SERVING TOWN oralLu rum Acoutmror silicon smca tau MortuaryH Wraussosv pond FRIDAY Single copy FA Chicago Mu no st column Roilhirciing At Chicago BytV tr WALLS Some weeks ago the publisher decided if it didnt cost too much this newsp cl should so rt pomer with the Barrie llogiate Band to Chicago since this item wasneglccted three years ago As our womens editor had already been to such obscure places as At lantic City New York and Ottawa this your such trip did not ap peat to her So the publisher re luctantly decided to send himself My it was difficult to fear away from the quiet of this ofï¬ce and doisomc work for change Your correspondent was also or dered by the publishers wife to take her along Not that she wouldnt trust him alone in place like Chicago There would he lob of chapcroncs along to keg an eye onhim But you know that old song lwo can travel cheaper than one The homcward movement has been reported earlier in some dc tail when no report was even con aidered It is only fair then id record some of tira hlghlighls at the outward movement by the 90 people from Barrie By the time the above numlbcr got into two candies at Allandalc along with five bass horns one bass drum two tympani bells tmmbones euphoniums hassmns 70 music standsfollos=an ozcnsoi other types of instrument eases plus minimum of two pitCasi of luggase each for 90 people space was slightly at premum But not crowded mind you The CNR gave the Barrie party two fine new airconditioned cars and everyone had cause on the way home to be thankful for the solid steel construction They withstood an awful beating under heath anri at the ends Fortunate ly the sides didnt get chance to prove their metal Also Mr Mc Lean from the passenger depart ment travelled with us all the Way to see that everything was ship shape to use an old railway term Mr McLean then returned to To ronto and was to meetus at Brant lord on the way back but he must have got tired wait Tum to page seven please Barrie Bollegi Performance ermed8ensationalt Cl Dear Mr Fisher On behalf of the Executive Board of the MidWest National are Meme ONTARIO Bond Clinic wish to extend to you your band and the community of Barrie Ontario Canada heartfelt thank you foryour sensational Band presentation in the Crystal Ballroom of the Hotel Sherman on Saturday morning Dec 10 It was truly rperfeetion in every respect Three yearsago band dilectors from all over the Unitéd Canada States and Canada heard wonderful band from Barrie Itwas the unanimous opinion of directors who heard both that copcert and the concert thispast Saturday that your present band exceeded your previous high stand ards heartily concur with this opinion The tone quality intonation balance blend contrast precision and interpret anon were perfection in every sense of the word The band members were certainly all most capable young Master Musicians You are to be most highly commended on the superb leadr ership of this marvellous group Although strict and stern with your musicians as the director of any recordbreaking hand must be it was genuine pleasure to work with you Your computation and friendliness have never been sur passed by any director at the MidWest National Band Clinic Your conducting was an example for other directors to follow Kindly thank personally each of your musicians for their contribution They were not bars but ladies and gentlemen every one only outstanding band mem We were indeed fortunate to have such an excellent group as part of the Ninth Annual MidWest National Band Clinic rt The above letter can of which was forwarded to this newspaper has been sent to Allen Fisher BA Dlrootor of the Barrie District Colic late Institute Band from Lee Peterson Executive Sccroa tary of the MidWest National Band Clinic which wig held in the notcl Sherman Chicago last week attendedby sovml thnupand music educator tom all ovir the Unlicdstatesand nlsothls year by many from Canada The above letter from Mr Pet crsen answers about as well as any thing the query which alas been made by numerous Barrio preopl How did the bpnddo in Chicago This was not concert as the term is used in the ordinary sense nor was it contest There was no competition no dgcs It was rather demonstration ot what has and can be accomplished in Canada in music education in our secondary schools Unique was thé manner in which the audience were Ebb to follow in performance Practically ev eryone in attendance was mush clan of some ignd The conduc scores of each selection had been microfilmed in advance There was large screen in front to one side of the band the band played the music was screen ed so the audience could follow each line on the score which car ries parts for all instruments The Crystal Ballroom was well titled before the 1111 perform hnce ol the Barrie Collegiate nanrlr It seats abouLJflQiL and there is circular