Virorrmn any so Mother and father are often confused by the empbaais today an maitai health and the warning to parent that much emotional infla bility begins in ghlldhood it almost ninjas you scared when you and out that thereare more mental patients occupyinz beds in our hospitals than those suffering from all the other varied illnesseshWhai if our hay or Kiri should become in balanced in adult life because we we been unwise in our training one mother asked friend We can only do the best we can and combine the gï¬d advice of experts with our own common scnsc her companion answered rcassurlngly Not long ago Dr Card well Superintendent of the Ont ario Hospital at Pnnetang in speech on ental Disorders gave four practi al suggestions to par ents The background for emo ilonal stability can be built up by encouraging child to make his own decisions by helping him to make friends by encouraging him in take responsibility and by pro ng opportunities ior him to br his fears out into the open lie suggested Many forceful dominant parents rim reluctant to allow thcir child in make up his own mind aboul what he should do and sometimes about what he should think on controversial subjects The hcsltr nnt adult who has hard time reaching decision usually has had sufficient practice in think ing lending to action in his child hood in choosing articles of clothing boys and girls should have more and more chance as they grow old er in select lhclr apparel within price range which llts into the lymodgcijkppmnccrmrucr so much to adolescents that they oiinn want to supplement with their own carningsmancy spmt on clothes Giving child freedom in make decision gives him the possibility of making foolish choice But if he learns from his mistake surely this is all to the good little childs irlcnds are usual 1y those living in the samuneign bnrhnod in the lower grades in am am manual massinmmic lional By Nancy Cleaver learning to be ruponllble is long slow But it is nee mary part or growing up Busy mothers meumea that chndmuatfeelhebaslrukein the job he ls doing it tpolia thing it be saya to himself If forget or dont do this well mother will see to it child does need to be reminded to feed his dog or to have hair cut but more and more hr shoiid assume responsibility for his pets meals and for his person ai appearance The chance to discuss worry with an understilnding parent often makes it seem much 15s trouble some Little folk are troubled fear of the dark older children trcquenily are alarmed that they will fail at school tecnagers dread being lmpopular If only the chan nel of communication between par ants and children is kept open so they can conï¬de in each other hard experiences can be laced with courage Mental health is the concam of every Canadian ciliten especially parents Did you know that one out of every twelve childrn born each year will spend some time during his or her life time in mental in stitution Did you know that men tal sickness accounts for more lost time by wage earners than cancer polio and TE combined In rec ent year 1951 one out of every 225 Canadians was treated in nicntal hospital We are challenged to do all in our power to give our child ren the emotional stability which will help combat mental troubles for our youngsters today and to morrow Copyright Sees Family Unit LosingEuncï¬ons To Welfare Stale WINNIPEG Dec 12 CPlr Brown director of curriculum for Manitoba schools has ckpross ed fears that wcliare state is upon us The protective function umbi iamlly like the cwnomicn recrcn tional educational and religious school childs friends are selectedmncï¬nns mm under the In from among his classmates As he becomes older and has more in dividual intcrcsts he becomes more nilooscy about his companions Parents help child in his growth of lnteresLand affection for his peers by providing play matcria or equipment at home and by mak ing his friends welcnine when they jump in child shows very different side of his personality to chum from that which he shunsip brother or sister Ted who is bosscd around by older brothers and sisters may be leading spirit in his own gang at school POPULAR smn in norm is this travelling suit in mustard wool Vtweed Collar lapels an the front and iiie jacket add decorative touches The desgnel is Anmnelliv oi Rome 012 Photo fluence of urbanlsm he wrote in the Manitwa School Journal of ficial publication of the Manitoba education deparonent The stateihas taken over large share ctresponsibility for public health and personal safety The family doesnot