Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1955, p. 8

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SHOWING BLACK SllllllSTIllS WIilIIIIiSlllIY 230 pm AND CONTINUING TILL SATURDAY EVENING SHOWS AT 650 pm CONTINUOUS SAT230 lel WHEN THEY MEET IN MONTE CARLO YOUR EMOTIONS MONDAY AND EVENINosHOwsATo amp P5ARblack as theirfsinls VIRGI NIA MAYII IIEIIIIIS IIIURGAN DAVID IARRAII KPEARL 01 THE mam roof 455 cARv GRANT ALFREIIHImIIcIchs TO CATCH THIEF zwmo4 IISIl IiiIIII ARE IN FOR POUNDING PLUS CARTOON 85 rwm RIDING enemas ALSO NEWS THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAIYgt EVENINGS ADULTs£75c TAX INCLUDED MATINEEES ADULTS soc TAX INCLUDED CHILDREN ALL TIMES 25c TaxINCLUDED Iilillllllllll ENTEBTIIIIIMEIII MONDAY TUESDAY STORY OF FAST CARS AND RECKLESSWOMEN SUDDENDANGER AND GUY WHO LoVEDfALL THREE EVENING SHOWS Ar and 835pm Geraldine Will Be Shown Once Each Evening At 835 pm PLUS CARTOON ma DOG rnar calm woma DRIVING FOR GLORY Down thousand mil HIGHWAY DANGER whoth ouchImpeoflmn elmhadnt Inldhroddntwhu noun Tontum PIPER tAIIIlE IIoAYllJR 2ND COMEDY PACKED FEATIiRilV Geraldine DIG THIS DAFFY DAME STAT THIS THURSDAY cONTINuous SATURDAY 230 pm EVENING SHOWS AT 635 pm sews CARTOONS FOR Tull KIDDIES 0113118 has been electedndepum reeveal the Town oi Oriilia ital1958 and will take his seat in County Council ibr the first time aion lie was the only one 01 three nominees tor the Woe to quality ioliowiruz the nominations Nov Zl and so received an acclnrnatlon Owner at beverage bottling works he has been an alderman for three years chairmenroi therworksr dmmnent in 195455 at the January 595 raw wM Wm KW prayrmwwwrr arm ONDAY NOVEMBER 28 1955 NO Election for Wlh lmthan Immsent at In all rTownship lamination flnnjchlll on Madly Illemu ii was evident itbatgthe ratepayer Ind littie mmhlnt with the man be in which the me council ind WW attain lhe History at the previous nam lnatlgm when the hall at Strpud wu ironed and may flood out side mode lane at those who took mac then rather glad when innin nia big policurlln Cline out thil 7w stood at theth Not or Pro lion He was not there any pro active We however and at no time was there any appearance oi what might develop into bee iorall Once when Reeve William Gibhlnsxpoke in rebuttal to ex Reeve Aiianloddscondelrlrlati oi his having gone to consult til banker as soon as he wx elected did any seminee oi the previous years oratory get underway He told tiletanner rceve who had mentioned having heard that the banker mbeenconsuued that he its head of the new council had cit lit was his duly to get all the lniomtation he could as soon as he could to know just how the mun un Gehri Frank Graham Anyboy who is interestad baseball should be thrilled to rea the story at thisiamous played who has place In Baseballs Hall of Fame This Hall ofanme at Cooperstown New York where it is claimed that baseball was first started Is shrine to base halls immortals and includes such heroes as John McGraw and Babe Ruth NO hero oi baseball or per haps any sport warever more loved admired and respected than Lou Gehrig He made the per icct hero He was wellbuilt man oi six iect two with broad Quiet Hero shoulders and handsome ieaturcs JOHN CARROLL MALA POWERS mud FREBERD omva ROXY GRANADAFAMOUSPLAYERS THEATRES TrOubIe forlioliee In Making Arrests number of chargeswere heard on Nov 16 arising from disth ance on Saturday night Oct 29 on Dunlop Street East when police made several arrests under dim cuity it Four charges were laid by PC McClure OPP against George Henderson who noting anodis tunbance found thht his wile in at tempting to assist lady friend poorEcr WHAT LIOU OWN NSLIRE 5U PHONE rescue andiaceording to the offic ers evidence had obstructed him in making an arrest The accysed pleaded guilty tanpting to escape custody and air so to damage to door glass at the municipal police headquarters but rIothuiltyI to obstruction and to assaulting police ofiieer IBC McClure had his glasses pulla ed ofif andbrokenjand stated that he was attacked by Henderson and struckon the shcuider Hethen Ilsed hls batorrand wi the arrival uPC Boy Roberts of District no Henderson was alien to the police Henderson accom ut sudden darhtor the on the front entrance undrcut oneralrn rather be ly with the broken glass into whl he hadr dived He was held 13C Mo Clure andwm then tak more howled tohave the wounds dressi 23183Elmgw Ilenderson xhas dete ed EerI Myers Trvadea assertionexamination officersparticipating Evidencedor the defence am given by inCpl Live at Carl vBorde ho wiitnssed dreamt deuce not closeanough 60 know the én plved wse clvlila Oakley Parlt Home AndSchedl ASSOC ScOHIsh Night On Wednesday November ED 4055 the Oakle Parlr Horne imd School Association belialdlng their annual flmdraising