sorcery roe FURNISHED ults Phone £5132 LABGE furnished mom App Ml Maple Avenue 15134 15 LIGHT Housekeeping rooms Ad hus nl no in TOWNOF mm Dfli WARM lumidaedbed ed like mm or bewh ultlonly Phone Phone 3902 BEAUTIFUL ll room apartment unfurnished Near school Gauge 15133135 uiet em BEDROOM heated uhlurplshed in Stroud apartment building Available Dec Phone 15135 FURNISHED heated basemrcnt roomprivate toilet use ol wash ing machine Side entrance posssi runmsmalj bedslit Central location Phone board Central Phone ROOM heated apartment avall able Immediately Phon 153135136 APARTMENT wonky Street r11 lrolsbed Phone 44877 l5 15134 3547 1513st BEDROOM house 3piece hath Phone Wasaga Beach gm 5m $100 2190 ROOM Hausa 50r18 iness gitL Separate ba 2734 homo Bu East 5082 near ill Siam St IE 21 VC mp lsIsllas FURNISHED worm bedsitth room with rcngettc Central Phone 15134138 5135141 BEDSitting room with kitchen ettc stove and refrigerator Phone lslas ATE uniumished mods ern dlï¬fléx Available Dec kghom 155 ROOM Bungalow Ilmostnew lor $90 Phone 3689 in room 3255 1513543 ROOMS Single and double with 7811 with nagette rink and rdc Privfle entrant blocks Ahom Five Points Phoo Mal lsls ROOM winter cottage it Mlnets Point pace bath hot and cold water all heat Phone 342w Shelburne between 530 and um STORE hiss lloadLVBaIrie Close to railroad and several indullliï¬ ston Decal Ph 151M15 905 NICEY lumlshcd singlefroo sultab located also2 Earned unturnhhcd apartment Johnson St Owen SL Phonemic slas partulenllln our very Adults sic hers businem couple grï¬erred lad Bayfleid 134135 5ROOM lumlrhcd mount bedrooms coinplete bails retrlgcr Pmion atomelectric erCentral Nu th Wasaga Beach Reasonable Phone Elmvale 15135 ROOM FOR rent suitable tor bur Phone liltltt Gemin uhilclren pets stlincrr App Box 33 Barrie Examine 151 HIGKWAY Midhum Sta tlon room hou nl peat run ning water close to ore $45 pel month to responsible tenants Phone 3461 mm to pm 15l35lm ROOM House new well insula ted near Comp Borden close to school and churdl Reasonable xcnt twice monthly Available now Ap ply Mlller Store Brentwood Phone New Lowell 9027 15135 ROOMEQ House In bert Ont HOOMED furnished apartment Thornton Burns 51 References pp 15135 newiy decorated separate entrance Phone 3140 15135136 ROOM Apartment vturnished 10 can cou le Centnl ultable 5135 Phone 4307 MODERN room house Immedi 585 per month ate possssion Phone 2735 ROOM Apartment in apartment central building Modern Phone 3364 one minute from Fiv Phone 3634 FURNISHED Bedroom tral1VApIpl 15 me islsslas OFFICES 91 Dunlop St is in Ross Block Phone MiaApply zls Dun 15134135 penlelt Drive ion St East DARGE comfortable front room 15185 in $80 15134 COMFORTABLE lurntshed room Points 15135136 bed or studio couch Apply 14 So phi St West 15134135 monsoon xoomb1lngalowl with Pnssessmn 15135 garage in new area Nov 29 Phone 2909 FURNISHED Bedroom central Near post oillcc Abstain 15134435 BRAND new modern bedroom bungalow Available Dec $90 pe 5134135 apartment Ers Phone 2740 month Phone 509 ROOM tarnished heated lri and stove hot water ec rlc 15135 oil heated Phone 2902 SINGLE furnished room ln new private home Privileges if desrred 115133135 BRIGHT unfurnished next to bathroom 15135 193 Duckworth St ground floor Apply 68Cumheriand St TRIPLEX or possession Dec 15 Apply McKenney corner 15134135 nistli and Victoria SIs AfARTMENl unlurnished room and piece bath