gallery in ad dition nted programs from Barrie giving the numbers some local data explanations and names of the band members were passed around beforehand Picture gt of Mendez adorned the cover The chairman was Dr Raymond Dvorak director of music for the University of Wisconsin heard the band play in 1952 he was most interested and gave cellent referencis tothe Barrie or ganization Contrary to the opinion some of you from our South may have this band from Barrie Canada did not arrive by commented amid laughter He made reference in his open ing remarks to the appearance of the Barrie girls Do you notice he said that these girlsare very Turn to page two please Having dog sled Dr Dvorak AtllsrpN Hits VACANT SEATS chi CQUNCIL on Monday Altman filled the four runaining seats on council by eleoUlm fiheregverql cine candidates Harry Thomas headcd theme with 389 votes Mint Storeypou ed 351 votes John Darling 364 on Gib Bradbury 328 Voting for the othercludfdflle Ma are ms as follow Dr Bruce Ander Ild Bookie 113 Steve Jenkins 76 Malcolm 161 The poll VIIJ estimated at 48 per cent The nitficers and council ilor the Town of Alliston for 1986 on iotlows Recife Ross Williams deputy recvfl Alderso council John lol Stanley 39 on lilrry Thomas Mint Storey iohn Dairling and Gib Bradbury Of the candidates elected Mon doy bulbHarry Thomas ondlyflnt Storey are serving on the present council New ShadilSal School Opening iday Night Shanty Buy children are being given special gift this Christ masa lmv threeroom public school The new building built alongside the old school house in the Oro Township village will be officially opened on Fri ing Dec 16 at oclock The smakcr on the occasion will be Lloyd Letherby ltfPP Warden Roy Hickling and members oi Oro Township Council will also be present along with inspector ALapp of Simon East ltis also hoped that Inspector Scott of Simeon centrnwill be in attendance Thch will be musical numbers by thequnior and senior choinl of Shanty Bay Schooljvunder thedir ection of Dempsey The new school will be occu pied beforelthe Christmas holiday bogi it will have staff of presently teaching in the 1oroacc Memnnmm native Barrie has been appointed man ager of the huge Sarnia refinery of mperial Oil Limited succeeding JljHuggutt who has been immcd manner at Montreal refin ery Mr MeMlllin was superin gtcndcnt at Sarnia from 1952 to 1954 and has been superintendent at Halifax nor the past two years Squid ciraclem Biggest Best In ColdWaien COLDWATER Santa Claus parade in Goldwater Saturday sponsored by Coldwatc Lions lub was acclaimed by oial and district residents as therlblggcst and best ever held in thisgvillage Santa nrrlvedaccompaniedby gtLloyd Letheiby MPP riding in ieindeeromuinenled float and ac tompanled by numerous mother old acting Principal it wil in sonheudsthe teachilig staff which also includes Miss Hutchinsonhnd Mrs Grace Robbins or rad brick and ccrnent block construcaon the new school cost approximately 547700 It contains three classrooms teachers room furnace room boys and girls washrooms and along hall The main entrance ls on the west side and the pupil entrance at the back The building is 105 feet long and almost 48 feet wide Designed by Architect Stuart Keyes oi Olllliu lt vwas built by Contractor LcsVBertram The schoolwill be accommodat ing nearly 100 children HISTORIC CAPITAL Bogota capital of Colombia at the northern tip of South Amar lca was founded in 1538 tn ril Martin ot Coldeatér Before the parade started car ols and Chrlstmas music pealcd irom St Matthias Anglican Church chimes Nearly 1090 bags of treats were handed out by Santa Claus to children of the district who greet ed him enthusiastically ln swirl ng snowstorm Santa also visited shutiris at ihelr homesr Members of the LionsVClub help ed direct traffic and supervise the parade and the crowd of hund rods of children andtheir parents Winning floats were ist San tas Helpers GoldwaterPlaning Mills 2nd Jacklntheon Goldwater Legion 3rd Old Time Christmas Coldwater Jr Draw winners Lions Club Calf Tornrny Bprber Lions Tur key lrarLemou Big Chute liearch IéCoHIiCillors olutlonér For folraffflc Problem Problems of Barriea traffic occupied considerable por tion of Town Councils time at the regular meeting Monday night Reeve Willard Kinzie started train of thought when he suggested that it might well be possible to fill in some ofithe waterfront with garbage mixed with fill to form To IIBarlks Announcve Holiday Hours Opén Dec 27 The charteredbanks of Bar rio have established their open hours for the Christ masNcw Year season It was announced today by Pull ll Fisher of the Buy Book of Canada The banks will beolusea all day Saturdl Dec 24 and all ay Monday Dec 26 bot will be open on Tuesday Dec 21 They will be closed on Satur day Dec 31 and also on Morn day Jan 1956 put will be open gain at to amon Tues