project in the torn or Andrews Night Party and Dance very fine program has been arranged and for those who wish torelax games roomwill be available Tickets are available at 50 cent 1ch at the door andrduring the course of the evening refreshmean willbc serv ed Support your Home and School Association project by coming Wednesday at 315 pinto Oakley Parkfichooi roe Vter 47 nd Mrs Henderson minty at on amage flicerq glasses and otcausing unbanco andvflnedher ml costs of strutalso igr age Iothe glassI and entire diamttbance marge University Quiet and sincerely modest he was never one to play to the crowd although he smasth out terrific home runs and made daz zung plays at first base it was said that hc as not natural athlete but had to work laboriously to become great ball playur Indeed he could never work harii or too long atthe game he loved Alter he joined the Yankeesbhe made an astound ngrecord raIToi 2130 consecutive fillies Even Babe Ruth who was one 62 his teammates suggested that he should take few days oil now and again but Gehrig would not consider thisjust as he would never consider taking day oi school eveniwhen he did not feel well Lou Gehrig was ham In New York and began playing baseball on corn lnts He drst came to public attention when as boy oi 17 playing for isHigh School againxta school Chicago at Wrigley Field he hit ball over the rightfield ience Hebecame noted tor his tremendous longdis tance hits He was man who never cont plained and always persevered man of character and courage When he was boy hisiamiiy had struggle to make living and Louhelped his mother with care taking while he was going to school His parents wanted to see him get college education and he succeeded in During theseyears he never had time for girls later on when he became Itamous and weal thy he was still the same unas sInning and dependable person and he enjoyed taking his mother and lather to the best shows and res taurants Romance dld not come to him untilhe was 30 He was only 38 when he died but he led crowded and exciting life in thislittle book Frank Grar bani tells the story of Lou Gehrig simply and eiieciively Juiir Valeria story or An cient Borne by Elizabeth Gale Julia Valeria the heroine of this story is very live and at tractive girl oi 16 She is girl otgreat courage and ior her time irl with very munern out In those days isthersehosc husbands Ior their daughters with out so much as consulting girls wishesbut Julia declared that she would not marrya man she dis liked When she heard that her cousin Claudia was marryja man old enough tq be her lather Julia thought privately thatauch husband wduld not suit her The girls returnedtn Rometrom their summer home to make ready for Claudiaa betrothal and wed ding This demanded vety Elsi orate preparations How did girl get in fried in ancienLRomei Surpri ngly some oi the toms sound quite modern One evenin became suddenly iil Julia slipped out oi the house on an errandw unattended4n unheard of thing for girl in those days The con sequenes were both unexpected and terriiying The streets of Ham night the apathec rye shop there was violent fight Julia was overtaken by tall ruiiian in dark cloak who commanded her to say Pchingpiwhu she had seen and thrust package into her hand sayin she was to guard yngerrsh Icipality stood Severalflhlnrs Learned He had learned that besides loan of 540000 the end 01 the year there was an overdraft of $2000 also that the schools had not received their current requirements within $0000 Besides this it was soon evident there were many accounts which had been lots unpaid such as the oifiee furniture the township sol icltor hospitalization accounts Essa TUWTISIIID school board truck or the iire department Barrio District gnuimmoral levy Culverts were ordered and laying around on the roads and many other smaller accounisshowed up as the year went on These he claimed would make total pi about $100000 He stated that all these had beenpaid trodthis years levy with the exception of the sur plus oi $3634 which was allowed loi insetting the mill rote Bililk Belnae Shown With over 28 per cent oi the taxlt es collected thae were in at this time last year we still Show bank balance $161557 Reeve Glhblns stated and when the taxes come in as we hope they will before the end otthe year when the added penalw ismLwewillpnyuttourbankloau andfhavdamauaibmrphmaa Theredoes not appear to be any likelihood of on election Tom Cook who was nominated for noun cllI summedup the situation as one of the last speakers when he said Thisllas beenn good council this year and hope they do well an other year know the people who put me our last yearand some oi them are very people Those Nominated The list at nominationswas as iollows For ReeveW Glhbins Allan Todd Spmuie