Exominer Feature SURVIVAL or When the Pilgrim hthen laid ednriymoumnocfiae hrstthin they did we to all on their knees and thenthey roceeded to on on the nborlpiri At lull that is once heard it from theiple are our neighbors end ieiiow lipsvof Presbyterian minute in sermon on home mission The aborigines nierred it were or course the Red indilns was reminded this while listening to sennon about year ego by Bishopibonnldjflgrshron his work nmqhg the almost targotten abor igines in the Arctic His messx ooimprmed me that on the spot promised the Lord that would read nve dollnra to the Arctic mission fund as hold otterlog For one thing Wu thunk fnl We not born there nod to miworu hr more thou ave drum hut 1°me wlsglhdbontltandhahu been Ichdinrnwcvee since copy or the Arctic News which How About This OddAinouni $44972 Odd umounll can be con vonilnliy repaid evenly oath monlh This plon lo paid an monihl cl $3500 monlh Ilo lust on eamplo of Ninnun loom ranging irom $100 to $1500 or more THE WILSON BUILDING Poll Oiileo So BARR lhnu If IHEESKlMos unisonh ham and under which oi the loo my on in thrihr north nose herdynnd invincible peo Cuoadians They were in this calmer before the and Jun crossed the Bering strait and thur have prehlnoric right to cltineni ship and tool thatwe hvored Clnadllnl can do to help ï¬ght gt is quiteiJ problem problem 91 survival in hi est letter 1mm thenorth the Bidi op vividly presents that problem hntory or the Arctic has the tem po orehmge been so mitt us to day rhé Distant Early Warning Line is the greatest air llit ever made and this into country in habited by people some of whom only dorty yem ago were niii using bows and arrows lodey changes in the Arctic nreso mpid that what holds true oi one month may riothe sotwo months later Tile impilcationsot this are obvious for you will have read in the pressurepo or the greatnumher or white men who are being brought into daily con tact with the Eskimos What is known the DEW Line is on EVEIW chhln oi radxr station which stretches across the Arctioto day Sonic at these notion Ire already hlvu oi industry while oihnrn are more dots on the map shuttle oervice vol plums some or whieh canur ry 2oion caterpililr tractor or mmen flles book and forth hill Ihln Irenillnz into the Arctic with thousuldl of men to deliver supplies In View this it is inevitable that some Fskimos will he em played at those outposts Being race hunters who wander at wiliin search road the Eskimo EYE CARE CONSULT Noel Stephenson RO OPTOMETRIST smrnensoms JEWELLBES ind onommsn FOB AYIOINmNT PHONE 4201 humor mm emu ammo SIM TRACIMM snow AND manners illilifliiliiiiilil morons Llil 65 Collier Si EASY BUDGET TERMSBIG mineral ALILOWANCE ON YOUR PRESENT TIRES oiqi 2481f At no time he says in the rm com WETRobert Cocanne ionoerlarmer at Altn has been prodhood the new world wheat king It agriculture wee El ilhlupionhhi awardm in behalf for $100 on cultuni Wintu air Inhilwx Hon Holmmt tn the ll near Nutn Ruinya inn hula an engraved slver tray ironi etuliyJMontrqal 11 mm viwpresidcui magma Pctry jMinsiipu ConSnenttld on hand to dispatch the have never had to labor iondays It one tuknnd do notMite kind ly io the white mens daily vand weekly lobar routine ltnd it they mexotused 111 it they wauidbr unlit to mum to the old ways of huotlng tor ind wh nithe DEWLinc is complete vitamin ii the problem or sub vivni it is conceivable say the Bishop thnt one day the DEW Line may he unnecessaryand its personnel withdrawn It istherc tore iheheuer pm at that contacts with great at white menhekepl at mum nu samv appliesto the practice or bringing Eskimo iiB patiean or hospital treatment in the south While we can rejoice that After many years Eskimos suller ing tram iBIare being cared for it is with deep sorow that those who love th to see them being brought south soy the Bishop We alireailze that some at them will never return and those who are sent homewlih the dis ease arrested willilnd liie very grim is they are thrust back into their native way of llie Itisoi little advantageto cure mural ï¬nch oi TB and make him dis con ented and unhappy or the rest oi his life The solution agglutedior that prohiemio esuhlish ment or hospitals the north