dayhn ioï¬ï¬‚nunnu no hours thronlh 1958 Announcement was made on behalf of bulk managers Little TorontoDominion Bank Ncsbltt Toronto Dominion Fink Allandnlo Foster Canadian Bank of Comatree Barrie and Hk Bank Nova Scotia DIVlSIon Court Fouri Jailed For Contempt The sitting of the Division Court was held on Dec 13 in the Court House Barrie His Honor Judge Harvie presided Thole Vere flvecontested suits over $100 in cluding one damage action Ten disputed suits under $100 were heard four otwhicll were auto nod 02 the it disputed two were damage actionsn Twentytwo Judgment debtors were examined Four who failed to appear were found in contempt of Court and were committed for period of 10 days in the County Jail Youths Arrested Stealing Trees In Essa Twp Two young men from Toronto were arrested yesterday afternoon for taking Christmas trees from the reforestatlon in Essa Town ship on Highway no The two men were Renzo Luth itta and Louie Dalcpnti both age about 20 The arrat was madeby Corporal Art Kellogg of OPP Dis trict Headquarters parking area He suggested it would be docking facilities in the same plan in defence of his idea the Reeve pointed out that it would soon be necessary for the town to use garbage dump outside the limits and this would entail in creased costs for transport Fur ther many cities in the United States had done Just such thing used garbage and iill to reclaim land from lake or river for other purposes He gave as an example theoutcl drive in Chicago Question of Pollution His Worship Mayor Eldon Greer was of the opinion that where gar bage had been used it was sorted garbagct which would not be prac tical here other aldermen brbuï¬lt up the questionbi lake pollution by such practice vln ropiyReevc Kinzte said if onputer wall is constructed first to stop seepage no pollution will occur might state that the con struction gf this work would pro bably cost no morethan new dump out of town amber of Commeroarrrlest puty Reeve Franklin Hersey stated thathc had been connected with such project through the Chamber of Commerce believe that the ToWn of Barrie has an area which could be tiiizedto advantage both ssa ark and as parking area feeliCouncil should take nylead in this matter and setup cornmlttep to look into it particularly when so much fill is available Aiderinhn Korace Pratt said he had heard ihat number of merchants were in favorof such project andhad more or less given verbal assent to assistan such plan financially provided that the work wascarried out as an in depondcnt venture Said Alderman Lester Cooke Thething think commendable tsthc idea of takingthe money we have to spend anyhow and turning lt into an outright asetr Dubious Proposition Alderman Paddison was dubious about the whole proposil tion and declared his disfavor think if we shrt dumping ganbage into the lake wewill cer tainly be running into trouble right away dont think we would get to first base on that score would certainly not bein favor of dumping garbage aiong the waterfront possible to include Alderman Arthur Murrow won dered who would park their car in this lot in the hay and walk across the track to do the shop ping Small Lot Favored The chairman of the traffic com mittee Mdcnmn Harry Michie said that he had learned from traific experts thata number of small parking lots In town were of greater use than one or two big parking lots recent survey of shoppers had disclosed the fact that the average shopper iwould not walk more than hundred fcctfrom his car to the shop NBW Trafflc Lights Earlierin the evening Council approved it reccndation of the traffic committee to accept tenders for trams lights sxnounting ta 963 Th price will include the re habi ation ol the lights at Bur ton Avenue and Prince of Wales mhoois and the installation of ncw lights at DunlopBradford streets and Bradfordngh streets intersections Pedestrian Controlled Theschaoi lights are to have incorporated clectromatic pedest rlon controllers and two walk wait signals together with switch for manual operation to he installed in eachschool ofilttfl This willgnablerpedeslriarls to operate the lights from the sidewalk as well as allowing safety control The lighjs to bc lnstalledvat the intersection 3will beihe firsth their typcin Barrie They will be the traffic actuated type which gives nonnal flow to the main stream at trattia while allowing traffic in secondary roads to in terrupt the flow tuentef the inter section There are many obvious advantages of such system the principal one being the avoidance of un mary stoppage oi the main flowof traffic It is hoped to have these lights operating by May neittycarï¬ However the full effect of such asystemwlll not beielt uptilall traffic lights alongDunlap treet are turned over to traffic actuated Alderman Michie intimated that the traffic committee had in mind Duo to page five please