alumnus Luxumous mutton Bum15 11m vm FINEST mini W001 ASUSUALZ WALKgRs IS THESTORE iOR QUALITY STYLE PERFECT HANDBAGS Walkers feature hundreds oi new leather or plastlc bags from the best makers which assures Walker custom ers the very best in both style work manshlp and materials used Thousnnds oi ChrlstmnStrees wlll°yleid lovely Kenwood My this Christmas Add one to your listinml youll be sure to jive pleasure FOR 310 GAMES PUZZLES aboxs PAINT SETS DISHES HoisTEn sers DOLLS poms AND MORE bones METAL TOYS Dreams scour snovms bum mucxs ETCA FAMOUS 1695 FLORAL mu 1995 RADICIEEST 1350 VICEROY 1995 mm mum cusmmis SUNDAY SCHOOLS owes BUYING IN QUANTITY mcu sArrNsanomEsrUNs MANerErrv suAnEs LOTS GIVEN QUANTITY DISCOUNT 0F 10 CEE DEEDREAM VBABY WALKERS SPECIAL NaturalNlceiy dressed all rubber OBIY 88 Walkers are showing really smart cushions They make very accept able giits See them this week well hold tli Christmas 298 398 550 MENS FANCY PYiamasa real mans zglfl nice seluction Jo chouse from at OCHARMING run cumsmnsl THE DINNE snz seediAL jrLAce cL THES You ex pect to pay at least 398 or such this SIZE 10 so INCHES lace cloth ls pretty yet very practical glit ONLY See these beauties they will solve many gift 750 problems RICH EMBROIDERED VERY SPECIAL VALUE HIS AND BEES SIYLE Large colourful towels that you will give with prlde and theyll be received with pride too TAFFETAS EXTRA gt VALUE 198 FACE ude same minimum LUSTRIOUS illiYflNiZLilTiiS Towel Selig THAT WILL ABD BEAUTY TO ANY TABLE In line son color oNLy tones and very nice designs Grand qual ity TER COAT STYLES ALLURING STYLESAND GLAj MOROUS FABRICS Walkers are ready for Santa when you seetheselo our Department this week its beautiesgyoull agree Visit V393 298 land NEWLOIINGINGIRBBESV E13Q LTED ROBE Pillow CASES Always appreciat V249 ed and with good reason Be sure to have couple of pair of these ADORABLE Walkers stocks of gltt towels are moreglamorous and colorful than ever Be sure to see them ways wlse to shop early 11 you would like ho your base pay uryou more fitting Afloat gift your wprryin about than nlce piece luggage from ADORABLE NEW cumulus 95 Vs REG 49 an 59 SALE gt wool warmly lpterllaedcoats Its great coat sale all this weekV Ypu save from $10 to $20 at Wal kers Coat Sale Its your oppor tunity to savemoneyv To makerdomfor the tremenL dous Christmas stocks Walkers are clearing forty wonderful all BUY ITfNOW FOR GIFTS AT CHVRISJMAS Discrlminating women do tinue to buy their linge atWalkers and now for dergul IV Lamasamt Select socks from the beautles offered this week at Walk ers You can depend on Harvey Woods Socks 15u 1798 Bus mention fsnmrs chLOR WHITE ONLY ized broadcloth shirts are heing offered at very low prlc ail ored to ill from very very nice broadcloth 71 FOR CHRISTMAS 11 reall ough to them Ties to su the most fastid loos dressed men so reasonablevtoo Mi 1150 All tms week these fine mercer