pcnlorm its pro toctive function to the degrcc that it once did Therefore wcllare state is upon us Dr Brown said industrialization With the accompanying phenomenon of urbanization has changed the functions of the family Accompanying the transition iroin therurai agarian society to higlr ly industrialized one is tre mendously increased tempo of so cial 1ifecharaotcrizad by speed The home is still place to eat andsleep but the members of the family are so bwlly engaged in so many activities that they are spending less and lag time to gether as family group Dr Brown said the recreational functionhas also disappeared from the home and there is family separation in recreational activ ities Glildrcn and parents are spending less and less time to gether The consequence of this is that both child and adolescent tend to acquire their moral concupts and code oi ethics from their peer groups rather than bornahelr par ents Milk llistu Stability Conference Number if Topics Topics ranging from three deliveries ot milk per week in urban centres to bulk pickup of nuidmlik and sanitary bottl caps for mill bottles were dawned through the conventto program at the 26th conference or the Ontario mlkplatrlhutorslmoclauon held at Toronto last week Among those attending were Willard Klnzle managlagi director of Lakevmwnalry ecently reelected zone chair man of the OMDA aridï¬ermanvCauLtiers plant superin tendent at Lakevlew Dairy Mr Kinzles zone takes in all the dairies between Richmond Hill and North Bay and he is also an executive director of the assoclitlon Sinclair president of the association sparked the protec tivcbottie cap discussion when he told delegates there was grow ing demand over the put your for protective caps for milk bottles but he pointld out that it will take more than two years to produce the necesary bottles and cases to handle than He suggestui that producer and distributor coopcr ate to meet this neod He said the industry was wendlng between four and five million dollars an nuaily and suggested that an equal sum from the producer groups lumped together in an eLfort to sell milk would bring about arnadngly satisfying results Fair Profit In his address before delegates the first day Grant Carlyle of Caigarm president of the National Dairy Oouncll of Canada main tained that the dairy industry in Canada wants no more than fair proiii and hopes ltwlll not earn more than that fair profit at any time gt He is convinced that the less in lerlcrcncc the government under takes in this or any industry the better for all concerned so long as lsumdr ards cf health an cilarc and is not monopolisti During the years whcn losses were unavoid able no credit was ever given the industry for absorbing these losses Mr Cdrlyle Perhaps the most cheering thing about the dairy industry in Canada today is the extremely buoyant condition of sales he continued Salas of fluid Illllk llnd cream are up 46 per cent for the nine mnnths tind ing Sept 30 while the increase in recent months has been almost 10 per cent Increase in butter was about three per cent for the first to months of the year slightly higher than the increase in population Marmrinc production in Canada was up eight per cent in the same period lie maintained there was need or more advertising to stimulate the use of milk in thc province Bulk Tank Pickup Holles president of the Ontario Whole Milk Pruducers League stated that producers and dislributurs in the province are gradually switching to system of bulk tank pickup of fluid milk Though the change over tram can pickup has alitected only about 300 of the 18000 milk producers in Ontario producers once they had made the change over were satis fled he said Retail Price or mail In panel discussion on the first day Klnzie or Barrie chair nian of panel Snyder water loo Francis Redelmeler Richmond Bill also Cousins of Aurora and Robert Sinclair of Tomato all agreed that come what may there will be no increase in the retail price of milk arising mm the changeover to the bulk system handling oTioEz Uncertainty of weatheriand roadeonditions as the Christmas and New Years Season op prodches places mo imum burden on our delivery system and service to customers at ourzstores In order to ovoid serious conges tion of llla Stores and also disappointment in our delivery service we respectfully re quest lheossistance of our customers You can help us to maintain our sonicas by 0rd Brewers warehousinll Company Limited At the aocbnd days amen me Sproulc head of the dairy department Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph