Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Nov 1955, p. 3

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35 ginsat eight oclock in the oollo gt we Wlnnsnol chi udentlnidhuriulnwd Amt Gordon Print end aw Moreen Bartlett GIrryG Goldell KEN Mm Hl1 Nlnci xJ Cumn Gumball Out amines Ilene CWT Rabélt1fiullln Jane Clare umnColplts Hauler Jlmie 07M Dangerfield PI Edd 12mins ClixIn Drury Jl Iéhohrshlp mid to each helluvde ioBoltyUZ uplernn Marlon Ferris by th Llon club WIN flannldvau Pm ABM55 will be prequel to Jim Millgr Also nresented coml moment will be helmdome Wy wnn by 11 300 boys out team tnvlfljndlnilfimd 1h My won by thi soc in gt Ahllhllzbtolflmmuncsneht gunner will be the presentation 19m lidi7 nnl coach at Wkly wan Int Mini Mom Ile llynlfl lntemledlnle champion my Johnson Trophy Eleanor cornea novlsLolnlzCon seniorch Dio Slinky imam Trfphy Al 13 Shem lime Examiner Trophy Coo Eir Bélkeihali tumEmailqu Gerald Hatcock 3am Hurts Jms Harris Phyllis Him Sally Roughing Hubert Huyer Balban Jotohl George Smithson Robert Jormnn Edmond Johann Enron Jones unn7nna mm Knnk Ann Kennle Barrinaonxen than Join Kingdom Marlon Lambert Shelln Igrnmon KWll lnm Ignnnxl Ann Lewis is mm Lewlsh Dlllhe mid lawn anth hecorninfi junlb champion The thmonéavruulers Trophy drfile most lmlulrhle plnyer in Ellls basketball lnflfiMfifi will be awarded to Carol Rlx Heather MoGregors platoon will be Apresonled win the Morrison Tranhyfor the best glrls plntoon iii the nnnunlxmdet inspection and Edward Taciuks plotoon willre ceive the Madal l1 Rodgers Trophy tor the best boys platoon ntthe mdet action mm Prim The Andrew Hay prizes ln methe ninth this your are being awarded to Donald Dunxnorer upuer school and Shins WWII middle clmdl new8rd nndjw Bru Blgelqw will he presented with Burlearnnnh the Can polar Legion memorial mlze ln Grgde history 525 land thllis Hiltz will recelye theSoroptlmist Club 325 nrlize oi general pro tlcleney in the senior commercial course The Wumens Canadian Club prize of proficiency in middle school English in the amount 01 Mr is be ln resented to Suean Wheeler on Loreen Colpltts willrlecei th Womens Auxiliary in the wanis Club award 01525 for Dr ficiency in middle sohool Latin on French Brereoon prize in upper so 001 biology goes to Sylvia Ferguson while Pauline Kunlce Grade and Arlene usage Guide 10 will be presented with the Llh rary Club prizes for proficiency in junior English The Moira Gum Trophy ln art is being nwnndéd in Ruth Uvinyton and winners the ank 00an Memorial Trophy for public spiltv ing are Gail Calrutheis and Joan Allison Tlle Kiwanis luniol Fair Tmth and silver spoonnre being award ed toAlLled Janis and John Goodigllawand Haroldvmshop will repel the Earl Rowe Trophy for int plowing and silver ay lculture simmer projeet prizes enticing presented toJohnnna Anderson Marilyn Campbell Wil liam prnnt Barbara Terry and En oosgw Mullen Award gthe evening Barrie Col leglate Band honnrn do the Elbe firesentfi in Primlpnl TR Bowman These inclu the Can ndih and money 20 $750 and maximum liduaiefenjtival st In two clBSSfi 901 film honors at maximum resuval al sre in theynlue niflD rrle Coilegi Glee Club itth on ll nominee mun who operation Aflth hurecoverr tslnedfwith =proeedurehut onflxe matter of itirlnneiol the tinn nug gexla the the nnnusl no mad he mummy the society rhnuld 7e hrokerl down Into the statutou tallytiling oi the county In til diredrnnlrllennnce the childrnr in mi or whhh is tlnmclnlly nonlle nnd tor which the 36590 ounty should be billed in the nanner at any othermunicipnl had the voluntary contribu url ol the utility towards the arovblon oiservlces