food At the uni ul week you must be ch no say yullnell ml like nzw groan ur well relma evuy penny you pal Whv not ammo my 47 CHRISTMAS GI FT SPECIALS mun mm mm decor uflonslwuzphn MM ttached lt 1n maxï¬lls pawn In oxdluary ulnar the can with undlu ullnau my just wrapper lnwhltebaper lhn Rd Scotch We plqud mum it to ruemhia the mpumlnt nick and it was attached ï¬rmly mum plsle wlth puma mdloppell wlItt ï¬ne cone palatal red to resemble allme THIS elmme wu the light ed qandlo sin than and arrannmunl ofvplne spray stuck inlo the plastlcene hchlnd the cm dle Ind covered the plltg with cotton batfln to resemble snow Mrs VCm ddnt use them but suggested one could add lhqla lmaglnnllan decreed lo thll and nthrr arrnnxunenu WAX ANGELS or colored mama be meal TO MAKE SPRAY for door lake large sprays of Scotch plne Lo make two swnzs blnd there in nether raw end In raw end Ind 11 ln the empty space wlth small sprays stuck in whereli is wired togethen Male blg plasilcbow any color and nttach laxg bells and thebow to the ï¬nished spray Hang llama your door for wel come sl1n IVE TRIED to make door wreaths wlth evergreens and to watch Mrs Cox make uncmnd my ellnrl seem santlrne consum lng She slmply used round place style foam and wlth short stubby branches at ever amen cunrplztelyxllled lt lnto lorm snlld wreath lna llfly lauds nuna7 the al helped her theltlnndnce The camera rmrdednnr went lama lucky dram the annualmutlnr Ind Wm wonbylrt Daley Mrs Steele Mm REP Bard Mrs Madnna Mrs Eva Mm Cy Allison and Mn lnewn IN THE ISSUE Die Blrrlé Examlnér at Dec ll wlsre rled MI Han gleam Hortlcultuhl So lar conslderallnn whenhey plan the spring projects ya course must be tbwn or govern ment property Outs Barley Séed Briggs Recommended The SeedZMnrkeLlnz anleublli ellynCommlttzegal lhe Onuulu Soil and Crop lmproxzeraear Asso clatlon ln zlvlnz coaslderalon to ths seasons md situptl re 10 35 SHE prices lurl956eeed1n plaque bow and some large glided pine cones and thgre it was zood as any one could ask lord you havent plne cones plasuc hells or anythlnr brlghl would d0 iust use your lmaglnatloa AN OLD STUMP Wllh three holes in it was produced placed on square 01 plywood the ply wood covered vdth humus 1w snaw The holes wag ï¬lled wlth sprays at evergréerls Reindeer were placed around the slump and ï¬mIUM COLOURED IUMBLERS lrom 150 Set COLOURED ASH WXS Omsan SPANISH METALWS CUT GLASS PEPPER SALT HASTY NOTES BOXED COUTIS CHRISTMAS CARDS SEALS AND WRAPPING non 59 1mm 55 pull ï¬nk £32212 Engliah fllnna minshun Cor came Baylleld Hume 23 Li TCéhidmnA ORDER FORM nusassoc Th9 BARRIE Oats Commerclal 1nd 0140perbushel Oats Rezm No31 glide $165 per Barley Commerglal Grade 31905m uslï¬l Barley Wisteria grade 40 palmanila The above prlcunra based on tall sales at farm orlocaLahlp plng pointforaaluoltreated seed wlth new bazylacludeiz It is expected that due damadn sauna lubmlt lt tone executive nshlon the mugul flower pel 341 or tllls unusunl apmul Soo lISytJO mnkl JOHIEJIIIE to wan severa holld 5325 olher baznirg enfgr em 4399 geisha Small 10 12 madly 1415 Large ugh ï¬glmshe requlrzs Y8 rlnt Ihri mammal yard lhlspatlern sy to use simple In saw lsitgsted for 1L Has tom Send mmTYNVE 350 in calm stamps cannot be accfpltedlsébg pattem Prlrtl AME ADDRPSS STYLE NUMBER Sénd omel ellWE ADAMS care of The Barrle Einmlner Pat tern Dem nr mm SuiWest Toronto Ont based on availahlllty opularlty and merlt sorne varleueswlll 3211 above thesajmlnlmam suggested prlcesl Cémmltteé members from the yarious pamor the Pravlncs xe purkdathal radeqaal supplles excellent alley outsoujda barley although at elhgwmo to unmoved pastures Vcom productlon Seed sales are reported summon lamaslng each year Thu ls duenm only to Export demands but also to the fact that many farmers now pur chase lhelr seed requluexneilts cleaned and package all ready for the drillhrnuldng usaal their aum graln supplies as fend In this way they are assured otvarJ ler purity maximumxermlnauon and vlgor also ahmiitlmum of loss due to weed seeds and disease It ls anther evldentJhat varletlesl provcn best by tells and demon Istratlon plots in varlous localllles are mufst urdgmand gt In named va lellu such as Cllmnx FAMILY gt New Sub Renew tlmotilxnnd Laallefxred clover In general lhlSAyenrs crop of In small reds the hand is nqw clavgr anglgrass seedswns better lhan was ï¬rst hntlclpatedresult lag in somewhat lowerjrlces FEDERAL irAxnimw It lseatlmzued that Canadas led éral sales tax lakes 91 cents at the col or $15zdrefl $20 on $300 Chesterï¬eldx cents on $150 pound candyhz cents ona 40m cent tube of toothpaste and $485 on $75 suit cloth man Talks allow hrihfpfewmauny but oxenaxis eagughin tiié nag envelbpc to com Izmhménmmai Mar WW memo mammag mm 6mmm5uom unpsmv mun mmunmééwu InfFilm Want Myvéife economlcalloo We do withouï¬ alumni evervthingl need usGsAan skerraxz ck an llECEl Juan Mmï¬W Berna arms Mfluommama WOFAGPE arms 51