Abstaincrs 114 Blake St Phone 3704 15135137 UNFURNISHED rooms separate entranceprivote bath heated Ap ply Box 28 Barrie Exa 15134135 ROOM bungalow In Stroud IOn highwayfuiiy modern immediate possession Dwight Nelson Stroud miner rooms in SELF Contained modern apart ment rooms and bath electric stove and trig supplied hot wll lcr boobed Close to bus line Available Dec Apply Northgrava 4e Nelson St or phonle 33 151344 ROOM BOARD ROOM OR room and board Cen tral Apply Robindale Inn 51 Blake St Phone 3741 lZJlllt CLEAN brl ht room Board il desired Cen ral Gentiemqn pre erred Phone 6565 l2135137 HOME away from home tar eld erly people or pensioners near Sunderiand Phane9018 New Low ell 12135130 ROOM and Board or gentleman Feywminutes lrom down town Pack lunch it desired Phone owl 12135138 rnoéelmr WANTED HOUSES WANTED cash wlshlng to purchase bed mom homes1centraly located Czlll Mr Freure 2451 RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LIMITED 19 CLAPPEETON EllRams 33135 HOMES WANTED We have lamllies Iron Toronto and Hamilton areas wanting to buy homes in Barrie and distr some with all cash For nhden tial service call Barrie 2413 and one our representatives will be glad to assist in selling your prop er GORDON SIOUII LIMITED gt Final Estate Brokers Aurora Barrie Orlllia Oakville Thombury Sundridge Haileybury CANT FIND what you rel GORDON STOUFJ LIMITED Real Estate Brokers Dunlap St East Phone Barrie 2413 anytime 31131 15134135 3600 SQUAREFeet ol Warehous lng Heating facilities CentrallyJo catcd Apply Box 34 Barrie Exam 15135 room apart merit heat hydro and water sup iner WISHED plied Laundry tubs in basement 15185 Phone 3957 apartmént Stroud 48 Phone 4059 Vesprn lownsbi FULLY INSULATED three roamed house and garage slain Concession See Mrs Victor 151291351 ROOMhouse modemrroom eated apartment private bath on Bowers trance Garages Others Phone 2123 PURNISHED heated appr rooms and kitchenette Phone 2339 WINTERIZED Ttailer with hydro Sleeps tour Apply Charles Swat Alliston nnd rangette Adults lleld Victoria St East glece bath Pho inane 512M See th AUTOMOBILES No DOWN PAYMENT Bring in an honest lace on any one of our Av Used Cars Bradlocd Sales and Service Phone Lou Robirlson Bradlord 95 or Barrie 4855 18132138 BuyingorSlelling We onance late model cars and trucks Very reasonable rates With complete insurance STEVENSON ALL was or INSURANCE PHQNE 5201 prom 15135137 lslsglaa WELL fuillislllillI modern rooms and Jarl to May Phone 2214 tment with lris Abstainers lslssias 54 Austin 3730 door 32 Nash Rambler door 51 Prelec or surnames nel Truck or Abstainersonly 715135137 ROOM lumlshed apamment sep araté entrance hone Saturday 5215 HOUSE Garage rhecting All too ply snarling or In 301 Barri hou weelrl mes cell contained Ls 15135 Snack Bar Oil iiities Angus vIALI MOTORS as lolsllss FREE Bedroomand use at rest at to young couple who will look after children during day Boxa BarrieiExaminer 157135 Moons FordCoachlP sta er tiresMn Ph asarlz 13135 Hal15 Suitable tor any business upan le or one person centrally My We have waiting clients with some ior Chances arewe can help Phone 241 rumtions FRAMED TRIMMED Alteratlohs Repairs or WOWANSHIP FREE commons inch 6403 orrie 5135140 we canspLVEyoun HEATING PROBLEMS 24 Hour 011 Humor Sales EcService ForccdAir Furnace Sales and in stgllatioosr gt lnstallatloiilunderï¬lHA Home im 99WP or aepnlrs and cleaning all types lum aces