DAVID WALLACE of Montreal President of standard BrandsLim ited was guest of honor at the eighth nnnunimeeting of the tirlns Quarter Century Club Central Chapter in Toronto gold engraved wat ches Were presented to three new members who completed 25 years ser vice with the company in 1955 Inaugurated in 1948 the club has 52 active and idhonorary members in Central ChapterA Bert Fir CANADIAN PLOWMEN ABROAD by will chokingmo Britain are slowly being covered up but it will be many years be on the city is compleleiyresiored The newer stores are verymod era and it was difllcult task to keep tram buying things we could not curry with us It was rather nrnualng to see the members our purty alter making purchase take out handtul of English coins and say help yourself Fellow Travellers ea Harryï¬ykes Walter Day or Standard Brands aim ARD 11m and trug oneItvpmtosdveir the amino doubt it dog gnaw ever it you got the right in pine law when you do hr you on my It into muddle JUST PRIOR TO Iour hair lurnL Win complg in February the toliniwing words flu GllFORD Few Days WItbSon Msri Harry Hughes 01 CooksV town spent severai days last Week with her son Grenville and at tended the community eudlre weekendnnert Miï¬ Isabelle Muir él Pinkerton was weekend guest with her aunt Mrs Robert Kell l955 Next day we decldedto go arra man or Barrie lsthirdronilettback row in photoot ers are stand ing leitto right Ted Wright Herb Brown Lance Maccharles Nell Em bury George Chute Oral Biuin sitting Mayne McTaggurtLHmy Jon llaroid Hunt David Wallace President Mrs Sawyer and siudy book was given Keil Sunday Visitors Mrnnd Mrs Robert Boyes of Toronto visited with Quin Hunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Robert Boyes at GilLord on Sunday last gt oooa enmr Another good eucbxcwas held Friday in Gillord MIL Prize my Nils Kell The by Mrs wereinséflcd in an id Ianl fthe coming drive Your dollar will buy 10 tulip bulbs to hell that the membership dun help our society boyish bulbs we plant in our varioul prvleéts However numerous people took it that they would be entitled to the bulbs or plautingln their own gardens and come gall they descended on Fendiey our president to produce the bulbs mmas KOSAY54herw cidents have caused conaiderable henddche£orltMr Fendicy sad some burl declines Jonbur merri bersLiWe regret very much that thishns happened but hope this explanation will clarity the ad vertisement for any who were in doubt CIVIC EIJECTION will oon hedue ln our town wonder it among our 17500 population we could 1ind an aspiring member at councilvwho would include in his piattarm thclaliowiim items Aqpromlrc to remedy the horrible looking gully that is the creekin Qheens Park the only park in Word 2M aggressive tree plsntiris om tr Harrierthat would in years have all our treeiess streets planted and rotteuuees replaced withinew onus 352 that the bin at me in Bgrfleia placed book and 29k management instead or under tlle can at bondoi works Maps niy lntueot 3a to mat them in or root tbemout Woodpeckmvut tailored 1901 lor xdetln our yard it was saluting Io lee thenioune nod selï¬sh or itlong More got it NOW THE ICBICADEIS Ire bat in ballihe Blue 11 an in tor drink was pi to admbér oi ex cellent bird ceding Itotioaa at our local reed store dean nut heady does renome iced KAVEVnever hndl bird ledtpgstntlonwontkyo try one thiswinlerf GUARANTEE youll soon hive hobby that is most exciting Woodpeckers like suet all birds like tanshed pemu os pccisily nullutghebnnddliudeen GROSBEAKS IJKE sunflower seeds 26 limb 905 Iovecosmos odsr bniaxr rnwa and starlings cane tor the grains CLEFROY and Mrs Alec Shipiey dpent the weekend With Mr and Mrs bruoeshipiey at Maple Brokcn 3H Roy Jack is ierlng twu broken and ronecraclted rib as result or anaccldent while on the combine Edohm and bridge Dont iorget the enable and bridge in slhécommunily hall Wednadayï¬ 815 Tun The draw or thequilt will be made during the Evening FromTéronto Shelia naive and David mutatjloronln wercrvlth ind Mrs 338 Grate tor Sundry lqu DWI banking done in other countries Ins dgnonstgnled to theisdiu at the institute mesdsy urging Nov Polish men roll was shownby Mn filmy while Mn lufierrnn exhibited Duteb vsetale red nod lpp In out op Czecbnsiovakin pastryian nude Mrs Pollen Thesewere cooked ed lnthortenlng sad as douï¬r nuts bus Fau hie W0 dltlerent kinds