told the dele gates that the rwld growth at the dairy industry with its accompany ing changes in procmlng methods and keen competition from other food producta will require more technically trained graduates from colleges and universities in the fu ture College Relations Committee To overcome this great shortage the npcakcr suggested that consid eration be given to the cslablls ment of college relations comm ice on the dairy industry for the purpose of developing more elt lectlvc promutioriary cficrt in stuv dent training for the industry He concluded that it we fail lo act toward this objective we shall not be making the contribution which is expected of us in meeting the future needs of the industry lnPlaco Cleaning Hellman Cauthcrs plant super intendent at Lakevlew Dairy Bar rie in talking about inplncc cleaning of milk pipelines point ed outthat the milk distributors of Ontario must keep an car to the in pioneer latest streamlined meth iuwllo are Milka per cent nt thaochools in Windsor The panel rnenberx included Boeuf secretary of theWlndsor Milk Dlstrihutors Anoclation George Hick principal York Mills Pubiic School Willowdale Mia Annetta moonlit nutritionist Associated lk Foundationn fgtlt ronta and Cicely Thurman of Richmondlfilies Outstanding Statement At the closing amino the newly elected president Lyle Chapple at Chatham made four outstanding statements During the coming year con sidcratiuh may well have to be given in eve other day do livery in th lnlcrcsts of better economy and togive employees better working conditions by cvcninl out daily loads Every other day delivery is in vogue in the United States and is major cost savor Many new substitutes for dairy producls are on the mar ket and more are coming Dis trlbutors of wish fluid milk compete ior place in thehu man stomach and we must make every effort to stream line our whole operation The industry will raceoer ious problems in the coming your lhatrï¬rike it imperative that the OMDA give leadership to attain widhin the dairy in dustry the highest possibleetii eicncyso that retail pricescouid ircsn milk prices to the Piasï¬c Grocery Bags Handy for Horï¬culiurisis Nillieu llldtnul an plating powder on pack bands ï¬nality moist aphmum mos sam with rattla or string Now cut an eight or nineloch aouare mm plastic grocery bag Wrap theoquare tightly around the mass with the ends tied above and below the wound ThelpluUc mm conserves moisture at the same time allowing gases to pass through to prevent heating and growth of mold The transparent plastic also lch you see whats going on inside consumer had gone up in the same degree as other lood pric es have since the war quart of milk today would be selling at 30 cents During the twoday convenilun delegates consuan approximately loo sallons 0f flï¬h fluid milk urnmm to MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARE USUALLY tESS Thon What You so In Rent SOWHY NOT PUT YOUR REth ONEY INTO YOUR OWN HOME ima you villt our um and about urflmilrl of thin r1 hat millI Milli llnanelnn Dams quARo LTD fAlNSWlCK rrTe on Hwy 11 rhanc Collect alrnod as unwhhhfllnrhlhuIunflld arrunusual Mammnuï¬mnhmmh pmhumdhnwiwwmham meulaouwulImmmnmn awimmnynamv lnmcoucit hunt and vmm m1 my uln anna In allale auracu Dink sinm Time rayml Plan can in and meal null tumu slainjruasncilwsls lacTia CllRlSTMAS SEALS Now Enjoy all ownéréeye view the drive you Push button and GOl Itstli way to drivel on controisl The new way to sel stepoa the gas 0f thisï¬neCar 4556 Chryslci Mndsor llE idaor seiiail Have youylike soumvany others mistakenly assumed that the exquisite Chrysler is beyond your reach gt Its naturalthat you should just one pulsequickening look at the gleaming length and dramatic Flightswoop styling of this superb motorcar speaks of mansions and expensive clubs Yet the exclusive circle of Chrysler olvners is easier lojain than you might believe i1ndlzelangirlg is more rewarding than ever Youwiiidrl in unbelievablocorniort reassuring safety dad easy conï¬dence with eagerpower ready to work for you instantly You will control this new V8 power with your ï¬nger tipselect your driving range as easilyas you tune your radio with pushbutton PowerElite Fulltimepuwer steeringfnewceatre plane brakes add still more to your driving pleasure And the fiery fact of lsnowing thatyouwown aChryslerwillsgiv you awoaderful lift Ask your dealer Iabout the tru facts of Chrysler cost You hdve nothing to lose and Chrysler gal sapuonal extraoosu how Chrysler witl Oak Ari oa mutrrn