and burners gt GORDHAYWaanTLNq JIQORNJON comm NY on 5131135 FERGUSONREID Floor Servicem TILE PLASTIC WALL TIL FlRSTS 99c ad foot LINOLEUM FLOOR TILE no per lile ALLrYPrsmonas WALLlI upon 515ml FREE ES Am BOX 53 BARBIE Phone 2613 Barrie lflru ivy L11 seccmmzan TRIM WORK ranth HOUSES comm accessnon ROOMS BUILTIN CUPBOARD REMODELLING PORCKES SHINGLING MIME SERVICE BRUCE CAMERON BUILDER VJIShone 6BZ 571 muslgoKA Wm DRILLEBS COMPANY Wells drllled and eased by licenced drillers INQUIRIES TO BOX 89 Barrie Examiner or Phone 2654 Orilli FLOOR COVERING Armltroags Elam Coveflnl Picnic Wall Tile Intends Supplied llid Jamel Free Bennta WOLEENDEN Zld Torollto St Phona 5135 gt PAINTERS Getyour Chr tmas decorating done now Free estimates DIAL 5030 513221 COLLECTIONS No collection No charge Credit Bureau of Barrie Phone 4152 as Mary St 5ll2u WELLS DRUG TLED OLD WELIS RECQNDITIONEJ Concrete tiletor wellscu1verll and storm sewers Weeping tile SEPTIC TANK UNITS MADE INSTAILED Air complessorvvork comm Edirs roe wmrm WORK Whitney Concrete Products Amer hours dlnlms Orlaln to business lnteresisill ment EPLETTS ELECTRIC SERV CE stock tor must so once PROMPT SERVICE ON ALL APPLIANCES l4 ounlop Street East side entrance gt DUMPTRUCK lor hire witb driv er Phoneroafl 57110 mogwnma AND us Stenozrlpby Barrie 3min all en es Toronto 5L Barrio Planar EllYING sellln ndobility ca 112G011 lfll rLIIiflTED Real Estate Brokers Duxllopst anytime CUSTOM Colllbmlnl We are full equippedto docustoln comblhin New 12 jggully com lete wi Headde ousw for $101111 115911 maintained 1ll room or recree on room modern painting to givenfhforupinlbrmctim 01 winnin 1331 Phone 156 ENDERS TENDERS Follbuildlng site Lot use Excellent Junction not neces 2629135 0065 an stocx 5me Phone 115m aokstown BOXER Pups Christmas orgins Phone 18111 Huhtï¬iile ris Bd whldd Viv1351 SCONJH Collié purébred male black and white Appl Gerald OLNelll phone Elmvale £114 33134135 CANARIE Singerc 91 Hens $186 Babygfludglesr ges Alri con violets 147 colprspflame viol eu Mrs Ago 33135 34 FRUIT VEGETABLES COOKING Apples Spy andWalls mm 150 and $1 bushel rlook 27 so Vincent st Barrie Phone 4031 aolaslss APPLES Snows Macintosh Belle Fl ur Spy and Greenings Low as $1 Dclivcry extra Ottaway Form north Pcel St Phone 3733 20135147F SNO wApples golden russots tol man sweets northern spys 75c bushel Picked in own containers at barn Phone 801r4 Howard Gill Mldhurst 20135 CARRDTS and Tomi excellent or winter storage uy by the bushel and save Will deliver HiliLrILit Gardens Phelpston phone Elmvole 57r 20134138 FARMS FOKSALE GORDON STOUlT bounce Real Estate Brokers Dunlap Street East Phone 2418 Anytime BEST FARM VALUE IN iNNlSFILTOWNSFlIP 100 AcreHllï¬wflerms available Near Lelroy 1mile rpm Lake Sim coo Owner really wants to sell due Barrie First class stocklcrm Lar 10 room stucco house with all con venlences includin coal Iumoce Barn is 40x80wi stone found uthnLnaling mrnï¬ï¬‚lunhed 413 main barnL shapedBax Ever runningstream hard waér wells and huge soft water cist erns 12 acres seeded to 1511 wheat 25 to red clover andallelic 90 acres plowable 10 acres bush pasture Thisls good workable fann pric ed rlght GORDON STOUTT LIMITED R951 Estate Brokers Dunlap Street East Phone241s Anytime 8134135 RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LIMITED l9 CLAPPEETON STREET REAL 3001 EU $16800 rull price lot this exceptlouplly good farm 100 acres