other mould remain iullahle atoll becomes nullity lubeer should benhpolnled in bel charge each brunch withthe protection work in his molar part 01 his responsibility with regard to personnel the consultants fzvnr placlnriho eml 15154 inlob trnlnlng nnd utlll zlztug Barrlennd Orlllln hrnnche lu trunmz centres IE or as pomlei The spednloommittee in its sen P011 is quohctlczm one palm the minerdame monitor in which me mleiy ludle dolnzlts mug nourish Lumted Ian onlt Michael McCinn Heather cGregor Lornn= Me an M42 MllhumRonlld Mjlbum Jon Miller lime Miller Irving for Mary Mar James Muir Glen Muniher William TN re Patricia om Carolyn ayn Freda Pea cock Katherine Pr Danny Ralne Paul Robilwon Patricia Ruwe FronkRupeN uslie Seats Eliubeth Shoemnker Roy SlumpIrene $ml¢hM L7 tricln 50an 3e rley ISpmule BettyJane TnnBuah William Tote Donald Terry Ruben Tom Shirley Turner Suzanne Walls Ann Wellih $15811 WheelglrErlc ngg and Joanne Bl Willson Special comma lsl Specinl comm rollii graduates are Ru en 1111 Ruben Don McKiruuin Elimbeth McVeigh Elaine Mills Faye Morris Vnnd June Perleet Attendnnce Being presented with perfee lendance ceptuioat for live years are Joan Partridge nd Margaret Sdeel Perlect attendance rumyéaiswiu beam to Ken neth Denver June BrunskillBar Burdeue nonala Butler Jane lh Exellgbonnldrrallck Harris George Jamieson ohnAllilin David Am5hong June AyemL Ilene Chnnpel John beltig presented atuornrn Me meannrnounttoflfiu commencement progr he nudiltorllnn Muslcal selections Ithe bond and selections by the ee club willbe featured on th ogrom gt hreé four and tlve year erlect endance centlllcaltenk will he ardeti during the evening the annual commencement dance will allow in the school gymils Christie RubetCloughley Wlltred DeGeer Margaret Ellis Earl Grat rixGerzld Bianca kMary Jackal Ronald Kelney 1d Minnon Michael Lewis JameSMulr Clar encefiinellm William Tillman Ronent ilhamlps and Joan Wall yvn will ownrdodthre year certificates fltlIYEiBRIDGE in under menusplcu at thestu The msjhonorgrarduates whose loznaswlu he awnrdecl d¥lng Murray Kelvin Carol Jane Beaver Edn Bertram Bruce John Blgei June WC1VBrunsklll 10p uzlshnlm Cafllerln Chllsllna Patricio signing Mredloo To fnt tended 1th sill daughter Ramon lnge Sunday gt Church and heard Rev momfimpartnnt work ln coring or needy children in the county lhel ecomniittees one morsrn is lhe rlilng costf The CAS have beanl invited to attend the Thursday morning souion of Gounyfiounf ell yuhea the recomm dntlons of thn special obnolderod CROSSLAND mtnmeo Hnme wmmlilee will be Mriand Mrs Borneo returned home alter spending few days with friends inTéronto Mr nd lvlrs BuSSELMcEl in in and Mrs linnei Strnthvls ltea Mr and Mrs IL MnElwalnt subway To many empathy lines the lzmlly pt he vluteltGenrge menusq who passed mnylot the home alllis Mrs Mn Elm Havanam Mi nnd Mrs mrleymeJl tended the Junernl of Mn Albert Lyons Toronto on Tuesday nuny Visit Potts and rm Anon eryth men all my children getch we mod to God for yihnt they KORE wuuderlnr sroundlhe mmtrywlfli that Rouqu holly me all the party ey lpodgllhendults mlmembht nay incl tn film being Wattarkcelnzm shouthla three children in iaper Hevclnlmlthat the chi In In true mun plenty orry bout them EUROPE EXCURSION OIJAWA CPSolne 80 NH lrol employees herenre banding ogetller the an nirllne exeurslohr Enrol nextApril final 91 visit Pull the Riviera Italy Rwlizerland Germany Holland and iren weretokennwpy1rapl RDI ii rnwvledge helltllms Wadi alr hlnne ort Willlun without that he m3 med bollce mfifieiruiarppmnce irony on Willim mound Aug 21 the al Canadian Mounted Pullm ii incited the min inns