Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1955, p. 9

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Halleivilelpedilievtilu new are Mollwairi all present wv untedneuies menu on morning devotionsover rodio mood cm on The Place and Powdr or and we 01 the Church palmres or or wagon Mr Mcllwnin has had lengthy interest lnhymnoloxy on interest which was greatly stimulated during his student days in Emmanuel Theological College Toronto There he attended weekly lectures by Dr Kenneth Cous lnnd professor of Church History on The History And Development or Hymnolozy Ordained inltMB in St Andrews Church Toronto at the instance or the Toronto Confluence Mr Mcnwains ilrst charge was at Plumes Aiter serving there for two in the Manitoba Conference years he was called to Bond Read Ontario in the Simcoe Presbytery In 1952 he be came assistant minister or DominionDoule United Church Westmount son or Mr and Mrs Mellwain of Barrie he is graduate of Barrie Collenate Institute and attended Collier Street United Church here Because oithe interest shown in Mcnwnins talks The Montreal Stnr secured the condensed version oi his series whichls reprinted below In the Foreword at one the well known Church Hymnarics are these words yr Sincc the early days oi Christ ianity ranng glory at the Church of God has been the place and power oi spiritual song in her worship and lile The Church has come singing down the uges Through this gracious medium her people generation after genera tion have lilted their hearts and voices in adoring praise have poured out their aspirations in prayer have proclaimed the ver llles oi the faith and have ex pressed the hlgher emotions of the soul Preface United Church Hymnar It you will take the tumble to investigate you will find that the hymns which you delight to Sing have been cmnmsed in almtEt ever century men and women whoyrgpresent Zylmost cvery shade at Christian thought from all races and nations in song we are together and the Church has in deed cume singing down the ages Hymns Very Ancient Many oi the earliest hymns ol the Church are Irom the Latlnor Greek languages We may smg them in their English translations without realizing how ancient they are Some of the best known of the Latin hymns are Welcome Happy Morning Come Holy Ghost Durinearts Inspire Jesus the Very Thought of Thee Alé Creatures étOur God and Klns although thislhymn wtas egg used tini was no wrl ntil arourfii the year 1200 by St Francis Assisi Jesus Christ is Risen Today and Come All Fall One or the hestalknuwfi Greek hymns sung today is Art Thou Weary Heavyladen Thls grand old hymn was composed in Greek Orthodox monastery and the idea was that one group oi monks would sing the questions which make Ill the first two lines of Veach verse It ask Him to receive me Will He say me nay which would he answered by second group of monks in song Not till earth and not till heaven Poss away other hymns from the early Greek Church include The Day Resurrection Earth Tell It All rosdHail Gligdcning lovely hymn ch is no often heard dating from zsoran and the very beautiful evenlog hymn The day is past and over All thanks Lord to Thee pray Thee now that sinless The hours or dark may he Jesus keep me in Thy sight And guard me througlrrthe coming night Be Thou my souls preservcr God ior Thou dost know How many are the DETHS Through which have to go Lover at men hear my call And guard and save me lrom them an Luther Taught Hymns For almost thousand years with occasionai excsptious the writing snd singing of hymns languished in the Church But in thesixteenfll century the colosal figure of Martin Luther was in truded onto history Whatever 8155 he did Martin Luther wrote arid taught great hymns and he stirred up congregational singing once again Over 100000 hymns were written in Germany during this lion period Among them are old lavoritEs such as Praise to the lord the Almighty the King ot Creation Now Thank We All Our God Now Gad be With For the Day is Closing Fair est Lord Jesus and When Mom ing Gilds the Skies Tllere are two German hymns dating Lrorn the lath century much We often ring We lefi the Fields and Scatter the Good Seed on theLand and Silent Night Holy nuh But of course the lorcmaoi Reforulltio hymn Luther roll go sale stronghold our God is still trusty shield and weapon Hell help us clear tram all the ill That hath us now oertaken The ancient prince at hell Hath risen with purpose loll Strong mail of unit and power He woareth in this hour On earthJs not his fellow Gods word or all their trait and force iis written by His ringer But spite hell shall have its course his written by His linger And though they take our lire Goods honor children wile Yet is their profit small These things shall vanishvail The City or God remaineth