good medium loam born 40 xillo wth new steel cool water and hydro as acres workable15 acres good bush Has storey house with bath room and modern kitchennew lur nace Access to Highways 400 and ii Located near Strand Cali Jock Leaney Mount Albert 20012 or leave message at the Barrie Oll ice 2451 IN SW FARMS $15500 full price Owner retiring acres olgood soil good barn 50 70 With water driving shed chicken house broo der house ran shelters and equip all ldings in very good condition This price includes cattle 500 laying hens sows with litters 40 pigs all grain hay etc good Ford tractor plgughs cultiv ators wagon manure spreader drills and otheeequipmentï¬oo num erous toI mention Seven roamed house ln odd cond on Good slze garden will all types at berries Located about 50 miles north at Toronto mile tram payed high way CallM JackLecney Mount nib resent Eleavcra ossglgctat theBarrie 0f rem2451 FLOS TOWNSHIP $11000 Sqilare 100 acres Medium soil Near Highway all Good room house Large wellsAboul $7 dough Cal Mr Freure 2451 SMALL CHURCHILL FARM $9200Full price £54000 down payment lerll rnlles Barrie insulbnck house waterantlpres sure system hydro small barnnow setfuplorachickensï¬Cdll Mr Jack Lesney Mount Albert 20013 or leave message at the Barrie Oll lce 451 ConsulrRIdouI ONAluLliEAL asmrm WheihErgBuy igdrSelling RIDOUT Farm istlngsPih 2413 SWHHJEBI all £1314 5males $2 each Tolonio Jodie elmring it the sic flaw wuepcw loin len enily eltio be the lowest In the world rounxv month old Apply 33 Strand phone 11155 NEWFPS Islhe Yurlmw 13 is jam Pu Fag coll App Thomtam fARMEQUWIiENl MBION 2row PTPDIato Duet nearly new put at season and save money John Bean Potato Harvester and one months old Winter RR row 0K Chem ion Diner to eth er unit oculdarr Parish On ow ario 39135137 snow MATCH SATURDAY Dec 19 or gen mgqiresscd turkeys Ilthe rm of Lynn Russell on the ard Con cession Vdspra mile east and mile north of Midhurst Village or miles straight westrot Dalston 12 shot gun only Shells 5921 12111 IM1351381404 Accommodotion Wanted 45 ROOM unlulinlshed house in Barrie Respech couple with children Phone 885Camb Borden 1141357136 0R ROOM cmnent with bath and heavyvv ng Contact Corporal Legault Barrs Motel Banish 1134138 OR BEDROOM house wanted in Barrie or district unlurnished tor tamily his Reply to Box 29 Barrie Examiner 11134135 == PERSONAL BEAUTY Counsellor Christmas gilts priced lrom soc up May be seen on Frederick streetor phone 3115me Prince 8385 301281 CHAS SIMMONS Marriage Wel are Agency Oldest in Ccaadccan help you contact ladies land gentle men interested ln hecomin mar ried All ages occupations 11 Dickens Post Ollice Winnipeg 3013544 IF CONSIDERING mlrlilfe con was Wellere Spec alist biahed 1906 Over 8000 on andpcormarried ready Scru ulous secrecy Sim mons Box Dickens Post Ollie Winnipeg 3097 DIED SONSilddenle RS re ult or an accidenton WEdliES day Nov 23 1955 Mansï¬eld Harmon in hls 44th year He lovcd husband at Vera Fortune nnd dear fatherIot Marion Dear brother Betty Mrs William Rejve EleanerMrs Wylie Sou them Olive Mrs Robert Cready and Norman Resting at his late residence Fennells Colhers till 11 lamv Saturday Nov 26 then to St Peters An gllcanChurch Churchlll for service at pm interment ad joining cemtc Cflket will be open the urch ram pm until tlme at service Masonic service ROBPINSAt his home 30 The Pa lsodes Swansea earéy Tues day Nov 15 1955 Yril 53rd year