SIIOWN ABOVE IS WEAY 01 RR EVERETT Wit was declared the Wilmer of Section of the Queens Guin tion at the Royal Winter Fair animals competed in this class with Wrays being Well ahead in points his steer which MeCRACKEN the Hereford eas competi Over 50 He was en remMews Holland landï¬ll tirely responsible for the feeding and training ofthe steer sold by auctionaiter showing Simpson general manager or Copaco of pass under and then pump it out Barrie was the purchaser and is shown with his newly acquired steer All winners were James Hereford Steer Raised by 4H Club Member frOm Everefl Wins QUeens Guineas at The Royal Packers 01 Ontario ill Barrie The prize Queens Guineas steer in the 4H Club class at the Royal Winter Fair Ringwood Deizanto owned by 20yearold wiay Me Cracken of Everett has been pur chased by the ï¬rst tooperative Portions or the prize beer are being donated to the loci Selina here and Simcoe Manor atBceton announces the general manager of Copaco James Simpson it was the second time in 10 years that there had been a1 Queens Guineas sieer shown by 4H Club member in Slmcoe Coun ty Wray whose tamer Dalton McCraeken operates Dsltrnar Farms on the third line of Toss oronho Township is member of the South Simcoe 4H Beef Cal Club The young district farmer shows every sign oi becoming leading beef cattle breeder Las year he and another young calf club mem ber from Everett Charles Ireland won the Ontario beef cattle judg ing championship and came third in the dominion competition Ringwood Delzilnlo is 13 man 01d and Welghs 930 pounds Th steer was mere 230 pounds when Wray starlet to raise it last Feb ruary it was the top Hereiord steer at Beeton Fair this year and ul wastop inthe4 division at Erin Dr chaflmv Where class There were 55 entries in the plus for breeders under 21 years of age at the Royal Winter Fall in which the steer won the champion Herefords Queens Guineas It came third in the open bréed Queens Guineas class oi 180 steers it was beaten in the open loAns promise to repay or timer Willi nil noisesrills Spocinlly Lompouhdnd to nip lane on vim liver miu onusser 2s ouniou sew There were 12 entries at various breedsirorn local cal clubs Wray has been seriously lam ing ior our yearsuslnce he lett Bunting Memorial High Schoolat Alliston He is an active 4H Club member serving as president last Venr Dont wflé uuy longer quick didAral pile with medl IllenL Soothe it heail Iain home treatment 01 50 years Somalia gaprun Car or homo opolrl Shopping prII Doflor bill 550 lo slooo Loans mail wirnout Fast onuiay leivice Simple requirements Up to 14 months to repay Phone or come in today for fast friendly service WSEOW Flume eond floor phoni 5529 IARRII om boomsgluing Myuudthllllon Mliylclpn alum urinal Mirii sf hailwont Ilw all you is Its time to shop or ERSONAL Tijiiué At this mun uler deer hunt er haventumed Ill motorboat with power should b1ï¬luled out on shore or up on would in the honthouse What cold stunt ii to get tinse sling umler the hull in the icy waterand one of these perhaps the mostpictunsque at lhla end 01 Kempenleil is the Venture Ii an auxiliary sloop Med jointly byEdward Norman and Orval Flesï¬lam bolhAllan dale blule men4 graceiul but sturdy ubln omit in which many pleasant runs short and long have beeFmade and in this lakeeoun try the oppoKunitles are many To the writercame reminder the Narrows and Couehlching when the loll mast oi the Venture was lowfled mm the taber nacle torwarvli and lashed down In readiness for Lhetripry aux lllaryimm her summer mooring ON the fool mum SiroEL to winter storage on Oriilla writer from necessary because of the deep iron keel and the mast is lowered for passing under this swing bridges at Alherley now closed or the winter Another Itorst recalled in this connection Some Years ago when Art Thomas ran the big launch Edna on passenger and supply trips also lLshing on Lake Sim coe he was engaged by hunt club to go rialoh on Georgiannoy to 00mm Inlet This meant down the Severn by Trent Canal ove the marine railway just one then and north many mum up the buy rhey made the trip successfully but wining back found the Nar rows bildgw closed and were ï¬orced to unload pump water in and reload The little brown book gave aisu lhe names of the eningeers and conductors on trains passan through some oi whom lived in Alhndale when the line ran to Gravenhurst names recalled now by older residents here The record starting