Movement In lench Along with Luthers reiorms which centred in Germany John Calvin led the reform movement in Geneva it is noteworthy that in both places cometlanai sini ind was brought back into theJiie of the Church But whereLuther freely composed verses let his hymns thc Calvinists fell 41 only Scripture should he sung in this way the nowlaminar metrical psalms hush Various tunes were mchted with the psalms or the convenience of the people Since they must deem the words and music by manory ltwils eas lerlorthem to nssoclate tune with the numberct the psaim The tune for the modern hymn Rise Up Men of God is Old 134th This is the tune which was asso ciated with the 134th Psalm This combination of an old tune and modern words gives us one or our most stirring hymns rune Must Be Straple To be slngablc tune must be simple for instance the much Loved hymn Abide WithMe has only six notes in its tune This is one reason for its populanity as hymn even though théwordsare unusually fine Old lMth hasorlly eight notee They are oil in the same octave and most or can manage to sing it quite well One drawback to the Caivlrli insis tenceon the psalms asr only suitable words Church song was the difficulty fitting many of the palms to siflipletunesAS result many palms were hacked jand bent almost heyond sense Sternhold and Hophjnswrote the most popular English Psalter and orgalmostvlhree hundred years ipedplesang verses which ranged from the sunllmity oz The Ior My shepher to this nonsense Ye monsters of the bubbling deep Your Makers praises spout Up from the sands Vexcodllnlfi peep And wag your tails about Even yet we include psalms in our collections which are more or less slightly inane But yet the Lord that is more or mlghthy tar Than noise oi many waters is 01 great sealoiilows are This emmp le is muchbetter than many verses whichitell on the ears or young Isaacwattsin 1690 He was challenged by his been no greater hymn to break the bonds Survey he Wondrous Cross which has been called the greatest hymn in the English language The who or 18th Century Eng lish hyrvnlody were the brothers Wesley Charles and John Charles Wesley wrote 8600 hymns Not all are worthy or survival but even today the Wenieys hymns will found more lrequently thanony others in most collections and Hymnal Henry Ward Beecher sold at Charles Wesleys hm Jesus lover 01 My Soul would rather havewritten such 1mm than to Jluve all the eas ures ol the richest man on th These men Luther Calvin Watts the Wesley and others or their times whose names are not so well known me back the singing at hymns to the people And how the people have loved it Think at strong Welsh choirs sing ing Guide Me Thon Greet Je hovah or recall how the great revival hymns have power to stir the emotions and remember how people love to gather around piano for hymn sing One or the lavorltes at almost any hymn sing will he All the Way My Saviour Lead Me This hymn was writ ten 5y Fanny Crosby and it he comes all the more meaningful when we rememberthat shE was blind from her sixth year 2Aii the wayrny Saviour ledds nle Cheers each winding path Itread Gives me grace for every trial Feeds me with the living Bread Though my weary steps may falter And my soul athirst may he Gmhing rem the rock helore me La spring of joy see To give her hertuli name Mrs Frances CrosbyVan Aistyre also Wrote Am =Thine Lord and JesusKeep MetNenr TheCross Her welfoutputr or verses and songs represented almost two thousana pieces of poetry Fanny Crosby wasnot the only woman to whom weare indebted or tsrnillerand wellloved hymns Cecilia Clephune was the author of fihe Ninety and Nine and Benfiih the Cross at Jesus Charlotte Elliott who for most of herlite was an alid wrote Sweet Hour bf Prayer Just As Am Without one Flea and My God and Father whlle stray For from my home in lifes rough Iv way thesch metrom my heartto say ihy will he done who Nearer MyGod representative Dftlle Unitar fitcustom than When chitin Cé lanaiit Adams thor on Godtoiftlee The Mood 20thrceoturiel have glvenus many hymnsin addition to those which we owe to the indies Therewlk Henryrrancls Lyle and found with Mrs Card inal John Henry Newman and Lead Kindly LizhtFnther Fa bers Fain or our Fathers in our hymns we are debtorlto an cient and modern Roman Catholic and Protestant Elrhf and Low chum Cerulean From my England and America the place and power of spiritualsong in the worship and lire or the Church been the fining gloryno th Chureh ot5 thadvhlbu Mr and Mrd Bartlett Dd lie visited Mrs and Mrs Robert Prime Mr and Mrs Willard Moon and babyot Barrie and Mr and Mrs Jensen Painswlek visited Mr and Mrs mamas Hodgson Mrs Barbara Ellaméra attended the Royalwmter Fair onsaturday Nov 197 and spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs James strachap