hit the inner wu told that notation liner in Ontario in oppokntly wu not financially able do lo To npy knowledle they got ared down there so they mm to elaew ere Bowl 16 exprm his thanks in theCltlldPns Aid Society in Barrie larvtlldnz thechlltlran Is 1e wouldlhlve to play their trons God knows Juntjww hr they wolildgofro plate to place He says that id not know the Bauhaus um had until nfter nsznalale love my chlldmilery deeply and was very good with than hut ooulflntsamrto get the propel Guarantee or our shown main Qoality Diamdnélé firrldnyac Cameldawn and 5p Collingwood KnnxMlsslonv Band The KnoxMLssion Blind held bazaar on Friday evening in the basement of the church Dr Mur Dhynswthe speaker 11 Cooper an ed moving picéuaesb Hligg vA gram lprovi MiuloEannd me which the Mission Eand served sandwiches pie and ice cream with cup of ten Everyone enduyed the evening Hughton Sasku spent day recent ly with their niece Mrs Rawn and iamlly nlnniuy rahy Mrs 50y Ehkley entertained ulmber ot little hpys and girls at birthday party tor llel eldest son The values speak for themselves from our top makers eilch Busuy Inbrlc line tailoring anzens styles every Vonefa trendsetting iashlon Handsoine tweeds rich cashmeré and wools sott cuddly fleeces Inncy mohair blendi Glamorous colours slzesfltoimf $102495 on Thursday nflernoon Wayne was seven yémrs Sunday Vlslwn sundaygvlsllags with and Mrs Dougie Filmblue were Ml and Mn Elisa Legnult and inmilyo Penetang Mr and Mrs Edwm Reynolds of Cundieo visited relaii in theyil Visit to Barrie Mr and Mrslggingus Rawn Ruth and Reid called on 2tilietormers parents Mrand MreErnilk Rawn lnBaHle onfrnursdiy alternoon Opening at Church Mr and Mrs Alix1n Cameron and Mr nndMro Ken Hounscmem tored ID lEtoblCokB Sunday after noon and attended the opening o1 St Philips on the Hill Anglican Mat Mr and Min Art Ridout Balm Beach vislted Mt andMuffler onSundzyt gt l® NUMBER PLEASE Now the the dlaktone nonre placed Aha timehonored system werelostthatmeraonnl touhh The mechanical lysiem though efllplen Rith volcéofthe fierator nmwnen i215 Bulletin CE CO if fllsussMANS Psirlruy Mongerin mirnnle of Six Stores Serve You Banlo Toronto omlmbanm in ac WinUr wwwyIt AWltMW Spscmll lARI HOUSE BUR ER BIBS SPECIAL FRVSCMM SPECIAL nwcv sllcln WE Ffiififififi SPECIAL MASTER FOOD SPECIAL ROWN BRAND coma SYRflFfl SPECIAL llolllo we Huey ch59 Sllces ClqverVlllleycrfiaim Cheese neatn 33 clover llulllly rink Che bisQ1 Woolf ROLL NQVEMBER MONEYsAvrli LIBBEYxSAlEDGE STEMWAREV wAT£RGlAss sHERsETGLAss ml out 379 ens nsluii5lurldc nihilrlsmmoemnm 05 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES npliloA JUI SEEDLESSiv firupeirull lwrsuoorsr YOURPRESERVE NOWWFOQI éllmsriilAs fresh Cranberries FIRM RIPE GARDEN FREH BRAND Tomatoes Tonto FANCY GRADE MAcnfirosn or 351m room row she rlonlnA VSELECIEDLLQNG Slice Cucumbers may Kleenex lace Irssues HANKY on ciluaag Blue nrWllileB PKs Cashmere Bouquet Toilet Soup lle 4cs 29¢ Psalms QBeduly Sod gilt 25 Johnsonsfilo Goal oz JAMOID llcfl DAIK Chnslmllsw like veer59 iici 115 iiél 69 Eamon auuo one nor Bread ulceo UNILICE M1 LBAF WNHE WHDIE WMEA CRACKED nmaoué Hm CAKE onions Festive llings APPRO 39 mm loluws FIESHIY GIDlIND Pride oi jilllluhill Coliee isn 99c OBLAWS uKnllu Women BOPULAR MECHANICS VDOlTI YOURSELF ENCYCLOPEDIA 99c VOLUME I2 VOLUMES TO Asst may your NOW no in now on SALE 1v venture or Wanna llllllSElllllll IHEHNSER Full ruiov in flui lumbar Show ms monuqu muse cousuu VOIJIt tom new you call gm usrnlsm on memoir rmunmo rs NATIONAL IRAan $TUAIT HOUSEEUR ER alas GREEN clean cite PEAS

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