WithSepL ms glvesthe date engine num ber description of the train and the name the engineer On that date engines were 13 28 and with an extra mail and mixed implies Monggemenl you looked on gt can due ulgtha dgyn mire lama it isth lint Jui iicient rain will oceur up that mulknt mint will not jun udylldy injuredduriag hemp According in old timen ihe Inn has never been dry as it was during the summer oi 1055 Rolandduring October was lav oréble and many oi the marsher werebegianlngio ï¬ll with vizier Should ihlre be sufficient precir nation there is vely 109d poulhility that muslqu will move blink tour the river into the general marsh urea bringing another good yield oi rats this tall and drivers were Bell Murg ray and Fennell On Sept were two mixed and mail wrtil engines and and drivers Clark xndM Fennell For the marina other nu used were 15 17 30 and 34 For Oelober the same englnu were in use but the name Col gan was added to in engineers also Gibson sna Him Later engines 33 and ii showed up and Murray Remnnund Cum mings Trains were mixed mall extra and occasional wood train and tin average oi ree trains illin in October and in No vember 1876 in November lust cighklrains ran for the week mixed and mall Dccunbcr had 11 in week ill ilrst but only slxlll the second Week and ï¬rm Dec 18 lo 30 only eight mixed ixnins willh engine 34 with Bell and Clark Evi dently the weather played part Only 13 thing are listed for Jan uary 1877 one mail and 12 mixed with engines 34 and February wasvwoise with slit mixed trains with Clark Bell and Sheedy on engines 18 and 34 March had to tralns including two at 95 3171 had six trains but Maypick ed up wlth 15 but 11 were timber Junehad 25 New name shuwcd Benson Fitzpatrick Sprmge July had 21 while Aug ustrstcpped right out will 59 is cwn ior eac engine ranging from hall Bord to one and hail Boats through must wait toran other column daiparkhllbeen Sh nonsense11 Provincial Park Near Goldwater commm Ausumswn rugged 15 miles north oi cadmium Vern River Mammal Area hy the Goldwatervalue oMlie Denrt mmt othnds and FaxedI whm amulet all charge Ant11 wu made this mariner when Junior nnlenmigared 4M ground audrrlade progress with thebeich Mention oi the dock decide and well dug ramp affinefood is tonbe built by the Highwul department near the ZWCIIJIIIUIu lot en trance Next year gravel moth will be built and link may be estab lished to lwo mail islands near the park infhe spring of 1956 ï¬replac ufld other outside facilities will ba mated ransom feet oi shore line cleaned star has also been made on ioacre park to espeeially nerve Sixmlie lake residents it is situa ted at the boys nerih end in Bax iér dock was built this year and next spring well will be dug in places and other facilities placed There Is wooded shoreline 1800 feet New docks have been built at three ad liional campsites cleannd up this all Location oi the Sikï¬ are Island 82 on SR mile channel between Six mile damand Severn River the south and iii the Little chute in Baxter Township rind the northwest comer of bay oi Gloucester Pool in Baxter Expansion of the Severn River Area includes plans for lhe provi sion oi four new campsites each year until 1963 The sites will be atablished between Port Severn and Sparrow Lake SKATE EXIIIIHHEE mnemyoun ow our on USED on new sune ourm ccM AND BAUER CullD5 35 GIRLS T033 513 FIGURE GIRLS $195 LADIES ID BOYS WITH TENDON GUARD MZNiS WITH TBNDON Gum $35 MENS PRO STYLE nus III 041M PHD OUTFIT 8515 NOW or WELLINGTQN ml Céridlkinad EASILY SETILED Visit and browse around The Engliah Olliimi gift Shim Eilli $11212 Phone 2395 QURRYS 36 BAYFIELD 51 Collier Baylleld ll llas easy ljusl looked in the Wun you In mm Biggest ln YearsCj Quality Boost FINEST GASOLINE in tESTILLAT REGULAR GAS EVER sow PRics that yitaihhlc in each Séves youflup to 33¢ £4 yourllriendvshigs brands deliversin CHM Sun Oil Company Limited Makes Gasoline History For many years Blue Suiloco wasand blinding valué among the premiumrpricod gasolineslhem l8 months agoupon completion of Minew madern reï¬neryial SemisSumo Limited rriadiiY gasoline history by price of Blue Sunocn without reducing New in second historymaking mov Canadian Zmoto tslcmm mm for heir dollars NelliBlue Sunoco nowmtepped up an HiciiER PREMlUM OCTANE dialling hi gillit gas price gallon over premiumpriced Choose From the Blï¬imlndst liiunrui and Viiiin Christmas rds wevhavo shown in trierlyayear IN THE NATIONAL lJNE