For Deputy ReeveW Camp bell Blythe Monkey DI Sproule rot CouncillorsFrank Benitom humbell Cochrane Frank CowanI ram Cook For Area No School two to be electedlMrs Robert Kell William Alters Frank Ken missed Stewart For Area No School Board going tOCOiumbla three to be elected Francis rane Lloyd Booth Bruce Wice School Boards Manhers oithe school boards did not domuch talking other than pre senting their statements Francis Crane took the floor when themat ter of 1954 levies oame up and the secretary oitthait boardwas accused oi Iliaving made too high levy Mr Crane told the meeting and the members at the former counctl that theflault was nut the boards Trustees had merely given the township the entire amount they would require Willenth was made this was taken who the trusted require ments and the general levy to cover teeobers allowancis was made over and above this It was lucky We had that sur plus however Mr Craneaaid The auditing took so long that it was tllc end of July before we could getany funds ior this year and ii we had nm had that surplus to work on We would lave been in stairway He said that this years levy ould also leave asmall surplus He told oi the additional rooms that were odnstriscted this ymr and slid that the mom added at Crawford School was hill now and there was little doubt bu first more space 1956 up Held at ChUrchIII werenhlne mu 91 hutweretoidltutitwutaolatoto tam uirflm wen wns ereq em muqbythebuL ju WGilbinswutheflman didrte mawuncilotficebmak CierkAliehlretonlctcdaaohalb man The reeve wem right into are school surplus and ieit that the cut in the levy this year was equal to the Iddiflonnl hind they raised the previous yearin error He told oi the busy year his coun cil had put in and even tonight at tu the nomination meeting there was the welder3 banquet to attend we are your SEW la and are ready to answer any qumions in anything you wish Reeve Gibbins said He went into the ditfeient dcparltmemn at the township He told oi his claim to have portion oi tines levied for liquor and high tfiy brachm returned to the town can mre you that we will have these to help to cover the ex panses oi the policing the town ship which especially during the summeris big 36b he stated The department in Toronto has acknowledged the rlaht oi the claims and as soon as adlustlrnents can be made we will receive these iunds He stated that it would appear that ii Barnie should become city during the coming year it will be required to mke overa large por tion at the townships adjacent to the town so that they will have roomto develop both commercially and residential Might 1m Portion it might be that we will lose portion oi the north land of the IlawnshlpV he printed out He told oi having the auditors set up com plcte new system oi bookkeeping and this had rsulted in an auditor being enabled to make check in one day now to what used to take them our days that there was only abou 30 per cent oithe taxes paid by Nov lthls year compared with considerably more time last year There are ample taxa outstanding to clear up all bank indebtedness he assured County Ronda We have $22000 assessment tor county roads of we have about 15 miles HeaveGlbbins Sid it was irisvhope that something would be don so that hard sur acedmadvmuldextend across the wwndlioho Highway 409 and this when theMgt 5qu over the road between 400 Cooksth wouldleave paved told in His way and itwvnuld rellave the township loads wwtrom iotoi extra summer traffic He wanted to get the piece oi the 8th line tak en hack into innisfil 5mm againr made countylrasponsibility We must be tolerant and serve to the best oi our ability would like to carry on again next year as there are manythlngs thatshould be accomplished such ssvpianning and deveiuxmlurt conflnitlee which is needed to regulate the isst grow ing districts he concluded Road Report Spyroule nominated for reevelaud deputy reeve and who was theohairman oi roads during the past yeor stated that they had an appropriation of $105000 this year our rvads This had been rais ed from $123000 alterjhe firstbud get was struck He gava details ofthe many bridges that hadto he replied rol lowing the storm during 1954 He told bi unexpected expenSes on the ilth line when the grading and till was being done We built much mere expensive road than we had contemplated he said but we have One otthe now HOWING RESTRICTED PROGRAMME No ONE UNDER l8 YEARS ALLOWED ADMISSION fWiiYWlilill WIPE Also FULLLENGTH FEATURE OUTLAW WIFE lliliiSill noTESj Cannot Haveyour Coke And Eat It This remark was passed ln Innis iil council when ratepaycr claim ed for having to dtxlroy fleet whichladbeenchasedbyadogin to lease and broke its lu The adjuster had allowed Gordoh Henry total $130 and had not Wted the allowance ior the meat which