but the government is sold to it oi no import nice Surely ny Bishop Mush there no questions whloh merithotion on behalf or native people Ianhie In mm iortheunelves ierkov From Toronto Norman Davis and wee son hruce oi Toronto spent Sunday with mamother Mrs Al Davis wackywiin Son Mr Susan Paul spent last week with son Leslie and family at Clinton Patient Am Mbs Mary Jack isagatn tient in lnnlswoodjLodge inrtcrCentnry Cl lrn mum attended the Quarter Century Club banquet the Royal York Hate ToruntoWednesday Nov 30 3111 made the tenthtirne that Mr Elliott had heenhruent Over 1000 guests set down time for the banquet T00 MED 10 CHOOSE IIll Glliliiiilis MENS man Sporting Goods so Dunlap st Phone 4542 Eon Edi nitJudo sincere Condolence Sympathy is extended to Will iam McFadden Sr and family in theIdeaih of his sirtt Mrs Harry Dillidas oi Alith Mr mi Mrs Fodden attended the funeral gt Groduoiion Diploma ongrntulations to EdwardKenn who receivedhis graduation dlpa lama at BBC Commute out He will curry on with his ï¬rst ear in university Congratulation to Alired Khnls whowas awarded the Kiwanis Junior Fair Trophy and olive spoon Wedding Annlverury Congratulations In Mr and Mrs Peter Yaunish who celebrated their ï¬rst wedding anniversary on Nov 27 The intters mother Mrs Frank Kot oi Montreal visited ï¬lth them in low days at that me visiting Friends Mr and Mrs Gorshom Longman and family of Allenwood visited with Mrand Mrs Clarence Carson on Saturday Mrs Murray Carson and baby have been visiting her parents in Barrie or iew days Weekend With form Henry Kanls and friend of To ronto visited his parents at the weekend HOLLY Uhrishnu Concert Dont forget about the Sunday Schpol Chrialmao Concert in Holly United Church basement Saturday at 780 9111 Double Wedding Mr and Mrs Anderson tended double wedding in Or lie on Saturday Moved To Bncebrlfln er and Queanlie have disposed at tel residence and moved to their new home in Brocebridge on Monday Sympothy Community Sympathy of the district is ex tended toMrs Kingln the passing or her sisteriniaw re cently Weekend In Toronto Mrs Lloyd Grant spent the weekend with triends in Toronto Attended Service Several Xrom this community at tended service at Burton Ave Uni ted Church on Sunday evening 4gt fodayfs Recipe Double Dilly Fish Dinners In the midst of the preChrlstmss flurry of shopping expeditions special linking and the many other activities associ with prepar ations hair the approaching holi days mullime still rolls around three times day Frozenflsli ï¬llets are big boon for they can be prepared with little time ex pended and they make hardly dent in the alreadystretched bud get An even better idea than one erbto take care ottwo men 1h almost the same wort One evening serve iendler golden pantried or baked ï¬llets aï¬cod haddockhr whidiever variety the iamin Invora but cook an extra quantity lhe additional waï¬d lab will serve as the Mndniilnn iiiiiiii nus inhumane gtIlhonng944 sronrmq do us as amino Si um gm Want yourGift to be rernembered and appreciate throughout the year Siren qsï¬bstnption aTheBarrie Examiner lordelecinbie Flaked Fish Ring the next day Combine the in gredients when you have Jew minutes to spareaud then just put this dreamy ring mold in the oven about half an hour before dinner time Such is anal dashiwlll put none stmin onybur book and is sure tomtinny Flhkediihh BID lbs men ï¬sh illlaw cooked egg cup tomato lulce 115 cups aotit ched breed crinnbs 3thlstfll or poekeh waned celery Flake ï¬sh Mlx in remaining in gradients Plaee mlxture in butV tered ring mold and bake in hot oven 490 deg ilor 30 minutes tun knife around edges aid turn oilflonphiier Fill enire with sliced cooked um broccoli Maker to in rk operate 1300 co perotive BLONDI m6 womani vb GuruT crewman mu Pm ammoncaaumvmm 6332mm mm iL emou dam DnDue TDD Muses Ann Skinhi DIDJW 4711157 IMSDGNGM ANSWE eons poms mo men as mom or guru me manner reeves wAs HA WAS same To HAPPENED NOMINATE Vou FOR cuss DIDNT THEY LIKE Your NOMINAHNG sreecng oneZliliS 104 CM ALMVS GE scrum amour Vou CANT GET MINER romeo SEE Now if was Jusr BELL in ma SYOPY rm READING You Pin ourAVSEESAR To Wiml 2414 By WallyBishop nusoviuaisoruitr TiIEV ELEglED P€EWE Jasonan