Weston Retuns To Harvey rrinee has returned to Peterborau Saint Brunswick has lulled el spending three Weeks tors John Ne home It Mrs laer Gaston men the Mllieriunerol service at verley on Monday Mrs Rich ardson mommy Richiardson Tor onto also attendéd theses ice and later visited Mr Antier Cilstou Miss Ruth Brock Winnipeg visi ted Mn and Mrsr Ernest Ellsmere during theweelr Atvlteetofyi Afternoon tea is heingrsexved ot the rectory on Weddesday Nov mphom 230 until pm auspices of St Johns Chancel Gu one welcom Oue or the main objectives 5H Club Work is to help rural youth lo accept and discharge relt Every sponslhlllty and thus reach their tuilea develop ent asCauadlan citizens lather to do better and as areault we nng From All That Dwell Be low the Skies Before Jehovahs Awful Throne God Our Help in Mas Pant Joy To The World and Jesus Shall Reign Whereerv the Sun Called Greatest Hyman These are on tree hanslatlo or psalms It was largely on gto Watts that the Genevanltrodition or jslnging only Psalms in rhyme Need money to pay ywas brokent There have Ages pulm Grunt swathnon Harold Brim all wentto attractor the AYPA Mrs Dlnto spent the melend wth relatives 33 derllnd Mr and ms Young vial ted relatives at Crown Hill st Pete WA Busor st Peters Womens Auxiliary elghbors on the ninth line met It the home of Mr and Mrs Glennldarns on Mondaynlght last and presented them with tellulu lamp hesutiiul mirror was presentedto Mr ahd Mrs Ei don Adams who are now llllnx in theirrhorno in the villa Cards and lV provided entertainment and hounurul lunchwas enjoyed Mr and Mrs Arthm Paine at tended th WhiteLVeilclLMeddinx In Oekvilie on Saturday Nov 19 and also theaéyxl Whiter Fair wnhuruyrmihc Mlnesing Women inslttute held theirannual tamlbnllht in the Noy with nearly turkey sup presided tomb huxlnesr period during which committee was usnmiflo Imngetor the dinner acting ol the Sunday School convehtlon on My Nov it the 50th anniversary at this gpnlutlon whth compri us the undqrsdxools Barrio lino Yama Glohnston resided election olgnm WLEH BC Nov 24 Duxou bonds to flora winter nun lunererun MW in prohleml on number or lama Hugh Hamilton who retired horn the Vmcouvgr police vforec ll yang05mm hinneiirmha dugout neu Jill town 20 mile east at Vancouverand ended the omdgery or wateringhls attic born not zoonu hulldwer to do thcJnlxpluo hlsolin labor or the dnithlnrtmlchel minionary work in Caiaher Africarlhe nativcrwere trcueheroua and worshipped spir its he moved totbe interior and built mud hoube she won their heartland hid great influence over them She died in 1915 and her name will long be remembered by those whom she served so faith lully Mary Nolan read letter irom missionary in Paraguay where the people are dirty end up sanitarynd surfer mm spirit ual disease letter was also read lrom Montevideo wherrChristlnns cords hsd gone She also spoke of the rally at Crown Hll wheren speaker from Korea too at their work which mined in 1392 The northern port is run by humans and nothing is known of them Mrs Downey spoke otthe great work or Dr Sweitzer ln Attica both In healing and teaching tasty lunch was served at the close by Mrs Grant and Mrs Parry The princiDlEox 4H Club Work is to learn to do by doing and each boy or girl is personally re sponsihle for proth in tanning or homemsking which he or she carries out on the home arm peg was enloyedfand splendid program under the convener or community activities Mrs Maguiro coniisted oleeorge Oli ver and his orchistm and Alt Fletcher with his colored pictures Mrs Maguire also geve several readings and as usual the evening was culoyed tremendously flu gm on rs arran Clphe and two children Ilium Soguuclz Alberta spent in rew days stft Maguireo Student Teachers 43m studentLteacherilrum To routo hachers College were in the class rooms 01 $5 No lost week urn Kingrlerry and Janice wem nflloronto for slow days last weeki Among lime attending the rah nlers Union oonterenoe ut Guelph girlcuturol chie lsst wee were andMrs arry Adams Mr and Mrs Melville Priest George Franck and FrodPearson Maia speakec or the afternoon was Claude Jodoirypresident ol the Trades and la and promlsedfthe support at the organizedriabor movement to vthe 01de lagm ovenlent delegates were horthrlghtness and pressed by the integrity or the provincial uricultuxe Mrinedthflx Laued clieull son dugout water flange with detailed lnrtruetiohr hi the coastal can he used to norc winter rains for summer lrrlgutlou and are huud and vo You must meet the child7 ten Vicar theyre out here somewhere playing Lebwtbow urea large dugout WILSON BUILDING momma sq humus Phoi the batterythatj wateronly threetinlesdyeorin normal HAVE roua aarvrur animal txem In at or VHLSE as or null roan PrestoHie

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