was usable and had been placed in locker The re port was returned to the nlualqr William Little tornakc the correc on Mr Honrytold the chief oi pol ice who was asked to investigate the matter that he ielt the act did not require him to make allowance for the mat Owners Bind the persons who harbored the dog are to be iaccdwith payment oi the claim which is also clause oi the act Bottle Tops Gloss Dump In Lake Mr moiManor Nantyr Park told council that sitter car had been Seen to drive to the end the road and carry out baskets of bottle tops and othec wast includiru glass he went to tin ewhatnhad been dumped police were called ediately He cla that afj to ngnewn or anyg particulars tram him if phon Reeve Gibbihs and anotber weckeldpsedan til no thing was done He operates store and booth and lelt that unless the trash was re moved hewould be accused oi hav Ing clumped it in the lake Chiei Blogg was called and stated that enquiries had been made but as the license number had hotbeerl taken they could not locate the party Mr Hoqper claimed that had last action been mken when he phoned the oar could have been picked up then No Action Was Token wads sibility to look after any documents placed beibre council LWas bet clock by certain party that we would hotg$ the lights Mr Hooper stated Appor ently he knew how to win his bed file claimed it would be impos sible at this time oi year gig ram other lot of signatures and that it it Wu left until spring the work would not be commenced in time to bc oiuse next year Burr who placed lance in front oi his property near the same beach said hedidt not put it on the road intentionally He would his quite agreeable to move salnewhen the proper place could be determin ed HI was told that iron stakes short distance away were to be seen Pil Run Gravel On Lower Siderood tender to place pitrun gravel on the 25 sideroad between the 9th andmbh concessions was accepted from Melville Browning at the lute at 10c per cubic yamL inchrding the price of the gravel Brush Removal Al DangerousCornern An account was submitted or relt mmlrot brush and clearingoutfit corner on gt sidewall when ammuniedtn total or 3135 lfhis was ielt ID be exorbitant How ever chevronr was done by day labor and unless boo much time was placed on the account it could not be reiused payment RoNantyr Peri on I954 Mr Hooper also that dur ing 195 he and billets had dhtaln ad the signatures on petition to halve the district street lighted llhere had been about 30 signatures arid Vthepotitiorr was placed before the reeveat amceting lgl Strand Since thatt done and the petitionand the ap plication hadbeen last Search oi the minutes did not reveal allyac tion the clerk said he remember ed the prasenhtion oi the applica bestpavements thatcan beoon um strutth now lhis cost us$13330 We have kept down the tax rate even though we have had added emenses Our road supervisor Mr Cowan has worked very hard this year and has gven us wonderful results we ont get toornuoh snow he may have chametb winter to rest ups bit Campbell Campbell who was also nominated ibr deputy rceve as well as the count told of his steward lrman oireliet police and the fire depa exit He gave details at the iir mendad and stated that the police hadoper filled at about 406 cents anlilev which covered all expenses includ ing depreciation allowance We have not ma on reliel he told the meeting but the poor always ith us and we have to some charity which aslast reduced by br uttfizg by maining member oi the 1954 coun eil stated that there was DDJEMn ointed out rh park cost $13000 and this year we had surplus of bout $12000 made final pay ment on theparl toilet system this chuthirlg had been should wear glasses too find the lessI see of Joeth batten DERII 0F III Counciilor Oarnphell the only re year or $400 which was supposed to have been paidior previously ankBeatty Ilank Bestty em council to spak said the was Iheemafiboy around He the chairman of education and did not entailth work as the soltool boo ere so efiti rat Iy bandied He mid thatattire risk of getting his inhaling he was of the last oithc pres really Misteryou can YOUR lire better downstairsi must be SUIRE of his WC Aild KYOUR FIRE INSURANFE is enough tovcover 1odays costs to rebuildperhaps you can be 11 11 chaiilnt ioo Does oi these men wh areheadsoi mn would herequireilln untm BOW area Hefid that when the iownshl budgetrwas riubllshededor 195ml marinara told tile council thattliéy these threats to get the package This led ishtiul person ID we danger her and others into grave At the sametime it that her tstherhad chosenas her us band ayman whom she hated whorn she suspected as in in apiot again her tail this tin VYDll except Quln andx any other ould ith

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