shorï¬zreorl whithro rnlde in Scotland One other recipes belonged to her und siolher All or thugdlshcrplue rumpled when undi wsr served snd very much enjoyed by all he indico Roll call was answered by In exchange at recipes Bus Loss wls quickly disposed at by be president Mrs Annie Perri lhequilt is to be drawn for It he eating and bridge on Nov Mrs Ferrier turned the sneeth over to the borne economics and health conyeners Mrs Gilmore arid Mrs Donaldfenlcr Mn Dolly Curtlx gave very int current events and Evelyn ank pan and Myrna Hobbs sang pleasing duet ace mpanied by held at the plan new lrom the area conven were gillen by Mrs Ferrier rL Donnallyand Mr ingraqulA 2d211rleusdunehwa bribe hostcsses Mr and Mrs Curtis Pleasant Slllllllia Mr and Mrs Harry Stewart Were glven pleasant surprise but Saturday evening when group or close relatives called and expressed their good wishes to Mr and Mn Stewart in theromuol two uselul slits unart rod steelwdreg double boiler chrome Junior mix Mrrand Mrs Mac Stewart Wilhed Stewart Mr and Mrs Stewart Donnelly luld Hugh Donnellyi and Luellil made he surprise party in Hospital Mrs Jackson is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Ernie Her mnny iriends are all wishing her speedy recovery The Tweed river in Scotland flows 97 miles draining the eastern portion of the Scottish lowlands motor coach tour and shortly after Wills News we started the guide asked the winners were as follow Mls Gillord W5 met Ht Mrs suCH PM ll to ANADIAN PLOWING TEAM Thomas Gibbons Bradlor Mr By BARBIE LONDONOur party cansistlngl of Joe Tran the 1954 Canadian plowing champion Ivan McLaugh lin the runnerlip Mrs McLaughV iin Mrs Barrie and myself as team manager left the Empress oi Scotland at her Liverpool dock at seven umaddbdhrded the for London er we had con ne ed the customs ofï¬cers that we werent carrying any contraband we settled down in ï¬rst class coach During the 154 miles between Liverpool and London we must have passed through 12 or 14 tun nels some of them quite long but others only long enough or honey mooners to pucker up before they would be out in the daylight again The English ï¬elds are much smaller than those in Canada and every acre seemed to be producing crops of some kind Water appeared to be plentiful with lively streams and canals traversing the country side great many artiï¬cial farm ponds weresighted indicating that the English farmers like the Can adian farmers realize the import ance of water conservation Luxuriaut Farms We saw manyflne herds of beef and dairy cattleysnd large flocks otrsheep on gevery side This was not surprising since there seemed to her scarcity or luxuriant grass on every arm The rolling countryside had the appearance oia wellkept golf course Our train carrying only the passengers who had disembark ed trom the Empress 01 Scotland was scheduled to make no stops on the way to Londonn0t even to get supply of woter hr the engine The writer lay in troughs between the rolls and was scooped up by the locomotive as it sped along We passed through the large town of Rugby the placewhere rugby football originated Nearer London we saw the school at Har row which many of Englands Inm ous men have attended among them Sir Winston Churchill We passed throughCoventry the olty that was so nearly wiped out by Hitlers bombers early in the lust war Al Home In London When we got on at Londons Euston station young man from Esso Petroleum which is one of the donors of the Essa Golden Plow emblematic at world plowing sup remaey stepped up to me and said Are you Will Barrie from Can ada He took us by car to our ho tel The Kenilworth on Great Ruse sell Street and piaLEd himself at our service This very friendly greeting made us feel rightat home in this great city After getting settled in our rooms and posting for short while we all stepped outto see few of the sights of London The scars left by Hltlers airmen in theBattie of passengers to identify themselves We learned that over 80 percent were Canadians Among them was group returning to Vancouver from Youth Congress liLMoscow and when they learned we were going to Sweden they suggested that We should visit Moscow too When they left the bus they went to news stand and bought copies the Daily Worker We all enjoyed the tomwhich iobiiin Bucitlhghdnl Palace We mlnater Abbey The Houses of Far