early beloved hus band or FrancesVDawson dear latherolpr Harold Robbins ol Cochran dear son at William brother of Harold of Port Cre dit Edith Mrs Ross Pierce of Toronto Mar aret Mrs Ralph Cantin of amiltop Interment Park Lawn Cemetery Nov 17 SHEPHERD3A1 Sunnybrook Hos pital Toronto onThursday Nov 241955 John She erd beloved husband at Mador Lemon and dear father Shirley Joyce Margaret Rose Andrew Teddy and Jacki in his 46th year Rest ing at the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie Punoral Juice Saturday Nov26 at Camp BordenAtmy chapelhr pm term Bar rle Union meter AUCTION SALE Of Cqflle gs Implemen HoylGrgilb The undersigned has received instructions from BRUCE JACKSON to sell by Public Auc on at Lot 23 Concassmnj TecumsetlrTillp in Lot Westol No 21 Highway on TUESDAY NOV 29 flat pm rllc renown cams Holsbein Cow bred ly in IloMzinzC red1uiy arc2w 723 Holstein June Thy Cow brev Hol steinCov bred June 28 Durham 1June 28 Holstein Cow tu ow Durhanr cow bred June Durham Heller bred June Durham Heifer bred Aug Durham Steers 10 months Durham Steer monthsvold Herelord Hellers year old rham Heller year old ham Beby Best Steers Simonths old thdFSa Sow Yofkshlle Sow Yorkshire 50W Yorishire Chunks3 IMPLEM Caseg gt liflliwideé Manure loader Seed orator Detaila Mailking Mach no Robbins organ builder in his on Miliehlflu Ilm tori ital Barrieon 1955 HandEu Ktith Ha can Royal Vlclorlc Hospital Barrie on Nov 24 1955 to Mr lhd Mn bklter Hutchinson ER 00 intijon daughter Margaret MCPADDmAtthe Royal Vlclt toriaH ital Barrie ion Nov 1955 Mr and MI Willv Illn McFadden 379 Shirleyl EAt smuord General Hospital on Nov221955 to Mr and Mrs Fred Pearce Applications will be peceived mam chief consul hi slingshots inorcssi ed uovta 12 ocloc camber 2353 or plflLImedlItifl AP to or to Townshi Villa 10 32 our ï¬rm mm yincent St SouthSiruilord daughter SWOUXNAt the RoyalVictorln Hospital Barrie on Nov 195510 Cpl and Mrs 11 See gauln Angus sonllaymnnd Antth STEWAR At the Roya1Victorla Hospi Barrie on 24 1956 Mr and Mrs emn Stewart 141Santo dc son Richard Jenny WilcoxMr and MrsVitor Wilcox Knee Frances Bel Stag Hill Drive1orcnto Jlappy to runounce the crrwaitot their son John is on Wed rlesdayliov 955 at St Michaels Hospita TWWWWMPYWBHY Flght ln Midland Dec 7Electlons There wiu be twoway vflght tor mayor In Midland this year Last years deputy move Mel Hol den will oppose Mayor Charles Parker in the Dec elections Two other possible candidates nominated last night Mc Cullough and Charles Oniey PT ccntWard aldermenwithdre dormer reevo Tayl ay nun against Reevfe Keller At the preSent time it is douhuul it he will run Candidates have until nine oclock tonight to quallly Percy Cruwtord Izthird nominee for rceve withdrew at the nomination meeting Mr Crawford is remaining in the running for the deputy reeveship where other candidate visMid land Fl Press Publisher Cranston William Wilcox nominatedwithdrew Aid Clinton Smith received an incclanlation In Ward In Ward tonne alderman Ossle Downer will oppose Cecil Moreton Ald William Logan was give clemation Ward gt Ald Cherie posed by William Wilt 3mg on shoutand Tendon to tuel nu lor the muni cipal buildin to commence Jan uary lst the undersigned up to nday No mbel lath will he received by pm Tender wllbe torthe xu plyol all luel oil to the and if In the public utilities unlmis slon election with two tabs elected here sre