earns Qpéné Beélon February legion World Ann on rmlar moéthly meet innlCauacllonrhwdaydlut week the luv and Council join ed the MW 01 the industrial and Development Maxialien in Co munlu Hall prudn on by lied Hull 11 meeting our in the mid of plant or monster nianltlon in Septmher when Seem will has been incorporated as vi lage or 71 yearn Mr Sealeyihe genenlmln user of Ihe new ml industry hill is alerting up in Beelon addressed the gaiherlng pionuor the erection of building on the old lnill tile 35 by He outlined the leni and iii feet hlh Ind the llrlt year lhere would be Held ployment ior liximen ex plained the ï¬rm manufactured Ilaeï¬l llaorlnx the open merh inor ant lngonybridgea They have two ordmin at the Prestnt zirnglo Bolllli and Paragon which be lu dbn in Newark NJ and two docks in 11aan mmwol this workmnuld lziv been done in BMinI 1heiirm Vilnres1hat as iim uogaun and the warkpro stead they will need abdul 29 Ooodq ltoi ace Therewill be one man brought in from the USA and the other workers will he lvn irom Baelon The machin uiroody hero rand stored mourn at Toronto is supplying the steel beam or the building an all goes well the newlventuja will lie in operniion hylfzitruau indies oiriha Legion Auxi Agnivat reircshmema and the meet goose lheNaiionai Anihem IV CKVRJ THE TRUBSEE lies high above Engelberg well known about liven by other An art lei on boy Chrutammoms to the Cecilia Jamey Indian wool at Xenon was read alao fChriat Inn in Minn Report the various Macon were given the your work The allocation ha been met bales rent to Ream and Sanitarium at Gnvenhurst The Christmruo pet and lreeurill bg held at the church on Friday Dec by The Sum School children will put on short program Mrs Sampson served bounulul lunah at the close 01 the meeting he Truhsee aerial railway Palmen Group CrlllhllE Federated Parmera lroup will hold their meeting ibeconvnunity hall on nieSdly evening Dec l3 This is the an nual meeling lo good attendance is hoped ion Films will also be shown éurredin ms willLEM Am re ported ma wn also up hearthe topwiih outbreak Will and MM sues burned over fires in 21055 it is encouraging to notethat the am burnedgwas ap prqxlrnatély ll of the acreage in the two previous worst years In meeting the situation the De partment oiiiclala p6lnt¢dout that tremendous cooperoilva ellort took place throughoutlhe entire period in nieetlng exceptional equipment manpower andAnkara dgmlnds Assistance 1mm other agenclea in helping the Depart was excellent While normally green growth in spring retards the lire danger any advantage in this respect last spring was nulliï¬ed by lack of rain high temperatures low hum idity and frequent high winds in meat meat emergent conditions luring nimimiiouie 14 the portray Karl narndva was amnpéd on TV Ashlnn For 5m In spite of Hie high number 01 mm undo tunaneon Juan DIR KIM SudInd mic IHIH Fuflwzahrvrmlni wan annual in mutant addition wow and lcedlsappeared some two weeks earlier than usual hollowed by summerlike weather About midJuly series 701 dry winter sports centre in Switzerland which was once described most colorfully by writér William Le Quex per for his polished crime novels takes skiers to the Gerschnialpand from here there are several wonderful runs down to the valley and Engelberg CHANNEL MONDAY DECEMBER 12 isolur ar gather 445 Aubrey 81 Gus HOHowdy Daody 5x00 Western Theatre 630 News 640 Weather 345Snoris Tabloid 7snouyiunbardo Show 800Prhducera Showcase 980 Denny Vaughn $how 1000 Studio One 1100 CBC News mienav 11mm 13 as World Passport Howdy Dandy Weslemufheaira nan News 646Spori Lampoon 1100 CBC News Weizmann Daemon ll wank nLook 445Folk50h85 530 HowdyDoody 500 West rn Theatre 530News ilAOWeaLher 145Sporta 7001ahloid 730 Wrestling 800 Vic Obeck Show 330 Love Lucy 900 Crass Canada Hit Parade 930 Jackienae snow mm Big Town lt 1030 Press Conference 1100 CBC Newl Showing mann or the no inocyiing thï¬nder Deluxe and Pathï¬nder series for rice withtha lntroductionpl the allnew Sun 0v Bowniie CLASSIC 36 with in the gionai finals will make uB hapshetter remembered Qualifying round Barrie region Ann Dohercy Midisnd in the 19555d Molsans Bowling Lyde Davis Barrie classic wereun 011 last week or Eleanore Read Brae ridge no ladies oivision an air sex kcgl vi Austin Collingwood ï¬rs earned th