lument London Bridge The Tower 01 London and several other lam ous places Seeing the burial place of so many of the most prominent men in English history was thrill We shall never forget To view the inscriptions on the burial incest men such as Oliver Crum ell Dav id Livingston General Wolfe and Lord Tennyson in Westminster Abbey was something to make one stop and think Later we were most lortunate in arriving at Bucking ham Palace in time to see the col ortul Changing 01 use Gunrd Took In Musical That evening we were guests at musical show Water Gypsies at the Winter Gardens and then had dinner at an Italian restaurant the Generosihls provedu grand ï¬nale to busy and most interest ing day oh the louowing morning we drove to typical English Karin ï¬at Eastbourne in Sussex overlooking the English Channel The Goriniie drive over the winding roads and the picturefue towns and villages through lch we passed were sights we bad hardly daredto pect The farm consisting of 1000 acles was worked by Col JN the Crimean war Better days are hére for Phil Eraser to all his years of rely evading Engineer Phillip Fraser has seen some big changes Piul has progress in tbevlifunminnca business 00 As orally nian helcnvow the this businessloiiers better service today than ever be Davieé who once famed for 12 years in the OkanaganValiey BC He has 500 Suffolk Down breeding ewesand 75 Poiled Angus cows He employs three mena shep herd tractor man and handy man Wlth good markets for beef lamb and wooicloscat hand he Todds or their November meet ing The roll call was answered by 18 members by verse com tainlnglhe word peace There were ï¬ve visitors present The Christian stewardship convener Miss Robhwellfreld letter train our missionary tor prayer Mlss Rutherford Reports mm the Sectional meeting were given by Mrs Wenve and Mrs The wornlip monogram coh ducled by Mrs Paul Russell mnn tanks irom reaching the level country it they should happen to make landing In the evening the grltlsh Irish and Canadian plowmen and thei friends were entertained at th famous Troeodero restaurant On our last day inLondon some of us visited the EritishMuseum It is massive building and it would take days for person to see everything That evening pt St Ermine Hotel press reception was London as we were leaving th city the next afternoon held or the visiting ployvrneii This NEXT WEEK We fly the North Sea Was to be our last social event in has little tear olasurpiusesor poor prices His present prices compare favorably with ours in Canada but his taxes are much higherthan ours His 1animlslsi were grazing in knee gh grass whichflsshres him of plentiful feed for the muter Pnco Wltb Past On this Islm were severni miles of stone encesflve eat high built during the depression years after and gunem placements used by Canadianfart lllery units during the 1251 Wish It Wishererthat flitlers invasion was expected and evaly Prepar ation had beenmadeto hold him Girvaii Sawyer Mrs Plant mena Lewis Cronarl William it Ll Don ald Sawyer Be sure dcome to the next one on Friday The EamrFururnmet on Mon diay night at Em andpnaba Rolbweila The rrbjectmr din cussion was Is local government dlectlve former mr Was resell on ideas Wie dar wonkdouigihw and it was unanimously decided that they are or greatvyalue to the rural areas The next meeting will be held at Mrs Sherman Todds home The aubject Why Keep Farm Accounts The date or meeting Nov 18 crmor POPULATIth vSome 25000 Cypriots natives of theMediterranean lslun are resident in Britain Cyprus scornpanyit is very wisgifleb mind Ileel certain he wmhave Hie vote of yeryzgreat hunter of toavnslolkwho are greatly con cetaedlabout thesa matters heisntdp be doun one nice Jim people can 3111 be hard Take your beefs about no tr toco dont bring them to me can pleld your as be soon ginsengfir you each plead you own TEE PARKSBOARD atthey put an ad injureme lher oUering to buy 400 tree it the home owners would buy them at pertree ThEyonly sold twu trees They were willing in plant them too Have ynthe answerl amnvrtmnma roar ii lust around the cornerWhue there is still plentyof open ground and no snow thewiid birds marnot be frequent yisitors to your garden ut if you would Iiket1beir DASHS etec 811055 ST am Wong on 3933 nemva hernias saavlca memo 912$ gnomvwl any an hasn hop but it will il h1 caSh prizes77 WY walk EAMS Ill