threecandidates OuFL Smith Alex Macintosh and Jams Mackey Tim Nesbitt Harold Wii 93 Dr John Corcor rbceived acclamationaspub ic school bps trustees There were about so outllor nominations meeting Nenb candidates were nominated one more than last year Belohe the Second World War Britainexported coal to Canada Now with British mines socialized Canada exports coal to thellï¬ited Kingdom and Rosie Robbinsol Woodstock sotborough that suilerexa mad astonishing statements like Piiu baveceosedtobeaproblacnl he secret is cpw sheeting substance BioDynodisoovory institute muons mutual bstanae in suppository or ointment Iorm called Preparation Ask lot it It Bil drug stores Satisfaction mind or money refunded from uns up no Town Hall current ng reason ni maudm Town clerk 134135 BUSINESS Wlhles to acquire an Interim ln on estbitched Burrle retail bulinuls Molt be II annull TEHDERSFQR TRAFFIC LIGHTS Tender nlill be received lor lete installation of various illhsls in tth Tgwn at Bar 17111 on weal ber 1955 at the cleryks ottlee Full particulars plans and specul tlgn may be obtained rpm the er STRAUGEAN Clerk 10 ot Barrie Illn 10T lllnllllls lay lumen flown Norm Cow Fed my Best For0rth Pin its best to start orphan pigs on Purina Nursing Chow in the dry form cverl though may squeal or appear to be on starvation strike belare starting to eat Many lecders are tempted to start orphan pigs on Nursing Chow mixed as grucl Our ex perience at the Purina Research Farm shows that this only creates more problems since the liquid rattan creates chilling and snnl lotion problem and pigs also re aiion that isopentlrlzct proï¬t but would benefit from cddltlonal driveand oa pitlL Apply Balk Barrie Examiner Salim than mom reasons or lulomenou £31911 Oanlnnor at Coop or even Anl Mc CIuskTe will Gilmore 2785 rushnf Lets talk about yourchicks EARL this year sistc switch trcm gruel to dry ration at later date Keep lresh clean water available too Beginning with the cond week pigs should be offerc Baby Pig Chow in addition to dry Nursing Chow and water During the Sec ond and third weeks they should have both these rations available At the end ot the third week the milk Npiaccr should be taan awaywlcaving only the Baby pig ration through the sixth week Many at the better hog farmers are hnvtn more orphan plgs to care lor snce sows simply arrow more gigs than they haveplntes to lee liunie Farm Sunnlv PURINA CHOWS For Livestock nod Poultry SURGE Dalryhrm Equipment Market Sq Phone 2982 Listen til the Regional Walker Forecast Monday Thru Saturday It 740 tun over CKBB SOMEIlllNG til2W Ill llama rlIlIIIIcllIII Bid You Know That vlm run AI instrink to bill ht Id Your his home can counselled on oplc Iburdl new Finnee run specially am id mu you build out town wlmnuc mourn la microns Whluur you build ill count or Away without any down uglyI you Hm In term pnnly wan miss contractor II no you do your own bulld me mun run can med maple MONTHLY IAYMENVTS ARE USUALLY LESS ThonWIIoi You Pa Ianeni SO WHY NOTT PUT YOUR HOME 2M es South at Barrio an ENT ONE INTO YOUR OWN Invite your to vislt our Ind nllr about panleuIr nil vyry latat method or hulldlnov Inhelm ISHilARD LTD PAINSWICK nwydl Phone Collect Stroud es se 11 appointment must be British subjects between at andssyeatrsof lage in heighï¬ in stocking feet ti auntieland not more than 200 9121115 medically mentally and phys tgi ps ecuivalent two moral char or and