right to bowl in the inn Knapp Midland Roginnalllnnis at Aillsion Jan 28 Dorothy Silverthom Barrie including nine town at Barrio Rally Hawn Bracehridge bowlers gt Bernie Lamb Drillia ileading me quoiiiiors was Min Babe Curran Drillia nle Tiuihgion0rillla girl whose me Grail Ezme liva gairiajtoioi 1m aVeraged Nomn Te namvenh mi in an excellent 242 Edna ODale Doreen Goldberg Graven Midland look runnerunvpositlon Te Hammcm Bani with non Toplonal contesinm was Elemsmim Alum Lyde pavis with 1071 mï¬eiKdxyï¬fgfiea acrxien The 139333 31 zginfgnisimnrroenno Gravenhursl righting ï¬r regloï¬ga EileenMmollenriAlliston Maureen Olimer Bracehridge riamens snuw in 10ronto Mary Hines Bracebrldge Enstern Canada champian Xmas Bass Orima ship in addition the live bowler sunning Lely beiomne rE as éfgggéug ginnl champio on piniali basis Audrey ammo Barrie Mary ingram Midland my 21 All Star team These June McNabe Barrie bva games Wm MarionVRabillard Barrie ii th ANCIENT lNHABlTANTS Scientilio tests put the Inge at iii hearm round in Nevada at more than 23860 years 3351 TREES HALIFAX OP There may be slight drop in Christmas tree shipments irom Nova Scotland the gt United Slates illislyear because buyers are selecting only the tin est of varielies said provincial forester Burgess 977 911 972 Ev so Ongo on la hols Jewell Gravanhurst Pontixcylyiiioreaenc aporkiine new models in znoLourencj 1956 Horsepower win remii onoyrpenkior Pontiac in than nah vs 205 in engine remove engine will produce horsepower withstandnrd unomimonono 17d withPowerglide whileihoraepower on the alxéylinder engine will be increased and richnessjin all rnojdeir to X48 Exterior and interior oolorcombinntions as illustrated in the Laurentian hndflnish am new brillianoa Sedan above Pay Latbrl Meet intminute upc witll npronipz lonpayiamyhen xpcnm Piiono ma how much yo upon uporovi gal lolnlin no vilit to tho om Phone cream lady ï¬loomisonmooumu My min My Fire Statistics Disclose serious Siiualion Exisled preliminary summaryoi 0n tario areal lirestatistics for 1955 recently issued by Maeke Chiel theiFofai ProtectionDiv islon discloses the seriouméss of he situation which throughout tlrl province Some 2247 lireoccurred during thepre sent yearslire oeasonr burning over an area 38550acres Lightning war the gum cause accounting lar923 ï¬res and 261223 Jams oi the dual burned info 971 Campemmokera railways wands settlersbeing next in that one Although high hazard conditions prevailed moan intended period 963 July wasvlhe worstrnonlh with 708 flru reported Cost at extra lire ï¬ghting lo Oct 31 amounted to over 13 million dollars Morohantahle umber ailecied by burning was 11075876 cu it on Crown Land and 140388 cu 1t on private land Based on Crowri dues only the value of the mer chanthble timber ammo was $1711991 Figures compiled lor size 01 tires was that 28 ilres ex ceeded 1000 acres in areaV 28 over availed V500 and under 1000 acres 215 over 10 and under 500 acres 1175 to ill acres and 801 aareand less Invutlgatlons ï¬re causeste Isulted in 108 prosecutions and 95 convictions for mmdiona it the Fire lActl No men lost their lives in ï¬re suppression 1955was nearrecordyear as Jim as number ï¬res is concerned The total at 2247 is only slightly lesé than the worst year in the Departments history which oc llghtnlng storms occurred which inalmaai every case started nunibte of lire in most inactessi ble locations Many lessons are learned from lire season such 1955 and real eiiort is being made to beneI ill by everyone oi them it was pointed out One encouraging seai ture is the act that the number of man caused are dropped hom 73 during mod to 55ln 1955 indicating that ï¬rgyreventlon is gradually getting results FROZEN FRUIT JUICï¬ ln 1954 Canada imparted over iv million gallons frozen conceaLra ted fruit Juices GENTLE VMOOSE BONAVISTA NELD GP large moose With Mandi dis paamon losingted gardens al Blrchy Cave and walked bani to the woods Visitors 20 Newmans Cove were lefl miab large lynwiere killed there Dainty blouses tor Christ mas giving Wool Jersey Dacron Cottons Tery qusï¬ttoref full of oeaunni you only no and orlécticialagrns HOSIERY All on mom beautifully boxed and is priced at iz5 256 Fur Neeipplaces ve yourohoice gift wrappodalnoe more than an ther gyiusirral Eyed Wkidye Crey Chinese Yxm Pricedjrnm